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旅游区服务质量问题产生原因分析及控制途径   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王莹 《旅游学刊》2001,16(5):33-38
文章从旅游区服务质量标准制定的两大过程、四个环节出发,分析了目前服务质量问题产生的根源,提出了相应的措施,为有效控制旅游区服务质量提供思路.  相似文献   

对服务业中内部营销管理的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对服务业中内部营销管理的探索黄晶南开大学旅游学系随着第三产业──服务业的发展,对服务业产品的营销日益成为服务企业管理者关注的问题。服务的无形性、生产与消费的同一性决定了服务质量是服务营销的基础,而服务质量与服务提供者的质量密切相关,服务企业员工及其与...  相似文献   

成熟的消费者是提升一个行业的物质与服务产品质量不可或缺的因素,消费者越挑剔,一个行业的物质与服务产品的质量就越高,旅游行业亦不例外。旅游者即旅游产品的消费者,是旅游服务的直接参与者、感受者与享受者,加之旅游服务质量的评估离不开对旅游期望值和旅游满意度的比较,可见旅游者对旅游服务的监控比政府有关行政管理部门、旅游行业组织,以及相关社会组织(如消协)的间接监控更为直接有效。因此,通过社会的旅游消费教育、旅游法制教育,促进旅游消费的成熟,也是提升旅游服务质量的重要途径。  相似文献   

餐饮业已经进入“微利时代”,如果在经营中不注重细节。同样的规模档次.同样的菜肴质量,不同的经营管理细节就会带来不同的结果。也就是说.服务质量和细节管理将直接影响到餐饮业的生存和发展。而仅仅靠漂亮的外袭和职业化的微笑是远远不够的.必须清楚满足顾客的合理要求才是最合常情的服务。所以,吸引顾客的餐馆不仅是以美味的食品为招牌.服务也是一个异常重要的环节。顾客来酒店享用美食的同时,也需要酒店为其提供优质的服务。从一些在经营中注重细节服务和管理,并赢得广大消费赞誉的酒店可以看出。种种细节从顾客踏进酒店大门时就已经悄悄的发生。[编按]  相似文献   

本文建立了一个模型,以试图解释消费者对娱乐服务质量的评价过程。衡量娱乐服务质量的很多困难来自娱乐服务的无形性、异质性和提供与消费功能的不可分性。本文将确定娱乐服务的标准并讨论消费者评价娱乐服务质量的标准。娱乐服务质量被定义为对某项服务的预期与感受之间进行比较的结果。目前所知的有关服务质量的许多工作都是在商业关系中进行,因此,本文将对可能影响消费者娱乐服务预期的公共部门与商业部门之间的主要区别进行讨论并将其溶入模型之中。  相似文献   

珠海市旅游生态环境建设研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
珠海市旅游生态环境建设研究□刘红刚李耀初1旅游生态环境建设的意义影响区域旅游业发展的因素有旅游客源市场、服务质量、旅游资源状况、旅游区生态环境、旅游区产业布局等。旅游生态环境是影响区域旅游发展的重要因素之一。这里的旅游生态环境是指一切有旅游价值的区域...  相似文献   

对饭店服务质量问题的再认识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘艳华 《旅游学刊》2007,22(6):64-68
客人对饭店服务的感知是其评价服务质量的标准.由于一线员工与客人直接接触,很长时间以来,人们在谈到服务质量问题时,往往只强调一线员工的操作质量,最多不过将管理者履行监督职能的质量纳入其中,而事实上,员工只是处于饭店服务产品生产链最末端的人.本文在分析饭店服务质量与客人预期之间差距的基础上,提出了提高企业决策质量、管理质量、执行质量和沟通质量,满足客人服务期待的建议与措施.  相似文献   

<正>旅客满意度是指旅客对所接受的民航运输服务所产生的愉悦感、满足感或忠诚度,它反映了旅客对整个运输过程的评价和看法,是衡量民航运输服务质量的重要指标。文章从基于旅客满意度的民航运输服务质量提升的价值探寻与内容透视出发,指出服务设施、服务理念、服务标准、服务方式与服务评价等对民航运输服务质量提升具有重要影响,进而提出相应的服务质量提升路径,旨在切实改善旅客的出行体验。  相似文献   

服务质量是包含了诸多内容和细节的合体。旅游企业为了提高服务质量,除了要重视硬件设施的完好,环境的美化,服务的态度、效率、标准、安全等重要因素之外,更应重视在服务过程中和服务提供后,顾客对服务质量的不满、抱怨和投诉,以便对服务中出现的问题和差错给予及时、稳妥、合理的处置。这不仅可以提高顾客对旅游企业的满意度和忠诚度,也是旅游企业发现问题、纠正差错、获得顾客信赖、提高服务质量的有效途径。  相似文献   

成熟的消费者是提升一个行业的物质与服务产品质量不可或缺的因素,消费者越挑剔,一个行业的物质与服务产品的质量就越高,旅游行业亦不例外。旅游者即旅游产品的消费者,是旅游服务的直接参与者、感受者与享受者,加之旅游服务质量的评估离不开对旅游期望值和旅游满意度的比较,可见旅游者对旅游服务的监控比政府有关行政管理部门、旅游行业组织,以及相关社会组织(如消协)的间接监控更为直接有效。因此,通过社会的旅游消费教育、旅游法制教育,促进旅游消费的成熟,也是提升旅游服务质量的重要途径。成熟的旅游者不仅具备理性的旅游消费意识,而且…  相似文献   

Gender has frequently been identified as one of the key attributes and predictors in developing marketing strategy. This study examines the moderating role of gender in the relationship between hotel service quality dimensions and tourist satisfaction with hotel service delivery. The results derived from multi-group structural equation modeling via the AMOS 5.0 computer program revealed that gender significantly moderated the relationship between service quality dimensions and tourist satisfaction with hotel service delivery. Empathy and tangibles both contributed as the most important significant predictors of tourist satisfaction with hotel service delivery for male tourists as opposed to female tourists. It is statistically confirmed that men and women appear to respond to different aspects of a service encounter when making judgments about their satisfaction.  相似文献   

This study explores the impacts of weather on tourist satisfaction and intention to revisit sites utilizing a survey of 1736 domestic tourists in South Korea. This study adds tourists’ perceived quality of weather to a path model that anticipates revisit intention and was originally based on the perceived quality of physical attributes and service, as well as tourist satisfaction. The results of this study show that the perceived quality of weather affects tourist satisfaction and revisit intention directly and indirectly, and that it correlates with the perceived quality of physical attributes and service. It was determined that the impact of weather perception on tourist satisfaction and revisit intention is higher in rainy weather conditions. The results of the study show that to sustain tourist satisfaction and revisit intention, efforts to moderate the negative impacts of uncomfortable weather conditions are required, especially in rainy weather.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of service fairness and service quality on tourists’ behavioral intentions and subjective well-being (SWB) with the mediation of satisfaction. It conceptualizes SWB as a sociopsychological benefit that people receive from tourism activities in parallel with behavioral intentions to visit the destination treated as economic benefit. A self-administered questionnaire survey was conducted in Xiamen city of Fujian Province, China, and a valid sample of 541 tourists was used for data analysis. Findings show that service fairness has more of an effect on behavioral intentions and SWB than service quality; and such differentiated effects can be partly attributed to the mediating role of satisfaction between the antecedent constructs (i.e, service fairness and service quality) and consequence constructs (i.e, behavioral intentions and tourist SWB). The results suggest that tourism service providers should deliver services in a fairer way and tourist SWB should be attended to by both governments and academics.  相似文献   

从创汇导向的国际旅游目的地发展到以游客满意为导向的国民旅游福祉提升,是包括中国在内的世界旅游发展战略正在经历的趋势性变革。游客在旅游基础理论研究和旅游经济发展实践中已经被事实上赋予了主体地位,游客满意应当、也可以成为当代旅游发展理论的学术基石、国家旅游发展战略的思想基础和目的地管理实践的政策创新。作者团队5年的全国游客满意度调查实践表明:城市政府牵头、培育游客和市民共享的生活空间、完善商业接待和公共服务体系等,是提升游客满意度的有效路径。  相似文献   

陈永昶  徐虹  郭净 《旅游学刊》2011,26(8):37-44
导游服务质量一直是旅游服务领域中争议的焦点。文章通过构建以导游与游客交互质量的3个维度(行为、专业技能和问题解决)为前置变量、游客个人风险和非个人风险感知为中介变量、游客感知价值和满意度为结果变量的结构方程模型,尝试研究了导游人员与游客的交互质量与游客感知之间的作用机制。以530名使用过旅行社导游服务的旅游者作为样本,研究发现,通过提升导游人员的行为、专业技能和问题解决能力能够显著降低游客的个人风险感知,从而提高游客感知价值和满意度,但导游人员与游客的交互质量对游客非个人风险感知及游客非个人风险感知对游客感知价值和满意度的影响作用则相对复杂。  相似文献   

Relationship quality is crucial to enhancing a tourist’s loyalty. Little empirical research has been conducted to link service quality, perceived value, and relationship quality to customer loyalty in the travel agency sector. This study attempts to investigate the role of service quality, perceived value, and relationship quality on customer loyalty among tourists. Relationship quality consists of three components: customer satisfaction, customer trust, and customer commitment. Structural equation modeling is used to test the linkages between the six variables that have been identified. Findings reveal that service quality and perceived value of a travel package are antecedent factors to the relationship quality with a travel agency; three components of relationship quality significantly influence a customer’s loyalty to a travel agency.  相似文献   

The present study examines the quality of service provided by police officials at tourist sites in the Uttarakhand region, India and its impact on the level of tourists' confidence in the police. The study also investigates the role that police culture plays in determining quality of service and the effect of leader behavior in moderating the relationship between them. A survey method was used for data collection from the police officials and the onsite tourists. Data analysis was carried out using CFA and an SPSS macro named PROCESS. Results showed that police organizational culture has a direct influence on tourists' confidence in the police and police service quality partially mediates the relationship between the two; also leader behavior positively moderates between police culture and service quality. This study adds to the literature on tourists' confidence in the policing of tourist sites, police culture, leader behavior, and police service quality.  相似文献   

在将旅游业发展成为国民经济的战略性支柱产业和人民群众更加满意的现代服务业的过程中,旅游公共服务发挥着重要作用。对于政府管理部门内部有哪些因素会促进旅游公共服务质量的提升,学术界鲜有实证研究。本文从旅游行政管理部门的角度出发,构建了游客导向、创新导向、跨部门协调对旅游公共服务质量的影响模型。对广东省32个主要客源市场的旅游行政管理部门的309位工作人员进行了问卷调查,探讨旅游公共服务质量提升的驱动因素。结构方程模型结果显示,游客导向、创新导向和跨部门协调都有助于旅游公共服务质量的提升,跨部门协调中介游客导向对旅游公共服务质量的影响。本文在理论上弥补了旅游公共服务质量前因研究的空白,对旅游行政管理部门如何更好地提升旅游公共服务质量具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

虚拟集群式旅游供应链模型构建研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章基于旅游供应链理论研究动态与现代信息技术发展态势,提出以信息拉动式为特征的在线旅游供应链(e-tourism supply chain)的理念。从集群式供应链视角,分析了虚拟集群式旅游供应链建立的动因,构建了虚拟集群式旅游供应链理论模型。文章通过创新旅游供应链研究视角,借鉴产业集群与供应链管理耦合研究理论,试图在赛博空间(Cyberspace)里,构建起虚拟集群式旅游供应链的理论框架,可分成4个部分:(1)旅游者信息链,是围绕着每个旅游者需求信息的一条"信息拉动式供应链",在此基础上形成旅游企业旅游服务大规模定制链;(2)旅游服务定制链,旅游企业在以"旅游者"为中心的信息链上提供即时响应、即时采购、即时生产、即时销售的敏捷制造服务,同业性旅游企业合作服务于旅游者;(3)信息共享平台,包括旅游者需求汇集、统计、分流平台,旅游企业沟通平台和旅游评价平台;(4)专业化辅助企业,具有弹性专精的优势,缓解大规模标准通用化服务提供和市场的定制化随机要求(stochastic demand)之间的矛盾,满足了旅游者对定制化旅游服务需求。  相似文献   

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