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The present study investigates awareness, factual knowledge, opinions, and risk perceptions of students from Turkish middle schools with regard to nanotechnology in a very general sense. The study was carried out among 1,396 middle school 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students. The students’ perceptions of and opinions about nanotechnology were elicited through a questionnaire developed by the authors. Students have some awareness of nanotechnology and most students had positive emotions and opinions about it. Students’ risk perceptions of nanotechnology and the influence of the demographic and affective domain, achievement in science courses, and science motivation on these perceptions were also investigated. The results show that, for gender, no significant difference was observed. However, for some of the demographic and affective domain factors, and achievement in science courses, significant differences were found.  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is students’ design productions as they engaged in designing and making a windmill model to lift a given weight. This work is part of a project on the development of design and technology (D&;T) education units and its trials among Indian middle school students (Grade 6, age 11–14 years) in different socio-cultural settings. Since D&;T is not a part of the Indian school curriculum, the students had no earlier experience of design. Our trials included an exploratory phase followed by groups of students producing technical drawings and a plan for the making action (procedural map) before engaging in making the windmill model. The paper presents findings from a qualitative analysis of urban and rural students’ pencil and paper productions, complemented by observations from video recordings of the collaborative engagement of these naïve designers. Students used graphical symbols, analogical, spatial and functional reasoning in their design activities. Choice of materials and tools, the nature of exploratory sketches, variety in design and attentions to issues of stability showed differences between the urban and rural groups. Some potential implications of D&;T units for classroom learning have also been discussed.  相似文献   

This study illustrates the use of the DEPTH model in the development of professional development for secondary teachers of Engineering. In the school context of Western Australia, Engineering is a new upper school subject which will be taught by Design and Technology teachers, the majority of whom have neither taught at this level before, nor taught Engineering content. The multidimensionality of the DEPTH model was particularly appropriate in identifying the range of felt needs of these teachers to address the new curriculum in Engineering.  相似文献   

Makerspaces are increasingly popular in K-12 schools, particularly when associated with STEM learning. Many schools are successfully entering the makerspace arena. Others face significant barriers in ideating their design, often resorting to tinkering, or the purchase of commercial kits as resources. At the heart of a makerspace is its intent, as well as anticipated learning outcomes. This paper proposes design as being the process-base of a makerspace, and the transformation of learner identity as being its core learning outcome. The literature is drawn together to present an overview of identity as it relates to learning. It draws on the Funds of Knowledge and Funds of Identity approaches to outline how makerspaces are able to operate as third spaces, drawing together experiences in both formal and informal education. The paper then presents a makerspace design approach that draws together three identity resources, namely material, relational and ideational. Literature on equity-oriented makerspace design and facilitation is drawn upon to describe makerspace design features organised by each type of identity resource. This design can initiate the conversation of educational makerspace designers that supports focused questions about the potential purpose, resourcing, structure and facilitation of school makerspaces.  相似文献   

本文着重阐述中等专业学校中体育教学与身体素质教育的关系以及在实施素质教育的过程中对体育教学的要求.本文采用文献资料研究调查,问卷调查等研究方法,对中专体育现状及教学内容、方法、组织形式和教育评价进行了相关研究.提出当前普通高校体育教育的不足和影响体育教学的主要因素.并在此基础上提出:体育教学应以健康第一为指导思想,以育人为目标,以终身体育为主线推进当前体育教育改革.  相似文献   

随着计算机的广泛应用,计算机教学日益成为现代教学的重要方法,在教学中如何让学生更好、更快地学会计算机课程,我在多年教学实践的基础上,总结了几条行之有效的教学经验,以供大家参考.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether the experiential learning of electronics subject matter is effective in the middle school open learning of robotics. Electronics is often ignored in robotics courses. Since robotics courses are typically comprised of computer-related subjects, and mechanical and electrical engineering, these three areas should be emphasized equally. Many studies reveal impressive learning of computer science and mechanical engineering, but clear evidence of the effectiveness of electronics learning in the higher order thinking skills of middle school students is still lacking. We designed three different robotics courses with electronics subject matter introduced through experiential learning. A parallel group design was used, where three different open learning courses were implemented for middle school students. Based on results of the first and second implementations, we improved students’ learning of relevant content for each successive step of the experiment. In total, 381 middle school students participated in all experiments and were surveyed using pre- and post-tests. The collected data were analyzed using a quantitative research methodology. The findings revealed that the teaching approach was effective. During the learning process, student interest in robotics increased, and overall achievement improved with a medium effect size (η2 = 0.13). The best results for the learning of electronics subject matter were found in the learning process (η2 = 0.44), where experimental sharing of electronics parts was the most evident approach used by the students. Examination of learning material structure in light of the shared electronics subject matter is analyzed and discussed and possible directions for future research are presented.  相似文献   

语文教学中的人文性应体现在语文教学的全过程之中。教学目标的制定要以人为本,立足“普通的人”,教学对象中的“人”应是全面的,一个也不能少。教学内容的确定应广泛关注人文精神,必须用人文精神的眼光对语文传统进行重新理解,应该教给学生初级的审美体验,以培养学生的同情、怜悯、血性和良心。教学环节的设计要重视以情动人,只有创设了融洽的情感氛围,创造了一种使学生感到“如沐春风”一般愉悦的教学情境,才能充分调动学生的积极性和主动性。总之,以人为本的教育理念是时代发展的必然要求。  相似文献   

International Journal of Technology and Design Education - The spatial ability is defined as the combination of some abilities such as imagining the movements of objects, mental rotation, and...  相似文献   

中职计算机专业课程考核改革,必须以"行业需求为导向",在抓好课堂教学的同时,走出学校,用多元化的考核方式和手段,培养个性化、有创造精神的实用型人才,从而实现高薪就业。  相似文献   

This paper takes as a starting point the proposition that social protection interventions involving food can be used to promote transformational change in family farming systems in sub-Saharan Africa. The purpose is to highlight the complexity of pathways to agricultural transformation associated with the seemingly simple idea of home-grown school feeding (HGSF), an idea that is increasingly held up as “win–win”. By reviewing the HGSF literature and the main theories underpinning it – structured demand, localism, family farmer development – we expose areas of inconsistency across the literature and programmes as well as possible tensions that may arise in attempting to pursue both market and social objectives in the same initiative. The arguments presented herein aim to provide a basis for moving towards clarity on (1) a theory of change for HGSF programmes; (2) the conditions under which HGSF programmes are more able to yield positive agricultural development outcomes and; (3) an agenda for moving forward on research and impact evaluation. This research agenda also speaks more broadly to important under-researched areas within the general social protection and agricultural development discourse.  相似文献   

International Journal of Technology and Design Education - In this research we explore the pedagogical affordances associated with the use of a 3D printer in a middle school classroom...  相似文献   

The recent economic downturn in Zimbabwe impoverished the majority of households. To assist vulnerable rural households improve their food security, the British Department for International Development implemented a seed relief program from 2003/2004 to 2005/2006 that emphasized recycling of maize open pollinated varieties (OPV). Using data collected from 597 households in six districts in 2006, this study assesses the effectiveness of the program in terms of its targeting of beneficiaries, the flow of information from participating NGOs to beneficiaries on the need to recycle the seeds, and the level of recycling done at the end of the program. The empirical results suggest that the targeting method participating NGOs use inadvertently excludes relatively vulnerable households while including large proportions of relatively well-endowed households in the program. The choice of varieties to distribute is guided more by the ecological adaptability of available commercial seeds and less by preferences of beneficiaries. Notwithstanding the fact that seed selection information is critical in encouraging beneficiaries to recycle distributed seed, not all of them received it. In conclusion, it may be stated that the program undoubtedly contributed to increased food productivity by vulnerable households but its overall effectiveness could have been enhanced through (i) the involvement of the beneficiaries in the choice of types of seed to be distributed, (ii) better targeting of beneficiaries, and (iii) improved information flow between NGOs and beneficiaries.  相似文献   

In this article the relevance of a set of 42 field-based measures of subunit performance is rated by 155 production managers and 134 marketing managers. The results suggest that customer satisfaction is an important criterion of production subunit effectiveness as well as of marketing subunit effectiveness. The sense in which we think of marketing subunits buffering production subunits in organizations is questioned.The authors are from Department of Management, San Diego State University and, School of Economic and Financial studies, Macquarie University respectively. They are grateful to John Brown, Bob Hinings and John Waterhouse for their helpful comments on an earlier draft of this paper.  相似文献   

针对Web研发领域一直面临前后端耦合问题,在充分分析传统的互联网前后端Web软件开发的基础上,提出了引入Node.js作为中间层来解除前、后端之间耦合关系的新解决方案。设计了新的架构模式指导Web软件开发,从而达到提高开发效率、提升代码灵活性、明确开发人员工作职责等目的。基于此研究,真实开发了一个基于微信的图书借阅平台,并以此作为可行性检验的依据,该图书借阅平台使用微信作为前端执行环境,提供图书借阅、图书归还、图书入库、图书浏览功能。系统采用B/S架构,Node.js中间层和后端程序在服务器中运行,用户关注微信公众号后,可以通过微信聊天窗口接收服务器端讯息,也可以通过公众号菜单导航到前端界面,完成图书借阅分享操作,交互方式高效简洁。  相似文献   

The accurate determination of where broadband telecommunication services are available in the United States continues to be a significant challenge. Existing data regarding broadband provision, such as that provided by the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) simply designate ZIP codes with at least one high-speed Internet subscriber. As ZIP code areas vary greatly in size and shape, the lack of geographic specificity as to exactly where broadband is available, particularly within ZIP code areas, confounds communications policymaking. Further, there are a number of additional geographic nuances concerning broadband availability that also inhibit empirical examination and policy generation, including the spatial limitations of digital subscriber line services. The purpose of this paper is to briefly review the issues concerning broadband measurement in the United States and provide an empirical analysis of several spatial data constraints that must be accounted for when interpreting and constructing public telecommunications policy.  相似文献   

While CSR and sustainability have been widely debated topics over the past decades, there is still evidence of unethical practices by businesses, as witnessed through corporate scandals across a number of industry sectors. This highlights the need for firms to collaborate to actively prevent malpractices and instead find ways to improve standards along the whole value chain. With the increased pressure from various stakeholders, calling for firms to address these issues in a collaborative and holistic manner, the development of models facilitating collaboration is vital. Taking a communication perspective, this paper seeks to improve the knowledge on how organisations can manage diverse stakeholders to improve value chain collaboration towards more sustainable practices. Based on a multiple case study methodology, involving in-depth interviews with senior directors in the food and drink value chain, a framework is developed, depicting the value of a branded sustainability program as a useful platform for stimulating collaboration and co-creation from diverse and/or competing stakeholders. The framework builds on, and contributes to several literature strands including CSR/sustainability communication, coopetition and branding.  相似文献   

Increasingly, companies are using the licensing approach to acquire external technology as an alternative to internal new product development. However, the licensing literature presents lists of benefits and costs without identifying either their relative importance or the underlying dimensions. This article presents the results of a survey of Australian licensee firms designed to fill this gap in the literature. The results show that the major reason for licensing relates more to the immediate need to gain competitive advantage than the relative low cost advantage of technology licensing or having access to future technology. The major impediments to licensing are the entry and exit costs and the loss of decision-making autonomy resulting from licensor-imposed restrictions. Further, only two factors, perceived search costs and low cost market entry advantage of licensing appear to vary among the industries studied. Future research and managerial implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

Although researchers recognize the need for established market-centered business models that address and satisfy consumer's needs, little research has been done on the link between a customer's perception and a business model innovation (BMI). We addressed this research opportunity by conducting a case study encompassing 394 respondents to explore how a BMI affects customers' brand perceptions, distinguishing between their brand trust, brand loyalty, and brand equity. We conceptualize a BMI from an industrial network perspective and decompose the effect of different BMI dimensions: value offering innovation (VOI), value architecture innovation (VAI), and revenue model innovation (RMI). Our results show that a VOI has a positive impact on brand equity and a negative impact on brand loyalty. Further, a VAI has an inverted u-shaped relationship with brand trust, whereas an RMI has a positive impact on brand trust. In turn, brand trust fully mediates the relationships between an RMI and brand loyalty and an RMI and brand equity. Our insights contribute to BMI research from a customer-centric perspective. In particular, we extend our knowledge of BMIs by offering a more granular understanding of how different BMI dimensions affect a customer's brand perceptions. We contribute to industrial networks literature by offering rich and novel insights to purposefully manage an industrial network's BMI.  相似文献   

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