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The purpose of this empirical study is to investigate consumer attitudes and intentions towards credit card ownership and usage in an advanced developing country. In particular, knowledge structures, beliefs, likes and dislikes as well as attitudes of credit card owners in the possession and use of credit cards are investigated. Data for the study were collected from 673 credit card holders and non-holders in the largest Turkish city of Istanbul with a total population of over ten million. Managerial and public policy implications for banks and credit card issuing firms are offered for orderly decision making purposes.  相似文献   

This study examines the decision relevance and timeliness of accounting earnings in Saudi Arabia during the 1995-1999 sample period. The empirical results suggest that the publication of accounting earnings does not cause significant revision to the market assessment of future cash flows of Saudi firms. On the other hand, it appears that the publication of accounting earnings leads individual investors to revise their security holdings. However, this evidence is limited to cases where firms reported profit. The empirical results further suggest that earnings are timely in terms of their association with security returns and that increasing the measurement interval significantly improves this association. The tests also show that positive and negative earnings have differential implications for the timeliness of accounting earnings. Further tests show that this evidence is not consistent with the loss liquidation argument [J. Account. Econ. 20 (1995) 125] and, potentially, may reflect the lack of tax incentives to liquidate investments in loss firms. Finally, the results show that Saudi managers do not incorporate economic losses into accounting earnings on a timely basis which may reflect reduced market demand for accounting information, low levels of public debt, low expected litigation costs, and weak monitoring by analysts and other stakeholders.  相似文献   

Yasser Al-Saleh   《Futures》2009,41(9):650-662
Renewable energy technologies are becoming internationally recognised as a vital contribution towards a sustainable energy future. Given that little research has examined the prospects of renewables from the perspective of major oil producers, this paper presents a set of renewable energy scenarios for the currently oil-rich Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. These scenarios have been developed using the Delphi technqiue, and represent a joint creation of thirty-five highly informed individuals from diverse backgrounds.  相似文献   

More knowledge and understanding is needed regarding the mechanisms influencing college student attitudes toward credit card companies and the behavior that students exhibit using credit cards. Prior literature in the area has been sparse. The current article is an attempt to fill the gap in existing literature. Using survey data, we try to find the determinants of college student attitude toward credit card companies and the responsible use of credit cards. Our findings indicate that a strong positive link exists between student attitude toward credit card companies and responsible credit behavior. Two distinct groups of students are identified – one with a positive attitude toward credit card companies and positive credit use behaviors; the other with the opposing attitude and behavior. Reward cards, payment behavior, number of credit cards, modes of acquisition, awareness about credit card policies, purpose for using credit cards, impulsiveness and certain student characteristics are all indicated as variables that help discriminate between the two different student groups. Our findings have implications for both higher education institutions and credit card firms.  相似文献   

Corporate credit risk can be reduced through implicit government guarantees. State-owned enterprises (SOEs) in China provide a distinctive setting to investigate government roles in corporate debt financing. We find that non-SOEs’ corporate bond issuance costs are significantly higher than those of SOEs. We also observe relatively lower bond issuance costs for firms controlled by the central government (CSOEs) than those controlled by local governments (LSOEs). In addition, we demonstrate that compared with SOEs, non-SOEs’ financial constraints are mitigated to a larger extent after the bond issuances. Overall, we show that state ownership plays an important role in determining corporate bond issuance costs.  相似文献   

This paper offers an insight into the types of ‘audit expectations gap’ that exist within a cultural context. Specifically, it investigates if the business and social environment affect the perceptions of audit performance of users and auditors. Using a combination of mail questionnaires and semi-structured interviews, the study reveals the existence of a ‘performance gap’ with respect to the roles specified in the statutory pronouncements and those that can reasonably be expected of auditors in Saudi Arabia. The results further indicate the ‘performance gap’ arises from four factors in the environment within which auditing is practiced: licensing policy, recruitment process, the political and legal structure, and dominant societal values. Interview results reveal the influence of institutional and cultural settings on the audit expectations gap and indicate that the inclusion of Islamic principles in auditing standards and the code of ethics would help reduce the expectations gap that exists in Saudi Arabia.  相似文献   

In response to a current lack of research in the Middle East, this study aims to critically evaluate the perceived costs and benefits associated with the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in Saudi Arabia, the world's leading oil and natural gas exporter. Using documentary analysis and interviews with stakeholders (account preparers from listed companies in Saudi Arabia, auditors from Big 4 and local accountancy firms, and university academics), the study contributes to the literature by concluding that the benefits of IFRS adoption in Saudi Arabia outweigh the costs. Importantly, a lack of qualified accountants, significant dependence on Big 4 accounting firms, inadequate coverage of IFRS in university education, and a lack of research are identified as major obstacles to the effective implementation of IFRS. The findings offer a possible policy agenda for local and international policy makers.  相似文献   

We investigate the impact of State ownership on Chinese corporate dividend policy. We find that Chinese firms' dividend payout rates respond fairly quickly to earnings changes, and the average actual payout ratio for Chinese firms falls between the payout ratios for emerging-market and developed firms. These results are consistent with the dividend policies of developing economies in general. We also find that dividend payouts among dividend-paying firms, and the likelihood that a firm will pay a dividend, are increasing in State ownership. Our findings are consistent with the State's need for cash flow as a partial motivation for continued State ownership of a significant portion of the corporate economy, and support the agency and tax clientele explanations for dividend policy.  相似文献   

Australian convertible debt issues are rights issues of non-callable securities and are issued in a market characterised by thin trading, significant institutional investor participation rates and a high number of resource firms. However, this study documents a significant negative announcement effect for rights issues of convertible debt, similar to international evidence. An analysis of the determinants of the announcement effect supports variants of the information asymmetry and agency cost hypotheses. The results do not support the convertible debt models of Kim [Kim, Y., 1990. Informative conversion ratios, a signalling approach. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 25, 229–243], Brennan and Kraus [Brennan, M., Kraus, A., 1987. Efficient financing under asymmetric information. Journal of Finance 42, 1225–1243], Green [Green, R.C., 1984. Investment incentives, debt and warrants. Journal of Financial Economics 13, 115–136] but some support is found for Stein's [Stein, J., 1992. Convertible bonds as backdoor equity financing. Journal of Financial Economics 32, 3–22], convertible debt model and Mayers [Mayers, D., 1998. Why firms issue convertible bonds: the matching of financial and real investment options. Journal of Financial Economics 47, 83–102], sequential financing model. However, support is found for Brous and Kini [Brous, P.A., Kini, O., 1994. The valuation effects of equity issues and the level of institutional ownership: evidence from analysts’ earnings forecasts. Financial Management 23, 33–46], equity issue based external monitoring model and Eckbo and Masulis [Eckbo, B., Masulis, R., 1992. Adverse selection and the rights offer paradox. Journal of Financial Economics 32, 292–332], rights issue adverse selection model.  相似文献   

Self-control lapses not only impact credit card debt, but combined with this debt lead to further self-control lapses and life stressors for consumers. A causal model is developed and tested exploring college students’ pre-/post-debt decisions as a series of sequential losses in self-control, and how initial and post-failure decisions impact financial anxiety. Pre-debt loss of control takes on two forms: materialism and impulsivity. Locus of control theory is used to test how post-failure self-control lapses negatively impact the psychological well-being of consumers. A better understanding of these time-ordered self-control mechanisms offers insights for developing educational and policy interventions useful for staving off self-control lapses early in the decision-making process.  相似文献   

This study examines whether financial statement comparability (comparability) reduces credit risk and lowers the cost of debt. We hypothesize and document that higher comparability reduces information asymmetry and noise in debt contracting and makes monitoring of managerial activities easier, which reduces the cost of debt. However, the effect of comparability on the cost of debt for state-owned enterprises (SOEs) is insignificant. The results also suggest that competitive pressure and audit quality complement the relationship between comparability and the cost of debt. Our findings remain robust after controlling for endogeneity and in numerous empirical specifications. Overall, our results indicate that greater comparability improves credit decisions of the lenders and also benefits borrowers by reducing the financing cost.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the dynamics of volatility in the stock market using competing univariate GARCH specifications. Moreover, it provides a study of the pairwise correlation pattern of stock returns for a wide range of Saudi Arabian insurance business lines by using a dynamic DCC-GARCH model. Our results show that volatility responds asymmetrically to shocks with a persistence of variance in the stock return data, supporting the presence of irrational behaviour as well as the effectiveness of a cross-market diversification strategy. Finally, we reach a point at which, between every two-business line stock returns, there is a dynamic conditional correlation.  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of voluntary disclosure on corporate debt maturity and the role of ownership structure in this effect. For a sample of 440 French listed firms from 2007 to 2013, the empirical results indicate that firms with greater voluntary disclosure have more long-term debt, suggesting that companies benefit from extensive disclosure through greater access to long-maturity debt. This finding is consistent with the evidence that voluntary disclosure provides an efficient monitoring mechanism in firms where long-term debt could insulate firms from lender scrutiny for long periods. The results also show that the positive association between voluntary disclosure and long-term debt is relevant only when the control rights of the controlling shareholders are significantly in excess of cash-flow rights. This finding supports recent work showing that better disclosure policies are viewed more positively by the market in environments where the risk of wealth expropriation by dominant shareholders is higher.  相似文献   

Recent research finds that poorer individuals make financial mistakes when the decisions are difficult and rare. We examine who makes financial mistakes involving decisions that are easier and more frequent – specifically, the inadvertent failure to pay monthly credit card balances when sufficient funds are available. On the one hand poorer individuals may make such mistakes because of lower levels of financial literacy. Alternatively, richer individuals may make such mistakes because of the relatively lower costs to them of such mistakes. We examine this question using confidential individual credit card statement data, with over a million data points. Our results show that poorer individuals are more likely to make these mistakes, even after controlling for education.  相似文献   

Ownership structure plays a critical role in the incentives and behaviors of business organizations. The literature has focused on the effects of firm ownership dispersion across managers and investors. We extend the literature by examining the roles of ownership structure within a controlling family. Specifically, we focus on the family trust structure, which is a popular vehicle for holding family ownership around the world. The trust structure typically locks controlling ownership within a family for a very long period. Although it ensures family control, the share transfer restriction may induce family shirking problems, make family conflicts difficult to resolve, and distort firm decisions. Based on a sample of publicly traded family firms in Hong Kong, we report that trust-controlled firms that are more susceptible to these problems tend to pay higher dividends, invest less in the long term, and experience worse performance. The costs of using a trust structure are more significant when the family stakes have been locked inside the trust for a longer period and when a larger amount of family ownership is held by the trust.  相似文献   

This paper shows that in the lightly regulated Alternative Investment Market (AIM) voluntary corporate board structures might not reduce agency costs between shareholder and executive directors. In this less regulated market, we find that the extent of debt affects executive pay. In addition, the theoretical determinants of executive pay affect CEO and other executives’ pay and incentives differently in this market. We find no evidence that debt levels affect CEO pay in a matched sample of Main Market firms. Our results suggest that debtholders could be better monitors of executive directors’ actions, in comparison to voluntary governance committees in less regulated markets.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of bank ownership concentration on two indicators of bank riskiness, namely banks’ non-performing loans and capital adequacy. Using balance sheet information for around 500 commercial banks from more than 50 countries averaged over 2005–2007, we find that concentrated ownership (proxied by different levels of shareholding) significantly reduces a bank’s non-performing loans ratio, conditional on supervisory control and shareholders protection rights. Furthermore, ownership concentration affects the capital adequacy ratio positively conditional on shareholder protection. At low levels of shareholder protection rights and supervisory control, ownership concentration reduces bank riskiness.  相似文献   

The recent credit crisis has raised a number of interesting questions regarding the role of the Federal Reserve Bank and the effectiveness of its expected and unexpected interventions in financial markets, especially during the crisis, given its mandate. This paper reviews and evaluates the impact of expected and unexpected changes in the federal funds rate target on credit risk premia. The paper's main innovation is the use of an ACH-VAR (autoregressive conditional hazard VAR) model to generate the Fed's expected and unexpected monetary policy shocks which are then used to determine the effects of a Federal Reserve policy change on counterparty credit risk and more importantly short-term firm debt financing. The findings answer a longstanding question sought by researchers on the effect of policy makers' announcements on firm debt financing. The results clearly show that the Federal Reserve influences short-term debt financing through the credit channel for both expansionary and contractionary monetary policies. In particular, we find that the growth in counterparty risk appears less responsive to anticipated responses in the Fed funds rate that fail to materialize than to an unanticipated increase in the federal funds rate. Finally, we also document that the results appear to validate the Feds interventions in financial markets to stem counterparty risk and to make liquidity more readily available to firms.  相似文献   

Mansoor Moaddel 《Futures》2010,42(6):532-544
This paper interrogates Huntington's civilizational perspective in order to assess its power to explain cultural change in a non-Western context. As an alternative, it considers cultural change as issues resolutions. The paper then suggests that the nature of the national regime is one of the most important factors that shapes resolutions of issues—hence the state as one of the best predictors of the future of cultures in Islamic countries. From the values surveys carried out in Iran, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia, this article extrapolates trends in values change among the publics from these countries. Key features of these trends include shifts toward liberal democracy and individualism among Iranians, toward secular politics and nationalism among Iraqis, and away from religiosity and toward support for gender equality among Saudis.  相似文献   

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