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我国目前A股市场的发行管理体制,包括辅导、审核、保荐或通道等制度,很大程度上解决的都是合规性审查问题,没有解决价值判断或市场选择问题.只有发行定价以及与之相应的发行方式的市场化,才能最终解决上市公司的市场选择问题,做到依靠市场配置资源.  相似文献   

首次公开募股(IPO)折价是金融市场上一种普遍存在的现象,根据面临信息不对称的对象不同,将IPO折价的信息不对称理论划分为:与发行人与投资者之间信息不对称相关的IPO折价理论、与发行人与承销商之间信息不对称相关的IPO折价理论、与投资者与投资者之间信息不对称有关的IPO折价理论和与承销商与投资者之间信息不对称相关的IPO折价理论。国外IP0折价的信息不对称理论大多是在信息经济学框架下,基于资本市场的有效性假设而提出的,即假定二级市场对股票的定价是合理的,IPO抑价是源于发行定价偏低。事实上,影响IPO折价的因素很多,而这些众多因素的动态变化决定了任何一种理论都不可能很好地解释IPO折价现象。  相似文献   

当代全球IPO折价现象及理论综述   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
所谓IPO折价是指一个股票在首次公开发行(initial public offers)后,第一天的收盘价格远高于发行价格的现象.IPO折价现象并非是中国股票市场或新兴市场所特有的,实际上全世界的股票市场都存在此种现象,仅仅在折价程度上有所区别。表1列出了各国学对不同国家(地区)IPO折价程度的研究结果。  相似文献   

徐浩萍  陈欣  陈超 《金融研究》2009,(10):133-149
IPO发行折价是企业上市的一项重要融资成本。我们发现2002~2005年国有企业的IPO发行折价比非国有企业平均高出29.95%。已有文献大多从代理成本的角度解释这一现象,本文则从政策信号理论出发探讨其原因。政策信号理论认为,国有企业较高的IPO折价是政府在私有化进程中主动向市场投资者传递的政策信号,表明维护长期股权价值的政策主张。我们发现,国有企业中政府私有化意愿较弱的公司IPO折价较高;国有企业IPO发行折价与第一大股东持股比例、公司股权控制链的长度显著负相关,这些关系皆不存在于非国有企业;此外,国有企业,特别是政府私有化意愿较弱的公司,发行后长期股权回报显著高于其他企业。这些证据都与政策信号理论一致,而不能完全被代理理论解释。  相似文献   

首次公开募股折价(即上市后首日交易价格高于发行价)是我国证券一级市场上普遍存在的一种现象,本文从不对称信息理论入手,将IPO折价的起因归类为因信息不对称而引起的道德风险、逆向选择问题以及优质公司的信号传递这三方面,并对相关理论进行述评,最后指出中国的IPO折价研究需要结合中国的实际国情,不能照搬套用西方研究理论与经验。  相似文献   

王一凡 《时代金融》2014,(6Z):198-198
首次公开募股折价(即上市后首日交易价格高于发行价)是我国证券一级市场上普遍存在的一种现象,本文从不对称信息理论入手,将IPO折价的起因归类为因信息不对称而引起的道德风险、逆向选择问题以及优质公司的信号传递这三方面,并对相关理论进行述评,最后指出中国的IPO折价研究需要结合中国的实际国情,不能照搬套用西方研究理论与经验。  相似文献   

IPO折价现象的行为金融学解释   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
IPO折价现象是中外证券市场普遍存在的一种现象。国内外对IPO折价问题进行了各种解释,但至今尚未形成统一的认识。近年来随着行为金融学的兴起,国外有部分学者试图从投资者心理的角度对这一问题给出新的解释,其中具有代表性的有:反应过度假说、反应不足假说和自我归因假说。投资者应以一种理性的心态评估股票的价值,进行合理的投资决策。  相似文献   

我国IPO定价的实证分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
新股发行(IPO, Initial PublicOffering)定价是股票发行业务中的核心环节,定价是否合理不仅关系到发行人、投资者与承销商的切身利益,而且关系到股票市场资源配置功能的发挥。判断发行定价是否合理的主要标准是,发行价的确定是否以预期的二级市场价格作为定价基础。新股发行抑价是指新股发行定价存在低估现象(Underpricing),一般证券市场上都存在这一现象,根据一个对32个国家(地区)样本区间的统计,股票上市首日平均收益率达27.86%,这说明新股发行价格和新股上市价格本身还是有所不同。从统计数据看,欧美发达国家成熟市场的新股发行抑价程…  相似文献   

本文依据信息不对称理论对中国证券市场在询价制下IPO抑价的成因进行分析。本文结舍近期我国股市IPO的实际情况,对我国询价制下上市公司IPO抑价原因和应对策略进行探讨,以期为承销商提供有益的帮助。  相似文献   

摘要:文章结合有关[PO折价的几种理论与我国IPO的实情,对中国上市公司IPO折价原因进行了研究,认为IPO发行人、承销商和投资者之间的非对称信息是造成IPO折价根本原因。另外,政府、机构投资者及新股发行制度,投资者的过度反应行为是推动因素。最后针对研究结论提出减少我国IPO折价的三项建议。  相似文献   

The previous literature documents that insurance initial public offerings (IPOs) are less underpriced than those of noninsurance firms. This difference is usually attributed to lower information asymmetry for regulated firms. However, we find that once one controls for the file price adjustment insurance IPOs, both stock and mutual, are no less underpriced than other noninsurance offerings suggesting the book-building process resolves any such information asymmetries. We also find that mutual IPOs appear more underpriced than stock insurance IPOs, but this difference is related to the differences in pre-issue managerial ownership.  相似文献   

承销商托市与新股折价   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
引言新股首次公开发行(initial public offerings,IPOs)的高初始收益率(即上市首日交易价格高于发行价格)现象自20世纪70年代以来一直是财务学界研究的一个重要领域。我国的证券市场长期以来也一直续演着“新股不败”的神话,每一次新股发行往往伴随着巨额的申购资金和上市后的惊人涨幅。……  相似文献   

We study bidding by anchor investors in a two‐stage initial public offering (IPO) process and document a negative, causal relation between allocation to anchor investors and underpricing. We find that anchor investors are likely to invest in hard‐to‐place offerings characterized by valuation uncertainty. We also document a positive relation between allocation to reputed anchor investors and returns up to lock‐up expiration. Our evidence provides support for information revelation and targeting specific investors’ theories of book building. Anchor‐backed IPOs earn superior returns mainly due to monitoring. Who bids in an IPO seems to matter just as particular types of bids do.  相似文献   

We study the underpricing and long-term performance of A- and B-share initial public offerings (IPOs) issued in China during the 1993–1998 period. The average underpricing for A- and B share IPOs are 178% and 11.6%, respectively. The underpricing of A-share IPOs is positively related to the number of days between the offering and the listing and the number of stock investors in the province from which the IPO comes, and negatively related to the number of shares being issued. None of these characteristics explain the underpricing of B-share IPOs. In the long run, A-share IPOs slightly underperform the size- and/or book/market (B/M)-matched portfolios while B-shares outperform the benchmark portfolios.  相似文献   

Using a large firm-level dataset of 2920 IPOs from 21 countries we examine the impact of country-level institutional characteristics on the underpricing of IPOs. Through hierarchical linear modeling we are able to control for firm-specific and issue-specific characteristics and test whether country-specific institutional characteristics add explanatory power to explain the level of underpricing. Our results show that about 10% of the variation in the level of underpricing is between countries. The quality of a country’s legal framework, as measured by its level of investor protection, the overall quality of its legal system and its level of legal enforcement, reduces the level of underpricing significantly.  相似文献   

Underpricing and entrepreneurial wealth losses in IPOs: theory and evidence   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
We model owners as solving a multidimensional problem when takingtheir firms public. Owners can affect the level of underpricingthrough the choices they make in promoting an issue, such aswhich underwriter to hire or on what exchange to list. The benefitsof reducing underpricing in this way depend on the owners' participationin the offering and the magnitude of the dilution they sufferon retained shares. We argue that the extent to which ownerstrade off underpricing and promotion is determined by the minimizationof their wealth losses. Evidence from a sample of U.S. initialpublic offering confirms our empirical predictions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the premarket underpricing phenomenon within a group of venture-backed and a group of non-venture-backed initial public offerings (IPOs), using a stochastic frontier approach. Consistent with previous research, we find that venture-backed IPOs are managed by more reputable underwriters and generally are associated with less underwriter compensation. However, unlike other papers in the literature, we find that the initial-day returns of venture-backed IPOs on average, are, higher than the non-venture-backed group. We observe a significantly higher degree of premarket pricing inefficiency in the initial offer price of venture-backed IPOs. Further, our results show that a significant portion of the initial day returns is due to deliberate underpricing in the premarket.  相似文献   

American depositary receipts (ADRs) are negotiable instruments representing foreign company shares traded in US dollars in the US capital market. We present comparative analyses of the pricing and aftermarket performance of Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) by ADRs and a matching sample of US firms over the 1990–2001 period. Offered by large, well-known multinationals, ADR IPOs go through a detailed scrutiny, and incur significant costs, during the pre-IPO period to recast financial statements in conformity with SEC rules and the US GAAP. This mitigates the information asymmetry between the IPO firm and investors. We categorize the ADR issuing country as developed or emerging, and our sample includes several cases of privatization of state owned corporations. The analyses indicate that (1) ADR IPOs are significantly less underpriced than comparable US IPOs; (2) IPOs from developed countries are more underpriced; and (3) Privatization IPOs are less underpriced than non-privatizations. The lower underpricing of ADR IPOs persists even after differential IPO attributes, the traditional proxies for information asymmetry and, the unique characteristics associated with ADR IPOs, are accounted for. We conclude that extant literature offers only partial explanation for this puzzling phenomenon.  相似文献   

Many Chinese firms have pursued overseas listings in Hong Kong or US without being first listed in China’s domestic market, mainly due to the regulatory constraints imposed by the Chinese government. Some of them eventually returned to mainland China through an A-share offering to Chinese investors. This unique feature of cross-listed Chinese stocks offers an experiment field to test some of the conventional theories of initial public offerings (IPOs) underpricing. Homebound IPOs are expected to be less underpriced than domestic only IPOs that are not cross-listed because being already listed in a developed market can mitigate the information asymmetry and issue uncertainty associated with their A-share IPOs. Nevertheless, we find that homecoming A-share IPOs are still substantially underpriced, with an average market adjusted first-day return of 96.53 %. Furthermore, their first-day returns are not significantly different from those of domestic only IPOs once firm- and offer-characteristics are controlled. This is in sharp contrast to the lukewarm aftermarket performance experienced in their overseas debuts. The mean market adjusted first-day return is merely 5.35 % in their US ADR offerings and 11.63 % in their Hong Kong H-share IPOs. Overall, our results suggest the importance of local market structures and norms as influential factors of IPO underpricing.  相似文献   

西方IPO抑价理论及对中国IPO研究的启示   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
西方IPO抑价理论大多在信息不对称、委托代理、信号显示等信息经济学框架下,基于资本市场的有效性假设而提出的,即假定二级市场对股票的定价是合理的,IPO抑价是源于发行定价偏低.中国A股市场IPO抑价率长期高企但逐年下降,对该问题的研究,不能简单套用西方理论,而必须结合我国证券市场环境及IPO发行审核制度,将制度因素作为内生变量来考察.  相似文献   

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