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Hospitality-management schools can educate their students in the responsibility and rewards of community service, as demonstrated by these lessons from a human-relations course that requires community service at the Cornell hotel school.  相似文献   


With the global village becoming a reality, efforts at the internationalization of business education have ceased to be merely fashionable. The internationalization of business education has become an increasing relevant and important goal for business schools. Most of the efforts have been focused at the internationalization of MBA programs as this is the level of business education targeted at the training of middle management personnel, for whom the creation of a global mindset and the exposure to the international realm of business would have the most immediate effect. With the Asia-Pacific becoming a major arena of international trade and business in what has been called the Pacific century, the internationalization of MBA programs in Asia is of great interest as most of the efforts at internationalization of MBA programs have taken place in developed countries, with much of the literature being about the North America and European experience. Little is known about the MBA programs offered in Asia and their internationalization. This paper provides some insights on the internationalization efforts at the Nanyang Business School (NBS), Singapore. The experience at the NBS is unique because its efforts at internationalization have coincided with government policy initiatives in encouraging Singapore businesses to extend their operations into countries of the region. The paper provides some lessons from the experiences at regionalizing the MBA programs in China, India and the transitional economies of Vietnam, Myanmar and Cambodia. Apart from the admission of international participants to its programs and the changes to its Business Study Missions, new initiatives have been introduced in the form of the MBA in International Business. The paper also explores other future initiatives for the internationalization of MBA programs in Asia-Pacific.  相似文献   


A survey of MBA study programs in the Czech Republic is presented in this study. The authors share some of their first-hand experience gained during their own teaching in one of the MBA programs. The conclusion presented at the end of the study summarizes their views of developing trends in MBA programs in the Czech Republic. At present, MBA programs are offered by seven teaching institutions in the Czech Republic, three of which provide MBA studies of the American type, four of the European (British) type, and one of the distance-learning type.  相似文献   

Innovation in complex engineering projects is hampered by information asymmetries which attend joint problem solving by owners and external organizations. This uncertainty creates additional informational asymmetries between owners and firms engaged in designing, building, and supplying projects. Industrial marketing suggests that overcoming these asymmetries is easier when owners are knowledgeable and part of the design process. We examine whether the same proposition holds for innovation in complex engineering projects. We focus on the relationship between innovativeness of complex engineering projects and internal owner capabilities. We test hypotheses derived from agency and organization theories of innovation. Our results indicate that projects where owners have internal capabilities are generally less innovative than projects where owners lack internal capabilities.  相似文献   

Fresh vegetables originating from alternative food networks (AFNs) are an increasingly popular choice all over the world. Being part of an AFN frequently redefines consumption and participation of family members in food‐related activities. Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a type of AFN, providing increased access to produce in a form of risk‐sharing model between farmers and consumers, which at the same time influences organization of household resources. Thus, not only the given member of a CSA, but also his/her spousal activities in household processes should be taken in account. It is clear that entering into CSA significantly affects lifestyles and frequently requires a great deal of adaptation, possibly leading to a crisis of whether to stay within the CSA or cease membership. The objective of this study was to reveal how spouses influence CSA membership. Using an explorative design, this study has identified three emerging patterns of spousal influence: coherent, integrative and neutral/antagonistic. The spousal influence on CSA membership may represent partner activities regarding food issues but also has an effect on food preparation and culinary choices at home. Our findings suggest that membership in CSA presents challenges and thus spousal support is crucial in the long term. As a consequence, spousal influence should be examined in relation to CSA participation. Inconveniences associated with CSA membership could be avoided by providing more information about the importance of spousal support.  相似文献   

A methodology for assessing ethics educationneeds in a Masters of Business Administration(MBA) program is proposed and applied at oneinstitution by comparing the ethical judgmentof MBA and MPA (Masters of PublicAdministration) students over a variety ofbusiness scenarios. Implications are discussedfor ethics education and its assessment in thisand other MBA programs. MPAs were chosen asthe comparison group because their education,organizational knowledge, and work experienceare expected to promote reasonable judgments. They were also selected because future negativeconsequences are likely from an ethics gapbetween MBA and MPA graduates. MBAs were lesscritical in the current study, and were alsomore likely to report reliance on egoism, aprinciple strongly associated with greatertolerance of the practices described. Anadditional factor, however, appeared tocontribute to the MBAs' less critical judgment. Ethical decision-making models suggest thisfactor was ethical perception. Suggestions aremade for modifying ethical principles andperceptions where indicated. Decision makersare urged to assess ethics education needs intheir own MBA programs, particularly if theyhave not added significant ethical content totheir curricula.  相似文献   

Master of Business Administration (MBA) education was introduced to Poland in the early 1990s with the purpose of preparing business practitioners for effective management and leadership in a market economy and increasingly globalizing marketplace. Due to individual, institutional, and national factors; adjusting teaching to address the complex needs of business professionals has proved to be challenging and often problematic for Polish faculty. The purpose of this paper is to examine these challenges in the context of Poland's nondegree MBA programs and to explore potential solutions. The main conclusion of this paper is that adjusting teaching is a slow and complex process that cannot occur without substantial changes in values as well as proactive leadership and collaboration at the individual, institutional, and national levels.  相似文献   

While there is general agreement on the need to teach ethics in the MBA classroom, there are great difficulties in completely integrating such material within the confines of an actual MBA program. This paper attempts to address these difficulties by focusing on the teaching of such issues in one particular class — MBA macroeconomics.Ethical dilemmas often arise due to failures of the market place or due to inappropriate assumptions regarding the market model. Thus, specific suggestions are offered in regard to the integration of ethical issues into the traditional macroeconomic curriculum. Suggestions are even offered as how to scale back the basic macro material so that the additional material may be accommodated.In addition to fulfilling the mandate to develop a well educated citizenry with regard to issues of ethics and economics, the course may be structured so as to emphasize writing skills, speaking skills, and critical analytical thinking skills.John D. Abell is an assistant professor at the Department of Economics. His areas of research are: The economics of defense, international trade/finance monetary vs. fiscal policy, disaggregated employment effects of government policy.  相似文献   


This paper provides Latin American Executive MBA students' approaches to studying, achieving profile, preferences and perceptions of instructional methods used in teaching marketing courses and educational marketing segments based on their preference ranking of instructional methods and approaches to studying. Results indicate that, in general, these students have a strong need for excellence, and for gaining status with experts. Their approach to studying is directed first at understanding what they learn, and then at doing well in their courses. Results also indicate that such students strongly prefer courses using participative instructional methods, such as case studies, to the instructor-dominated lecture method. Thus, there appears to be a gap between the types of instructional methods now being emphasized in MBA classrooms and the methods preferred by the students. These students can be placed into four distinct segments, namely Technology Sophisticated Learners, Academic Success Seekers, Degree Seekers and Instructor-Oriented Learners. Managerial implications from the results are drawn both for the administrators and for the faculty members teaching in an EMBA program.

RESUMEN. Este estudio ilustra el enfoque do los estudiantes latinoamericanos de MBA Ejecutivo sobre las materias de estudio, trazado de un perfil, preferencias y percepción de los métodos de enseñanza utilizados en los cursos de mercadeo y mereadeo educacional en base a sus preferencias, que se utilizaron para desarrollar un sistema de clasificación de los métodos y enfoques de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje. De acuerdo a los resultados, los estudiantes sienten una gran necesidad de alcanzar la exceleneia, y de adquirir renombre junto a los expertos. Ellos encaran sus estudios eonsiderando prioritaria la función de comprender lo que aprenden, y tienen como meta secundaria el obtener buenos resultados en sus cursos. Además, los resultados también indican que estos esludiantes prefieren claramente usar métodos de enseñanza participativos–tales como los estudios de caso–al método disertivo dominado por el profesor. Consecuentemente, nos parece que existe una brecha entre los métodos de enseñanza que se están implementando en las salas de aulas de los cursos de los MBA, y los métodos preferidos por los alumnos. Estos estudiantes pueden dividirse perfectamente en cuatro segmentos, o sea, Estudiantes de Tecnologías Sofisticadas, Buscadores de éxito Académico, Buscadores de Diplomas y Estudiantes Orientados por el Instructor. En el estudio trazamos las implicancias administrativas inherentes a estos resultados, así como para los docentes que están enseñando el programa EMBA.

RESUMO. Este trabalho apresenta a visão de estudantes do MBA Executivo da América Latina, em relação ao estudo, à formação do seu perfil, às preferências e às percepções dos métodos didáticos utilizados nos cursos de marketing e nos segmentos educacionais dc marketing, baseados no ranking de suas preferências pelos métodos didáticos e pelas abordagens do estudo. Os resultados indicam que, em geral, estes estudantes buscam rigorosamente a excelência e a conquista de status através de especialistas. A sua abordagem do estudo está direcionada. primeiramente, ao conhecimento e, em segundo lugar, ao sucesso do seu desempenho. Os resultados também indicam que tais estudantcs preferem nitidamente os cursos que utilizam o método didático participativo, como o estudo de casos, ao método de ensino tradicional expositive Assim. parece haver uma lacuna entre os tipos de métodos didáticos atualmente sendo enfatizados nas aulas de MBA e entre os métodos preferidos pelos estudantes. Estes alunos podem ser classificados em quatro segmentos distintos: Aprendizes da Alta Tecnologia, Perseguidores do Sucesso Acadêmico, Perseguidores de Títulos e Aprendizes Orientados por Instrutor. As implicações gerenciais, a partir dos resultados, são delineadas tanto para os administradores quanto para os membros do corpo docente que ensinam no programa de MBA Executivo.  相似文献   

Non-intentional drowning incidents remain a leading cause of mortality in Turkey as well as all over the world. A following related secondary syndrome is composed of those who drown during altruistic attempts to rescue a drowning person. Such ‘rescuers’ who attempt to rescue a drowning person, may themselves drown, resulting in a tragic multiple death. This study covers the year 2009, and necessary data was found by using internet search engines to identify cases in which a potential rescue attempt resulted with the rescuer's fatal drowning. Thirty-one ‘rescuers’ and 20 primary drowning victims (PDV) drowned in 28 incidents in which 80% of drowned primary victims (DPV) were children, and 48.4% of the ‘rescuers’ were children. In 48.4% of the ‘rescuers’ succeeded in rescuing the PDV's life. Out of them, 38.7% of the ‘rescuers’ and PDVs were friends/colleagues. The aim of this study is to define and examine multiple drowning syndromes (MDSs) and to suggest preventative measures. An increased awareness of such risks as promotion of swimming and rescue skills could help reducing the MDSs.  相似文献   

Researchers attend to innovation and collaboration issues. Yet, the relevant literature devotes scant attention to the relationship between collaboration effectiveness and virtual innovation team context, while there are clear indications that both subjects relate with growing concerns in today's business setting. This article reviews extant literature and state-of-the art collaboration systems, and elucidate dynamic contextual factors among virtual innovation team members. The results show the antecedents and interrelationship among these factors, suggesting an optimal collaboration model for virtual innovation project teams. This paper documents the empirical observations of a virtual innovation project for advanced textile manufacturing technologies, and examines the due collaboration taking place among different project participants. Understanding the set of contextual factors emerging from virtual innovation projects can help managers classify, and employ the most effective collaboration mechanism for enhancing the corresponding project performance and effectiveness pragmatically.  相似文献   

水利建筑物多以混凝土结构细成,而这些混凝土结构多处在气候恶劣的环境中,受泥沙、水流、物理、化学、气温等影响因素颇多.混凝土的破坏以碳化、冻融破坏为常见.  相似文献   

The transnational Master of Business Administration (MBA) programme has been one of the most popular official business training programmes amongst Thai business practitioners. Although the numbers of transnational business schools and MBA programmes are rapidly increasing, the programmes face numerous challenges from both local and global factors. This empirical study discusses the concept of learning in transnational MBA programmes in the Thai business training and cultural context. By investigating experiences from various key stakeholders, the study highlights various problems related to learning style and culture, learning and languages, the transferability of the Western managerial concept to the Thai context, and the value of Western learning resources for Thai business learners. The implication of the results of this study for the management of transnational programmes is that such management needs to respond to local conditions, regional forces and global factors rather than being locked into a standard model.  相似文献   

我国MBA教育经过20余年的发展现已进入到品牌激烈竞争的阶段,塑造MBA教育品牌是未来MBA院校MBA项目发展的基石。本文结合国内外优秀MBA项目的实践经验,探讨了昆明理工大学MBA项目的发展背景,以及目前所存在的品牌宣传力度不够、办学经费相对不足、职业发展教育缺失等问题,提出了加强师资力量建设、提升服务质量、重视职业规划发展和创业培养、强化品牌宣传的品牌建设策略。  相似文献   

This paper reports a study which examined the extent of the father's involvement in child rearing and traditionally female household work. The quality of life perceived by the husband, wife and oldest child in each family in the sample was assessed.  相似文献   

The STS education movement is identified and related to the critique of technology of the 1960s–1970s. The critics of technology included the system of education in their critiques. There is a practical tension or contradiction in attempting to develop their insights within the curriculum routines of the schools and colleges. This tension is explored under six categories: reductive knowledge, socialization of technical modes of thinking, technicalized processes of learning, the loss of meaning, radical monopoly over learning, and the socialization of secular values.Leonard J. Waks has earned Ph.D.'s in philosophy (Wisconsin, 1968) and organizational psychology (Temple, 1984). He has taught philosophy at Purdue, Stanford, and Carnegie Mellon, and been a member of the faculty of the Graduate School of Education at Temple University. Since 1985 he has been Professor of Science, Technology and Society at Penn State.  相似文献   

预应力混凝土结构以其多重优点在工业与民用建筑以及交通运输工程中得到了广泛应用,本文简要介绍有粘结机械张拉后张法预应力混凝土施工的工艺原理、张拉机械、锚具及施工工艺技术,以探讨工民建工程中预应力混凝土技术的应用.  相似文献   

Unethical behavior on the part of business corporations and their leaders has led many business executives and university administrators to call for the inclusion of ethics in MBA programs. This paper reviewed studies and commentary relating to the teaching of ethics in MBA programs in the United States. The results showed that ethics has not yet gained an integral place in the curricula of business schools. A plan of action for the systematic incorporation of ethics into the MBA curriculum was proposed based on the system model of training commonly used in the training field. In concluding, a question about the total responsibility of the business schools toward the promotion of ethical behavior on the part of their graduates was raised.  相似文献   

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