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Using the total daily amount traded exclusively by retail investors in the Brazilian stock market from 2018 to 2020, we find that online searches exhibit a strong association with the future trades of retail investors and that this relationship is observable under different market conditions. Moreover, we also document that the alternative approaches commonly used in the literature to capture investor attention with online searches, such as tickers versus company names, market index attention versus aggregated individual stock attention, or log-differences versus abnormal log-differences of search volumes, are all consistent measures to capture future investor trades. Overall, our findings strongly support the view that online searches are a coherent proxy for the presence of retail investors in the stock market.  相似文献   

We investigate how the seasoned equity market evaluates nonfinancial firms that recently bought wealth management products (WMPs). Using a sample of Chinese firms, we find that the stock market reacts less positively to private equity placements (PEPs) by firms that recently purchased WMPs (i.e., quasi-deposits) than to those that did not. Further analysis suggests that compared with retail investors, sophisticated (i.e., institutional and high-net-worth) investors pay a higher price for the shares of these WMP-buying firms. After PEPs, we find that the long-term operating performance and firm value of WMP-buying firms are higher than those of non-buying firms. Overall, the findings suggest that: (i) engaging in shadow banking activities (buying WMPs) does not mean a firm is distracted, and (ii) sophisticated investors are less concerned than retail investors about a firm's shadow banking activities.  相似文献   

Using the data of retail investors' stock holdings, this study examined the effect of corporate misconduct on investor behavior. Our results showed that the number of retail investors investing in fraudulent firms tends to increase throughout the misconduct and during the public announcement. We also found that the increased volatility of stock returns heightens the interest of retail investors in the fraudulent stocks before and during the announcement of corporate misconduct. However, there was no significant change in their number after the announcement. Retail investors did not sell fraudulent stocks that have already lost significant value after the public announcement of corporate misconduct.  相似文献   

Recent research has suggested that individual share investors fall into a number of groups with distinct preferences for particular share characteristics. The majority are relatively risk-averse and seek stable investments. An important source of advice for these investors is their stockbroker. But, how well do stockbrokers understand their clients' attitudes and preferences? The present paper suggests that retail stockbrokers overestimate their clients' willingness to take risk and to invest in more speculative stocks. As on-line stockbroking is providing significant competition to the traditional full-service broker, stockbrokers must understand their clients' needs. If this is not the case, it may be difficult for retail stockbrokers to give appropriate advice or for a fruitful adviser–client relationship to be established.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between stock splits and the ownership mix of firms. Previous studies suggest that firms issue stock splits to lower their stock price into an optimal range so small investors can more easily afford to buy round lots. The results of this paper show a positive relationship between stock splits and institutional ownership but no effect on the firm's number of shareholders. Thus, the percentage of shares owned by individual investors decreases after a stock split. The inverse relationship between institutional ownership and a firm's total assets suggests that small firms use stock splits to attract attention from Wall Street.  相似文献   

Using the ESG ratings of individual stocks in China from 2009 to 2020, we show that buying high-ESG stocks and selling low-ESG stocks earns positive and significant returns after controlling for the five Fama–French factors. Further, the pricing anomalies based on retail trading intensities can explain the returns. Further analyses show that ESG pricing power decreases as retail trading intensity increases. These findings suggest that when the dominant retail investors ignore ESG-related information, ESG positively impacts stock returns, but when these investors begin to actively trade the information, the impact declines or even turns negative. Our findings support the current ESG pricing theory.  相似文献   

In this paper, we argue that when individual investors can obtain information from public resources such as Google search, the degree of investor attention to a particular underlying company is positively linked with herding behavior for retail investors. Empirical results confirm that Google Search Volume Index can be a proxy for the information demand of uninformed individual investors. Empirical evidence also shows that reaching the price limit generates an attention-grabbing effect. Further, in general, small cap firms generate more intensive individual investor herding. In addition, we explore the asymmetric impact of abnormal search volume index on individual investor herding behavior for bull and bear markets, and confirm that the individual investor buy herding phenomenon is stronger in bull markets, especially for small capitalization firms. In bear markets, with greater price deterioration for large cap firms, we detect herding behavior on the sell side.  相似文献   

Among the various external information sources that influence individual investors' trading decisions, no research has considered the important influence of insiders' transactions. Retail investors might copy the behavior demonstrated by insiders' trading; therefore, this study establishes an approach to estimate the buying probability for a certain stock by a certain investor at a certain point in time and analyzes whether insider trade reports influence this probability. Using a sample of more than 270,000 retail trades in Germany between 2008 and 2009, along with more than 3000 insider trades in the same period, we find evidence of copying of insiders' trades by retail investors. The basic mimicry hypothesis holds, even when we consider an information event hypothesis and an insider attention effect hypothesis as alternative explanations. A robustness test also supports the findings.  相似文献   

This paper presents a test for the existence of high and low tax bracket debt clienteles. The test generates some evidence consistent with the implication of debt clientele theory that over time, firms' debt ratios should vary with the relative tax incentives for investors to hold debt. The results, however, do not support the existence of extreme financial leverage clienteles. Rather they are consistent with an incomplete equity market: low tax bracket investors hold the stock of highly levered firms and high tax bracket investors hold the stock of the low leverage firms.  相似文献   

We examine the impact of mutual fund ownership on stock price informativeness in China. Existing evidence shows that stock price informativeness is low in China, and attributes this to firms’ lack of disclosure incentives under the weak investor protection institutional environment. Mutual funds are more sophisticated and influential than individual investors to monitor firms, and thus serve as an external governance mechanism to improve corporate transparency. However, the impact of mutual funds in China can also be moderated by state ownership of listed firms, which reduces firms’ dependence on outside investors for capital. Indeed, we find that mutual fund ownership is positively related to share price informativeness, but this effect is less pronounced among state-controlled firms. The main policy implication from our findings is that mutual funds contribute to the corporate information environment of emerging economies but further privatization of listed firms would be needed to realize greater benefit.  相似文献   

目前在中国市场,信息披露质量是较数量更为有效的衡量公司信息透明度的方面。基于信息披露质量,我们分别以深交所上市公司考评中不及格和优秀等级的公司、沪深违规信忠披露公司及其配对公司作为两组研究样本,同时全面考察公司的信息透明度对投资者交易行为的影响以及相应的市场效应。两组样本检验结果一致表明,低透明度和严重的信息不对称是某些知情者诈取广大不知情的中小投资者利益的温床,并扭曲了资本市场的原有功能;从2001年至2004年,尽管公司信息透明度对大量中小投资者的股票选择没有显著影响,但其的确也帮助了投资者对所选择的股票进行定价。健全法律制度、培育理性投资者与信息中介、提高公司信息透明度,是促进市场有效的根本。  相似文献   

A Theory of Dividends Based on Tax Clienteles   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This paper explains why some firms prefer to pay dividends rather than repurchase shares. When institutional investors are relatively less taxed than individual investors, dividends induce "ownership clientele" effects. Firms paying dividends attract relatively more institutions, which have a relative advantage in detecting high firm quality and in ensuring firms are well managed. The theory is consistent with some documented regularities, specifically both the presence and stickiness of dividends, and offers novel empirical implications, e.g., a prediction that it is the tax difference between institutions and retail investors that determines dividend payments, not the absolute tax payments.  相似文献   

Previous studies support the hypothesis that institutional ownership leads to an enhanced systematic liquidity risk by increasing the commonality in liquidity. By using a proprietary database of all incoming orders and ownership structure in an emerging stock market, we show that institutional ownership leads to an increase in commonality in liquidity for mid- to-large cap firms; however, only individual ownership can lead to such an increase for small cap firms, revealing a new source of systematic liquidity risk for a specific group of firms. We also reveal that commonality decreases with the increasing number of investors (for both individual and institutional) at any firm size level; suggesting that as the investor base gets larger, views of market participants become more heterogeneous, which provides an alternative way to decrease the systematic liquidity risk.  相似文献   

Using the brokerage analyst reports released from 2014 to 2019, this paper examines the effects of the information role of brokerage firms and the information transmission role of the media on investor trading activity in the Taiwan stock market. Trading activity in the market can be categorized by investor types, including retail investors and institutional investors (foreign institutions, mutual funds, and broker dealers). This paper reviews the “buy the rumor, sell the news” trading strategy, which refers to institutional investors acting as early-informed traders and exhibiting short-term profit-taking characteristics. Notably, mutual funds have the best informational advantage among institutional investors, whose trading activities are significantly and positively related to the abnormal returns around the release of brokerage reports. On the other hand, retail investors may follow the trading activity of institutional investors without making a significant profit. The empirical findings are robust to include several firm and market characteristics. Overall, the empirical results provide in-depth insights into the regulation of brokerage analyst report disclosures.  相似文献   

Using high frequency intraday data, this paper investigates the herding behavior of institutional and individual investors in the Taiwan stock market. The study finds evidence of herding by both investors but a stronger herding tendency among institutional than among individual investors. Institutional investors herd more on firms with small capitalizations and lower turnovers and they follow positive feedback strategies. The portfolios that institutional investors herd buy outperform those they sell by an average of 1.009% during the 20 days after intense trading episodes. By contrast, individual investors herd more on firms with small sizes and higher turnovers, and they crowd to buy (sell) stocks with negative (positive) past returns. The portfolios that individual investors herd buy underperform those they sell by an average of − 0.829% during the following 20 days. Moreover, these return differences of both investors are more pronounced under a market with higher pressure and among small stocks. These findings suggest that the herding of institutional investors speeds up the price-adjustment process and is more likely to be driven by correlated private information, while individual herding is most likely to be driven by behavior and emotions.  相似文献   

Various techniques and sources of information exist to aid investors in predicting future stock returns. However, no effective proxy for retail investors, such as stock message board users, has been established. This study provides guidelines for creating an effective proxy. The heart of such proxies is sentiment indexes, and in the past the indexes have had low predictive power. Introducing four methodological improvements for applying text classifiers and two probability measurements, we contrast eight widely applied text classifiers to stock message board data. Based on the classifier results and incorporating our new methods, the new sentiment index proves to be a significant “same‐day positive but next‐day negative” directional indicator.  相似文献   

We find evidence that foreign asset divestitures announced by Korean listed firms lead to a decrement in firm value. Interestingly the divestiture announcements by firms with a large proportion of institutional investors, who hold advanced professionalism in stock investments, contribute to an increment in firm value, but ones by firms with a large proportion of individual investors lead to a decrement in it. Unlike the case of firms in advanced countries, our distinctive finding that the divestiture announcements produce a decrement in firm value around the announcement day sheds new lights on market valuation effects of foreign asset divestitures of firms in other emerging economies.  相似文献   

We show that the quality of information‐sharing networks linking firms’ institutional investors has stock return predictability implications. We find that firms with high shareholder coordination experience less local comovement and less post‐earnings announcement drift, consistent with the notion that information‐sharing networks facilitate information diffusion and improve stock price efficiency. In support of the view that coordination acts as an information diffusion channel, we document that the stock return performance of firms with high shareholder coordination leads that of firms with low shareholder coordination.  相似文献   

This paper explores the corporate governance role of retail investor attention from the perspective of corporate innovation. Using a sample of Chinese listed firms from 2011 to 2019, we find that retail investor attention significantly promotes corporate innovation. Thisresult ise robust to a series of robustness checks to address potential endogeneity concerns. I further conclude that the impact of retail investor attention on corporate innovation is mainly through alleviating a firm's financial constraints and deterring agency costs. In addition, such effects are more pronounced in firms with higher media and analyst coverage as well as those with more overconfident CEOs. The results provide empirical evidence of the corporate governance function of individual investors in the current digital era.  相似文献   

I find a strong negative relation between online search frequency and future returns on the Chinese stock market. I suggest that this effect captures retail investor overreaction to unexpected signals, because online search frequency reflects the efforts made by investors to obtain firm-specific knowledge. The effect is particularly strong in stocks with high information uncertainty (high analyst dispersion, big past earnings surprises, low analyst coverage, and large trading volume), whose intrinsic values are difficult or costly for investors to estimate. Online search frequency as a direct indicator of retail investors’ reaction to signals also sheds light on the idiosyncratic volatility (IVOL) puzzle. I find that this puzzle is more pronounced in high-search-frequency subsamples and disappears in low-search-frequency subsamples. Further evidence shows that high search frequency strengthens the negative IVOL effect in stocks with positive signals but weakens this effect in stocks with negative signals. I suggest that the IVOL puzzle in the Chinese market can be partially explained as a reversal following overreaction to positive signals by retail investors.  相似文献   

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