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唯物辩证法是马克思主义的世界观和方法论,是认识世界和改造世界的基本方法,是我们做好新时期思想政治工作必须遵循的基本原则.坚持唯物辩证法,掌握思想政治工作的规律,对于深刻认识开展思想政治工作的必要性、加强思想政治工作的主动性、增强思想政治工作的针对性、提高思想政治工作的实效性,都具有重大的现实意义.  相似文献   

思想政治工作是企业的优良传统和政治优势.当前形势下,加强企业思想政治工作有着极为重大现实意义.本人从事多年的企业思想政治工作,结合工作实践,在加强新时期思想政治工作方面做了很多有益的尝试,同时也积极探索加强和改进企业思想政治工作的有效途径.  相似文献   

宋秀清 《中国市场》2014,(35):191-192
思想政治工作是党的优良传统和政治优势,加强和改进思想政治工作是新形势下做好群众工作的必然要求。积极探索思想政治工作的规律和方法,有效落实思想政治工作任务,提高思想政治工作实效是政工干部的神圣职责。  相似文献   

何颖 《商》2014,(36):64-64
思想政治工作行为化问题也和思想政治工作如何创新一样,是广大政工干部的热门话题,也是感到困惑而必须尽快解决的问题。要加强和改进新形势下思想政治工作,使思想政治工作有所创新发展,就必须研究解决思想政治工作行为化的问题。  相似文献   

吴小松  薛娜 《现代商贸工业》2010,22(13):100-100
企业工会思想政治工作,是思想政治工作的重要组成部分。面对企业深化改革,工会组织只有发挥自身优势、加强自身建设、结合实际创新思想政治工作,把思想政治工作渗透和贯穿到工会各项工作的全过程,才能做好企业职工的思想政治工作。  相似文献   

加强企业思想政治工作对于企业的生产生活管理有着重要的作用和意义,如何加强企业思想政治培训工作,就需要了解思想政治工作的内容和特点,并结合当前企业思想政治工作的实际情况,制定有效的思想政治工作对策,为我国企业思想政治培训工作起到推动作用。  相似文献   

不断增强思想政治工作的实效性是思想政治工作的生命力之所在。新形势下,只有正确认识思想政治工作的地位和作用,不断增强思想政治工作的实效性,并将其是否具有实效性作为检验思想政治工作抓得好不好的重要标准,才能使思想政治工作发挥出应有的作用。  相似文献   

汪翠敏 《消费导刊》2013,(6):117-117
本文从医院职工思想政治工作分析、医院思想政治工作的根本任务、思想政治工作与医院发展、文化建设和人力资源的关系和医院思想政治工作能为医院发展护航这四个方面浅析了本人在人事科工作中对思想政治工作的一些看法。  相似文献   

杜洪跃 《消费导刊》2011,(7):131-131,160
思想政治工作是做好人民群众的工作并服务于广大人民群众。没有群众的参与和支持就无法做好群众的思想政治工作;没有领导者的实施,思想政治工作则成为空中楼阁,无法实现。因此,领导者是思想政治工作的推进器。本文对基层政工干部如何提高自身素质和管理水平、如何做好思想政治工作进行了探讨和阐述。  相似文献   

创新思想政治工作的思路、方法和载体.思想政治工作机制创新,就是实现良性互动的"一体化"工作机制,形成相互配合、齐抓共管的工作格局.实现观念创新,思想是行动的先导.思想政治工作的内容也要适应这种新形势,不断进行更新.科技的发展不断创造着新的文化传播手段,这为思想政治工作丰富了载体,思想政治工作方法上的创新,就是讲究思想教育的艺术,善于把思想灌输和启发诱导结合起来,把理论灌输和实践提高结合起来.  相似文献   

《Consumer reports》2005,70(1):12-16

Self-directed learning at work is becoming a megatrend in training and organisational development. However, there is a wide range of meanings subsumed under this concept. Referring to theoretical considerations in the domains of motivation, interest, strategies of learning and control, a conceptual model of self-directed learning, called the Two-Shell Model of Motivated Self-Directed Learning was developed and validated. The impact of selected perceived work conditions (experienced autonomy, competence and social integration) on this type of learning was structurally modelled with a sample of 67 employees in the fish processing industry. On the basis of these theoretical considerations and results the instrument ‘project group’ is analysed and recommended to support motivated self-directed learning.  相似文献   

Despite scholars acknowledging that the five core job characteristics (i.e. skill variety, task significance, task identity, autonomy, and feedback) significantly positively influence employees’ psychological states (i.e. job meaningfulness, job responsibility, and results knowledge), few researchers have empirically studied how these job characteristics and psychological states are related to job involvement and work–family conflict (WFC). Research data were collected by conducting a survey of service employees through a market survey website. A total of 714 valid questionnaires were eventually collected, and structural equation modeling analysis was applied to the data. The results confirmed that skill variety and job involvement have a positive direct influence on WFC, whereas task feedback significantly decreases WFC. Additional analysis suggested that the five core job characteristics indirectly influence WFC through perceived job meaningfulness, responsibility, knowledge of results, and job involvement. The managerial implications for service managers developing employee work design strategies are provided.  相似文献   

In a recent Commentary in The International Executive (1992), Rüdiger Pieper complained that some, if not many of the (American) teachers in the new European business training institutes and schools knew relatively little about the cultures for which they were making management proposals. Further, the proposals themselves, based as they often were on American research, could not, he rightly felt, be directly applied to a business problem regardless of context. One could extend that observation to other business activities, including attitudes toward work. In particular, it would be useful to consider the “work ethic,” as it applies to Americans working abroad, and inquire about how it might affect international executives when they come to America.  相似文献   

Service work is now a very wide ranging sector, where some forms of service work have different connotations to others, but some forms are still tainted with the degradations of domestic service. Much of the difference revolves around the personal nature of the service and the expectations of customers towards the service worker. Hence the importance of thinking about the ethics of the service relationship in a modern economy, and the need to put this on the right footing in terms of respect and dignity. The ethics of service work are explored in this article. Prior to this however, the nature of service work and the degree of degradation that can be experienced by those who do this kind of work are identified. It will be argued that service work ought to be morally evaluated according to the degree to which it helps to form and maintain the virtues of employees or whether it leads to the erosion of virtue and the active development of vices.  相似文献   

女职工是企业中不可缺少的力量和群体,尤其是在高速公路运营管理中,站点多、路线长、外场工作、女职工多的突出特点,使她们成为企业中很有影响的生力军.在发展的新时期,女职工工作是高速公路工作的重要组成部分,做好新时期女职工工作是改革、稳定和发展的需要.  相似文献   

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