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在当今的金融环境,银行业务的增长和利润的获取直接取决于业务系统能否有效运行,应用的运行质量直接关系银行可以提供的业务服务水平。对应用性能进行监控管理,对应用性能问题进行及时  相似文献   

数据是银行为客户提供服务的基础。银行为客户服务,就是为客户提供一个可靠的环境以确保客户数据资料的准确性和服务的连贯性。随着金融信息化的不断发展,银行网络和系统日益庞大和复杂,使得银行的存储数据量不断膨胀,同时对数据存储利用率和数据监控、迁移、备份及硬件维护等方面也提出了更高要求。商业银行目前面临的挑战之一就是,如何通过整合、统一,改进其存储基础设施,并采用合理有效的存储解决方案,来提高存储利用率,管理每年递增的数据量,同时又不会女幅增加管王单成本.[第一段]  相似文献   

为了提高重要信息系统应对灾难的能力,国家标准化管理委员会于2007年11月1日发布了《信息系统灾难恢复规范》(以下简称《规范》)。《规范》中规定了灾难恢复的6级体系,按照从第一级到第六级的顺序级别依次升高(表1)。对应《规范》不同的级别,赛门铁克在金融业推出了数据级和应用级两大类灾备解决方案,其中应用级灾备解决方案可以涵盖《规范》最高级别(第5级和第6级)中技术方面的所有内容,主要包括四大功能。  相似文献   

The drive for reform in the public sector worldwide has focussed attention on the measurement of performance in public sector organizations. This is particularly true in local government. Local government has traditionally been concerned with measuring the delivery of primary objectives, or results, at the expense of secondary objectives, or the determinants of organizational performance. Current strategic management literature suggests that there should be a strong linkage between strategic plans and performance measures.Kaplan and Norton’s (1992) balanced scorecard and Fitzgeraldet al. ’s (1991) results and determinants framework can provide this linkage. This paper reports on research into performance management systems in local government using the four dimensions of the balanced scorecard: financial, community, internal business processes and innovation and learning. It shows how the focus in this system of local government has been on the results of council work, ie. financial performance and to a lesser extent on how the community views performance. Local government performance measurement pays much less attention to the determinants, or means of achieving long-term, sustained organizational improvement in internal business processes, and innovation and learning. Whilst these issues are recognized as important, there are few measurement processes in place to manage performance in these areas. Strategic performance management demands an approach that recognizes the importance of a focus on both results and the means of achieving these results. This paper highlights a suggested framework for strategic and balanced local government performance measurement.  相似文献   

国际金融危机的蔓延,使得国内银行业的资金交易管理面临严峻的挑战,而各种金融衍生品的高收益和高风险的特性,也为资金业务带来了不确定性。银行间市场是金融机构从事各种产品交易的重要市场,在金融交易过程中,银行资金管理部门的前台、中台和后台通过一套完整的流程参与这个市场。由于资金管理部门是银行的利润中心,整个资金业务的自动化处理就显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

Public firms that seek and successfully receive certification of quality management, type ISO 9000, seem to experience different post-announcement share-price drifts depending on their size. This result is not consistent with the notion that companies seeking to implement a quality management system may be reducing agency problems between managers and shareholders, which are among corporate governance and control goals of any well management company. Otherwise, we should have observed material and positive abnormal share-price changes, following ISO 9000 registration announcements, independently of company size. Our results show that only stocks of large-size firms, experience positive average significantly abnormal returns over the post-announcement 1-, 2-, and 3-year horizons. On the other hand, stocks of small-size firms experience negative average significantly abnormal returns, and stocks of mid-size firms do not show any material gain over the same horizons. Although there is a rich finance literature that has studied the long-run abnormal stock-price returns following several major corporate events, this study seems to be the only one that have examined the potential long-run impact of this certification-event, despite the fact that those standards have been around since the middle 1980s.
Dale VarbleEmail:

如今,网络与人们工作和生活的联系日益紧密,网络的重要性与日俱增,如何有效管理网络成为企业内部重要的管理课题。本文从网络管理角度阐述了网络性能管理在网络管理中的重要性,性能管理涉及的重要网络参数,如何进行网络性能管理及性能管理能够带来的效益等。一、网络管理的四个  相似文献   

作为与客户直接沟通的纽带,客户经理的工作积极性和业绩水平直接关系到商业银行业务发展的速度和质量。发挥客户经理的作用,需要解决两个问题:能力和动力。其中,能力问题可以在一定程度上通过各种培训解决;而动力问题则需要通过合理的激励方式解决,制订切实有效的客户经理绩效管理办法。  相似文献   

Research on performance measurement and management (PMM) informed by institutional theory has proliferated over the past two decades. Much of this research has concentrated on the institutional effects on organisational PMM practices and their consequences for organisational behaviour and has only recently started to pay more focussed attention to the effects of such practices on the construction of the very conceptions of performance that come to dominate institutional fields. To further integrative theory development, I pull these strands of research together into an analytical framework pivoting on the concept of institutional performance. Institutional performance is defined as the socially constructed conceptions of organisational performance that become firmly institutionalised as legitimate aspects of achievement in institutional fields. Adopting a multi-level framing perspective, I develop a set of research propositions reflecting how contradictory PMM practices, emerging in response to the institutional complexity attributable to heterogeneous and competing constituency demands, shape such conceptions of performance and how this contributes to reducing or reinforcing institutional complexity over time. I discuss the implications of applying this framework in empirical research and the contributions to institutional research on PMM as well as institutional theory, more generally, that may emerge from such research.  相似文献   

During the 1990s, the nature of general and financial management practices within the public sectors of many jurisdictions underwent significant change. The Australian state of Victoria represents an example of a jurisdiction in which the extent of change was particularly large. In the context of that state’s adoption of an output-based budgeting and management framework, the development and reporting of performance indicator data became a matter of increased significance in sustaining continuous improvement. This paper reports the results of a study of performance data reported within the Victorian public sector, and highlights problems indicated by high degrees of turnover in inventories of reported indicators over time.  相似文献   

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