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杨琳  唐洁 《经济研究导刊》2011,(31):135-136
目前,公交基础设施用地的综合利用率比较低,综合开发程度不高。由于公交基础设施用地的粗放经营,使得公交基础设施整体的管理效益不高,从而对公交基础设施本身的维护造成资金上的影响。针对目前城市公交基础设施的土地利用模式存在的问题,从城市土地经济学的角度进行了分析,提出了公共交通基础设施用地创新模式,并阐述了研究公共交通基础设施用地创新模式的意义。  相似文献   

随着济南市创建公交都市进程的逐步推进,济南公共交通文化也在逐步的发展,为公共交通注入了新的活力。以济南市公交文化为主要研究对象。研究不仅围绕公交企业如何运用良好措施来加强公交文化建设提升企业形象,还进一步对建设具有城市特色的公共交通文化提出建议。  相似文献   

近年来,桐乡社会经济迅速发展,居民生活水平不断提高,交通流量快速增长,桐乡公共交通作为可持续发展的交通出行方式,公共交通的发展大有作为。紧随城市发展,桐乡交通体系也处于飞跃的关键阶段。然而,作为重要的城市基础设施,桐乡现状公交发展缓慢,存在着一系列问题,现有公交服务水平和整体形象亟待提升,因此必须加强桐乡市城市公共交通规划。  相似文献   

随着经济水平的提高和社会的不断进步,公共交通已成为城市居民出行的主要选择之一,公共交通具有环保、便捷、便宜等优势,然而由于公共交通的公益性质的属性,导致一些公交企业在运行过程中出现一些难以避免的财务风险,这些给公交公司的经营带来了很大的阻力,因此,必须加强对公交企业的财务风险的管控,才能更好的促进公交企业的发展.  相似文献   

随着交通、能源污染等问题的日趋严重,公共交通的作用越来越显著。设立公交周,无车日和公交专用线路都是突出公交地位的重要举措。从发达国家和地区的经验来着,限制私用车,优先发展公共交通是解决城市交通拥挤及环境污染的有效途径。  相似文献   

张克军 《时代经贸》2013,(14):113-113
城市公共交通基础设施,是保障公共交通运营和服务社会各项经济建设的基本要素,其发展状况如何,直接影响到公共交通的服务质量和行业形象。本文根据公共交通基础设施的现状和存在的问题对策分析探讨。  相似文献   

张克军 《时代经贸》2013,(13):113-113
城市公共交通基础设施,是保障公共交通运营和服务社会各项经济建设的基本要素,其发展状况如何,直接影响到公共交通的服务质量和行业形象。本文根据公共交通基础设施的现状和存在的问题对策分析探讨。  相似文献   

乔刚 《经济论坛》2014,(3):46-49
河北省地处环渤海中心地带,区位优势得天独厚,要制定长远的交通发展战略,打造环渤海交通中心。一是发展立体大交通;二是打破城市壁垒,实现全省无障碍通行;三是加强信息化、智能化交通建设;四是发展绿色交通,创建"慢行交通系统";五是发展公共交通,实行公交优先。此外,要建设平安交通,整治超限超载超速等严重交通违法行为。要规划建设高等级城市快速路,加强农村公路建设,完善城乡公交线网布局。  相似文献   

城市公共交通是事关民众日常出行的重要基础设施,具有公益性、规模竞争、消费上的兼容性以及可排他性等特征、面对城市的不断发展和公众日益强烈的要求,许多城市对公交行业进行了民营化改革,改变长期了以来采用政府垄断、财政补贴运营的经营模式:但是,我国公交民营化仍面临着规章制度不到位、监管不到位、配套制度不到位等问题,对此我们必须采取相应的对策予以解决.  相似文献   

城市建设中的各种公共交通设施、给水、排水、燃气、城市防洪、环境卫生及照明等基础设施建设是城市生存和发展必不可少的物质基础.是提高人民生活水平和对外开放的基本条件.当前,市政工程施工企业间的竞争性加强,若要占有更多的市场份额取得更好的经济效益,成本管理工作就显得特别重要.  相似文献   

在国家优先发展公共交通的政策引导下,如何优化城市公园布局与公交网络的空间关系,提高公园的公交可达性,成为城市建设过程中所面临的现实课题。首先,依据公交站点与城市公园入口100m空间距离,将其划分为接入点与连接点,依据相同路线的公交线路数量构建邻接矩阵,初步确立了公交网络结构模型。其次,从可达性和连接性2个方面提取了公交网络中心性模型的4个自变量因子,其中表征可达性的度数中心度、接近中心度和中间中心度3个自变量因子,定量反映了城市公园在公交网络中的区位条件;其中表征连接性的聚类系数,定量反映了公交连接点与接入点的连接程度。然后,通过自变量因子权重赋值,建构了公交网络中心性模型,依此量化评估城市公园的公交可达性。最后,应用公交网络中心性模型,结合哈尔滨道里区公交站线与10个建成公园现状进行实证研究,提出了在公交中心性空洞区合理规划公交站点及线路,而在公交中心性高值区增补城市公园的对策,以此促进公交网络与城市公园布局的空间耦合关系,提高城市公园的公交可达性,使其发挥更大的综合效益。  相似文献   

In deregulated transport markets, a firm's ownership status and management system represent an important issue. Property right theory suggests that productivity and performance are higher in the private than in the public sector. In Switzerland, providers of bus transportation are traditionally corporations, though a large part of their equity shares are still held by the public sector (federal government, cantons, municipalities). This paper examines the potential impact of ownership on the cost of bus service provision for a sample of private, public and mixed bus companies in Switzerland. The estimation of a translog cost model has been considered for 34 bus transit companies observed over 5 years (1991–1995). The results only partially confirm that if the private sector holds shares in the company's capital, efficiency is enhanced. In addition, measures of economies of scale and density are derived and discussed within the actual public transport policy.  相似文献   

采用基于DEA模型的Malmqusit指数法,以交通基础设施投入量和与之对应的生产要素运输量分别作为模型的投入、产出变量,利用2000—2012年长江经济带11个省市的数据,对长江经济带的交通基础设施效率进行了分析。研究结果显示:长江经济带的交通基础设施效率整体上呈下降趋势,改善外部环境可提高其效率。提出:要提高经济带的交通基础设施对经济的贡献,不应只关注交通基础设施规模,更应关注现有交通基础设施的运营效率;要提高经济带交通基础设施的整体效率,在交通基础设施建设上不应搞平均主义、进行广泛撒网,在区域结构上应倾向于长江经济带东部五省市和四川等仍存在交通基础设施规模效率的省市。  相似文献   

交通基础设施是为满足全社会经济生活中人与物的位移需求而生产出的产品,该产品具有显著的公共需求性与公益性。以公共产品理论为基础,从非排他性和非竞争性的角度可以判定交通基础设施具有公共产品属性,通过分析交通基础设施的消费机理深入探讨交通基础设施使用过程中产生拥挤现象的原因,可以否定交通基础设施为拥挤性公共产品的观点。此外,投资主体的变化不会变更交通基础设施的公共产品性质。  相似文献   

New or long-standing public infrastructure such as highways, airports, and ports of entry (POE) can increase adjacent property values generating a value premium for private developers and adjacent property owners. States and local governments aim to determine the geographic footprint and anticipate the economic value created by transportation infrastructure proximity and accessibility since it represents an opportunity to capture some infrastructure costs. Hence, it is desirable to understand the degree of correlation between transportation infrastructure proximity and changes in real property values in a spatial context particularly when defining economic development zones where transportation investments are planned and where governments expect to recover some of the infrastructure cost from increases in real property values. This research applies geographically weighted regression (GWR) analysis to determine the geographic footprint and quantify the impacts of transportation infrastructure proximity and accessibility on real property values in El Paso, Texas using a 2013 cross-sectional data set. The presence of spatial nonstationarity and heterogeneity confirms that transportation infrastructure proximity and accessibility might generate premiums on real property values, but that such premiums are not always positive and are occasionally negative. GWR shows that benefits from a transportation facility can be capitalized by non-adjacent parcels. Finally, GWR maps can help better policy development by estimating how much value is added by infrastructure proximity and accessibility throughout particular locations.  相似文献   

We develop a search-matching model with rural-urban migration and an explicit land market. Wages, job creation, urban housing prices are endogenous and we characterize the steady-state equilibrium. We then consider three different policies: a transportation policy that improves the public transport system in the city, an entry-cost policy that encourages investment in the city and a restricting-migration policy that imposes some costs on migrants. We show that all these policies can increase urban employment but the transportation policy has much more drastic effects. This is because a decrease in commuting costs has both a direct positive effect on land rents, which discourages migrants to move to the city, and a direct negative effect on urban wages, which reduces job creation and thus migration. When these two effects are combined with search frictions, the interactions between the land and the labor markets have amplifying positive effects on urban employment. Thus, improving the transport infrastructure in cities can increase urban employment despite the induced migration from rural areas.  相似文献   

The impact of the provision of public infrastructure on private economic activity is examined. Using a flexible functional form of a cost function with public infrastructure as an additional external input the paper estimates the shadow-price of public infrastructure services for the manufacturing, trade and transport and the construction industries. The results indicate significant cost savings that result from the provision of public infrastructure services. In addition, the paper investigates both empirically as well as theoretically, the question whether the neglect of the provision of public capital within the growth accounting framework provides an explanation for the generally observed productivity slowdown.  相似文献   

公共产品供给的"第四条道路"--PPP模式研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
唐祥来 《经济经纬》2006,16(1):17-20
PPP 是基础设施等准公共产品供给新模式。该模式依据公共产品理论和代理理论,依托私人部门的资金、技术和管理等优势,缓解了公共部门支出不足,提高了公共支出效率的新公共管理模式。PPP 的突出特点是公共部门向私人部门转移风险和私人部门向公共部门传递现金价格。我国已具备实行 PPP 模式的现实环境和管理意识。应重新界定公共部门,加强政府服务意识,加快公共管理改革步伐,通过 PPP 模式,减轻政府财政压力,提升我国公共服务的供给水平。  相似文献   

基于大区域尺度的大众交通旅游职能效应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
汪宇明  赵中华 《经济地理》2007,27(2):332-335
随着中国区域旅游深度发展、无障碍旅游区建设和人口跨区域流动量的增长,大众交通的旅游化以及旅游职能效应发挥程度的测度问题引人关注。从旅游发展与大众交通的复杂依存关系来看,旅游交通的实质是大众交通的衍生和发展,是大众交通适应旅游发展需求的产业延伸。旅游职能效应测度分析表明,中国大众交通的旅游职能效应在逐年提高,呈现出较大的区域不平衡性。其区域差异是中国各大区域经济发展水平、自然地理条件、竞争型旅游资源的吸引强度、旅客交通流量、专业旅游交通发展等相关因素综合影响作用的结果。  相似文献   


Indian women's labor force participation is extremely low, and women are much less likely than men to work in the nonfarm sector. Earlier research has explained women's labor supply by individual characteristics, social institutions, and cultural norms, but not enough attention has been paid to the labor market opportunity structure that constrains women's labor market activities. Using data from the India Human Development Survey (IHDS) in 2004–05 and 2011–12, this study examines how village transportation infrastructure affects women's and men's agricultural and nonagricultural employment. Results from fixed-effect analysis show that access by paved or unpaved roads and frequent bus services increase the odds of nonagricultural employment among men and women. The effect of road access on nonfarm employment (relative to not working) is stronger among women than among men. Improved transportation infrastructure has a stronger positive effect on women's nonfarm employment in communities with more egalitarian gender norms.  相似文献   

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