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改革开放初期,"引进来"战略的实施使得包括主要发达经济体在内的外资对中国直接投资流入高速增长。然而,在中国加入WTO以来,主要发达经济体对中国直接投资却呈现出持续下降的趋势。本文在对1996-2012年主要发达经济体对中国直接投资进行实证分析的基础上,认为中国市场需求的持续扩张、企业生产成本上升以及投资国经济发展水平是影响主要发达经济体对中国直接投资的主要决定因素,而中国外资政策红利的衰减、人民币汇率升值以及投资国对外投资政策的变化对于不同发达经济体对外投资的影响不尽一致。为进一步吸引主要发达经济体对中国的直接投资,东道国应在继续坚持扩大开放的基础上对外资政策进行适当的微调以及作为投资国的主要发达经济体消除投资保护主义以增进双边投资等,是中国与主要发达经济体互利共赢的重要策略。  相似文献   

文章利用2003~2011年中国在72个代表性国家(或地区)的对外直接投资面板数据,基于扩展的引力模型,从投资国和投资东道国(或地区)的法治完善度与产权保护度等方面研究了法律制度质量对中国对外直接投资区位选择的影响。目前我国对外直接投资还处于发展阶段,资本的跨国流动存在较大盲目性。  相似文献   

随着美国经济危机席卷全球,各国经济遭受不同程度的影响,中国企业该如何在动荡的经济背景下落实"走出去"战略,分析对外直接投资环境有着重要意义.本文通过分析中国企业主要的投资国的环境,提出了中国在对外直接投资中应该注意的问题,对于企业今后的对外直接投资有着借鉴意义.  相似文献   

本文选取2017—2021年我国的上市公司作为样本数据,实证分析了银行贷款规模与公司投资效率的关系。结果表明:过度投资的公司得到较多的长期贷款和总贷款,过度投资的公司与投资不足的公司在短期贷款上没有显著性差;对于过度投资的公司,过度投资程度与银行短期贷款没有影响,过度投资程度越大,所得到的银行长期贷款规模和总贷款规模也就会越大;对于投资不足的公司,投资不足程度越小,获得银行短期贷款规模越少,获得的银行长期贷款规模却是越多;对于总贷款规模,没有出现显著性差异。  相似文献   

关于发展中国家对发达国家直接投资的一个注解   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
彭磊 《财贸经济》2004,(8):37-41
分析对外直接投资,一是要区分投资动机和投资能力,投资动机是出发点,投资能力是基础;二是要区分投资国与被投资国的类型,类型的不同使得投资动机和能力均有不同.本文首先在区分投资国与被投资国类型的基础上对文献中的投资动机和能力分别加以综述,并提出问题;然后,提出一个发展中国家向发达国家直接投资的简单动机--取得市场"领先者"地位,并对投资能力加以解释;最后,得出相关结论.  相似文献   

本文在充分梳理国内外对外直接投资相关文献的基础上,借鉴经济学的理论基础,建立了一个基于围绕中国的"一带一路"战略,来研究中国对外直接投资对贸易影响的框架,运用"引力模型"对中国向一带一路周边国家进行投资所带来的贸易效应分析,并由此引出外向型直接投资对拉动经济作用。本文利用2004年-2014年中国出口贸易流量与直接投资的截面数据进行引力模型的回归测算。实证检验了样本GDP、样本国与中国之间的距离、两国是否属于同一个贸易集团以及外向型直接投资对中国与样本国贸易的影响。结果表明:被投资国家的GDP越高,意味着该国的市场就越大、进口能力越强;被投资国于中国距离越短,意味着运输成本就越低,则中国外向型直接投资所带来的贸易所带来的正的影响就越大。  相似文献   

中国对吉尔吉斯斯坦的直接投资目前尚未成熟。本文在对当前现状分析的基础上提出了中国对吉尔吉斯斯坦直接投资的四个问题,包括吉方基础设施落后、金融体系不稳定、法律制度不健全;中文投资信心不足,经验不成熟,应对防范风险的能力不足等;基于以上这些问题,提出了中文如何助力吉方全面改善投资环境、中国企业拓展投资领域以适应吉方发展需求,双方加强人文交流等建议。  相似文献   

韩企非正常撤资与韩国对华直接投资分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩国是重要的对华直接投资国,韩国对华直接投资经历了初步进入、快速发展、缓慢下降和大规模增长等四个阶段,主要以中、小企业独资方式投向于环渤海地区和制造业;同时,存在着本土化程度不高、投资过度集中于制造业、平均规模偏小和投资取向不合理,撤资频繁等问题.为此,文章提出了我国应采取的相应对策.  相似文献   

对外直接投资对投资国的产业结构调整效应及其传导机制   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
对外直接投资(FDI)对投资国的产业结构调整有明显的正负两方面效应。一方面,对外直接投资通过发挥资源补缺、传统产业转移、新兴产业促长、产业关联和幅射、海外投资收益等方面的效应有力地带动投资国的产业结构调整和升级:另一方面。对外直接投资又加剧东道国和投资国重合产业问的竞争。而且对投资国的就业、国际收支平衡等方面带来负面效应并据此影响投资国的产业结构调整。对外直接投资通过影响投资国的投入要素、需求结构和资源转换方式等因素把这些效应传导给本国产业结构调整过程并进而影响本国产业升级的速度和效率。  相似文献   

本文运用引力模型检验了中国的制度变量(正式与非正式制度)对中国吸引外商直接投资(FDI)的影响.实证分析结果表明,中国的关税水平、汇率和政策变量对中国吸引FDI具有正的显著影响,而中国的开放度和知识产权保护程度对中国吸引FDI具有负的显著影响.政府廉洁程度虽然与中国吸引FDI呈负相关,但在统计上却不显著.  相似文献   

Multinational enterprises (MNEs) make investment decisions according to the distance factors at a sub-national level. This paper made estimates using the gravity model with provincial foreign direct investment (FDI) data from 2000 to 2012 and employed three concepts of distance. Our empirical results indicate that geographic distance and cultural distance have significant negative effects on FDI flow, whereas economic distance has a significant positive effect. It suggests that FDI prefers to locate in regions that are geographically and culturally close but economically distant from the home country, which further implies that FDI in China is dominated by vertical FDI. Our findings suggest that Chinese provincial governments should place emphasis on attracting FDI from culturally close countries and provide institutional support to encourage and promote horizontal FDI.  相似文献   

The extent of the economic distance between a firm's home origin and its foreign direct investment (FDI) is an important strategic decision for the investing firm. This study fills an important knowledge gap by investigating the home institutional antecedents of FDI economic distance. Drawing insights from comparative institutionalism, we argue that home-country states vary in both their power to coordinate the economy and the external and internal channels through which they exercise that power. These variations have implications on a firm's motivation and capability to escape external dependencies on the home-country state by investing in economically distant foreign locations. Empirically, using a dataset of 891 new international entrants from 2004 to 2011, we found support for our hypotheses that home-country state power is positively associated with FDI economic distance, and that the influence of the home-country state is contingent on the state's governance quality and its ownership in firms.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of foreign direct investment (FDI) on economic growth conditional on the institutional quality of host countries. We first develop several theoretical arguments to show that institutional heterogeneity may be an explanation for the mixed results of previous empirical studies. Second, using a panel smooth regression model on a large sample of developing countries, we show that FDI has a positive effect on growth only beyond a certain threshold of institutional quality. To benefit from FDI‐led growth, institutional reforms should thus precede FDI attraction policies. Additionally, some reforms seem to promote faster marginal effects of FDI, while institutional complementarities may lead to an incremental effect on growth.  相似文献   

This paper considers factors affecting survival of foreign subsidiaries in the context of Japanese foreign equity ventures in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Three new institutional variables, economic distance, economic freedom distance and subsidiary density, are examined as determinants of survival while controlling for other determinants previously established in the literature. The findings support our hypotheses. We found that economic distance and economic freedom distance exhibit significant positive and negative relationships respectively with the survival of Japanese FDI in the MENA region, and moderate positive relationship between subsidiary density and subsidiary survival.  相似文献   

Institutional quality is considered to be an important factor in boosting economic growth of a country. This paper explores the role of institutional quality in economic growth and more specifically the role it plays via the channel of foreign direct investments. This paper uses a larger dataset of 104 countries and applies GMM estimation method to a dynamic panel data to evaluate the direct impact of institutional quality on economic growth and the indirect impact of institutional quality on economic growth through enhancing the FDI-induced economic growth. This paper provides evidence that both FDI inflows and institutional quality cause stronger economic growth. The FDI-led growth, however, was only experienced in the low and middle-income countries. In these countries, better institutional quality was also found to be enhancing the FDI-led economic growth. An important finding of this paper is that in the high-income countries, FDI was found to slow down the economic growth. The results are robust and consistent for individual institutional quality indicators and controlling for endogeneity.  相似文献   

Foreign direct investment (FDI) may influence host countries, not only their economy but also their institutions such as political and economic systems. This study comprehensively explores these diverse impacts of FDI in the most centralized economy in the world, North Korea, by focusing on the Gaeseong Industrial Complex (GIC). The GIC is a special economic zone for FDI, especially from South Korea. Based on the thorough analysis of literature and data on the GIC, this study found a significant impact of FDI on North Korean economy, but limited impact on institutional reforms and military détente. Furthermore, this study attributes the limited FDI impact to characteristics of the GIC, type of FDI in the GIC, and the political system of North Korea. By observing several FDI effects on North Korea, this study provides a holistic view of FDI effects on a centralized economy and the implications for better understanding of FDI. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This meta-analysis attempts to synthesize and review decades of research on the relationship between institutional factors and host country foreign direct investment (FDI) attractiveness. Using prior tests derived from 97 primary studies, we find support for prior theoretical predictions that institutional factors such as political stability, democracy, and rule of law attract FDI, while others such as corruption, tax rates and cultural distance deter it. Further evidence suggests a need for exploration of moderating factors that may influence previous key findings. Specifically, environmental effects such as level of development, region of destination, and competitive industry environment have varying influence on the strength and significance of the relationship. We also explore a number of methodological and economic moderating variables, providing additional interesting insights into previous empirical analyses. We conclude with suggestions for future research that stress a call for further contextualization of the relationship.  相似文献   

To serve foreign markets, firms can either export or set up a local subsidiary through horizontal foreign direct investment (FDI). The conventional proximity–concentration theory suggests that FDI substitutes for trade if distance between countries is large, while exports become more important if scale economies in production are large. This paper investigates empirically the effect of different dimensions of distance on the choice between exports and FDI. We find that different dimensions of distance affect exports and FDI differently. There is clear evidence of a proximity–concentration trade‐off in geographical terms: the share of FDI sales in total foreign sales increases with geographical distance. The positive relation between import tariffs and FDI intensity provides further evidence for a trade‐off resulting from trade costs. On the other hand, the share of FDI decreases with language differences and cultural and institutional barriers. The latter dimensions of distance thus affect FDI more strongly than exports.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the factors determining foreign direct investment (FDI) location choices of Chinese multinational firms. We developed a conceptual framework that synthesizes traditional economic factors and institutional perspective. Then several hypotheses were developed in line with the framework and empirically tested using panel data of Chinese outward FDI to eight economies in East and Southeast Asia across a time period of thirteen years. Our findings suggest that institutional factors demonstrate a higher level of significance, complexity and diversity in determining FDI location choice in comparison with economic factors, while both types of factors influence the FDI location choice of Chinese multinational firms. We also found that the FDI location choices of Chinese firms have a dynamic nature, as statistical evidence indicates a heterogeneous response of Chinese FDI towards different economic groups and during different time periods.  相似文献   

We investigate the impact of civil war on foreign direct investment (FDI) flows to developing countries. We employ a new data-set that disaggregates FDI inflows to primary, secondary and tertiary sectors. Second, we control for a richer set of economic and institutional variables that could determine FDI inflows including population, gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, the degree of trade openness, exchange rate variability, inflation, the governance structure of the host country using International Country Risk Guide data and its regime type using the POLITY autocracy–democracy data. We also address the reverse causality between FDI and conflict and the potential endogeneity of explanatory variables by employing dynamic system generalised method of moments (GMM) techniques in estimation. Our results indicate that primary sector FDI flows to developing countries are not significantly affected by civil war, whereas secondary and tertiary sectors FDI are more sensitive to such outbreak, potentially leading to reversals of existing FDI. Among institutional variables, government stability and control of corruption are more significant compared to regime type, law and order, and bureaucratic quality.  相似文献   

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