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阿玛尼(Armani)的相关报告显示,在中国内地超过50家的门店中,约10家是2008年开业的;一向拒绝代理的另一大奢侈品牌路易威登(Louis Vuitton)也于2009年1-2月之间在中国连开两店;奢侈品牌三巨头之一的古奇(Gucci)2月底在北京开出规模最大的直营旗舰店。在涌动的奢侈品开店潮中,直营成为主要形式。"我本来想代理欧美服饰、箱包、钟表等奢侈品品牌,哪知道他们都称不接受代理了,只有游艇等尚未完全开发中国市场的愿意吸收代理商。"温州商人孟知说。当年"鞍前马后"开拓中国市场的代理商们似乎已成累赘,于是一场又一场"离婚"故事在加速上演。  相似文献   

中国已成为奢侈品消费大国,奢侈品消费额不断攀升。本文首先对我国奢侈品市场进行分析,其次对国外奢侈品牌在我国市场的分销渠道的发展和变革进行研究。国外奢侈品牌在我国市场的分销渠道分为三个发展阶段,即代理经营期、撤销代理期、多元化渠道期。最后本文对国外奢侈品的分销渠道提出了建议。  相似文献   

目前越来越多奢侈品牌通过生活方式的手段进行营销。本文以探讨基于生活方式的奢侈品牌的营销策略为目的,对奢侈品营销发展现状进行研究综述,选择中国本土奢侈品牌"上下"作为生活方式营销典型研究案例,通过分析该品牌基于生活方式的文化营销策略、体验营销策略和线上线下营销,对我国奢侈品牌的营销提出可行性的建议。  相似文献   

中国是全球奢侈品消费增长最快的市场,众多奢侈品牌越来越重视中国市场,同时各大奢侈品牌也在加速抢占市场份额。本文基于上述背景,以探讨奢侈品牌的嗅觉营销应用策略为目的,对奢侈品牌消费现状、嗅觉营销理论进行研究综述,结合嗅觉营销的既有研究成果,以及奢侈品牌营销的独特性,以迪奥真我香水的嗅觉营销为样本,运用案例分析的方法提炼出嗅觉营销的核心要点,并在尊重品牌定位和消费者需求的情况下,提出可行性奢侈品牌营销策略。  相似文献   

浅谈中国奢侈品营销   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
奢侈品进入中国市场短短十年间,快速增长的趋势让国际市场越来越关注。而在众多的奢侈品牌中,却没有中国品牌的身影。本文基于国际奢侈品牌的营销特点以及中国奢侈品市场的发展特殊性,提出了一些如何打造中国奢侈品的建议。  相似文献   

国际奢侈品牌进入中国市场意味着国际奢侈品行业在中国的市场上孕育着巨大的商机。奢侈品的价值衡量标准、目标消费群体等都与一般商品不同,因此,奢侈品品牌的营销管理也需要特殊对待。本文以成功进入国际奢侈品行列的意大利服装品牌Giorgio Armani、法国珠宝品牌Cartier、瑞士手表品牌Patek Philippe为例,描述其占领国际市场的发展规律,以为中国本土奢侈品牌的发展为鉴。  相似文献   

近10年来,随着人民日益增长的消费需求,中国奢侈品市场飞速发展,中国成为全球奢侈品消费第一大国。但是,在中国奢侈品市场中活跃着的奢侈品牌几乎全部为国外品牌,发展中国本土的奢侈品牌成为目前奢侈品市场的主要任务。国外奢侈品牌进入中国已有20余年,多数国际知名品牌这些年活跃在中国奢侈品市场,在中国奢侈品市场发展历程中取得了令人瞩目的成绩,其发展历程也极具代表性。本文首先介绍了4R理论及其应用,并对中国奢侈品市场近20年的发展历程进行总结,并归纳中国奢侈品市场的特征,并用4R营销理论分析了中国奢侈品市场中的常见营销策略,并以此为基础为中国发展本土奢侈品牌提出建议。  相似文献   

近日,欧洲五国的35个钟表品牌在广州联合宣布,将以一种全新的钟表直营零售模式首次进入中国,这也是世界钟表行业第一次最大规模和最集中品牌进军中国市场。  相似文献   

品牌市场生命周期管理理论论纲   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文基于对品牌生命周期规律的认识,以灰色系统中灰色关联熵理论与和谐矩阵理论为分析工具,提出一种品牌市场生命周期管理理论研究框架。文章认为,品牌市场生命周期管理理论分析框架由品牌市场生命全周期研究、品牌市场生命周期残期研究、品牌市场生命周期各阶段评价指标体系研究、品牌市场生命周期管理战略和策略研究、典型样本品牌跟踪实证研究等构成。  相似文献   

本研究希望通过对成功的奢侈品品牌塑造过程的梳理解析,对奢侈品牌故事构建提供一定的借鉴意义。本研究主要运用文献研究法和多案例研究法,从表达和内容上对奢侈品品牌叙事进行梳理。结合前人的理论观点,汲取源自法、意、英三大国,珠宝、皮具、服装三大行业的9个经典案例,本文创新性地从品牌原产地和行业维度选择案例,旨在提炼奢侈品牌故事中所包含的共性要素和特性特征。故事取材于品牌历史,由复杂情景中选择出具有历史意义或涉及品牌发展的事件,按照一定的叙事逻辑进行排序。通过分析总结出构筑奢侈品品牌故事的共性元素和个性特征。共性元素主要包括六个关键要素:王室贵族、社会名人、品牌灵魂人物、皇家御用、标志性产品和手工制作。个性特征包括:维护品牌历史文化、创建个性生活方式、凸显王室贵族基因、低调专注手工制作、只为上流阶层打造、铺设国际市场渠道。本研究丰富了品牌叙事学研究,也为奢侈品品牌塑造提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

Consumers of luxury brands have been described as seekers of products that can offer a signaling value to present to others but also a value for their self-concepts in an existentialist spirit potentially linked to being “cool or not.” Prior studies have conceptualized brand coolness and evaluated its impact on consumer responses to brands. However, few studies have contextualized the construct of brand coolness concerning luxury brand realism. We assessed the semiotic tension that luxury brand consumers feel between self-concept and self-presentation to others via a theoretical consideration of four antecedents of brand coolness: individual, social, financial, and functional luxury values; and one intentional outcome such as consumers' passionate desire to use luxury fashion brands. Our findings indicated that luxury values positively influence brand coolness, and brand coolness positively influences passionate desire. We further confirmed that brand coolness plays a complementary mediating role between luxury values and passionate desire. A final contribution is to invite brand managers to consider how luxury values and brand coolness might be used proactively to drive consumers' passionate desires in the relationships with luxury fashion brands.  相似文献   

Consumers no longer consider luxury as an absolute goal. Even though previous studies have primarily linked luxury with consumers' extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivational factors have seen few studies. As a result of this gap, this study attempts to investigate the intrinsic factors that influence consumers' experiences with luxury brands. By using self-determination theory, this paper aims to assess the personal ‘self’ factors of luxury consumers' enriching experiences. An offline questionnaire from 316 luxury consumers was used to collect data for the study. AMOS SEM v 22 was then used to analyse the data. Our findings indicate that luxury consumers have shifted to luxury for ‘self,’ and are driven by intrinsic factors. As luxury relates to consumers' self-fulfilment, it creates an intrinsic and substantive experience for customers that assists them in their search for self-growth. The study contributes to the literature concerning personal self and enriching experiences through luxury consumption and creates an opportunity to examine the impact of consumers’ happiness, which was discovered to be a critical indicator of enriched luxury experience and word of mouth, resulting in a boosting of the personal self.  相似文献   

Luxury brands claim to offer consumers pleasure and prestige and deliver high profits to retailers. While the global demand for luxury goods is increasing, consumers expect that the purchasing process these goods will accommodate their preferences on how, where, and when they want to purchase them. The changing nature of luxury markets and customers' purchasing behavior makes it necessary to understand why customers would choose an online channel to purchase luxury offerings. What are the features that make so appealing, attracting consumers towards them? Our study explores customers' motivations, the benefits and the experiences they are expecting and perceiving from the Online Luxury Experience (OLX). We examine the OLX and establish three corresponding luxury customer segments using online channels to purchase their luxury goods and services: the purists, opportunists, and e-lux. We highlight the differences between the segment's customer journeys and the implications for theory and luxury customer experience management.  相似文献   

The majority of researches on luxury focus on the behaviour and opinions of consumers and let drop the important role that advertising produces on them, as is done in this work and shown with a relational model. In addition to their commercial message, some remarkable and artistic advertisings convey the identitary values of luxury (IVL) characterizing luxury parent Houses. We list and analyze these IVL: craft production, raw materials, respect of craftsmen, their knowledge, know-how, gestures and traits of artistic genius. A semiotic and rhetoric analysis of two selected advertisings (Louis Vuitton, Hermès) allow to identify the semic richness of discursive content of symbolic images and identitary narratives of each luxury brand (“griffe”), revealing the implicit IVL. We conclude that strength and power of major luxury Houses lie in the global coherence they apply everywhere (creation, products, narratives and advertisings), reinforcing their brand image and attracting more loyal consumers.  相似文献   

The current study investigates whether image interactivity can positively influence luxury perceptions in a virtual shopping environment, by offering shoppers a feeling of telepresence. 185 respondents were referred to either an image interactive or non-interactive virtual luxury store and completed an online questionnaire afterwards to measure their luxury perception. The results of this study show that image interactivity leads to higher perceptions of exclusivity, quality, hedonism and extended self due to a higher perceived telepresence. This study offers some guidelines for luxury brands to retain their luxury perception high in a virtual shopping environment.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2022,65(5):631-642
In recent years, greater disparities in incomes and growth in wealthy consumers have fueled new opportunities in luxury markets. As firms launched luxury brands, some have thrived as others stumbled. One important difference between those who succeed and those who struggle, we suggest, is brand authenticity. Scholars have studied authenticity extensively, and research has isolated different sources of authenticity. How firms draw on these sources to create legitimate luxury brands has, however, received surprisingly little attention. In this article, we discuss the research on the sources of brand authenticity, and we explore how brands rely on those sources to craft authentic luxury brands. Using the examples of Canada Goose and Shinola, we illustrate how one firm drew on multiple sources of authenticity and, through the symbolism of its actions, successfully created an authentic luxury brand. We conclude with a discussion of the implications for other firms seeking to enter the luxury market.  相似文献   

This research draws upon self-termination and complexity theories and aims to identify the antecedent recipes for Chinese consumers' intention to purchase Chinese- (referred to as domestic) or non-Chinese (referred to as foreign) luxury brands. Two studies were undertaken. First, an online survey was undertaken to examine the antecedent conditions of luxury brand purchase. The opted conditions in this study include value perceptions, special occasions, and demographic profiles. An asymmetrical method by employing fsQCA was used to identify the unique antecedent conditions of purchase intentions. Symmetrical testing was also performed prior to fsQCA as a comparison. The findings from symmetrical and asymmetrical methods share few similar, but nevertheless complementary findings, hence providing new insights into consumers' luxury brand choices. In the second study, interviews were conducted to deepen the understanding of Chinese consumers’ knowledge, perceptions of, and attitudes towards luxury brands. Discussion and implications for marketing luxury brands in the Chinese market conclude this paper.  相似文献   

The growth of the luxury market has been phenomenal in recent years, especially in the emerging markets such as India. This research studied luxury value aspects (personal and social) of luxury cosmetic brands and their impact on consumer attitudes and usage behavior, with a focus on women consumers. Data was collected in the form of a survey from 372 women luxury cosmetic users. Structural equation modeling was used to analyze the framework. Hedonism and status value were found to have high significant relationship towards attitude whereas usage behavior was influenced by materialism and status value. Hence the symbolic and psychological traits among consumer will show their willingness to buy and preferences on luxury cosmetic brands. The findings of this study provide valuable insights to marketers and managers to understand consumer trends, attitudes and behavior in the luxury cosmetic market and develop marketing strategies to successfully market their products.  相似文献   

Today, the luxury goods and service market is growing faster than ever. However, despite its growth, we do not know much about the ways in which consumers choose to shop online or in store when buying luxury goods. We also lack insight into the factors that can affect such luxury consumption decisions. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether consumers prefer to buy luxury goods online at a discounted price or would rather buy luxury goods in store with additional luxury services at a cover price. This study also examines the extent to which such decisions can be driven by their situation-specific thinking styles as well as other socio-demographic variables. The results show that participants adopted a rational thinking style when deciding to buy luxury goods online with price discounts. On the other hand, an experiential thinking style was evoked when participants chose to visit a store offering luxury brands and luxury services. In addition to momentary thinking orientations, gender as well as income were found to be relevant to a consumer's choice in a shopping platform when seeking luxury brands. More details about the study's findings and their implications are discussed below.  相似文献   

This research investigates what consumers in democratized luxury markets value when purchasing luxury items. Nonetheless, these consumers have a limited budget and can not always buy luxury items, yet they are drawn back to these luxury brands. Thus, we use brand engagement in self-concept (BESC) to explain the relationship between these consumers and luxury brands within democratized luxury markets. A conceptualized model of three luxury value dimensions (experiential, symbolic, and functional) is proposed, and 488 cases were gathered through a phone survey. The data were analyzed using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). The results show that the most critical drivers of consumers' luxury purchase intention (LPI) are hedonism, escapism, conspicuousness, quality, and usability in democratized luxury markets. Also, BESC can unify luxury value dimensions into an integrated whole and mediate the relationship between them and LPI.  相似文献   

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