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畜产品的质量安全保障体系是一项系统工程,政府在其中的主要职责就是最大限度地减少畜产品安全风险。本文通过对我国畜产品质量安全保障体系存在问题的分析,提出加大制度创新的力度,完善食品质量标准体系和检测体系,完善畜产品安全信息能力的建设和食品安全信用体系,深入实施市场准入制度等以保障我国的畜产品质量安全。  相似文献   

国外畜产品质量控制的措施与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]近年来,由于多种原因,我国畜产品质量安全事件比如瘦肉精、三聚氰胺、苏丹红等不断发生,不仅为畜产品消费者的健康和利益带来巨大隐患和损害,也严重阻碍了我国畜牧业的健康持续发展和国际竞争力的提升。[方法]文章利用文献调查法了解国际上畜产品质量控制得比较好的国家和地区比如美国、欧盟及其成员国、澳大利亚等,在多年的发展中积累的丰富的经验和先进的技术,可从多个角度为我国提供借鉴。[结果]该文首先论述和分析了美国、欧盟及其成员国(英、法、德)和澳大利亚等关于畜产品质量控制的主要措施,这些措施主要包括其完善的法律体系、合理有效的监管体系、科学的风险分析制度、认证制度和先进的质量可追溯体系等方面。[结论]以此为基础进一步提出我国今后应该建立起完善的法律体系、合理的监管体系、科学的可追溯体系和严格的市场准入制度,来进一步强化和提升我国畜产品质量控制的水平。  相似文献   

畜产品质量安全管理的国际比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在经济全球化条件下,一国畜产品的质量安全问题不仅关系到本国人民的生活与生命安全,而且还关系到整个人类的生活与生命安全。本文将比较研究国际畜产品质量安全管理与控制的共性与差异,寻求畜产品质量安全管理的经验,以便对我国改进和提高畜产品质量安全管理工作能有所借鉴。  相似文献   

通过对青海省海东地区近年来畜产品质量安全现状、做法、经验的深入调研,认真分析了本地区畜产品质量安全工作面临的困难和问题,提出了今后工作对策。  相似文献   

畜产品质量安全问题是一个民生问题,本文分别从国内外畜产品质量安全的现状对整个社会的影响,包括民生健康、畜产品市场、畜产品出口、畜牧业四方面来阐述,并且时生产经营者、质量监管机制、生产和质量监管技术、地区生态环境、畜牧业产业化发展水平等方面进行了分析,并提出了解决的对策.  相似文献   

我国畜产品质量安全管理存在的问题及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
畜牧业在国民经济中的地位已经上升为主产业,我国畜产品属于劳动密集型产品,在世界贸易中具有很强的竞争优势。但是,近年来我国畜产品的出口却出现了下降趋势,我们发现畜产品的质量安全问题是主要的限制性因素。畜产品质量不仅关系到我国畜牧业与食物系统的国际竞争力,而且直接关系到人们的健康与安全。中毒事件频频发生、新技术对畜产品品质和口感的影响、环境恶化对畜产品的污染以及经济全球化过程中境外畜产品安全等问题,生产者陷入无序经营,出现“自杀性”的恶性竞争,有关畜产品安全的法律法规不健全,监管乏力、有法不依,消费者的利益得不到保障。面对这一系列问题,畜产品的质量安全问题的研究迫在眉睫。本文力图从管理的角度找出问题的症结所在,为建立适合我国国情的畜产品质量安全体系提出对策。  相似文献   

分析畜产品质量安全监管存在问题;提出加强畜产品质量安全监管对策。  相似文献   

张涛 《山西农经》2014,(6):36-37
畜产品质量安全问题是一个社会热点问题之一,关系到人类的健康。通过对动物疫病、兽药残留、饲料及添加剂质量,畜产品加工和流通过程污染存在的问题进行分析,为畜产品质量的防范提出对策。  相似文献   

中国畜产品生产效率、消费行为与贸易前景   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
改革开放以来,畜牧业经济获得了极其快速的增长,生产方式、需求结构和流通环节都发生了非常深刻的变化。但与此同时,畜牧业经济发展也面临着一些亟待回答的深层次问题。如何降低畜产品生产成本、实现畜牧业生产资源的有效配置?中国畜产品需求的影响因素与发展趋势究竟如何?提高畜产品国际竞争力的方向和途径在哪里?这些问题的回答是促进畜牧业生产效率提高、保证畜牧业健康稳定发展的前提条件。本文在修订中国畜产品生产与消费数据的基础上,分析中国畜产品增长与波动的特征以及中国畜产品的生产效率及其区域差异,重新估计中国城乡居民畜产品消费变化的影响因素,同时对中国畜产品进出口的品种特征与结构特征进行了客观描述,测算了中国畜产品生产的比较优势以及出口的竞争优势,前瞻性地预测了对中国畜产品贸易发展的前景。  相似文献   

国外农产品质量安全追溯制度的发展与启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
农产品质量安全可追溯制度是保障农产品质量的一种有效手段,从中国的现状来看,农产品追溯制度也是实现农产品质量安全的主要方向。本文通过分析可追溯制度的发展历程以及对比发达国家的可追溯应用状况,提出目前我国在可追溯制度的实施方面存在的问题,并从遵守国际通行准则和符合我国国情两方面提出了一些参考建议。  相似文献   

由传统社会向现代社会转型,一个必然趋势就是:主食生产方式趋向工业化,膳食消费方式趋向现代化.前者是指,在发扬我国传统主食优秀文化的基础上,采用现代科学营养原理和先进技术装备,进行规模化生产,提供标准化、方便化、安全化、营养化的主食品.  相似文献   

There have been repeated calls for a ‘new professionalism’ for carrying out agricultural research for development since the 1990s. At the centre of these calls is a recognition that for agricultural research to support the capacities required to face global patterns of change and their implications on rural livelihoods, requires a more systemic, learning focused and reflexive practice that bridges epistemologies and methodologies. In this paper, we share learning from efforts to mainstream such an approach through a large, multi-partner CGIAR research program working in aquatic agricultural systems. We reflect on four years of implementing research in development (RinD), the program’s approach to the new professionalism. We highlight successes and challenges and describe the key characteristics that define the approach. We conclude it is possible to build a program on a broader approach that embraces multidisciplinarity and engages with stakeholders in social-ecological systems. Our experience also suggests caution is required to ensure there is the time, space and appropriate evaluation methodologies in place to appreciate outcomes different to those to which conventional agricultural research aspires.  相似文献   

建立生态补偿机制的财政政策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生态补偿机制是为了控制环境破坏而建立的约束制度,包括生态补偿类型,生态补偿方式,生态补偿责任,生态补偿法规、制度、政策等。黑龙江省建立生态补偿机制面临着缺乏法律保障、排污费征收标准过低、环境违法处罚标准过低,企业将环境治理成本转嫁给政府等问题。根据黑龙江省的情况,建立生态补偿机制应遵循市场经济规律、完善相关财政政策和保障措施,惟如此,才能对落实科学发展观,构建环境友好型社会,实现人与自然和谐发展起到积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

In New Zealand, local governments are tasked with both sustainably managing natural resources and supporting adoption of practices and technologies for environmental outcomes. Unfortunately, farmers in New Zealand lack trust in advice on environmental performance provided by local governments. Hence, local governments may seek to partner with others to disseminate information about environmentally friendly practices and technologies to farmers. Empirical evidence indicates that New Zealand farmers are more likely to adopt new practices after seeing them successfully demonstrated; therefore, local government would do well to partner with those who have tried the practices themselves and those with large farmer networks. In this paper, we use unique survey data to identify the characteristics of such “innovators” and “connectors”. We also identify the characteristics of individuals who trust environmental information provided by local governments. We find that sex, age, education level, financial robustness, farm size, and the number of distinct land uses are correlated with both innovativeness and connectedness. However, among these characteristics, only education and financial robustness predict trust in environmental information provided by local governments.  相似文献   

The role of agriculture as an instrument for industrialization had been rigorously conceptualized in the 1960s and 1970s under the classical paradigm of development economics. After many implementation failures under import substitution industrialization policies and protracted neglect of agriculture under the policies of the Washington Consensus that followed the debt crisis, agriculture has gradually returned in the development agenda, especially with the food crisis. We argue in this article that a new paradigm has started to emerge as to how to use agriculture for development, pursuing a broadened development agenda. We explore the specifications of this paradigm and discuss conditions for successful implementation.  相似文献   

The integration of land administration processes and the collaboration of land agencies are considered essential for the effective delivery of developable land for housing production. The research upon which this paper is based investigates the interrelationship across land administration functions and between different levels of government in the management and delivery of land for housing production. It focuses on land management policies, land administration processes, and spatial data infrastructure, as they are related to housing production. The study starts from the premise that inadequate integration across land administration functions and between different levels of government impedes land delivery for housing production. Against this background, an assessment framework is proposed as a tool to assess the levels of integration. The parameters for the development of the framework are based on the extensive literature of past and present initiatives which focused on enhancing inter-agency collaboration. It is also supported by interviews with land agencies in the case study areas – Australia and Nigeria – to aggregate the common themes as observed in the literature. The assessment framework was evaluated through selected government departments and agencies. With this approach, the assessment framework develops into the land administration integration assessment matrix. The key consideration of the matrix is to assess the depth of inter-agency relationship ranging from information sharing to consultation, coordination of activities, joint management, partnership arrangement and formal merger of organisations.  相似文献   

退耕农户长期生计分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
以陕西、青海两省4个县15个村400个退耕农户为研究对象,通过20年的成本效益分析,探讨了退耕还林对农户生计的长期影响,预测了退耕后林草产品的产出、价格和农产品产量,分析了样本农户退耕前后在土地利用、种植结构、收入和成本结构等方面的变化,对林草产品价格、退耕补助、毁林复耕等因素进行了敏感性分析。结果表明:在预测的价格和产出水平上,退耕提高了样本农户的收入水平。从长期看,退耕农户面临自然、技术和市场风险。要实现中国政府的生态建设目标,决策者应关注退耕农户尤其是退耕地比例高的农户的长期生计。  相似文献   

Sustainable agricultural development (SAD) requires empowerment and engagement of all actors in the agricultural production and supply chain to enable change. This paper proposes a novel framework for Participatory Sustainable Agricultural Development (PSAD) that distinguishes four main classes of factors that influence participation in SAD: environmental, economic, social and governance-related. The factors in each of these classes are analysed in relation to their effect over time, on the basis of 49 SAD programmes reported in the literature. Findings show that the social factors of engagement and empowerment, not often addressed in existing SAD programmes, are of significant influence to effect over time, as are the environmental factors of food safety, and the economic factors of production and capacity development. As such this paper shows that in in addition to the well-acknowledged need for knowledge and skills related to food safety, production and capacity development, SAD programmes also need to address the social factors of engagement and empowerment to enable sustainable change over time for SAD through participation.  相似文献   

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