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从汇率预期角度研究我国股价和汇率之间的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
布雷顿森林体系解体之后,股价与汇率的关系越来越多的受到关注,研究二者之间的关系对于投资者和管理层都有深刻意义.自2005年以来我国外汇市场和股票市场均进行了一系列市场化改革,文章拟在此背景下研究我国股价与汇率之间的关系,采用格兰杰因果检验的方法从汇率预期的角度研究二者关系,实证结果显示二者长期不存在协整关系且同时不存在格兰杰因果关系.  相似文献   

关于汇率与股价之间的关系存在着两种理论解释:一是商品市场理论,认为汇率的变化导致股价的波动;二是资产组合平衡理论,认为股价的波动导致汇率的变化.通过对近年来国内外研究汇率与股价之间关系的实证文献进行了梳理,发现在此问题上不同的学者从不同的角度、根据不同的样本、运用不同的方法所得出的实证结果也不尽相网,主要包括这几种:汇率和股票价格之间存在正向关系、反向关系、Granger因果关系和不存在关系.  相似文献   

马超 《中国外资》2012,(4):230-231
布雷顿森林体系解体之后,股价与汇率的关系越来越多的受到关注,研究二者之间的关系对于投资者和管理层都有深刻意义。自2005年以来我国外汇市场和股票市场均进行了一系列市场化改革,文章拟在此背景下研究我国股价与汇率之间的关系,采用格兰杰因果检验的方法从汇率预期的角度研究二者关系,实证结果显示二者长期不存在协整关系且同时不存在格兰杰因果关系。  相似文献   

本文通过单位根检验、协整检验、格兰杰因果检验和方差分解等方法对次贷危机爆发前后的汇市和股市关系进行了实证研究.分析结果显示,危机爆发前汇率和股价之间具有协整关系,但是这种均衡关系由于危机的冲击而遭到破坏.从相互联系来看,汇率和股价的因果关系在危机前后都存在.而且,就互相影响的程度而言,危机爆发前汇率和股价之间的波动基本上都来自自身的影响,而在危机爆发后两者受到彼此波动的影响更为显著.基于实证研究结论,文章最后提出了推动金融市场体制改革和汇率市场化进程,加强证券市场规范化建设等政策建议.  相似文献   

本文采用滚动时间窗口的技术,基于协整检验和Granger因果检验的方法,检验我国股票市场和人民币兑美元汇率之间的联动关系。实证结果表明,股价与汇率之间长期均衡关系是随时间变化的。2008年之前,股价与汇率之间总体上不存在长期均衡关系,而且仅存在汇率到股价的单向引导关系。2008年之后,二者之间总体上存在显著的长期均衡关系,而且股价与汇率互为对方变动的Granger原因。运用阈值误差修正模型,我们发现股价与汇率之间的短期均衡存在显著的非对称效应。汇率对股价的短期影响要远远大于股价对汇率的影响。  相似文献   

本文采用滚动时间窗口的技术,基于协整检验和Granger因果检验的方法,检验我国股票市场和人民币兑美元汇率之间的联动关系。实证结果表明,股价与汇率之间长期均衡关系是随时间变化的。2008年之前,股价与汇率之间总体上不存在长期均衡关系,而且仅存在汇率到股价的单向引导关系。2008年之后,二者之间总体上存在显著的长期均衡关系,而且股价与汇率互为对方变动的Granger原因。运用阈值误差修正模型,我们发现股价与汇率之间的短期均衡存在显著的非对称效应。汇率对股价的短期影响要远远大于股价对汇率的影响。  相似文献   

李果 《中国外资》2011,(22):8-11
本文通过单位根检验、协整检验、格兰杰因果检验和方差分解等方法对次贷危机爆发前后的汇市和股市关系进行了实证研究。分析结果显示,危机爆发前汇率和股价之间具有协整关系,但是这种均衡关系由于危机的冲击而遭到破坏。从相互联系来看,汇率和股价的因果关系在危机前后都存在。而且,就互相影响的程度而言,危机爆发前汇率和股价之间的波动基本上都来自自身的影响,而在危机爆发后两者受到彼此波动的影响更为显著。基于实证研究结论,文章最后提出了推动金融市场体制改革和汇率市场化进程,加强证券市场规范化建设等政策建议。  相似文献   

本文主要基于2005年8月—2010年6月之间中国股市和中美汇率数据,对我国股票价格与汇率之间的动态关系进行了实证研究。文章以利差作为外生变量,结果表明股价同汇率有正相关关系,从而验证了流量导向理论。与前人文献研究结论一样,股价同汇率两者之间的关系非常微弱。  相似文献   

研究汇率与股价变动之间的关系对于防范金融风险在不同金融市场间的传递具有重要的现实意义。首次采用非线性Granger因果检验方法研究了我国外汇市场和股票市场间的非线性关系问题,发现股市周期和股市规模在汇率与我国股价变动的非线性关系中起着非常重要的作用,两者之间的非线性关系因股市周期和股市规模不同而表现各异。此外,实证结果在一定程度上能够反映我国金融市场仍处于不成熟且资本受到管制阶段这一事实,因而我国政府应进一步放开资本管制,增强人民币汇率弹性,进而充分发挥金融市场的现代职能。  相似文献   

金融危机背景下中国股市和汇市关联效应的实证   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用协整检验、Granger因果检验、向量误差修正模型、方差分解等对金融危机发生前和金融危机发生后中国汇市和股市的关联效应进行实证研究,结果表明无论从短期还是从长期看,金融危机发生前汇率是股价的单向Granger原因,汇率对股价波动的影响较大,股价对汇率的波动影响很小。而在金融危机发生后,汇率和股价存在着双向的因果关系,汇率对股价波动的影响以及股价对汇率波动的影响都较大。金融危机发生后汇市和股市的关联效应明显增强。  相似文献   

This work is the first to investigate simultaneously the occurrence of unconditional currency risk pricing and equity market segmentation in Africa’s major stock markets. The multi-factor asset pricing theory provides the theoretical framework for our model. We find strong evidence suggesting that Africa’s equity markets are partially segmented. However, we find insufficient evidence to reject the hypothesis that foreign exchange risk is not unconditionally priced in Africa’s stock markets. This result is robust to alternative foreign exchange rate-adjusted return measures. These findings suggest that international investors can diversify into Africa’s equity markets without worrying about unconditional risks associated with foreign exchange rate fluctuations.  相似文献   

We develop a flexible and analytically tractable framework which unifies the valuation of corporate liabilities, credit derivatives, and equity derivatives. We assume that the stock price follows a diffusion, punctuated by a possible jump to zero (default). To capture the positive link between default and equity volatility, we assume that the hazard rate of default is an increasing affine function of the instantaneous variance of returns on the underlying stock. To capture the negative link between volatility and stock price, we assume a constant elasticity of variance (CEV) specification for the instantaneous stock volatility prior to default. We show that deterministic changes of time and scale reduce our stock price process to a standard Bessel process with killing. This reduction permits the development of completely explicit closed form solutions for risk-neutral survival probabilities, CDS spreads, corporate bond values, and European-style equity options. Furthermore, our valuation model is sufficiently flexible so that it can be calibrated to exactly match arbitrarily given term structures of CDS spreads, interest rates, dividend yields, and at-the-money implied volatilities.  相似文献   

We analyze exchange rates along with equity quotes for 3 German firms from New York (NYSE) and Frankfurt (XETRA) during overlapping trading hours to see where price discovery occurs and how stock prices adjust to an exchange rate shock. Findings include: (a) the exchange rate is exogenous with respect to the stock prices; (b) exchange rate innovations are more important in understanding the evolution of NYSE prices than XETRA prices; and (c) most (but not all) of the fundamental or random walk component of firm value is determined in Frankfurt.  相似文献   

This paper develops a direct, explicit model for the role of exchange rate fluctuations in international stock markets and examines how and to what extent volatility and correlations in equity markets are influenced by exchange rate fluctuations. Evidence presented in this paper indicates that a higher foreign exchange rate variability mostly increases local stock market volatility but decreases volatility for the US stock market. The extent to which stock market volatility is influenced by foreign exchange variability is greater for local markets than for the US market, due to the fact that exchange rate changes are more strongly correlated with local equity market returns than the US market returns. We find that a higher exchange rate fluctuation marginally decreases the US/local equity market correlation. While exchange rate fluctuations held a relatively large fraction of the variation in local stock market returns, there was no significant influence on the US/local equity market correlation.  相似文献   

We conduct a unique test of adverse selection in the equity issuance process. While common stock is the dominant means of payment in bank mergers, stock acquisition agreements provide target shareholders with varying degrees of protection against adverse price movements in the bidder's stock between the time of the merger agreement and the time of merger completion. We show that it is the degree of protection against adverse price changes and not the percent of stock offered in a bank merger that explains bidder merger announcement abnormal returns. This result is difficult to explain outside of an adverse selection framework.  相似文献   

通过运用协整检验和格兰杰因果检验对汇率制度改革后中国大陆、台湾、香港的股市与汇市关系的实证结果表明,中国大陆汇市与股市存在长期稳定的协整关系,短期相互影响明显;台湾汇市与股市只存在短期的相互效应;香港数据表明两者不存在因果关系,但方差分解显示股市变动对汇率波动有一定的冲击效应.  相似文献   

Most of previous studies on stock price informativeness tend to focus on the context of mature stock markets while this issue is more acute in emerging equity markets where regulatory and institutional structure are weak. This paper examines the relationship between foreign ownership and stock price informativeness in Vietnam stock market. We utilize a data set covering firm attributes of non-financial firms listed on the Ho Chi Minh City stock exchange over the period 2007–2015. Employing different estimation techniques for panel data, the empirical results indicate that foreign investors improve stock price informativeness in Vietnam stock market. The finding from this paper confirms the important role of foreign investors in emerging equity markets.  相似文献   

"不规则"联动汇率与股价的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丁剑平 《上海金融》2008,83(4):69-73
本研究综述2000年以来的对汇率与股价关系研究的代表性文章,认为即便两者之间存在"不规则"性,但还是可以从"不规则"中寻找出相对规律。这就需要模型设定约束条件。不仅要考虑经济体(或国家)和地区的对外经济的开放度和金融市场的成熟度,而且还考虑汇率波动(风险贴水)与股市涨跌(引起货币需求变化)各自为对方扮演的角色(时间段上)。由于两个市场定价的内生性使得现在的理论模型都处于"过渡性"。未来的希望寄托在汇率的货币主义分析法与跨期国际资产定价模型的融合。在实证分析方面如何突破协整以及向量自回归之类的框框有待新的非线性工具的开发。  相似文献   

外方股权转让是指外商投资企业的外方将所持有的股权按照一定的价格转让给中方的行为。允许外商投资企业自由转让外方股权是市场经济制度的一个特征,但在目前资本项目实施管制的框架下,对外方股权转让价款的运用受到外汇政策上的限制。为了规避外汇管理,企业利用交易双方的关系、定价机制的不完善,通过私下交割等手段运作股权转让价款,并将其滞留在境内,谋求人民币升值的收益,隐蔽性较强,一旦外汇形势发生变化,容易出现资金集中流出冲击实体经济的后果。所以进一步完善对此类业务的管理,具有现实意义。  相似文献   

Stock Price Indices are compared across countries in an attempt to explain why they exhibit such disparate behavior. Three separate explanatory influences are empirically documented. First, part of the behavior can be attributed to a technical aspect of index construction; some indices are more diversified than others. Second, each country's industrial structure plays a major role in explaining stock price behavior. Third, for the majority of countries, a portion of national equity index behavior can be ascribed to exchange rate behavior. Exchange rates explain a significant portion of common currency denominated national index returns, although the amount explained by exchange rates is less than the amount explained by industrial structure for most countries.  相似文献   

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