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I.IntroductionGlobalization,the emphasis on ecology,and the emphasis onknowledge are the three big tendencies nowadays.Global-ization means that the economies of the world are graduallybecoming an organic whole.Because of the free trade,all ofthe countries and areas must take the international market'sdemands into account,when they develop their economy.The countries or areas which can meet the demands of theinternational market will realize the values of their productsand get the chance of d…  相似文献   

小农是居住在乡村并在土地上工作的人(Peasant一词来自法语paysan)。根据这一定义,“小农经济”这个题目是要分析小农的经济决策和相互作用,他们与其他人以及整个经济其余部分的关系,决定他们经济福利的总水平和分配的因素,以及他们的地位怎样随着时间而变动或受政策所影响。这样,范围就很厂大,涉及到研究大约一半世界人口的经  相似文献   

This paper is to discuss management of competitive Intelligence (CI) from the viewpoint of knowledge management, in which the author creatively uses adapted SECI model to make explanation, and points out the different roles played by individual and organization in this process. At the end of this paper, some implications are given in respect with some fundamental problems with application of individual knowledge and organizational knowledge resulting from their idiosyncrasy, and orientation for CI management.  相似文献   

Consumer type and consumption need are analyzed in this paper. It is recognized that sustainable consumption accords with human's pursuing of well-being. Further, we analyze three types of realization models of sustainable consumption and focus onthe feasibility, realization process and policy measures of product service system.  相似文献   

Agricultural tridimensional pollution (AtriP) has multi-directional and complicated chains. Circular economy is found to be an efficient mechanism that can help control AtriP. The application of three circular economic modes in agriculture and its related industries call not only interdict the AtriP chains in different stages and different directions, but also produce greater ecological, social and economical returns with less input. Nevertheless, it is a complicated systematic engineering to construct and implement effective circular economic modes to bring AtriP under control, and it depends not only on the support of the relevant technology system, but also on the supports of the relevant policies and law systems.  相似文献   

1ARemunerativeViewofCrisis:TheGreatLeapForwardTheGreatLeapForwardwasthefirstandperhapsmostseriousendogenouslygeneratedcrisistofacetheChineseleadership.OneyearafterZhouEnlai shumiliatingapologyforblocking“rashadvance”,studentsandteachersatPekingUniversit…  相似文献   

During the 1980s there were many fundamental economic changes that affected Sheffield. The city lost 80, 000 jobs -about a quarter of total employment. This created wide social divisions across the City with whole communities being progres-sively excluded from job opportunities. Today, despite significant economic development in the area, Sheffield's GDP is only87% of the EU average - and we are surrounded by a region which has gone through a similar experience and is for themost part significantly poorer.  相似文献   

ModernizingtheeconomyhasbeenoneofthemostcontentiousandformidabletasksfacingChineseleadersinthemod ernera.SincethefoundingofthePeople'sRepublicofChina,Chineseeliteshaveexperimentedwithsemi-autarkicdevel opmentstrategiesthatemphasizednormativemeanstoenhance…  相似文献   

Abstract. Recent US microeconomic analysis indicates that good industrial relations might improve firm performance. Of late, it has also been claimed that the benefits of industrial relations quality – proxied inversely by a strikes variable – could also extend to the macroeconomy. Using cross-country data, we find that, independent of other labor market institutions, a lower strike volume is associated with lower unemployment. Although there is a separate line of causation running from unemployment to strikes, our analysis suggests that this is not dominant. That said, support for the notion that macro performance owes something to good industrial relations is, however, weakened once we formally control for strike endogeneity.  相似文献   

We explore the determinants of the Greek shadow economy, its interaction with the official economy, and its relationship with corruption. In doing so, we undertake — for the first time — an interdisciplinary review of economic and political studies on the size and determinants of the shadow economy, tax evasion, undeclared work and, moreover, of their relation with corruption in Greece in order to reveal the extent and complexity of these phenomena. We estimate the size and determinants of the shadow economy via a multiple-indicators-multiple-causes (MIMIC) approach. Our findings indicate that the important determinants are factors related to macroeconomic conditions, such as unemployment and GDP growth, and institutional factors, such as tax morale and the rule of law. We also indicate that the shadow economy and corruption are complementary and that the official and the shadow economy substitute each other over the business cycle. An adoption of policy based on these findings would lead to a successful transfer of part of the shadow economy to the official economy, would boost government revenue, and would eventually lead the Greek economy out of the depression that emerged as a result of the sovereign debt crisis.  相似文献   

Contrary to the situation prevailing in most of Europe and North America, Brazilian economics can be justly described as pluralist, an outcome frequently ascribed to the role played by the Brazilian economics association (ANPEC) as conflict mediator. A crucial episode took place in the early 1970s, when ANPEC chose to welcome the filiation of the heterodox program at the University of Campinas (Unicamp) against threats of withdrawal from one of its most prestigious members, the Getúlio Vargas Foundation. After characterizing the nature of pluralism in current Brazilian economics, the article uncovers the process that led ANPEC to adopt a “pluralist” attitude, and how this related to the Brazilian political context from the 1970s. The outcome was significantly influenced by the actions of other institutions involved in Brazilian economics at the time, notably the Ford Foundation and the team of Vanderbilt University economists working in Brazil under a USAID contract. Choices made within a delicate political context opened the door to the institutionalization of theoretical plurality as a stable feature of the scholarly community of Brazilian economists.  相似文献   

Based on the nature of Knowledge Economy, this paper discusses the necessity and urgency for Chinese government to adjust its functions in the new economy; presents some concrete strategies of taking good chances and meeting the challenges of Knowledge Economy, including creating and protecting intellectual property rights, enhancing knowledge management, solving the problem of fairness and efficiency, breaking down local protectionism and building national innovation system.  相似文献   

Atthebeginningofthenewmillennium,theCityofStuttgartisfacing newchallenges.Globalizationcoupledwiththeincreasingpacewillshapethelivesofallofusinthe21stcentury.Thischallengeneedstobeadequatelyaddressed.Toremainatthetop,actionisimperative.TheCityofStutt…  相似文献   

The paper studies the co-evolution of industrial turbulence and financial volatility in the early phase of the life-cycle of an old high-tech industry and a new high-tech industry: the U.S. auto industry from 1899–1929 and the U.S. PC industry from 1974–2000. In both industries, the first three decades were characterized by industrial turbulence: radical technological change, high entry and exit rates, and rapidly falling prices. However, unlike in the auto industry, in the PC industry technological change and new entry did not lead to strong instability of market shares—at the core of the monopoly-destroying effect of Schumpeterian creative destruction—until the 1990s, when the lead of the incumbents from the pre-existing mainframe and minicomputer industries was undermined. In both industries, stock prices were the most volatile and idiosyncratic during those years in which technological change disrupted market shares the most (Autos: 1918–1928; PCs: 1990–2000). Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: L11, 030, G12.  相似文献   

Based on the theory of rigid wage of Keynesianism, this paper discusses the influence of rigid wage on unemployment in China's transition economy, and thoroughly analyzes the traditional concept of workers in state-owned enterprises. Then the paper puts forward that in order to activate employment market, solve current problem of the large quantity surplus labor, supply-demand rule of labor market should be obeyed, and the rigid wage of long-term contract should be replaced by the flexible wage of short-term contract. The solution of unemployment will be of great significance for Chinese economy growth and social development.  相似文献   

International political economy has already been shown to be powerful to explain the global trade growth. In this paper we offer a brief survey of international political economy of trade policy. In addition to this, we also try to address three questions: (1) How does electoral competition affect trade policy? Suppose two parties compete for the power over trade policy, would the two parties choose the same tariff?. (2) We observe that the US tariffs decline over time, so do the declining U.S. tariffs lead to the fall of the Democratic vote share in the election? (3) What is the relationship between trade globalization and political liberalization? Put it another way, how does trade affect democracy? And conversely, how does democracy affect trade?  相似文献   

The construction Of ecological environment is one of the five significant projects of China‘s Western Development, and arranges in the first place. In the past few years, the constructions of ecological environment made much great progress, but exposed many urgent problems to be solved, Examining the gain and loss closely,  相似文献   

Chinese economic total quantity has leaped to the sixth m the world because ot the tast development for nearly 30 years, and become the world economics powerful nation gradually. The Chinese economic growth has influenced tremendously on the world economic development. Being Chinese close neighbor, how has the Northeast Asia be influenced? This paper will elaborate from the following three aspects: Chinese economic increase made China become important strength to promote the process of regional cooperation; Chinese economic increase made the pattern of Northeast Asian cooperation in economy and trade changed; competition and difference that Chinese economic increase brought to Northeast Asia. The increase of Chinese economic has positive influence on the economy of Northeast Asia, and is one of the powers causing the Northeast Asian economy to grow. At the same time, this kind of influence is mutual. In particular the economic cooperation with Japan is the key to establish the integration of the Northeast Asian economy.  相似文献   

Ghana’s status as a new oil producer raises questions about the developmental effects of resources, and the role of political institutions in these processes. The conundrum this paper addresses is the rather limited impact of oil exploitation in Ghana despite the country’s strong democratic record and internationally acclaimed oil governance legislation. The reasons for this lie in the nature of elite-based political coalitions and we root our analysis of Ghana’s hydrocarbons in the political settlements literature, which moves us beyond the ‘good governance’ approaches so often linked to ‘resource curse’ thinking. We also move beyond the instrumentalism of political settlements theory to examine the role political ideas play in shaping resource governance. We argue that inter-coalitional rivalry has generally undermined the benefits of Ghana’s oil but that a crude interests-based interpretation is insufficient to explain differences between these coalitions.  相似文献   

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