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A recent change in attitude of politicians and officials in Amsterdam towards artists who use squatted workspaces does not entail co‐optation of squatters as providers of cultural services. The municipal Breeding Places Amsterdam (BPA) project is a continuation of the long‐standing tendency to legalize squats, but now motivated in terms of the artists' function for the city. There are no indications that recent legalizations have an effect that is different from earlier legalizations. They did not cause the squatters' movement to shift from waging a housing struggle towards creative expression, nor did they affect the core business of the movement: squatting. Internal conflicts, the use of legal procedure instead of political arguments and highly differentiated outcomes for individual squatters are not specific to the recent era of squatting. Some squatters are now trying to play their cards in a way that is compatible with the hype of the creative city. This illustrates the resilience of the prevailing pattern of ‘flexible institionalization’. Flexibility and diversity may well be characteristics that have enabled the squatters' movement to survive under increasingly adverse conditions. A Amsterdam, le récent changement d'attitude des politiciens et fonctionnaires à l'égard des artistes qui travaillent dans des ateliers squattés n'entraîne pas de cooptation des squatters comme fournisseurs de services culturels. Le projet municipal BPA (l'Amsterdam des pépinières) perpétue une tendance à légaliser les squats, quoique désormais motivée par le rôle des artistes dans la ville. Il n'existe aucun indice que les récentes légalisations aient un effet différent des précédentes. Elles ne font pas évoluer le mouvement des squatters d'une agitation de lutte pour le logement vers une expression créative, ni ne modifient l'activité première du mouvement: squatter. Conflits internes, recours à une procédure légale plutôt qu'à une argumentation politique, et résultats très différenciés selon les individus ne sont pas spécifiques à l'époque récente. Certains squatters tentent désormais leur chance selon une méthode compatible avec la dynamique promotionnelle de la ville créative, illustrant ainsi la résilience du schéma dominant ‘d'institutionnalisation flexible’. Ainsi, souplesse et diversité pourraient être les caractéristiques qui permettraient au mouvement des squatters de survivre dans des conditions de plus en plus défavorables.  相似文献   

在分析社会转型基本涵义的基础之上,以广州市为例,通过问卷调查指出:贫富分化、流动人口、就业压力、社会责任感下降、城乡文化整合等,是转型时期城市社会面临的主要问题,并对如何维持城市社会未来的健康发展提出了个人建议.  相似文献   

绿色城市:城市发展与环境的动态关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
不久的将来,世界上大多数的人都将在商业化的城市中生活和工作。数十亿人的生活质量将取决于自由市场经济的发展与绿色城市的关系。有的城市在增长时环境会恶化,而有的城市却可以保护甚至提高环境的质量,这个问题得到了众多研究者来自不同角度的关注。论文在大量文献与数据的基础上探讨了城市发展与环境之间的动态关系,介绍了经典的环境库兹涅茨曲线假说,并从人口增长、城市空间蔓延以及外部性等方面对环境库兹涅茨曲线假说进行了补充与完善。  相似文献   

E-commerce is increasingly influencing business operations, as a major supportive medium for different strategies or as a strategy on its own. This paper seeks to identify impacts from concomitant changes on the development of cities. To this purpose, emerging time-based strategies are analysed in manufacturing and customer-services strategies are analysed in the services sector. The focus of the study is on proximity needs and what these needs imply for elimination of physical segments from value chains and insertion of virtual segments into these chains. The findings are then linked with trends for agglomeration or spread of urban activity. The conclusion is that the future of cities is far from clear. Trends for agglomeration go hand in hand with trends for spread on different spatial levels. In addition, there are huge knowledge gaps. The paper concludes with suggestions for further research to fill these gaps.  相似文献   

城镇贫困:结构成因与文化发展   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
贫困成因分析主要有两个理论取向 :结构性和文化性。我国城镇贫困是在社会转型的基础上发展起来的结构性贫困。但是随着时间的推移 ,贫困者的境况若得不到改善 ,就可能向文化性贫困发展 ,影响的可能是几代人。反贫困政策应当立足长远 ,注重制定战略性的反贫困措施与方案 ,以防范“贫困文化”的产生。  相似文献   

秋天,去了一趟珠三角,其中的东莞市的变迁,分外值得关注。东莞是珠三角最具活力的地区,东莞在对外开放发展经济上创造了非常多的纪录。某种意义上说,东莞的形象又是珠三角模式的一种象征。  相似文献   

This essay is a didactic introduction to the literature on the “consistency principle” and its “converse”. An allocation rule is consistent if for each problem in its domain of definition and each alternative that it chooses for it, then for the “reduced problem” obtained by imagining the departure of an arbitrary subgroup of the agents with their “components of the alternative” and reassessing the options open to the remaining agents, it chooses the restriction of the alternative to that subgroup. Converse consistency pertains to the opposite operation. It allows us to deduce that a rule chooses an alternative for a problem from the knowledge that for each two-agent subgroup, it chooses its restriction to the subgroup for the associated reduced problem this subgroup faces. We present two lemmas that have played a critical role in helping understand the implications of these properties in a great variety of models, the Elevator Lemma and the Bracing Lemma. We describe several applications. Finally, we illustrate the versatility of consistency and of its converse by means of a sample of characterizations based on them.  相似文献   

我国城市中的街头商贩:政策思辨与规划管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦波  孟青 《城市发展研究》2012,19(2):83-87,93
街头商贩是我国城市规划与管理中不容回避的客观现象。如何应对街头商贩已引起公众的广泛探讨,但城市领域内的学术研究却有不足。以国内外多学科的文献梳理为基础,首先分析街头商贩的概念并总结其特征,简要回顾我国街头商贩发展历史,归纳街头商贩对城市的正面和负面影响;进而提出对于街头商贩既不应"一扫而净",也不能"放任不管",而是要进行弹性化、精细化、人性化的科学规划与管理;并针对不同空间分布类型的街头商贩提出相应的管理思路与规划对策。  相似文献   

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