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If an oligopoly is modelled as a non-zero-sum game, then the market shares associated with an equilibrium solution can be interpreted as measuring the competitive strength of the firms. By comparing afirm's equilibrium market share with its actual market share, one can conclude whether the firm has positive or negative growth potential in terms of market share, which has some implications for its investment strategy.  相似文献   

We explore three theoretical perspectives that look at output flexibility as a competitive advantage for small firms as was initially described by Stigler (1939). First, small firms are more willing to fluctuate their output. As a result: second, small firms can trade cost inefficiency with volume flexibility to increase their profits; third, output flexibility is a more viable source of competitive advantage in volatile and capital-intensive industries, and less viable in profitable industries. Indeed, the empirical analysis of over 3000 companies representing 83 industries during the 1979-87 time period supports our theoretical perspectives. Future research directions that combine firm flexibility and other strategic dimensions are discussed in the context of providing a general strategic framework for small firms competing against large ones.  相似文献   

Experience indicates that machinery vibration monitoring programs are most effective when planned in accordance with carefully established program goals and objectives. Methods are presented to determine the appropriate monitoring program for a given plant, key issues to address in program planning, and proven techniques for successfully implementing the program.  相似文献   

While comprehensive, ongoing competitive intelligence systems generate valuable input for broad strategic decisions, they often fail to provide the specific actionable information needed by managers operating in a project-oriented environment. This paper proposes a project-based framework for competitive analysis. The framework was developed from field reseach involving 16 projects. A comparison of project-based and comprehensive competitive analysis systems is made to illustrate their differences. A case example from field research is utilized to illustrate concepts central to this approach and its practical utility. A set of guidelines regarding pitfalls to avoid in project-based competitive analysis is presented.  相似文献   

Porter's Competitive Advantage of Nations is an important book which bridges the gap between strategic management and international economics while contributing substantially to both. Porter's analysis of the impact of national environment on international competitive performance demonstrates the potential for the theory of competitive strategy to rescue international economics from its slide into refined irrelevance, while simultaneously broadening the scope of the theory of competitive strategy to encompass both the international dimension and the dynamic context of competition. Nevertheless, the breadth and relevance of Porter's analysis have been achieved at the expense of precision and determinancy. Concepts are often ill defined, theoretical relationships poorly specified, and empirical data chosen selectively and interpreted subjectively.  相似文献   

The results are reported of a questionnaire survey of corporate managerial approaches to productivity. The sample comprised 146 large industrial companies, of which 96 were American, 25 British and 25 Japanese. Responses from the total sample were used to construct a managerial interpretation of productivity. A comparison was then conducted among the three national samples. Although productivity improvement was reported as being a matter of significant corporate concern in all three countries, greater priority was expressed by the British and Japanese than by the American managers. The British and American managerial approaches to productivity appear to be broadly similar, but with the exception that the British focus much more single-mindedly on labour productivity as the central issue. The Japanese responses convey a proactive, long-term approach to the management of productivity, with research and innovation being accorded to pre-eminent role. The implications of the findings are briefly discussed and directions for further research are suggested.  相似文献   

The paper considers the implications for future corporate strategy of the probability that the capitalist world is in the down-phase of a 50-year long-wave Kondratieff' economic cycle. Without commitment to a universal theory of long-wave generation the author proposes a lifecycle model of a whole industry or dominant technology. He deduces from this the likelihood confirmed by some historical data that major industries will at best survive one cycle and will almost inevitably decline after the next. Individual firms within such sectors will go down with the industry unless they face the need early enough in the decline phase to embrace a new technology in the next up-phase. The author provides a framework for diagnosing the phase of the lifecycle occupied by an industry or firm. He suggests that by combining this with an existing model of corporate strategy a company can plan a course of action that will improve its chances of survival.  相似文献   

We estimate a model of competitive nonlinear pricing with multidimensional preference heterogeneity using individual level data on advertisements bought by local businesses (e.g., doctors, electricians) from two Yellow Page Directories in one U.S. city-market. Variation in individual choices and payments allows us to identify the joint density of preferences, marginal costs of publishing and common utility parameters. Our estimates suggest substantial welfare loss due to asymmetric information. Comparing duopoly outcomes with (counterfactual) monopoly outcomes, we find that with less competition (i) producer surplus increases substantially; (ii) more “low-type” consumers are excluded; (iii) product variety increases, but benefits accrue only to the “high-type” consumers; (iv) total consumer surplus decreases; (v) but its distribution, across consumers, does not change.  相似文献   

Some of the common organizational requirements prescribed for generic business strategies of cost leadership and differentiation are empirically examined in a study consisting of 69 business units. The results suggest the fit between business unit strategy and the internal organization of multi-business companies does have an effect upon business unit performance.  相似文献   

The advocates of logical incrementalism and synoptic formalism in strategic planning emphasize, respectively, the interactive and analytical dimensions of the planning process. This paper suggests a framework for designing planning processes that permits a symbiotic integration of both approaches. In particular, synoptic exercises scheduled at intervals of more than a year, with incremental exercises in the intervening years are recommended.  相似文献   

Theoretical considerations suggest that firms establish consistent internal wage structures and pay wage premiums of similar size across occupational groups. Strong evidence for the existence of coherent employer pay policies across occupations is found using a German employer–employee data set. However, firm‐specific elements of wage policies are less prevalent in firms applying industry‐level collective contracts than in firms with individual‐level wage contracts.  相似文献   

A technology roadmap (TRM) links technologies with a company's strategic objectives and so supports acquisition of required technologies in advance of needs. It is a powerful tool for strategic planning and technology management. Because technology is changing rapidly and market competition is fierce, the role of a TRM is becoming increasingly important. To support the role of a TRM, many firms and governments that use roadmapping are becoming interested in reducing costs while retaining objectivity during TRM development. One suggestion to achieve these goals is to use the keyword‐based quantitative approach to creating a TRM, but the information provided by the approach is limited because of the characteristics of keyword information. To solve this limitation, this research uses the concept of ‘function’ to support quantitative analysis for developing a TRM. The concept of function can provide information on the uses and purposes of a technology. To represent a function, a subject–action–object structure is commonly used. The suggested approach allows research and development (R&D) managers to extend the views of product and technology during development of a TRM. In addition, by reducing the time required to develop a TRM, the proposed approach supports quick and accurate decision‐making by R&D managers.  相似文献   

This paper offers an overview of the concept of acceptable risk. Variations in the definition of risk are addressed as well as criteria for measuring and evaluating risk. Risk acceptance depends on many factors, some of which are highlighted. The myth of zero risk is addressed with relevant examples such as dioxin and the U.S. space program. Practical applications of acceptable risk concepts are discussed, featuring the RISK MATRIX from system safety MIL-STD-882. Some sample guidelines and benchmarks are offered.  相似文献   

We develop an approach to analyzing the sustainability of competitive advantage that emphasizes demand‐side factors. We extend the added‐value approach to business strategy by introducing an explicit treatment of how firms create value for consumers. This allows us to characterize how consumer heterogeneity and marginal utility from performance improvements on the demand side interact with resource heterogeneity and improving technologies on the supply side. Using this approach, we address a variety of questions including whether technology substitutions will be permanent or transitory; the sequence in which new technologies attack different market segments; how rents from different types of resources change over time; whether decreasing marginal utility and imitation give rise to similar rent profiles; the extent of synergies within a firm's resource portfolio; the emergence of new generic strategies; and the conditions that support strategic diversity in a market. Our focus on consumer utility and value creation complements the traditional focus in the strategy literature on competition and value capture. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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