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The hypothesis of a positive concentration-profits relationship has been one of the most thoroughly tested in economics. Market share has been used in a number of these studies as a measure of horizontal dominance by a firm in an industry. Although these studies have shown empirically that a positive relationship exists between market share and rates of return, little theoretical evidence for this relationship exists. The price leadership model can be used to show that a continuous, direct relationship exists between market share and competitive injury. From a simulation exercise based upon the price leadership model, a positive association is demonstrated between increasing market share of the dominant firm (or collusive leading firms) and increasing competitive injury (as evidenced by a greater divergence between the competitive versus price leadership price-output decisions). This exercise establishes market share as a fundamental structrual variable in describing the short run competitiveness within the industry. The results of this model imply that intra-industry cross section studies, utilizing a carefully defined price leader(s) and price followers dictomy, should yield better statistical fits. At the present stage of empirical testing, however, only the roughest approximations using rather arbitrary definitions of the price leader-follower dichotomy have been made.  相似文献   

This paper examines the current ownership of 434 large acquisitions made by publicly traded U.S. firms between 1967 and 1969. It is found that the majority of these acquisitions are still held by the acquiring firms. Unrelated acquisitions were resold at a moderately higher, though not significantly different, rate than related acquisitions. These results are discussed in the context of the commonly held view that unrelated acquisitions of that period were poorly conceived additions.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of extreme degrees of environmental uncertainty on strategic planning in the U.S. Savings and Loan industry. Results suggest that top management's interpretation of the environment is a strong moderator of the link between environmental uncertainty and the extent of long-range planning.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to begin the reversal of the gender bias in comparative industrial relations research which is still focused on comparing and contrasting the regimes that cover mainly male manual workers. There is little systematic evidence on industrial relations practices in private or even public services, for non-manual workers or for atypical workers. These employment areas are central for women's employment and are of increasing importance in the labour market, but few attempts have been made to compare industrial relations regimes by reference to the protection they afford to women. Taking into account industrial relations practice in these areas can change significantly the classification and estimated coverage of collective bargaining systems. By 'mainstrearning' gender issues it also becomes clear that current macroeconomic policy proposals have major gender implications that are ignored in current debates  相似文献   

Market share objectives constitute a key element of a firm's corporate strategy. Market share strategy decisions—to build, maintain, or harvest share—are generally based on a careful consideration of the long-term and short-term profitability and cash flow implications of such decisions. The product sales growth rate and capacity expansion implications of share building strategies, the sustainability of implied sales growth targets and its consistency with the established financial policies and objectives of the firm are the subject of this report. The sustainable growth model outlined provides a framework for evaluating the financial feasibility of sales growth objectives at the strategic business unit level and the firm level, from the standpoint of expected return on sales, investment requirements per dollar of sales, target capital structure and the dividend policy of the firm.  相似文献   

This article augments, as well as takes issue with, the recent review by Ghoshal on international competition. The central question is what changes strategically when a firm moves from domestic to overseas competition. In analyzing this question, it is shown that there exists a neglected line of relevant research by two schools of thought: the Cambridge (Massachusetts) axis and internalization theory. The recent focus of research is described as understanding the multinational corporation as a network competing on its flexibility and the transfer of acquired capabilities across borders.  相似文献   

Hypotheses which relate top-level managers' age, years of company and industry service, and education to strategic change are studied with a sample of 855 managers from 27 railroads. Results generally support hypotheses that younger managers and those with less experience are more likely to alter their strategies with changing environmental conditions.  相似文献   

This study examines the strategies of 41 businesses which are market share leaders, but have poor performance. Hypotheses are tested relating to market stability and product demand characteristics, as well as organizational commitments and competitive strategies.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the impact of market share on three measures of business-level risk: ROI variation, share instability and the difference between growth in price and growth in cost. The analysis also included conduct variables which might bear upon these relationships. The sample was drawn from the PIMS data base and consisted of mature industrial businesses separated into three types of market environments. Path analysis was employed and yielded partial support for the risk-reduction benefits of market share.  相似文献   

Using a sample of 251 IPOs in the United Kingdom, this paper examines interlinks between executive and nonexecutive characteristics, share ownership, and short‐term performance measured in terms of share offer ‘underpricing.’ It argues that executives' power and previous experience directly affect ex ante choice of nonexecutive directors and their ownership interests in the firm. These endogenously developed governance factors may be used by IPO teams strategically to reduce the extent of underpricing. However, there is a selective response of investors to different board characteristics and share ownership structure. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

异构网络环境中点对点通信架构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
基于协议分层和IP思想,设计了一种在异构网络环境下点对点通信的架构。首先描述了异构网络环境的通信特点,提出了软件的设计思路和软件架构,并结合实例对通信过程进行了分析。经测试,可以在简单的异构网络环境下实现点到点通信,更复杂的网络环境也可以在此架构上进行设计开发。  相似文献   

Data for individual markets suggest that the Herfindahl- Hirschman Index does not fully account for the inequality of market shares and the number of firms in a market. An empirical investigation is conducted to determine whether share inequality, number of firms, and major firm presence affect market profit rates independent of the HHI. The analysis controls for efficiency, among other things. Test results based on 1,684 banking markets during 1990–1992 indicate that the HHI, market share inequality, and the importance of major firms are positively related and the number of firms is negatively related to profit rates. Results on several other variables also suggest that market imperfections exist in local banking markets.  相似文献   

This paper examines the feasibility of collusive mechanisms in single-unit auctions. A model is constructed with private and common value information asymmetry and continuous type space. We show that an incentive compatible bid coordination mechanism (BCM) does not exist if common value uncertainty is present. This result contradicts actual antitrust cases, where common effects or resale opportunities created uncertainty about valuations, but a price-fixing cartel was formed. We solve the puzzle by relaxing the assumption that all bidder types truthfully reveal their private information. The introduced Bayesian bid coordination mechanism (BBCM) exists if the main source of information asymmetry is private value. In that case, a designated ring member can signal high valuation and suppress competition. Our results demonstrate the rationale behind cartel mechanisms with pre-auction knockouts.  相似文献   

This study investigates how participating in strategic alliances with rivals affects the relative competitive positions of the partner firms. The paper builds on studies that show significant differences in the outcomes of scale and link alliances. The study argues that the more asymmetric outcomes of link alliances translate into greater changes in the relative market shares of the partner firms, due to unbalanced opportunities for inter‐partner learning and learning by doing. We find support for this argument by examining 135 alliances among competing firms in the global automobile industry, from 1966 to 1995. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper we specify a price determination model which can test both the traditional positive interbrand price—share hypothesis and the negative intrabrand relationship predicted by residual demand analysis. We evaluate this relationship empirically using three-dimensional panel data from the catsup industry. We find support for both hypothesized relationships, and conclude that market power exists in this industry. Further, we conclude that the results depend critically on the characteristics of the data set to be analyzed.  相似文献   

采访这位威震煤海的英雄——鹤壁煤电股份公司四矿矿长任书堂,是我已久的夙愿。他睿智,豁达,人也爽快。当握住他的手时,我感到一股正义之气从心底涌起。浓眉下,他那双明眸飞射出晶莹智慧的光芒,挺拔的鼻梁,分明的楞角,沉着的举止显示出男子汉特有的刚毅……  相似文献   

为了解决人工监测不能实时看护和及时管理地铁车站施工人员的不安全行为等问题,构建了基于KNN,MLP和LSTM模型的不安全行为识别神经网络模型。首先,通过行为理论研究和现场调查分析,对地铁车站施工不安全行为进行了分类;其次,通过实验构建人体数据集,基于人体骨骼关节点提取不安全行为特征,并进行模型训练;最后,基于MobileNet V1的SSD目标检测算法对施工人员进行定位和追踪,结合射线法判断目标是否跨越不安全区域并发出警报,搭建神经网络模型对施工人员的不安全行为进行识别,并获得计算识别率。结果表明:传统机器学习算法KNN总体准确率为93.45%,优化后的MLP和LSTM两种神经网络模型总体准确率分别达到93.94%和93.68%,相对KNN算法分别提高了0.49%和0.23%。因此所提模型能有效识别施工人员不安全行为,可为地铁施工安全智能识别技术应用提供参考。  相似文献   

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