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Liu Xinyuan, Molecular Biologist,was born on November 1927 in Hunan Province, China. He has published more than 280 papers and compiled 8 volumes of Liu Xinyuan‘s collected papers and got more than 30 times different awards, among them, there are many first or second class award,therefore, he was elected as an Academician of Chinese Academy of Science in 1992, as a Foreign Academician of National Academy of Ukraine in 1992, as an Academician of The Third World Academy of Science in 2001. Now he has been laureated three Academicians.……  相似文献   

轻松放下8848的王峻涛又在做着6688的电子商务业务,这个“中国电子商务第一人”究竟是“落魄英雄”还是“真的勇士”?  相似文献   

2020年在一波三折中渐行渐远,广告营销行业也是历经波澜起伏,在各种风口消失之后,企业开始回归品牌价值打造的原点。来势汹汹的新冠疫情,使诸多行业在这场没有硝烟的战斗中受到巨大冲击,很多品牌在疫情中挺身而出,创造出很多可歌可泣的感人故事。  相似文献   

王艳波  高闯  胡登峰 《财贸研究》2019,30(8):88-100
选取2008—2012年间IPO的514家民营上市公司为研究样本,考察创始人掌握企业经营控制权对上市公司业绩的影响,以及这种影响如何因"关键性资源"的不同而发生改变。实证分析结果显示:总体上,创始人掌握经营控制权有助于提升公司业绩并保持业绩的稳定,而且这种影响的长期效应大于短期效应;创始人掌握经营控制权对企业业绩的影响随着创始人知识型资源的增加而提升,随关系性资源的增加而减弱。研究不仅拓展了公司治理控制权领域的文献,同时也为成长中面临控制权争夺风险的创始人公司控制权机制创新、融资选择提供了一定的管理启示。  相似文献   

This study integrates organizational identity (OI) theory and upper echelons theory to explore the impact of CEOs’ founder status on corporate social irresponsibility (CSI). We theorize that compared with other CEOs, a founder CEO is more likely to generate a high degree of OI with the firm, which will drive the founder CEO to actively avoid CSI that may damage the positive image and long-term development of the firm. Furthermore, we argue that CEO duality and CEO ownership will strengthen the aforementioned relationship by increasing the possibility of founder CEOs generating a high degree of OI. Conversely, CEO underpayment will weaken the relationship between founder status and CSI by decreasing the possibility of founder CEOs generating a high degree of OI. We obtained empirical evidence in support of our arguments from a large Chinese private listed company dataset. Overall, this study’s theory and evidence clearly show that founder status and personal incentives can jointly shape CEOs’ CSI decisions, thereby providing useful insights for corporate shareholders and government agencies to better prevent and govern firms’ CSI.  相似文献   

邵亦波 《商界》2009,(3):46-47
一个企业的成功,是很多因素相乘的结果。放眼世界上占住翘楚地位的产品,他们的CEO或创始人都是注重产品,不放权的疯子。  相似文献   

金光风 《大经贸》2002,(5):84-85
作为大陆首富,刘永行的一举一动似乎都牵动着其他投资者的目光.他富有传奇色彩的创业故事成为民营企业的佳话.记者在与刘永行接触中发现,在创业过程中,让他投入更多精力的事业是产业"转型".  相似文献   

创业创始人团队(EFT)相比单一创业者,可以为新生企业带来多样性的资源,成为新生企业生存和发展的重要基础。随着新生企业的发展,EFT成员变动成为一个普遍的现象,包括成员退出和成员进入。创业者只有正确理解和把握EFT在企业成长过程中的这种动态变化性,才能更好地应对EFT随着企业发展可能出现的不平衡问题,使EFT为新生企业的持续成长提供适应企业发展阶段的适当管理模式和资源支持。  相似文献   

王赟  平一  李志刚 《中国市场》2011,(51):44-47
他被誉为"联想教父"、"中国企业家之父"。他的财富在富豪榜上排不上号,但每逢企业家们聚会时,大家会很自觉地将他排在第一位。美国《时代》杂志曾将他评为"全球25位最具影响力的商业领袖"之一。  相似文献   

Founder personality traits (FPT's in short) play unique roles in a start-up organization's brand identity construction (BIC in short) and hence merit more research attention (Miller 2015). Here, startup FPT's are theorized to play three different roles that give rise to three different startup brand identities because of start-ups' BIC.

The first role played by startup FPT's is an indirect one that gives rise to a startup brand identity called a sticky identity. In order to build the sticky identity, we propose that startups focus on innovative product features regardless of FPT. The second role played by startup FPT's is a long-term-oriented direct one that gives rise to a startup identity called a static identity. In order to build the static identity we propose that startups with joiner-cultured FPT's focus on long-term gains such as loyalty. The third role played by startup FPT's is a short-term-oriented direct one that gives rise to a startup identity called a fluid identity. In order to build the fluid identity we propose that startups with non-joiner cultured FPT's focus on short-term gains such as transient, sporadic, but profitable transactions.  相似文献   

园林树木的养护管理,在绿化建设中极其重要.这个养包括两个方面:一是养护,根据树木不同的生长需要和特定要求,及时采取施肥、修剪、防治病虫害、灌水、中耕除草等园艺技术措施.;二是管理,如绿地的清扫保洁等园务管理工作等.  相似文献   

国有投资公司存在的问题与政策化改革思路   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
国有投资公司是投资体制改革的产物,对弥补市场缺陷,引导民间投资具有极其重要的作用.我国加入世界贸易组织、深化投融资体制改革、推进国有资产管理体制改革以及政府职能转变,既为国有投资公司改革与发展带来了新的任务和机遇,也带来了新的挑战.我们认为,国有投资公司下一步发展方向面临三种选择:一是继续作为国有投资公司或国有投资控股公司存在;二是在保留国有性质的同时放弃投资功能,逐渐发展成为国有资产经营公司;三是在保留投资功能的同时实行股权多元化,改组成为股份制投资控股公司.从投融资体制改革和政府职能转变的要求来看,下一步继续以国有制存在的国有投资公司必须也只能是政策性投资公司,可赋予其特殊职能,并由政府给予一定的扶持和补贴.  相似文献   

品牌内涵的发展与品牌创建者的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着卖方市场向买方市场的转变,品牌内涵在向前发展,其创建者也发生了很大的变化。品牌内涵的发展与品牌创建者的变化是相应的。品牌由推销型品牌向营销型品牌发展经历了五个阶段,品牌创建者的变化也经历了五个阶段。  相似文献   

<正>【人物简介】●陈丹霞广州立白企业集团化妆品事业部总经理、上海新高姿化妆品有限公司总经理、广州澳希亚实业有限公司总经理、澳大利亚澳希亚集团有限公司董事总经理。2008年掌舵上海新高姿至今,带领品牌迅速晋升中国十大最有价值的化妆品品牌之一的行列,并在2009年全球金融危机时,实现品牌逆势飞扬的销售奇迹。  相似文献   

This paper relates the origin, the principles and the evolution of the financial participation in HBK-Spaarbank. This participation in the capital is concretized by the cooperative company Personnel Cooperative HBK. Founded in 1979, this cooperative company which represents all workers of HBK-Spaarbank has now become a very significant shareholder. At present it owns 22.50 % of the capital of the savings bank.  相似文献   

保险资金运用是我国现代保险业得以生存和发展的重要支柱。如何加强保险资金运用已成为一个重要课题。本文分析了保险资金运用的方式、原则,并提出了完善保险资金运用的建议。  相似文献   

Before 1966,there was no specialized average adjustment organization in China,nor was there any general average adjuster.As a result,all general average cases relating to Chinese ships,including those chartered from abroad were dealt with by foreign average adjusters.checked and Changlin.  相似文献   

美国Becwood公司以中国定西陇海公司出口的有机菊粉受水污染为由,单方面解除订单下第三批和第四批的货物。中国定西陇海公司在美国法院起诉,告美国公司违约和欺诈,要求就损害进行赔偿。美国公司提出反对动议。美国法院认为,中国公司没有提供因取消第三批货物和第四批货物而造成的损害的时价,因而损害不存在。本文对该案的案情、法院推理进行了归纳整理,并就该案涉及到的《联合国国际货物销售公约》相关条文进行了分析,指出了美国法院分析中可能存在的错误。  相似文献   

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