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重要性是现代审计理论与实务中的一个关键概念,我国新修订的《国家审计基本准则》也引入了该概念,本探讨审计重要性概念并揭示了审计重要性与会计重要性一致的原因,在我国国家审计中如何根据不同的审计类型确定重要性水平,如何在审计中运用重要性概念;当前运用重要性概念存在的主要问题以及可能引发的问题。  相似文献   

审计重要性概念的模糊性一直饱受诟病。重要性概念的原初寓意是:如果错报(漏报)影响了财务报表使用者的经济决策,这种错报(漏报)就是重大的。本文对审计重要性与会计、法律重要性进行概念辨析,认为目前制定适应审计环境的审计重要性概念仍是不可行的。  相似文献   

审计重要性的中心问题是确定重要性水平。由于要考虑的不确定变量太多,确定唯一固定的重要性水平缺乏理论基础。实务中,需要注册会计师基于影响审计重要性的因素进行职业判断,并通过公布重要性水平来缩小不同群体的判断差异。  相似文献   

重要性水平的评估需要注册会计师的职业判断,由于审计准则对重要性原则的定义缺少可操作性以及注册会计师对被审计单位了解不足和审计市场价值导向失准,导致重要性标准的随意运用甚至滥用。因此,本文从制度层面对影响审计重要性判断的因素进行分析,提出了相应的建议,以期提升审计重要性水平判断的合理性。  相似文献   

郑石桥 《会计之友》2021,(8):155-160,封3
审计重要性是“如何审计”的核心要件之一,文章以经典审计理论为基础,以命题论证型取证模式为背景,提出政府部门财务报告审计重要性的理论框架。在政府部门财务报告财务信息审计重要性部分,阐释了什么是财务信息审计重要性、为什么要使用财务信息审计重要性,在财务信息审计计划阶段、实施阶段和评价阶段如何应用重要性这些问题;在政府部门财务报告内部控制审计重要性部分,阐释了政府部门财务报告内部控制缺陷及等级划分,政府部门财务报告内部控制缺陷等级认定的逻辑步骤、定性标准及定量标准这些问题。  相似文献   

影响审计重要性水平判断的因素分析及相关建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重要性水平的评估需要注册会计师的职业判断,由于审计准则对重要性原则的定义缺少可操作性以及注册会计师对被审计单位了解不足和审计市场价值导向失准,导致重要性标准的随意运用甚至滥用。因此,本文从制度层面对影响审计重要性判断的因素进行分析,提出了相应的建议,以期提升审计重要性水平判断的合理性。  相似文献   

审计重要性水平是现代审计中的一个重要概念,重要性水平的判断贯穿审计过程的始终.恰当的重要性水平判断可以帮助审计人员提高审计效率、避免审计风险、降低审计成本.  相似文献   

本文试图用可操控性应计利润作为审计重要性水平的估计,对审计独立性进行实证检验.研究发现,配股公司的确存在盈余管理行为,但由于对净利润的操纵水平并未超过审计师设置的"重要性水平"的界限,所以审计师在该区间出具标准审计意见是合理的,从而为"配股区间审计独立性没有缺失"找到了初步的经验证据.  相似文献   

本文通过分析审计重要性问题,了解被审计单位会计报表中错报或漏报的严重程度在特定环境下可能影响会计报表使用者的判断或决策.重要性的本意是以审计人员不舞弊为前提,即正常审计时,注册会计师应关注某一对象的某一数据,是否会因其错报,漏报而给利益相关者造成损失,最后还会导致注册会计师及会计师事务所承担法律责任.研究审计重要性是非常必要和重要的,它关乎到使注册会计师和会计师事务所高质量地为社会服务,并降低和减少审计风险,规避审计法律责任.  相似文献   

《审计机关审计方案准则》第十三条规定:审计组编制审计实施方案时,应当运用重要性原则,对重要性作出初步判断,认为会计报表中可以出现而又不致影响报表使用者作出决策的最大错报数额,从而在评估审计风险的基础上,围绕审计目标确定审计的范围、内容、步骤和方法。但是,在审计实际工作中,审计人员对重要性理解存在偏差,对重要性水平的评估认识不足现象时常发生,使得审计的范围、内容、步骤和方法的确定存在不足,在一定程度上影响了审计目标的实现。以下笔者就如何合理评估审计重要性水平谈一些粗浅的认识。  相似文献   

本文阐述了重要性水平在审计实务应用中应重视的几个问题,对审计实务中重要性水平的正确应用有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

重要性原则是会计核算必须遵循的一条基本原则,在会计核算的很多方面都体现着重要性原则的精神。重要性原则在会计核算中的具体运用主要表现在会计账户的设置、会计处理方法的选择和会计信息的披露等3个方面。  相似文献   

Our intent in this commentary is to support the turn to materiality in organizational research, and contribute to it by considering some differences in our approach from that proposed by Hardy and Thomas. Drawing on agential realism – which theorizes the entanglement of matter and meaning – we explore the relation between discourse and materiality in terms of the ideas of materialization and performativity as enacted in a study of hotel valuation in the hospitality industry. We offer our comments in the spirit of constructive engagement and hope that our discussion along with others in this Point‐Counterpoint will generate further explorations.  相似文献   

This article explores the dynamic between public space and material representations of philanthropy. It adapts the conception of public space in terms of layers: physical, code and content (Lessig, 2001; Németh, 2012). The article discusses physical forms of philanthropy and the codified norms, processes and relationships in material representations of philanthropy (code). To this end, part one examines how gifts of buildings and the memorialisation of philanthropy embody the philanthropic dominance of public space. Part two explores how the (re)appropriation of public space(s) encapsulates what happens in, and in relation to physical manifestations of philanthropy (content). Specifically; (i) the uses of spaces (ii) deliberation in public spaces; (iii) the decolonisation of philanthropic processes and practices; and (iv) the complementarity of public space and the public sphere. The article offers a novel heuristic for philanthropy and public space that can also inform conversations between development professionals and donors, and public debate.  相似文献   

审计风险与重要性互为存在的条件,对两者的判断可以充分体现在审计测试中,最终通过审计证据反映审计工作结果,因此,理解审计风险与重要性之间的关系,并在此基础上加以正确评估,对于审计人员开展工作是至关重要的。本文从审计风险、重要性的概念入手,在探讨审计风险、重要性与审计证据属性及分类的基础上.着重阐述三者之间的关系,以期对审计工作起到一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

We challenge recent assertions that discourse studies cannot de facto address materiality. We demonstrate how a Foucauldian theorization of discourse provides a way to analyse the co‐constitutive nature of discursive and material processes, as well as explore the power relations implicated in these relationships. To illustrate our argument, we identify exemplary studies that have effectively combined a study of discourse and different aspects of materiality – bodies, objects, spaces, and practices. In doing so, we show how discourse scholars are able to study both materiality and power relations.  相似文献   

In the present paper, the results from research on the influence of criteria (factors) such as depreciation method, materiality threshold, and inflation rate on the selection of depreciation policy are shown. The research has been carried out with the help of specifically devised simulation models. The simulation is realized in accounting for the unevenness of money in time and the profitability of the company, the tax rates for corporate tax, and the inflation rate. The models have been devised after analyzing methodology issues, related to depreciation policy and investigating current practices in its implementation in specific agricultural companies in present-day Bulgaria. It has been determined that there is a clear-cut relation between the profitability of the companies and the materiality threshold and depreciation method chosen. The main conclusion is that when the companies develop their depreciation policy, at ceteris paribus they should select higher materiality thresholds and diminishing balance depreciation methods due to the inequality of money in time, the acceleration of obsolescence, and the inflation processes.  相似文献   

Institutional maintenance work refers to actors’ deliberate effort to maintain an institution. This paper examines how actors use authentication, i.e., the relational constitution of an artefact as original or as a genuine expression of a particular type, style or person, to accomplish institutional maintenance work. We investigated contemporary adjustments to six listed buildings. These works were undertaken to keep these buildings functional while at the same time protecting their listing; by doing so they contributed to maintain the institution of Architectural Heritage. Our analysis identifies three forms of authentication: material consolidation, crafts mobilization and character enhancement. We elaborate on each of them and explain their institutional underpinnings and outcomes. The paper concludes with an articulation of authentication as a potent form of institutional maintenance work. Taking its starting point in materiality, authentication is a relational practice that helps maintain institutions relying on irreplaceable artefacts for their maintenance.  相似文献   

The concept of performativity, a central theme in routine dynamics research, suggests that a routine does not first exist as a recognizable phenomenon, and then actions are taken subsequently. On the contrary, actions themselves need to achieve the recognizability of the routine. This paper revisits recognizability in light of routine interdependence and materiality. Focusing on order taking routines at sushi bars, the analysis reveals that participants constantly achieve the beginning of a routine performance by drawing on performances of other routines and materiality, both of which are seemingly unrelated to the focal routine. Prior to routine initiation, much material and embodied work is conducted in order to make the routine recognizable. Once initiated, the routine performance makes subtle use of materiality, allowing participants to engage in a seemingly unrelated routine while they remain subordinately attentive to the focal routine. While a routine appears to exist on its own once it is recognized, the achievement of this recognition relies largely on factors that are not part of the routine.  相似文献   

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