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Customer response capability in a sense-and-respond era: The role of customer knowledge process 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Jayachandran Satish Hewett Kelly Kaufman Peter 《Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science》2004,32(3):219-233
An organization’s customer response capability, its comptence in satisfying customer needs through effective and quick responses,
is critical for sustained success. In this article, the authors examine how customer knowledge process influences customer
response capability. They highlight two dimensions of customer response capability, customer response expertise and customer
response speed. It is observed that apart from its direct positive association with customer response expertise and speed,
the customer knowledge process also diminishes the positive association between risk propensity and these dimensions of customer
response capability. The influence of customer response expertise and speed on performance is also examined. The hypotheses
are tested using survey data collected from a sample of retailing firms and the findings triangulated using qualitative data
collected through depth interviews with managers. The results highlight the importance of customer knowledge in enhancing
customer response capability.
Satish Jayachandran is with the Department of Marketing at the University of South Carolina. His research interests are in the area of marketing
strategy, specifically market responsiveness of firms and the impact of organizational performance on subsequent managerial
and firm behavior. His research has been published in theJournal of Marketing and theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science. He was a recipient of the Harold H. Maynard award for 2001 from theJournal of Marketing.
Kelly Hewett is with the Department of Marketing at the University of South Carolina. Her research focuses on the management of relationships
between buyers and sellers, as well as between headquarters and foreign subsidiaries in managing the marketing function globally.
Her research has been published in theJournal of Marketing, theJournal of International Business Studies, theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and theJournal of International Marketing, among others.
Peter Kaufman is with the Department of Marketing at Illinois State University. His research focuses on buyer-seller relationships, retailing,
and distribution issues. He received an Honorable Mention in the Marketing Science Institute’s 2003 Alden G. Clayton Doctoral
Dissertation Proposal Competition. 相似文献
结合中国企业对市场营销规划工作的认识,运用问卷调查和实地访谈,实证研究了安徽省芜湖市各类企业营销规划工作基本问题,从规划地位、规划制定和规划实施与控制等几个方面,进行了剖析,并为解决这些问题提出相关管理建议。 相似文献
Fernando Angulo-Ruiz Naveen Donthu Diego Prior Josep Rialp 《Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science》2014,42(4):380-399
This article assesses the financial contribution of marketing capability. In contrast with previous research, which conceptualizes marketing capability as the deployment of marketing resources to achieve sales, this study conceives marketing capability as the deployment of marketing resources to achieve the ultimate objectives of customer satisfaction and brand equity (i.e., customer-oriented marketing capability [COMC]). Thus, this research disentangles the dynamic relationships among marketing resources, sales, customer satisfaction, and brand equity through the use of network Data Envelopment Analysis to capture COMC. According to what the value relevance perspective proposes, COMC positively influences the growth of Tobin’s q and improves the growth of analysts’ recommendations. These findings remain robust and consistent with the use of additional measures and methods common to the marketing and financial literatures. Our study provides tools and a framework for analysis for managers to maximize their ability to use marketing strategy to drive performance. 相似文献
青藏地区旅游客源市场规划战略构想 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文试图在对沿青藏线地区旅游客源市场分析的基础上,以科学的发展观为统领、以创建高原特色旅游品牌为主旨,运用空间格局不经济假说和旅游市场营销学理论,提出青藏地区旅游客源市场规划的六项战略构想。 相似文献
Xueming Luo K. Sivakumar Sandra S. Liu 《Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science》2005,33(1):50-65
Two important areas are underexplored in the relationship between marketing resources and performance. First, the subject
has been primarily investigated in the context of Western countries, and inadequate attention has been given to emerging economies.
Second, despite the recent growth in globalization, the moderating role of globalization on the link between marketing resources
and performance has not been investigated. Addressing these important gaps, this article focuses on an emerging economy (China)
and explores the moderating effect of globalization on this link. Specifically, the authors develop several hypotheses highlighting
the moderating role of globalization activities (global product sourcing, global market seeking, and global partnership) on
the link between marketing resources (market orientation, entrepreneurial orientation, and innovative capability) and firm
performance. The findings of the moderating role of globalization provide several important implications for marketing theory
development and managerial practice.
Xueming Luo (luoxm@uta.edu) is an assistant professor in the Department of Marketing in the College of Business Administration at the
University of Texas at Arlington. Before joining the University of Texas at Arlington faculty, he was on the faculty of the
State University of New York at Fredonia. His research has appeared in various journals, including theJournal of Business Research, the International Journal of Research in Marketing, the Journal of Advertising Research, the
Journal of Interactive Advertising, and Industrial Marketing Management.
K. Sivakumar (Ph.D., Syracuse University; k.sivakumar@lehigh. edu) is the Arthur Tauck Professor of International Marketing & Logistics
and a professor of marketing at Lehigh University. Prior to joining Lehigh in 2001, he spent 9 years at the University of
Illinois in Chicago. His research interests include pricing, global marketing, and innovation management. His research has
been published or is forthcoming in theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of International Business Studies, Decision
Sciences Journal, Marketing Letters, the Journal of Business Research, International Marketing Review, the Journal of Product
Innovation Management, Pricing Strategy & Practice: An International Journal, Psychology & Marketing, and other publications. He has won several awards for his research (including theDonald Lehman Award) and is on the editorial board of several scholarly journals. He has won outstanding reviewer awards from two journals.
Sandra S. Liu (liuss@purdue.edu) is an associate professor in the Department of Consumer Sciences and Retailing at Purdue University. She
received her Ph.D. from the University of London, and her current research interest focuses on strategic marketing issues
in the context of customer contact, including knowledge management in a corporation in transition and sales management in
a knowledge economy. With her extensive industry experience, she has written a number of books and journal articles, which
have appeared in theInternational Journal of Research in Marketing, the Journal of Business Research, theEuropean Journal of Marketing, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, among others. 相似文献
品牌资产的战略选择——整合营销传播 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
整合营销传播是对传统营销传播的继承和发展,有着极其深刻的内涵;整合营销传播和传统营销既有区别又有联系,是辩证的关系;整合营销传播对中国市场有重要意义,中国本土市场应重新审视整合营销传播的理论及实践,构建具有中国特色的整合营销传播理论。 相似文献
卓素燕 《贵州商业高等专科学校学报》2013,26(1):23-27
经过二十多年如火如荼的发展,江南古镇旅游正不可避免地经历由弱到强、由盛到衰生命周期过程,其中同质化的发展模式成为了制约江南古镇旅游发展的主要原因。江南古镇要进一步发展,解决同质化问题势在必行。通过分析江南古镇旅游的现状,找出江南古镇同质化的表现和原因,并结合市场营销学相关理论,提出了江南古镇差异化的营销策略。 相似文献
共赢是在竞争压力下,以不损害第三方利益为基础的双赢拓展。伴随着社会生产力的发展,经济的全球化以及社会文化的进步,共赢将成为引领当代思维模式的新潮流。实现共赢需要企业领导人具有共赢的意愿、信念和个人的人格魅力,以及企业的伦理价值作为基础,还需要民主与法制、知识经济的发展等客观条件。在共赢营销管理中,博弈理论和虚拟企业的运作方式值得借鉴。 相似文献
整合营销中的CCTV 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文从消费者和企业之间相互作用的全体出发,提出了整合营销组合中的四要素:消费者customers、企业目标targets、速度velocity和沟通communication。 相似文献
新结构经济学中有为政府实际上对应了一种裁判型国家。裁判型国家根本上把国家视为服务于所有成员的公共性社会机构,从而具有善的性质;正是为了发挥善的行为,人们往往赋予这种国家及其政府相当大的权力。但在现实世界中,那些掌握公权力的代理人往往会为了个人目标和利益而滥用组织手段,从而导致裁判型国家及其政府的功能发生蜕变。从这个意义上说,任何承担积极功能的有为政府都不能是无限政府,而必须在一套相对成熟和完善的规范和监督体系下运作。 相似文献
顾客资产导向下的营销质量思考 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
刘震伟 《上海市经济管理干部学院学报》2005,3(2):26-31
顾客资产正日益成为衡量企业竞争力和长期绩效的重要标志。要真正实现顾客价值的最大化,企业必须在扩大市场占有率、识别顾客需求、识别顾客满意的质量因素、产品的创新和细分顾客过程等方面用质量的理念给予认真思考。 相似文献
顾客满意策略与顾客满意营销 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
许项发 《西安财经学院学报》2003,16(3):65-68
在情感消费时代,企业不再以质量达标、自己满意为经营理念,而是以顾客满意、赢得顾客高度忠诚为经营理念。企业营销策略不再以争取或保持市场占有率为主,而是以保持顾客份额和顾客忠诚为主。而顾客满意策略正是企业获取顾客“货币选票”的制胜法宝。以顾客至上为理念,让顾客参与产品设计、提供全程高附加值的服务、个性服务、培育顾客忠诚,是CS时代顾客满意营销的主要策略。 相似文献
薛宝莉 《西安财经学院学报》2003,16(3):58-60
利率市场化是我国金融业开放并走向市场的客观要求,但利率市场化后可能会产生多方面的金融风险。在商品经济发展的初级阶段,放开利率,由供求双方自由决定一般不会有危险。但在信用货币条件下,不加控制,则可能导致危机和混乱。为防范风险,在利率市场化的改革和试点过程中,必须充分估计和防范各种金融风险,保证我国利率市场化改革的顺利进行。 相似文献
通过对中国企业中普遍存在的重企业形象品牌打造、轻产品品牌打造、企业缺乏中长期营销战略规划、重销售而忽略企业营销力的培养等问题的剖析,指出中国企业应关注消费者的情感价值,培育客户忠诚度,以实现短期现金流与企业长远营销战略间的平衡来增强企业的可持续发展能力. 相似文献
针对我国证券营销的现状和营销管理创新的意义,提出了创新证券营销管理的途径:一是证券营销的市场化管理,二是证券营销的客户关系管理,并以一个证券营业部为例,阐述了具体做法。 相似文献
Linking cause-related marketing to sales force responses and performance in a direct selling context
Brian V. Larson Karen E. Flaherty Alex R. Zablah Tom J. Brown Joshua L. Wiener 《Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science》2008,36(2):271-277
The influence of a firm’s cause-related marketing efforts on sales representative attitudes and behavioral performance is
investigated. Results from a field study indicate that the influence of a representative’s construed customer attitude toward
the cause campaign on selling behavioral performance is mediated through cognitive identification and selling confidence.
Further, the influence of construed customer attitude toward the campaign on selling confidence is moderated by cognitive
identification such that the effects are stronger for salespeople with lower levels of identification with the company. The
authors discuss the implications of the research and offer directions for further research.
Joshua L. WienerEmail: |
我国商业网络银行的营销环境及策略研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
范露华 《福建商业高等专科学校学报》2010,(1):39-44
国内网络银行自1997年诞生以来发展迅速,作为银行业今后发展的一个主要方向,网络银行业务越来越受到国内商业银行的重视。本文从网络银行产生的背景入手,运用PEST分析法和结构化分析模型(五要素分析法),对国内网络银行市场状况和竞争环境进行分析,指出国内网络银行发展中存在的一些问题和不足。然后根据网络经济、市场营销的有关理论,根据4P策略提出国内网络银行有关发展对策,以提升国内网络银行竞争力和促进国内网络银行发展。 相似文献
陈国生 《上海市经济管理干部学院学报》2006,4(5):22-27
本文通过对企业管理与旅游规划编制全面质量管理的共同性和差异性的阐述,对旅游规划编制单位全面质量管理体系的构建做了初步探讨,并在此基础上进行总结研究,提出了旅游规划编制质量管理的具体措施。 相似文献
将管理学中的市场营销理论和金佛山旅游发展的实际相结合,在分析了金佛山的旅游资源后,论述了金佛山风景名胜区的市场环境,确定了细分市场,进行了目标市场的定位,制定了一系列营销战略和策略. 相似文献