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Long-term land leasing offers a viable alternative to land ownership in relation to increasing efficiency of agricultural production, economies of scale, and delivering environmental improvements in terms of land management. However, with no significant tenanted sector in Northern Ireland, access to land via long-term land leasing is limited. This study analysed the barriers and enablers of long-term land leasing. To achieve our objective, we employed a mixed methods approach. The results show that the main barriers to long-term land leasing were environmental concern (around how the land will be managed), inheritance tax implications and the potential effect of long-term land leasing on future succession plans of the farm business. We also found that as much as 70 per cent of the farmers surveyed believe the inclusion of a ‘break clause’ and the introduction of income tax incentives will encourage the adoption of long-term land leasing, while 61 per cent of the farmers stated that the environmental management of the land will encourage long-term land leasing. The study concluded that any model designed to encourage long-term land leasing in Northern Ireland should include clauses which cover the environmental management of the land and break clauses. Income tax incentives for landowners could also be considered.  相似文献   

面对油茶林大规模经营模式受到推崇而家庭经营模式受忽视的状况,以江西省宜春市为研究范围,基于抽样调查和典型调查的数据,测算不同经营模式的投资回收期和内部收益率,运用典型案例分析不同经营模式的特点和发展趋势。结果表明:油茶林大规模经营不可行,小规模经营才是保障原料供应的关键,建议完善现行补贴政策,结合精准扶贫,引导农户进行集约化经营,以实现油茶产业发展规划目标。  相似文献   

A lease pricing model for farm land is developed that is consistent with traditional leasing principles and allows greater flexibility in determining crop share levels either separately or in combination with a fixed cash payment. The share levels are linked to the farm's soil productivity, the costs of each party's resource contributions, and their respective cost structures. The resulting menu of lease prices can enhance the equitability of leasing contracts, expand the range of contract choices, promote mutual incentives for the leasing parties, and heighten the efficiency of leasing markets through greater standardization of leases.  相似文献   

[目的]以产业集聚发展为视角,探讨城镇体系规模等级结构。[方法]以河南省17个地级城市为例,基于区位熵探讨不同城市的不同一、二、三产业下属行业的专业化集聚程度,进而判别不同城市的主导专业化产业部门,并在此基础上运用城市首位度、四城市指数与十一城市指数分析产业集聚对城镇体系的影响,及目前河南省基于产业集聚视角的城镇体系等级层次的分布合理情况,并结合标准差与变异系数分析各产业在河南省域范围内的均衡情况与差距大小。[结果]周口与南阳的农林牧渔业,平顶山的电力、燃气及水供应业,焦作的交通运输、仓储邮政业,三门峡的批发零售与金融业,濮阳的租赁和商业服务业,洛阳的科学技术和地质勘查业,开封居民服务和修理业,郑州文体和娱乐业在河南省的产业集聚发展最高。[结论]一、二、三产业下属的不同行业在河南省各城市的产业优势与集聚程度均不同,有待建立空间结构布局合理的河南省现代等级层次城镇体系。  相似文献   

林业改革30年的进展与评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在简述农村改革进展,总结农村改革成功基本经验的前提下,回顾了林业发展与改革的进展,对林业改革进行了总体评价与思考。林业改革计划经济体制的过程主要包括:推行政企分开,实行木材价格双轨制,实行林业生产承包制。林业构建市场经济体制的过程主要包括:实施森林分类经营,构建权利公平与效率优先相结合的林业发展机制;构建旨在促进防护林体系建设的激励机制;构建促进产业林业发展的竞争机制;构建公益林可持续经营的转移支付机制。林业改革由单一政府推动,逐步拓展到政府、市场、社区和国民共同推动,是中国林业改革进展的显著标志之一。中国林业改革的过程,也是产业发展生态化和生态建设产业化的过程。林业人应承担的责任是,通过集约经营把中国2.828亿hm2林业用地的生产力充分释放出来,基本解决13亿人的林产品需求,促进林区经济发展。  相似文献   

Along with adverse selection, moral hazard is one of the major hurdles that private and public insurance plans must contend with. Moral hazard occurs if risks are endogenous to a producer's behavior and if the insurer is unable to properly monitor the insured. We review the role of moral hazard in the US crop insurance program. We conduct an empirical analysis of one important aspect of the US crop insurance program—prevented planting. This provision provides indemnity payments if conditions are not suitable for planting. The program has been the subject of considerable controversy, especially during 2019, when the rate of claims is expected to be especially high. Because loss adjustors may encounter difficulties in assessing the weather conditions associated with prevented planting claims, the program is susceptible to moral hazard. We consider the extent to which prevented planting claims may be endogenous to prices. We find significant evidence of moral hazard. The likelihood of prevented planting claims increases as the expected market price decreases or as fertilizer costs increase for corn and soybeans in the Prairie Pothole Region and for grain sorghum and cotton in all states.  相似文献   

研究目的:考察土地出让市场化与产业结构优化对城市绿色全要素生产率的影响程度及其作用机制。研究方法:SBM-DEA模型,动态面板广义矩估计(GMM)。研究结果:(1)无论是系统GMM还是差分GMM,土地出让市场化对绿色全要素生产率的影响系数均显著为正,产业结构合理化和高度化的影响系数也均显著为正,但后者的作用程度要明显大于前者;(2)土地出让市场化与产业结构合理化的交互项对绿色全要素生产率的影响系数为负,土地出让市场化与产业结构高度化的交互项对绿色全要素生产率的影响系数为正,且均通过显著性检验。研究结论:土地出让市场化总体上促进了绿色全要素生产率的发展;从作用机制来看,土地出让市场化导致了产业结构合理化的反向发展,抑制了绿色全要素生产率的提升;同时,也促进了产业结构高度化的正向发展,进而对绿色全要素生产率有提升作用。鉴于此,提出:(1)地方政府应继续坚持以市场化为导向的城市土地制度改革;(2)政府应适时引导产业结构调整,促进产业结构转型和升级,更加重视经济增长与环境保护的协调发展。  相似文献   

当前,广东正进行新一轮促进粤东西北地区振兴发展的部署,而发展新型农业经营主体是振兴粤东西北地区农业的重要手段。新型农业经营主体与传统经营主体相比具有集约化、标准化、市场化和科技化的优势。文章将广东省欠发达地区农业经营主体划分为农垦集团、农业企业、种养大户、家庭农场、专业合作社和普通农户等6类,通过调查1 238个农业经营主体,评价其第一产业、第二产业和第三产业营收结构,分析不同类别农业经营模式发展的利弊,得出农业经营主体通过产业化经营,发展适宜现实情况和当地环境的经营制度,依托互联网和物联网,提高产品价值和利润空间,能更快地摆脱欠发达的经济地位的结论,并提出提高营商环境水平和大力发展物联网的政策建议。  相似文献   

Using China Family Panel Studies (CFPS), this study investigates factors associated with the choice of farmland leasing strategies and the impact of leasing options on farm performance. Particular attention is given to off‐farm employment and farm subsidies. Additionally, the study applies a selectivity‐based approach to assess the relationship between farmland leasing choices and farm businesses’ performance. Off‐farm employment, older and educated operators, large farms and old‐age pension plans increase the likelihood of leasing out farmland. Part‐time off‐farm employment, grain subsidies and mechanised farms increase the likelihood of leasing in farmland. Finally, the selectivity correction terms in the value of crop production are significantly negative in the choices of farmland leasing, indicating the presence of sample selection effects. Accounting for selectivity is essential to ensure unbiased and consistent estimates.  相似文献   

分析我国企业经营管理者对内部审计认识不足、内部审计机构不健全、审计人员素质低等因素影响审计工作的质量与效果及审计工作的开展不尽如人意的现状。提出加强企业内部审计应从查错防弊向为内部管理服务转变,要内外审相结合,从事后审计逐步向事前事中转变、提高内审队伍的整体素质,提高企业内审的权威性等方面加强企业内部审计的具体措施。  相似文献   

我国国有土地租赁制度建设过程中有许多问题尚待解决。本文主要讨论租赁形式、租赁权界定、租金计算等问题,同时借鉴国外经验。  相似文献   

农地产权与农户土地租赁意愿研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
研究目的:分析农地产权状况对农户土地租赁意愿的影响.研究方法:定性分析与定量研究相结合.研究结果:在定性分析农地产权状况和农地租赁相互关系的基础上,运用农户调查数据,建立了农地产权与农地租赁意愿的Logistic回归计量模型并应用极大似然估计法对该模型进行估计;根据农地产权与农地租赁意愿计量模型运行结果对农地产权与农地租赁意愿之间的关系、农地产权状况对农地租赁意愿的影响进行了分析,并就进一步推进农地流转提出了相关建议.研究结论:农地产权的流动性、稳定性以及农地收益权的完整性等均对农地租赁意愿产生了不同程度的影响,但是各个因素对于不同区域以及土地租入和租出意愿的影响是不同的.  相似文献   

Financial Structure of Farm Businesses Under Imperfect Capital Markets   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Recent finance studies have considered whether gaps between a firm's costs of internal and external sources of investment funds, arising from capital market imperfections, influence its investment behavior and funding preferences. This study tests the applicability of the pecking order and partial adjustment theories of financial structure to farm businesses by fitting a set of simultaneous financial equations with farm panel data from Illinois. Model results indicate that Illinois farms adjust to long-run financial targets for equity, debt, and leasing, but that additional financing needs follow a pecking order that is stronger for farms with greater asymmetric information problems.  相似文献   

All over the world, the demand for high-quality hunting areas has been growing in recent decades and this trend is expected to continue in the future. In the Camargue (southern France), where there are large wintering populations of ducks, the leasing of privately owned estates for wildfowling is becoming an alternative economic activity that can supplement and even exceed the income from other uses of farmland. In this region, several habitats of conservation concern, including Mediterranean seasonally flooded marshes, are managed for this purpose. However, data on wetland management for shooting and on the status of private shooting clubs in relation to local farming, are scarce. We investigated the characteristics of 42 private wildfowling clubs in the Rhone river delta. Aerial surveys were used to collect the data on land use on these sites. In addition, interviews and questionnaires allowed us to identify habitat management practices undertaken by landowners and hunting managers. We describe the origins and functioning of the private wildfowling club system. A multifactorial analysis and an ascending hierarchical classification distinguished three types of club. We evaluated leasing costs and incomes in the Camargue, their determinants, and some consequences of the leasing system on rural development and the conservation of wetlands.  相似文献   

小麦是世界各国重要粮食作物之一,也是我国整个农业生产的基础,处重要战略地位,关系民生和国家粮食安全。但在粮油大宗作物当中效益一直垫底,在迫切需要加快农业转型升级的同时,提高小麦种植效益非常重要。文章采用2000年以来有关数据,按高、中、低等3种不同产量水平计算产值,扣除当年种子、化肥、农药等直接成本和人工费用等间接成本,对小麦种植效益横向、纵向分析比较,得出近十几年来小麦种植效益大致经历了低迷期、增长期和稳定期等3个阶段,纯收入在45~400元/667m~2之间,效益增加主要得益于粮价的提高和政策性补贴。纵观国际市场、国内政策等宏观外因条件,结合人工、地力、劳动力素质等内因影响,解析了小麦种植效益制约因素。联系实际并辅以实例,提出了小麦当前种植效益在不能依靠小麦涨价的背景下,只能依靠科技手段,进一步挖掘增产潜力,走节本增效的路子。  相似文献   

农户经营性投入的高低反映农户参与农业生产的积极性.该文通过引入社会资本、农户预期、农户技术满意度三个隐性变量,采用陕西省洛南县208个核桃种植户的调查数据,运用WLS对影响农户农业经营性投入的关键因素进行了实证分析.结果表明,户主的性别、农户核桃种植面积、社会资本等若干因素与农户种植核桃的经营性投入呈显著的正相关;而户主年龄、农户对未来市场的预期两个因素与农户的经营性投入呈显著的负相关.并据此提出加强项目区农民培训、培养专业种植户和提高政府、村委会的组织能力等提高农户经营性投入水平的对策建议.  相似文献   

加强企业内部控制制度的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对企业管理中存在的各种弊端,从企业控制环境、生产管理过程、风险评估和监督检查等方面提出加强企业内部控制的管理办法。  相似文献   

内部控制是企业为保证各项业务活动的有效进行,确保资产的安全完整,防止欺诈和舞弊行为,实现经营管理目标等而制定和实施的一系列具有控制职能的方法,措施和程序。阐述现阶段大兴安岭地区林业企业内部控制中存在的内部控制内容不够完善、内部控制的方法落后、内部控制制度的执行不力等方面的问题。提出通过提高大兴安岭地区林业企业工作人员的素质,完善林业企业内部控制制度的内容、更新和丰富内部控制的方法及加强内部控制执行力度等措施,促进大兴安岭地区林业经济的发展。  相似文献   

以DFID模型为理论基础,引入茶农风险感知,构建茶农可持续生计分析框架,运用福建4个茶叶主产区228份茶农数据进行实证分析。结果表明:生计资本是影响茶农生计策略选择的核心要素,其中自然资本对其生计策略选择的影响最大,其次是物质资本和金融资本;而茶农风险感知对其生计策略选择有重要影响,其中自然风险和市场价格波动风险对其影响最大。生计资本、风险感知以及生计策略等对茶农生计结果具有一定影响。  相似文献   

以河北德胜农林科技有限公司为例,说明中小农林企业如何利用商业模式画布和SWOT分析法来创新商业模式。首先利用商业模式画布描述其现有的商业模式并对现有商业模式重点构块进行自我拷问、分析,确定其商业模式创新的方向,然后运用SWOT分析法对其内部资源的优势、劣势和外部环境的机会、威胁加以综合分析,为其创新商业模式提供一定的依据,最后设计出新的商业模式。  相似文献   

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