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本文以阿巴嘎旗巩固草原生态保护与修复、稳步提高牧民收入为目标,通过入户调研或对基层工作人员的访谈等方法,对实施草原生态补奖政策中存在的问题进行了分析.结果发现,因人均草场面积差距导致牧民补贴收益差异大,区域划分不够细致导致缺乏对重度退化草场的保护,暖季和冷季的载畜量标准差距过大导致不符合实际养畜规律,草原专职管护员少、监管技术薄弱导致监管难度大等问题,并结合实际情况,提出了相应的对策.  相似文献   

东梅 《北方经济》2022,(10):72-74
草原畜牧业是内蒙古自治区传统基础产业和优势产业,但是现如今草原畜牧业当中的问题越发严重。本文以锡林郭勒盟正镶白旗草畜矛盾为主,分析了放牧场不足导致草场短期租赁现象增加,草原退化严重导致牧草产量下降及草场载畜量等现状问题。并阐述了草畜矛盾给牧民生活带来的如牧民生产成本增加增收困难、牧民债务加重等影响。通过分析上述问题提出以大换小鼓励少养精养、改变生产生活提高牧民收入、提高牧民思想观念激发内生动力等对策建议。  相似文献   

草原生态保护补助奖励机制约束下,如何实现牧民增收,确定适度的养殖规模是一个重要的因素.本文基于内蒙古6个牧业旗县120户牧户的调研数据,对牧区肉羊养殖规模与成本收益进行了分析.研究发现:中等规模的牧户更有利于降低成本增加收益,而打造草原品牌是促进牧区生态保护和牧民增收的关键.  相似文献   

2006年的世界银行发展报告以“公平与发展”为主题,对公平的内在价值,以及公平对长期发展的重要性作了全面的论述。报告中的公平,是指在追求自己所选择的生活方面,个人应享有均等机会,而且最终不应出现极端贫困的结果。在一些根本性的方面,公平和追求长期富足是相辅相成的。促进公平竞争环境的制度和政策有益于促进可持续增长和发展。增加公平,在两方面有助于减少贫困:对总体的长期发展发挥潜在的有利作用,以及为任何社会的较贫困群体提供更多的机会。世行报告在描述不平等问题时,从国际和国内两个视角进行了分析。国家之间的机会不平等是十…  相似文献   

天然草原是我国重要的生态屏障。草原畜牧业不仅是牧民的重要生产活动和主要生活来源,也是草原文化传承、发展、繁荣的主要动力和源泉。近年来,随着以超载过牧为主的传统草原畜牧业的加速扩张和气候变化导致的生态环境的持续恶化,造成草原生态功能逐渐减弱、畜牧业生产经营效益日益下降、牧民收入增长减缓,进一步加剧了草原生态、牧区生产、牧民生活的“三生”矛盾。虽然国家和自治区十分重视对草原生态的保护,推行了生态建设、  相似文献   

土地收益平等是农村土地公平的根基   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
戴建春 《改革与战略》2012,28(2):85-88,109
我国农村土地集体所有,由农民分散承包经营,在一定程度上体现了土地的占有平等,实现了世代农民的梦想。但是,缘于城乡、地区之间主客观因素等的差异性,存在着事实上的土地收益起点、机会、标准的不平等,导致收益结果的不公平。要体现农村土地公平,就应当使土地均等占有,向土地收益平等转化,使耕种者能够获得平均利润。为此,应当提高农民的素质、利用土地所有权平衡贫富差距、善待城镇普通职工(农村务工者)等。  相似文献   

陈巴尔虎旗属于举世闻名的呼伦贝尔大草原,应该是水草丰美,牛羊成群的地方,却已经出现草原退化,并且影响牧民脱贫致富。目前,是陈旗面临抉择的关头,及时治理有助于恢复草原生态,牧.民也能够逐步摆脱贫困。否则,呼伦贝尔草原要是成为新的沙尘暴源头,后果不堪设想。  相似文献   

陈琪 《北方经济》2006,(2):20-22
如何认识草原.特别是科学地认识草原是科学合理治理草原的前提条件和基础.我国牧区改革的成效不尽如人意.主要是单线进化论的理念占主导地位.自觉不自觉的以单线进化论来作为认识和治理草原的理论依据。认为游牧是落后的.农耕是先进的。用农耕思维方式认识和治理草原.而忽视草原的生态系统和分类系统以及草原上的游牧民千年传承的地方性知识和民间智慧的运用.从而导致了不是科学地认识草原和治理草原.不把草原和草原学看作是一个独立的学科体系和管理部门.而是把草原和草原学置于农业大学、农委的管理体系当中,不把草原和游牧文化看作是一个生态系统和文化多元性的结构和类型.从而导致了在纯牧区采用纯农区的管理经验和理论模式。这就势必导致治理草原的非科学性。  相似文献   

关于改善贫富差距的意见 一直以来,中国老百姓作为社会财富的主要创造者之一,但由于在收益分配中处于弱势地位,不公平的转移导致了收益的不公平分配。  相似文献   

对锡林浩特市转移进城牧民适应性调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、引言 1999—2001年.锡林郭勒草原连续3年遭受自然灾害打击,春季旱灾、夏季蝗灾、冬季雪灾以及频繁的沙尘暴袭击.导致本来就因长期利用已显疲惫的草原加快了退化、沙化进程.草畜矛盾日趋突出,贫困牧民不断增多。为尽快遏制这种现象继续蔓延.2002年锡林郭勒盟开始实施“围封转移”战略.并提出“一转双赢”的目标.后来又发展为“两转双赢”。2006年盟委、行署出台了《关于引导扶持牧区人口向城镇转移政策措施的指导意见》,指出:引导扶持牧区人口向城镇转移,对于加快“城乡统筹、三化互动”进程。对于改善草原生态、增加牧民收入,让广大牧民群众成为工业化、城镇化的建设者、支持者。成为工业化、城镇化发展成果的共享者具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

王谊鹃 《改革与战略》2011,27(8):103-105,156
经过新中国60多年的发展,我国少数民族地区畜牧业取得了巨大的成就,但同时也存在固有的问题。文章分析了民族地区牧业发展存在的主要问题,如资源利用的有限性以及信息交流的障碍,并指出了应通过发展特色、政府特殊扶持、产业化以及引导牧民定居和加大城镇化建设等方式,促进民族地区畜牧业经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

根据国家的战略安排,东北老工业基地将在振兴中发展为新型产业基地。而东北综合经济区叉可以分解为东北重化工业经济区、东北高新技术产业区、东北粮食主崖区和东北农畜养殖区,在其总体功能价值取向下叉应当进行细化:东北重化工业经济区成长发展为现代装备基地,东北高新技术产业区提升为高科技产业基地,东北粮食主崖区建设为生态农业产业基地,东北农畜养殖区成长为农畜产品出口加工基地,分别阐明各自功能价值取向的现实基础、推进方案和产业重点,有利于通过优化开发使其成长为现代化、国际性、综合型、具有全国意义的东北主体功能区。  相似文献   

This paper investigates how land tenure reform has affected livestock production in the pastoral areas of China. County-level data for Inner Mongolia between 1985 and 2008 are used in a fixed effects model to disentangle the effects of land tenure reform on livestock production from factors related to market forces, grassland condition, technological development and environmental heterogeneity. The results show that the implementation of the land tenure reform slowed down the increase in livestock production, although it did not completely stop this increase. It therefore appears that land reform is in itself unable to offset the impact of other factors that accelerate the increase in livestock production. Moreover, the constraining effect of the land tenure reform on the increase in livestock production decreases over time, and ultimately disappears. Finally, the constraining effect of the land tenure reform was shown to be stronger on the increase of the livestock population than on that of meat output. This indicates that the land tenure reform has helped to improve livestock productivity.  相似文献   

This paper studies the effect of environmental regulations on border pollution reduction in developing countries' rural areas by taking livestock environmental regulations (LERs) in China as a quasi-natural experiment. Applying the generalized difference-in-difference-in-differences (DDD) method, we find that LERs are effective in reducing border pollution: the chemical oxygen demand (COD) and ammonia nitrogen (NH3−N) of the border counties are 21.78% and 39.51%, less than that of the interior counties. We document that the effectiveness of LERs in reducing border pollution can be attributed to the fact that LERs require local governments to make collective decisions in fighting livestock pollution. Further heterogeneity analysis finds that the reduction effect of LERs on border pollution is greater in the downstream border and underdeveloped areas. Our paper implies that the externality of border pollution can be internalized through collective decision-making between local governments.  相似文献   

As part of a natural resource accounting project undertaken in Namibia, livestock accounts have been drawn up and are being used to analyse the relationship between numbers of livestock, rainfall, land degradation, and economic and policy variables. Part of the analysis concerns an investigation into trends in cattle numbers, changes in cattle biomass and the productivity of livestock in commercial areas. Cattle numbers increased from 1914 until 1960, then declined steadily to half that number. This decline was at least partly due to deliberate actions by farmers to improve herd productivity and production efficiency. Although beef production did not decline over this period, productivity is still lower than potential industry standards. Range degradation (bush encroachment) may have contributed to this curtailment. This investigation has implications for an understanding of long‐term carrying capacity, land degradation and rangeland management, and for agricultural development policies in Namibia and similar regions in southern Africa.  相似文献   

The basic agronomy of government-sponsored transmigration areas in Indonesia's Outer Islands has often not been well understood. The soils are commonly fragile podzolie soils which quickly break down once the forest is removed leaving low levels of nutrients. Farmer experience in these areas suggests that the requirements of high fertihser and high labour inputs and the lack of adequate transportation and marketing infrastructure make a continuous food cropping strategy difficult to adopt. From the standpoint of soils management, input requirements and operator time costs per hectare, perennial crops, peanuts and livestock offer the best returns.  相似文献   

农村畜禽养殖废弃物资源化利用研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
规模化畜禽养殖废弃物是一个大的环境污染源,同时也是一个大的生物质资源库。文章以江西萍乡泰华猪场为例,对其生猪养殖猪粪尿等废弃物潜在的生物质能进行了定量计算分析。计算结果表明:年出栏生猪3000头的泰华猪场,其每年产生的猪粪尿通过沼气工程开发,潜在的生物质资源价值可达18万余元。这些生物质资源得不到有效的利用,逸散于环境将由资源变成污染源。泰华猪场的沼气能源生态系统工程把养殖、种植和生产、生活用能源相结合,利用沼气技术对猪场粪尿污水进行处理,产生沼气用于农户生活燃料,沼肥用于水稻、蔬菜种植,实现了猪场粪尿等废弃物的资源化利用,从根本上解决了猪场粪尿污染问题,有效地改善了所在小流域内的空气、农田、水域的生态环境,对农村规模养殖废弃物资源化利用作了有益的尝试。  相似文献   

With economic growth, the share of backyard hog production has declined in China over the past two decades. However, as backyard hog production fell in the rich, coastal regions, the backyard hog production from less wealthy, inland provinces has increased. In this paper, we illustrate the linkage between market development and patterns of household livestock production in rural China. The results indicate that rural labor and grain market developments have significant effects on household hog production. Using household‐level survey data, we find a distinctive inverted‐U relationship between backyard livestock production and the stage of market development. Hence, market developments might foster the contraction of hog production in rich coastal areas and at the same time lead to an expansion in hog production in poor inland areas.  相似文献   

There are gradations of poverty even in the poorest societies. This essay explores indicators that measure wealth differences between households in the same community. Ethnographic and other literature has been surveyed, to provide examples from major Third World areas. The most important single indicator is control of land, followed by other productive resources — capital equipment (tractors, ploughs), consumer durables, income (farm and non-farm) and livestock. Non-productive indicators include housing, consumer goods, fuel, ceremonial expenditure and diet. Methodological problems are examined, and the essay concludes with representative case studies that illustrate effective and specific use of indicators.  相似文献   

Livestock Pricing in the Northern Kenyan Rangelands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper uses detailed, transactions-level data and an innovative,structural-heteroskedasticity-in-mean estimation method to identifythe determinants of livestock producer prices for pastoralistsin the drylands of northern Kenya. The empirical results confirmthe importance of animal characteristics, periodic events thatpredictably shift local demand or supply and, especially, rainfallon the prices pastoralists receive for animals. Price risk premiaare consistently negative in these livestock markets. The impositionof quarantines has a sharp negative effect on expected producerprices in the pastoral areas, revealing that Kenya's approachto animal disease control favours wealthier highlands ranchersand consumers at the expense of poorer drylands herders.  相似文献   

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