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2008年10月11日,改革开放30年暨《中国财政发展报告》10周年中国财政改革回顾与展望研讨会在上海财经大学隆重举行。本次研讨会由上海财经大学公共经济与管理学院和上海财经大学公共政策研究中心联合举办,来自全国高校、科研院所的财政学界著名专家学者以及有关政府官员,出席了本次研讨会。会间,各方对上海财经大学公共政策研究中心推出的《中国财政发展报告》(以下简称《报告》)系列给出了客观的评价,并对如何更好地做好这项工作提出了宝贵的建议。  相似文献   

让科技创新思维与可持续发展理念植根于祖国花朵作为巴斯夫在中国可持续发展承诺的一项实践,我们希望‘小小化学家’能不断提高你们对化学的兴趣,从小培养大家科技创新思维和可持续发展的理念。我们也衷心希望,  相似文献   

40年风云跌宕《中国广告》是行业巅峰时刻的推进者40年杰英辈出《中国广告》是专业精英成长的启蒙者40年再启征程《中国广告》是广告领域开疆拓土的守望者1981年4月15日,第一家为中国广告行业发声的媒体诞生,2021年,《中国广告》迎来40岁生日,40载风雨历程,我们书写了行业的高歌猛进,总结了业内业外的先进经验,输入了域外的学术新见,记录了广告人的五味人生。  相似文献   

In the past months, Hong Kong has warmed up for celebrating the 10th anniversary of its return to the Chinese motherland with all kinds of anniversary-related activities. Concerns from all over China and abroad are mainly focusing on what changes the Hong Kong economy has undergone in the 10 years since the handover and what are the external and internal factors affecting Hong Kong. Authorities from Hong Kong Trade Development Council (TDC) have shared their views with China's Foreign Trade on Hong Kong's economic development in the past 10 years.  相似文献   

改革开放"40年,在苏州实现经济腾飞与社会全面发展的大环境下,全市商贸业经历了从计划经济向社会主义市场经济转变,实现了跨越式发展,取得前所未有的成就,为苏州经济发展和城市建设做出了贡献。苏州商贸业40年改革与发展,在深化商业体制改革、规划商业网点布局、建立现代市场体系、商贸诚信体系建设等方面取得许多成功的实践经验,值得总结和研究。本文对苏州商贸业改革开放40年历程、成就和经验进行了探讨,以期有利于苏州商贸业未来的发展。  相似文献   

October 1st is a time for the whole Chinese people to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.Foreign embassies in China are extending their congratulation messages to China's Foreign Trade,dedicating to the historic day that deserves our memory.  相似文献   

October 1st is a time for the whole Chinese people to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Foreign embassies in China are extending their congratulation messages to China's Foreign Trade, dedicating to the historic day that deserves our memory. This is the day when PRC was born six decades ago. This is also a time when all the countries in the world get together to dust the global financial storm off. At this moment, we are deeply honored to share their blessings with you!  相似文献   

2005 marks the 10th Anniversary of Austrian Airlines' flight operations to China. Austrian Airlines kicks off the celebration year with super attractive roundtrip fares from Beijing and Shanghai to Europe starting at RMB4,500 (excluding taxes and surcharges). The earlier the tickets are booked and purchased,the lower the airfares are for travel during the period from February 13 to April 15,2005.  相似文献   

2005 marks the 10th Anniversary of Austrian Airlines‘ flight operations to China. Austrian Airlines kicks off the celebration year with super attractive roundtrip fares from Beijing and Shanghai to Europe starting at RMB4,500 (excluding taxes and surcharges). The earlier the tickets are booked and purchased,the lower the airfares are for travel during the period from February 13 to April 15,2005.……  相似文献   

The year 2019 marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China,and grand national celebrations attracted the world’s attention.Chinese President Xi Jinping said that the celebration of the 70th anniversary is a grandiose show of Chinese strength and shows China thriving throughout the worlds’changes from the past 100 years.This big celebration shows to the world China’s great progress towards new achievements,and the united power of the 1.4 billion Chinese people.  相似文献   

闻潜 《消费经济》2005,21(6):6-7
二十年来,在《消费经济》的倡导和支持下,消费经济从无到有,而今已茁壮成长,成为经济学的一个重要分支,令众多学子敬仰。  相似文献   

自从党的十一届三中全会确定以经济建设为中心,在全国进行改革开放以来,中国社会经济发展已经走过40周年。40年来,江苏省商贸流通业也与其他行业一样经历过改革开放的初期阵痛、中期适应到近期发展的历史过程,在商贸流通业的体制改革、组织形式、社会贡献、销售方式等方面取得了巨大的成就,使江苏商贸流通业实现了规模、质量、效益的革命性飞跃。本文对此进行总结并展望江苏商贸流通业的发展方向。  相似文献   

入世五年来,中国用自己的实践和不懈的努力在WTO中树立了一个“重承诺、负责任、守信用”的大国形象。中国经济发展的成功不仅使中国对外开放进入了一个新时代,而且也促进了全球经济的繁荣,激励了全世界其他发展中国家加速向前发展的动力和信心。2006年12月11日之后,中国入世将迎来后过渡期,这既是一个阶段终点,也是一个新的起点。进入后过渡期的一个最重要标志是中国将从入世承诺约束下的开放转向WTO框架协议约束下的整体开放。因此,后过渡期应对入世的工作更复杂、更繁重、要求更高,我们绝不能因为目前国内产业尚未受到严重影响而放松警惕。后过渡期“进一步提高对外开放水平”的关键和核心是开放的选择问题,包括开放的领域、程度、时间表及进程把握。一个基本原则是从规避风险或风险最小化的角度,积极稳妥地采取开放措施。  相似文献   

欧盟绿色周:城市是解决世界环境问题的关键;报告与出版物;  相似文献   

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