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在实证分析苏州市吴中区独生子女致残原因的基础上,着重探讨从源头上降低独生子女不幸伤残风险的预防措施。提出目前独生子女特别扶助制度存在的不足,建议建立独生子女伤残家庭特别扶助金的长效保值机制,并在特别扶助制度中将中度残疾和重度残疾加以区分,提高重度残疾家庭扶助金标准;政府担负起解决伤残独生子女就业的主导作用,加大对他们就业的扶持力度。  相似文献   

根据第二次全国残疾人抽样调查(2006)以及2006年全国统计年鉴等相关数据资源,分别计算反映我国不同区域残疾水平的残疾现患率指标,以及反映我国不同区域社会经济发展水平的人类发展指数指标。探求残疾的罹患与社会经济发展之间的相关关系,证明不同社会经济水平条件下,残疾罹患水平具有区域差异性。在理论和实际两个方面为不同社会经济水平地区的残疾人保障和康复扶助工作提供了指导和政策支持。  相似文献   

残疾社会负担迅速增加是推动我国尽快开展残疾预防工作的重要原因,而现代医学科技的发展使绝大部分残疾可防可控是开展残疾预防的必要条件。系统回顾了近30年来我国主要的残疾预防政策行动,总结了取得的成效和存在的问题,分析了我国残疾预防工作面临的新形势以及新的政策动向,提出了下一步残疾预防工作的四个重点,即提高认识、完善政策、加强行动、强化支持。  相似文献   

<多余的话>是研究瞿秋白的一把钥匙,若从政治一隅进行解读,难免产生误解和非议.从完善的人格角度出发,全面考查瞿秋白一贯的文学风格、狱中心态以及作为正常人自然心理的发展,对这篇作为遗嘱的自传进行人格解读,就可以对其价值进行重新评估.  相似文献   

利用2016年CFPS数据,从微观家庭视角,采用结构方程模型探讨多元化养老情境下赡养上一辈对中年家庭发展能力的影响路径。实证分析表明,老人的经济能力、衰老特征、失能情况三个变量对子代家庭发展能力的联合解释力为82%。老人经济能力的中介作用十分显著,且对衰老特征影响子代家庭发展能力具有遮掩效应,导致衰老叠加风险被子代家庭和公共政策所忽视。不同出生队列、育儿类型、城乡家庭群组在"失能情况通过老人经济能力影响家庭发展"这条路径上表现出明显的差异。失能引起城市老人由"小家庭"向"大家庭"的聚合,农村则相反。实施更加精准的家庭支持政策需综合考虑老人经济能力、衰老特征变化规律、失能情况以及子代家庭脆弱性。  相似文献   

We examined unintentional injury among youth with and without developmental disabilities. Our nationally representative sample included 6369 injured youth, aged 0–17 years, who were seen in one of the 63 US hospital emergency rooms that participated in the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System – All Injury Program (NEISS-AIP) in 2006–2007. Parents or guardians of injured youth were interviewed by telephone after the hospital visit to ascertain disability status. Denominator data were obtained from the National Health Interview Survey. Leading causes of injury were comparable for youth with and without disability. Injury rates (per 100 youth per year) were also comparable [10.4; 95% confidence interval (CI) 7.8, 13.0 and 10.5; 95% CI 8.2, 12.9, for youth with and without disability, respectively]. When examined by specific disability, the rate ratio for youth with learning disabilities versus youth without learning disability was 1.57 (95% CI 1.04, 2.10), which may represent a subgroup for targeted interventions.  相似文献   

周南  俞晓兰 《中国市场》2011,(51):20-25
<正>【公司简介】北京市中农良种有限责任公司是由中国农业科学院发起设立的集育、繁、推于一体的高新技术种业公司,成立于1993年,营销网络覆盖全国。公司现为高新技术企业协会理事单位,北京市海淀区种子商会会员单位,北京市种子协会会员,北京中关村企业信用促进会会员单位。公司通过了ISO9001:2008国际质量管理体系认证,被评为"全国高新技术企业"、北京市"中关村高新技术企业"、"海淀区创新企业"、"2009河北省三农明星企业",其主要标识获"北京市著名商标"称号。  相似文献   

Book review     
Many households include a family member with a disability. For these households, who consumes together, where they consume and when the consumption occurs often represent a complicated, nuanced set of tradeoffs. Based on in-depth interviews with families that include a child with a disability, we examine how a family makes an inclusion/exclusion decision and how the decision factors into the ongoing project of creating the family that is uniquely theirs. The analysis suggests that the decision-making is closely tied to the nature of the child's disability and that the type of disability is central to the family's narrative regarding its decision. Also, an important driver of the family's inclusion/exclusion decision is the process of self-stigmatization by non-disabled family members. The analysis shows that the implications of who in the family is included in the consumption, and the experience the family has as a result of the inclusion/exclusion decision reflect and reinforce the collective family's identity.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(7):1130-1151
Correspondence education has received very little attention from business historians. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to draw attention to The Sheldon School and the work of its entrepreneurial founder, Arthur Frederick Sheldon. Sheldon's correspondence course was studied by thousands of students in the early twentieth century. His interests, as reflected in his correspondence course materials and related articles, range from a focus on facilitating exchange relationships through to concerns with distributive justice, sales ethics and the promotion of an American economic and political vision across the globe. As a key figure in the sales education industry, Sheldon had a major impact on the social environment of the twentieth century via his involvement with the Rotary Club. Courtesy of his influence at Rotary, his ideas continue to shape the way prominent scholars have reflected on the consumer and marketing concept.  相似文献   

No matter where he is and what he does,Dr. Shen always considers himself as a devoted researcher,and holds tough mind that he will go further along the medicine innovation, heading for the health and happiness of human being.  相似文献   

张小燕  管越  李森 《人口与发展》2020,26(2):116-123
就业是残疾人融入社会和实现自身价值的有效途径。基于某地区2017年全国残疾人基本服务状况与需求信息动态更新调查数据,构建Logit回归模型,针对不同的户籍制度,考察残疾程度、教育程度与无障碍设施对残疾人就业选择的影响。研究发现,教育对就业有显著正相关关系,而残疾人就业与残疾程度,无障碍设施呈负相关。与以往研究不同的是,对样本按户籍制度进行分组后,发现无障碍设施,即社会对于残疾人群体的真实关怀程度对农业户口残疾人就业呈显著负相关。由此提出政府对残疾群体在支持公共配套无障碍设施与鼓励残疾人就业之间应寻找新的平衡点,同时也反映出我国对于残疾人保障的力度。  相似文献   

江苏省一直是全国人口老龄化最严重的省份之一。人口老龄化不仅表现在60岁以上老年人口数量和比例的增加,而且还表现在残疾老年女性人口数量的众多。江苏60岁以上残疾老年人口为287.6万,其中残疾老年女性157.9万,占残疾老年人口总数的54.9%,残疾老年人口性别比为81。随着人口老龄化的进一步发展,加之女性预期寿命普遍较男性长,江苏省残疾老年女性的数量还会进一步增加。残疾老年女性在婚姻、经济、社会保障等方面均处于十分不利的地位,社会支持薄弱,面临一系列生存和发展问题,应引起政府和社会的高度重视。  相似文献   

“What is the worth of moral values that only inform easy decisions but are impotent in more difficult circumstances?” Yet should one not at times tailor one’s moral views to suit circumstances? Drawing on his personal business experience in Taiwan Peter Huang reflects on the ethical issues raised by trying to do business honestly in a climate of organised crime. Currently completing his MBA at London Business School, he is of Taiwanese origin and returned there from Canada to found his own design company.  相似文献   

With two suitcases and a dream, Glenn H. Wang, known as Wang Xinhua then,embarkeel on a: journey to pursue his ambition thousands of miles away from home.  相似文献   

念舍 《中国市场》2012,(30):40-42,7
<正>"他是个神,不是个人。"广东省珠海市斗门区鹤洲北垦区水产养殖户陆光海表示。"他是我们养殖户里的李嘉诚,是个创造奇迹的人。"水产养殖户吕家华也深有同感。当地养户对顾春官的评价引人好奇:顾春官到底做了什么,居然让他们如此佩服?从水果商到半个水产专家顾春官是上海人,17岁时就出来创业,先是做瓦工,后又批发水果。在1998年,他却放弃了年收入二十多万元的水果生意,转入了一个陌生的行业。驾轻就熟的赚钱生意为什么突然就  相似文献   

阮元在学术思想上虽然受到戴震的影响,但治学的侧重点和戴震显然有别。从治学实践来看,阮元注重求实、通博和经世致用。在学术渊源和治学宗旨上,他和顾炎武更为接近。  相似文献   

For almost fifty years Thomas Barratt was the inspiration behind the advertising for Pears soap and a leading figure in the advertising world. Though he was not immune from errors of judgement and his significance may have been overestimated by his business contemporaries, he nevertheless had a considerable influence on the evolution of advertising both in Britain and overseas through the techniques he employed, his consistently high expenditure, and the case for advertising which he put so forcefully.  相似文献   

People with disabilities in the U.S. command a buying power of $220 billion. This study combines service quality theory and disability orientation theory to focus on perceived service quality for this segment, with attribution theory providing a connecting framework. The results show that there is much room for improvement. A survey among people with disabilities reveals that retailers are rated lower on accessibility than on traditional service quality dimensions. Furthermore, feelings of disability pride and social activism (mediated by a sense of exclusion) significantly affect ratings of accessibility. Service “intangibles” such as assurance and empathy have the greatest positive effect on service quality ratings, which in turn significantly affect purchase intention (mediated by customer satisfaction). Implications and research issues are discussed.  相似文献   

随着我国人口预期寿命的延长和人口老龄化进程的加剧,如何促进老年健康成为学术界及政策制定者亟需关注的重要议题。基于2005年、2008年、2011年及2014年"中国老年健康影响因素跟踪调查"(CLHLS)数据,以健康不平等理论为研究视角,探讨医疗服务可及性对老年健康的影响。研究结果表明,医疗服务可及性与老年健康之间呈显著相关,医疗服务不可及会显著增加老年人IADL、ADL及认知功能障碍和死亡风险;且这种关系随性别、年龄及城乡呈现出差异性。具体表现为医疗服务可及性对女性老人健康结果的影响大于男性老人;对低龄和中龄女性老人与中高龄男性老人的影响大于同性别的其他年龄组;与城镇老人相比,医疗服务可及性对农村老人健康结果的影响更大。医疗服务可及性对老年健康影响的性别、年龄及城乡差异,与其在整个生命周期中所遭遇的不公平制度环境有关。研究的政策意义在于,在我国人口快速老龄化的背景下,如何通过提升医疗保障制度在不同性别、年龄以及城乡之间的公平性来提高老年人医疗服务可及性,消弭由于制度不公平而带来的健康不平等,从而降低老年人IADL、ADL及认知障碍的发生率及死亡风险,实现老年群体的健康老龄化。  相似文献   

The marketplace has become increasingly sophisticated. Products and services are more complex resulting in greater customer reliance on salespersons for guidance. The salesperson's role presumes superior knowledge with respect to the buyer because he is consulted as an expert on the quality and uses of his product. Thus, it is important that a tacit professional ethic for sales be established to protect customers from possible exploitation. The purpose of this article is to propose a realistic professional ethic for sales — limited paternalism. Limited paternalism implies that a salesman should be his buyer's keeper in the sense that he should serve the interests of his customers by identifying their needs, while disclosing all relevant information about products or services in order to facilitate mutual exchange to mutual advantage.James M. Ebejer, after studying psychology and philosophy as an undergraduate, received his M.B.A. from Oakland University in 1986. Mr. Ebejer has recently begun a sales career in the ROLM Systems Marketing Division of IBM.Michael Morden received his Ph.D. from Columbia University and is serving as a Visiting Assistant Professor at Oakland University where his courses include Medical Ethics and Business Ethics.  相似文献   

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