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Taking into consideration the real link and information risk transmission channels, we used a spatial econometric approach to construct an economic distance-based spatial weight matrix, which can capture the spatial interaction across industries, and built a return estimation model with spatial interaction using the matrix. On this basis, we derived the covariance matrix and constructed the cross-industry asset allocation model. The empirical results showed that 1) the spatial interaction has a strong explanatory power to return and integrating the spatial interaction on multiple risk transmission channels can improve the effectiveness of the return estimation model; 2) the covariance matrix includes unsystematic risk (idiosyncratic risk) and systematic risk (market risk and cross-industry spillover risk); 3) the asset allocation model with spatial interaction can improve the performance of the portfolio and provide a valuable reference for investors' risk management and investment decision.  相似文献   

This paper applies a large data set, consisting of 167 monthly time series for the UK, both economic and financial, to simulate out-of-sample predictions of industrial production, inflation, 3-month Treasury Bills, and other variables. Fifteen dynamic factor models that allow forecasting based on large panels of time series are considered. The performances of these factor models are then compared to the following competing models: a simple univariate autoregressive, a vector autoregressive, a leading indicator, and a Phillips curve models. The results show that the best dynamic factor models outperform the competing models in forecasting at 6-, 12-, and 24-month horizons. Thus, the financial markets may have predictive power for the economic activity. This can be a useful tool for central banks and financial institutions, which may use the factor models to construct leading indicators of the economic conditions. In addition, researchers can see a strategic application of factor models.  相似文献   

The paper studies a two-stage economy where consumers choose first the asset structure and then use it in a standard general equilibrium framework to transfer wealth across time and states of nature. The financial structure is chosen by maximizing indirect utility functions, using continuous random selections from the second-stage equilibrium correspondence. We depart from Bisin (J Econ Theory 82:19–45, 1998) where an endogenous beliefs approach was used and the asset creation was left to financial intermediaries. Moreover, our approach allows us to go beyond a mixed strategies result as we obtain an approximate equilibrium in pure strategies for the economy with incomplete information about future endowments.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes rates of return on financial assets denominated in five major currencies and provides a framework for the determination of optimal strategies for the allocation of wealth in multicurrency investments. Three models are estimated: a univariate autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (ARCH) model, an extended ARCH model using the random coefficient (RC) procedure, and a pure RC model. A comparison of the forecasts of these models with those generated by a random walk model demonstrates that forecasts based on the RC/extended ARCH procedure are superior to those based on the random walk model and those based on direct ARCH estimation. These results could be useful for both international investors for the allocation of their wealth among fixed-income investment securities and central banks for the management of their external reserve assets.  相似文献   

We show that statistical inference on the risk premia in linear factor models that is based on the Fama–MacBeth (FM) and generalized least squares (GLS) two-pass risk premia estimators is misleading when the ββ’s are small and/or the number of assets is large. We propose novel statistics, that are based on the maximum likelihood estimator of Gibbons [Gibbons, M., 1982. Multivariate tests of financial models: A new approach. Journal of Financial Economics 10, 3–27], which remain trustworthy in these cases. The inadequacy of the FM and GLS two-pass tt/Wald statistics is highlighted in a power and size comparison using quarterly portfolio returns from Lettau and Ludvigson [Lettau, M., Ludvigson, S., 2001. Resurrecting the (C)CAPM: A cross-sectional test when risk premia are time-varying. Journal of Political Economy 109, 1238–1287]. The power and size comparison shows that the FM and GLS two-pass tt/Wald statistics can be severely size distorted. The 95% confidence sets for the risk premia in the above-cited work that result from the novel statistics differ substantially from those that result from the FM and GLS two-pass tt-statistics. They show support for the human capital asset pricing model although the 95% confidence set for the risk premia on labor income growth is unbounded. The 95% confidence sets show no support for the (scaled) consumption asset pricing model, since the 95% confidence set of the risk premia on the scaled consumption growth consists of the whole real line, but do not reject it either.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this paper is to unify and extend the existing theory of 'estimated zeroes' in log-linear and logit models. To this end it is shown that every generalized linear model (GLM) can be embedded in a larger model with a compact parameter space and a continuous likelihood (a 'CGLM'). Clearly in a CGLM the maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) always exists, easing a major data analysis problem. In the mean-value parametrization, the construction of the CGLM is remarkably simple; except in a rather pathological and rare case, the estimated expected values are always finite., In the β-parametrization however, the compactification is more complex; the MLE need not correspond with a finite β, as is well known for estimated zeros in log-linear models. The boundary distributions of CGLMs are classified in four categories: 'Inadmissible', 'degenerate', 'Chentsov', and 'constrained'. For a large class of GLMs, including all GLMs with canonical link functions and probit models, the MLE in the corresponding CGLM exists and is unique. Even stronger, the likelihood has no other local maxima. We give equivalent algebraic and geometric conditions (in the vein of Haberman (1974, 1977) and Albert and Anderson (1984) respectively), necessary for the existence of the MLE in the GLM corresponding to a finite β. For a large class of GLMs these conditions are also sufficient. Even for log-linear models this seams to be a new result.  相似文献   

Thomas L. Saaty 《Socio》2003,37(3):169-184
An intangible is an attribute that has no scale of measurement. Intangibles such as effort and skill arise in conjunction with resource allocation but are not usually included directly in a mathematical model because of the absence of a unit of measurement. However, intangibles can be quantified through relative measurement (priorities). Intangible resource allocation uses these priorities along with normalized measures of tangibles (when present) in a linear programming model with coefficients and variables measured in relative terms. The priorities of tangible resources from the optimal solution can then be used to assign monetary values to priorities of any intangible resources.  相似文献   

Many exchange traded funds track simple characteristic-based equity portfolios such as the market capitalization, the fundamental value or the inverse volatility portfolio. This paper provides theoretical and empirical evidence for the economic benefits in exploiting the timing-gains that result from the time-varying relative performance of these characteristic-based portfolios. Under a factor model for expected returns, we show that this dynamic portfolio allocation can be efficient across the low-dimensional set of characteristic-based portfolios. We assess the out-of-sample performance on the S&P 100 universe over the period 1990–2013 and show gains in stability and significant positive risk-adjusted returns for the dynamic style portfolio. We conduct several robustness tests and extensions confirming the benefits of dynamic style allocation across characteristic-based portfolios.  相似文献   

In this paper, we give a sufficient and almost necessary condition for the existence of optimal strategies in linear multisector models when time is continuous.  相似文献   

In this paper we study an optimal control problem with mixed constraints related to a multisector linear model with endogenous growth. The main aim is to establish a set of necessary and a set of sufficient conditions which are the basis for studying the qualitative properties of optimal trajectories. The presence of possibly degenerate mixed constraints, the unboundedness and non-strict convexity of the Hamiltonian, make the problem difficult to deal with. We develop first the dynamic programming approach, proving that the value function is a bilateral viscosity solution to the associated Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman (HJB) equation. Then, using our results, we give a set of sufficient and a set of necessary optimality conditions which involve so-called co-state inclusion: this can be interpreted as the existence of a dual path of prices supporting the optimal path.  相似文献   

We examine the relative dominance of credit and monetary policy shocks in influencing asset prices in emerging markets. Estimates from panel VAR models for 22 EMEs provide evidence of a significant impact of bank credit on house prices in contrast to trivial impact on stock prices, possibly due to prudential regulations on banks’ exposure to stock markets. Contractionary monetary policy triggers sizeable and persistent decline in stock than housing prices as higher interest rates may render the funding of leverage costlier. Global shocks play an important role in explaining fluctuations in domestic stock prices rather than house prices since the latter class of asset is largely non-tradable across countries.  相似文献   

中国工业化、城镇化进程中的土地配置特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
基于已有的研究成果,通过系统的理论归纳与统计分析,提出了当前中国工业化、城镇化进程中土地资源配置的主要特征:第一,从部门配置角度看,表现为农业用地大规模非农化;第二,从产业配置的角度看,城乡用地结构快速转变;第三,从空间配置的角度看,土地利用的区域不均衡;第四,从功能配置的角度看,重经济效益轻生态效益。  相似文献   

This work focuses on developing a forecasting model for the water inflow at an hydroelectric plant’s reservoir for operations planning. The planning horizon is 5 years in monthly steps. Due to the complex behavior of the monthly inflow time series we use a Bayesian dynamic linear model that incorporates seasonal and autoregressive components. We also use climate variables like monthly precipitation, El Niño and other indices as predictor variables when relevant. The Brazilian power system has 140 hydroelectric plants. Based on geographical considerations, these plants are collated by basin and classified into 15 groups that correspond to the major river basins, in order to reduce the dimension of the problem. The model is then tested for these 15 groups. Each group will have a different forecasting model that can best describe its unique seasonality and characteristics. The results show that the forecasting approach taken in this paper produces substantially better predictions than the current model adopted in Brazil (see Maceira & Damazio, 2006), leading to superior operations planning.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a functional method to investigate how betas change over time in factor models. Based on the China A-share data, we drop the constant beta assumption in the CAPM and multi-factor models to estimate the time-varying betas directly from the functional data regression. The empirical results show that exposures to all risk factors have certain time-varying patterns in the Chinese A-share stock market.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a new stochastic characterization of the Loewner optimality design criterion. The result is obtained by proving a generalization to the well known corollary of Anderson's theorem. Certain connections between the Loewner optimality and the stochastic distance optimality design criterion are showed. We also present applications and generalizations of the main result. Received: 9 August 2000  相似文献   

Tsai-Yu Lin  Chen-Tuo Liao 《Metrika》2005,61(2):157-168
A problem of allocation of measurements for a linear calibration process is considered in this article. It is assumed that a total of N measurements are made some of which may be measurements on two distinct standards, while the remaining measurements are on m different unknown specimens. We discuss allocation of the N measurements for the two standards and m unknown specimens based on A-optimality criterion, which is applied to asymptotic variances of maximum likelihood estimators for the true values of unknown specimens. It can be shown that the optimal allocation depends on the true values of unknown specimens. Hence, the user may resort to locally or Bayesian A-optimal measurement designs. Some practical solution is presented. Furthermore, the impact of prior on the allocation is also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the issue of testing hypotheses in symmetric and log‐symmetric linear regression models in small and moderate‐sized samples. We focus on four tests, namely, the Wald, likelihood ratio, score, and gradient tests. These tests rely on asymptotic results and are unreliable when the sample size is not large enough to guarantee a good agreement between the exact distribution of the test statistic and the corresponding chi‐squared asymptotic distribution. Bartlett and Bartlett‐type corrections typically attenuate the size distortion of the tests. These corrections are available in the literature for the likelihood ratio and score tests in symmetric linear regression models. Here, we derive a Bartlett‐type correction for the gradient test. We show that the corrections are also valid for the log‐symmetric linear regression models. We numerically compare the various tests and bootstrapped tests, through simulations. Our results suggest that the corrected and bootstrapped tests exhibit type I probability error closer to the chosen nominal level with virtually no power loss. The analytically corrected tests as well as the bootstrapped tests, including the Bartlett‐corrected gradient test derived in this paper, perform with the advantage of not requiring computationally intensive calculations. We present a real data application to illustrate the usefulness of the modified tests.  相似文献   

This paper develops a new estimator for the impulse response functions in structural factor models with a fixed number of over-identifying restrictions. The proposed identification scheme nests the conventional just-identified recursive scheme as a special case. We establish the asymptotic distributions of the new estimator and develop test statistics for the over-identifying restrictions. Simulation results show that adding a few more over-identifying restrictions can lead to a substantial improvement in estimation accuracy for impulse response functions at both zero and nonzero horizons. We estimate the effects of a monetary policy shock using a U.S. data set. The results show that our over-identified scheme can help to detect incorrect specifications that lead to spurious impulse responses.  相似文献   

This paper reports on an exploration of student wellbeing in secondary school. A wellbeing questionnaire was administered four times to the same students. Multilevel models were applied in which measurements are grouped within students within schools. Differences between students are large, but there are only minor differences between schools regarding the wellbeing. Two methods of analysis of longitudinal data are compared: a multilevel multivariate approach and a multilevel growth curve analysis. It is shown that the estimation of individual growth curves is an elegant and parsimonious way of modelling. The multivariate approach on the other hand is a more modest model. The assumptions, advantages and disadvantages of both perspectives are listed.  相似文献   

在京津冀协同发展规划中,京津冀协同创新是推动产业协同发展三地产业结构调整、转型升级的重要基础,而京津冀区域创新资源的优化配置又是促进三地协同创新发展的基础和前提。本文试图通过对区域创新资源优化配置理论和实践的研究,探索京津冀区域创新资源优化配置的总体思路,京津冀区域创新资源优化配置的原则,促进京津冀区域创新资源优化配置的主要措施和基本途径,为推动京津冀协同创新发展提供政策建议。  相似文献   

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