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无线射频识别技术 (简称:RFID)一种非接触式的自动识别技术.它采用大规模集成电路技术、识别技术、计算机及通信技术,通过读写器和安装在栽体(车辆或设备或人员)上的RFID卡,构成 KFID 系统,实现对载体的非接触的识别和数据信息交换,已广泛的应用于人类生活的各个领域.文中详细介绍了 RFID 系统的原理和技术发展.以及 RFID 在交通工具,如汽车、火车、飞机和轮船生产、维护、交通、运输等方面的主要应用.  相似文献   

人才不会等待,即使在经济下行的冬天:雇主也不会等待,左手举裁刀,右手摇旗帜,因为招聘的窗口里有梦想的潮汐.特别是“快速招聘”日渐风靡,从求职到受聘平均只需29天.由过去的慢节奏招聘到时下的速招聘,期间的高效能对接离不开“优平方”.当理念优化遇上实务优化,两两相激,犹如两数相乘,是为“长×宽=优平方”.结构化思维是充分考虑事物内在逻辑的方法论.就招聘而言,对多和少、前和后、左和右、大和小、点和面、横和纵等等的把握,使优平方成为可能.  相似文献   

<正>咖啡文化、咖啡知识是星巴克文化的重要组成部分口碑传播使星巴克成为当今世界餐饮行业的著名品牌央视英语主播芮成纲的抗议,将全国人民的视线都引到"星巴克"和"故宫"上。许多人恍然大悟:原来星巴克在故宫已经开了6年了。仔细回想,不知何时开始,越来越多的中国人已经熟悉了星巴克的绿色美人鱼标志。在紧张、繁忙的工作告一段落后,与三五知己在星巴克品尝现磨咖啡已经成为现代白领不可或缺的一部分。而星巴克能吸引众多消费者的最大法宝就是它的文化。  相似文献   

孙超 《人力资源》2016,(3):80-82
年前,一篇帖子开始在网上热传,一名自称是小康家庭出身的上海女孩随相处一年的江西男友回农村过年,在见到男方父母准备的第一顿饭后便提出与男友分手,并以最快速度返回上海.女孩将自己的经历发帖上传到网络,一时间引起网友的热评.事件中的男主角随即发表声明说道:“在哪里跌倒在哪里爬起,既然江西这么穷,表明她还是一块有待开发的处女地,为什么不留下来创业呢?”忽然感觉很讽刺,猴年到了,本是一飞冲天的祥和年,却让这样一则令人心酸的新闻成为春节期间的饭后茶点.  相似文献   

2008年3月23日,来自清华大学、北京大学、香港大学、西安交通大学、中山大学、上海大学等不同城市多所大学的选物们聚集北京国家会计学院,竞争国际会计师公会(AIA)全国"求职王"语文比赛的总决赛冠军.  相似文献   

随着加入WTO,我国的中小型外贸企业只有打造自己的品牌,打响知名度,才能在激烈的竞争中占据一席之地.文章运用品牌管理学、经济学、心理学等相关知识和理论,分析我国中小型外贸企业所存在的问题,论述了如何针对中小型外贸企业自身特点而制定出与之相适应的品牌策略.  相似文献   

在施工中由于混凝土施工、本身变形和约束等一系列问题,使混凝土裂缝成了建筑工程中最常见的工程病害.轻者使内部的钢筋等材料产生腐蚀,降低钢筋混凝土材料的承载能力、耐久性等,严重的将威胁到人民的生命、财产,因此对混凝土裂缝的控制极为重要.  相似文献   

罗堃 《潮商》2015,(5):92-93
冬至,是中国农历中一个重要的节气,也是中华民族的一个传统节日,冬至俗称“冬节”、“长至节”、“亚岁”等。早在2500多年前的春秋时代,中国就已经用土圭观测太阳,测定出了冬至,它是二十四节气中最早制订出的一个,时间在每年的公历12月21日至23日之间。在中国北方冬至有吃饺子的风俗,而南方则是吃汤圆。  相似文献   

在成熟发展的广州楼市中,都市精品豪宅——天河华庭,以其优越的地理位置,宛如点缀在天河北皇冠上的明星,表现出了极强的个性与市场潜力。大家都知道,在市场上最具升值保值潜力的楼盘,当数那些位于市中心的豪宅。由于天河北近年顶级豪宅供应量缺乏,积累了一定的市场需求。天河华庭于6月5日开放售楼部以来,短短一周,前往咨询及登记的人数已接近百人,天河华庭在此尚未面世之际,就成为了广州楼市备受关注的一颗璀璨明珠。  相似文献   

身处某市煤炭国企的闺蜜丽娜(化名)来电征求意见,她面临两个选择:一是继续工作,工资从6000多元降到1000多元,岗位从管理岗科级干部降为工人岗食堂勤杂人员;二是回家创业,单位保留劳动关系,缴纳社会保险.通话过程中,明显感受到电话那头的声音里浸满着焦虑、彷徨、迷失与无助……  相似文献   


A minor digression, if you will: it has been over 30 years since I (referring to lead author) first wrote on the topic of terrorism and its potential impact on conducting business in a global context. The most vivid memory I have relative to that initial foray into this new topic was making a presentation at the annual summer American Marketing Association (AMA) conference in Chicago. I got halfway through the paper and I started to hear jeering noises emanating from the audience. As I remember (it is not a pleasant memory), the audience thought that I had lost my mind and that the reviewers of the paper allowed this rubbish into the AMA meeting (the implication was that they must have been drinking at the time). This is a true account of the presentation and when I left the session, I would be dishonest if I didn’t tell you that I had made a terrible error and there would be significant ramifications to my young academic career. Yet, no country is untouched by global terrorism today, and the ramifications for global organizations are escalating year by year.  相似文献   

雷晓宇 《中国企业家》2008,321(15):60-64
十年互联网“剩者”张朝阳迎来事业第二春,他仍有虚荣心,但不再焦虑,正在“把奋斗变成不奋斗”  相似文献   

I was kindly invited by the organizers to discuss the presentation by Professor Clive Granger at the 5th International Institute of Forecasters Workshop in Lisbon, which was, perhaps, the last one that he ever delivered in a regular meeting. The task would have not been easy in any case, given his deep knowledge of the field and his many contributions. My discussion, however, turned out to be more difficult than I anticipated, given that there was no formal paper to discuss, just some sparse notes that he had written at various different dates, but certainly before the spectacular gyrations that hit the speculative markets in mid to late October 2008 and early December 2008. During our brief encounters at the workshop, he mentioned the thought of expanding his notes and writing a full-length paper on the issue. However, his unexpected demise left this thought unrealized. The editors of this special issue thought that it would remain incomplete without his outstanding contribution, and invited me to write my reflections on his notes and his verbal presentation. If discussing the paper (in an informal setting) was already daring, writing a paper on such a wide and complicated topic was a daunting task. I had many reasons for refusing the assignment; however, in the end, I felt that I should take it, if only as a personal homage to a giant in our discipline.  相似文献   

In this comment on James Emshoff's (1993) paper, 1 I will begin by briefly summarizing the paper. Then I will give my reaction to the issues raised in the paper from the perspective of an economist and professor of business strategy. As I discuss later, it is the work of Alfred Chandler, Jr., rather than work of economists, that is most relevant to the issues raised by Emshoff. In my view economists must understand the limitations of standard economic approaches to organizational issues in order to begin to make progress on issues raised by Chandler and Emshoff.  相似文献   

This paper provides an updated summary and discussion of my 1993 JMS paper ‘Organization as rhetoric: knowledge‐intensive firms and the struggle with rhetoric’, and relate this to my own and others' later work in the area explored in the paper: knowledge‐intensive work and discourse. A key aspect of knowledge work is the ambiguity of what it stands for, what people working with ‘knowledge’ are doing, and what they accomplish. This fuels identity uncertainties, which is also addressed and reflected upon in the paper. As part of my broader reflections, I also provide a brief overview of some methodological ideas on how to do problematization: a key theme in the original piece but which is more generally a research approach that may lead to contributions that generate interest.  相似文献   

I thoroughly enjoyed reading the article by Bhadra et. al. (2020) and convey my congratulations to the authors for providing a comprehensive and coherent review of horseshoe-based regularization approaches for machine learning models. I am thankful to the editors for providing this opportunity to write a discussion on this useful article, which I expect will turn out to be a good guide in the future for statisticians and practitioners alike. It is quite amazing to see the rapid progress and the magnitude of work advancing the horseshoe regularization approach since the seminal paper by Carvalho et al. (2010). The current review article is a testimony for this. While I have been primarily working with continuous spike and slab priors for high-dimensional Bayesian modeling, I have been following the literature on horseshoe regularization with a keen interest. For my comments on this article, I will focus on some comparisons between these two approaches particularly in terms of model building and methodology and some computational considerations. I would like to first provide some comments on performing valid inference based on the horsheshoe prior framework.  相似文献   


I will comment on the comments by the groups of three reviewers separately. First of all, I will thank all three groups providing a first round of reports in order for me to get rid of obvious mistakes. In the second round the reviewers were free to comment on the qualities of my revised version. I am not to change my revised paper when giving my comments on what would be honest reports on the quality of my final version. However, the reviewers will not have a go at my rejoinders to comments according to the symposium rules. I keep the section numbering of the authors in order to make it easier to identify the arguments.


康明斯发动机汽缸盖冷却水室和进、排气门密封性检测一直是一个急需解决的难题,由于汽缸盖密封性无检测装置,经常导至发动机拉缸、烧瓦等质量事故,严重的可使曲轴、发动机缸体报废,造成巨大经济损失,为此,自行设计制作了一台多功能汽缸盖密封性检测台,该检测台检测准确度高、工作可靠、方便,自2006年2月份投入使用至今,已检测出不合格汽缸盖65个,在避免重大经济损失的同时,使发动机的维修质量得到了进一步的提高。  相似文献   

This paper studies a continuous-time hidden-action model with persistent observable shocks. In this model, I develop a method to characterize the optimal contract with history-dependent effort exertion and shirking decisions. Temporal shirking is always optimal after some histories as long as a positive persistent shock is expected. As a result, my model gives rise to a mechanism through which the moral hazard problem amplifies macroeconomic fluctuations. I also show the pattern of the agent’s utility adjustments with respect to persistent shocks and its implications for compensation design.  相似文献   

分析了学术界关于《合同法》第286条的三种观点,并提出了自己的看法与见解,最后指出了如何正确行使《合同法》第286条规定的优先受偿权。  相似文献   

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