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冯捷蕴 《旅游学刊》2011,26(9):19-28
目前,很少有学者采用旅游者博客这一新兴的方式研究游客对旅游目的地形象的感知。文章选择中西方旅游者博客话语为切入点,从“文化繁荣”、“宜居和生态”、“现代化大都市”、“社会和谐”和“经济发展”5个维度探讨中西方游客对北京旅游目的地形象感知的异同,并讨论了两个不同旅游群体在文化背景、意识形态和消费水平方面的差异。最后,文章对如何提升来京中西方游客的体验评价提出了切实的建议。此研究意在强调旅游者博客在旅游目的地形象研究中的重要意义,同时亦希望能够对话语分析的跨学科发展作出贡献。  相似文献   

到西藏去看看是少女时期的梦。记得,一天老师在历史课上讲到在唐朝为了巩固疆域,选派美丽的文成公主出使西域,松赞干布为迎娶她建造了雄伟的布达拉宫,从那一天起"长大后去西藏看看布达拉宫"的念头便在心中扎下了根。海虹在我上海朋友的帮助下,调到上海青浦旅游局任副局长,一年后,又被上海市委组织部委派到西藏日咯则亚东县任县委书记,任时三年。从他上任的那天起,我  相似文献   

旅游是人们为了休闲、娱乐、探亲访友或者商务目的而进行的非定居性旅行和在游览过程中所发生的一切关系和现象的总和。体味旅行,或许是最好的成长方式……最近英国的一家民间组织国民信托发起了一项活动,名日12岁前要做的50件事,内容包括50件户外旅行相关的活动,旨在鼓励孩子们在重归自然中强健身心、成长发育。对于现代年轻人来说,旅行或可成为最好的成长方式之一。国民信托的调查报告显示,12岁以下的英国孩子有1/3从未上过墙、爬过树,10人里就有一个不会骑自行车。中国旅游研究院学术委员会主任魏小安说:我给年轻旅行者的建议就是从穷游开始。  相似文献   

旅行费用区间分析法与分区旅行费用法的比较及应用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
我国很少有研究注重旅行费用法(Travel Cost Method,TCM)本身的改进,只有李巍和李文军提出了旅行费用区间分析法(Travel Cost Interval Analysis,TCIA),但其合理性有待进一步探讨.因此,本文从积分的角度对TCIA与传统的分区旅行费用法(ZTCM)的数学本质进行了详细的对比分析.结果表明,TCIA体现了勒贝格(Lebesgue)积分的基本思想,与传统的反映黎曼(Riemann)积分思想的ZTCM相比具有一定的优越性;但如何突破样本空间的局限,是TCIA值得改进的一个方向.另外,本文还运用TCIA评估了武汉东湖风景区的游憩价值.  相似文献   

旅行费用法若干问题研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
20世纪90年代,环境学领域研究者开始使用旅行费用法研究生态保护区及世界遗产类旅游景点的价值。环境科学的研究背景使得目前已有的成果缺少对于旅游学范畴相关变量的考虑。文章基于旅游学科,对于旅行费用法使用过程中模型及函数形式的选择、旅行时间的价值度量、多目的地旅行、替代效应及拥挤效应等问题进行了综述和阐释,期待多学科的合作研究使未来的旅游景点价值评估更加客观。  相似文献   

唐若璘 《西部旅游》2023,(3):105-107
<正>研学旅行是指有组织、有计划地安排中小学生到大自然和社会环境中,利用各种途径进行学习的校外教育活动。云南丽江拥有丰富而独特的研学资源,具备开展研学旅行的良好条件,因此丽江研学旅行发展潜力巨大。文章分析了丽江发展研学旅行的意义、优势和面临的挑战,并提出了丽江未来发展研学旅行的基本策略,以供参考。  相似文献   

旅游购物是人们旅游目的之一,当你有机会到世界各地去旅游时,一定会购买当地最有代表性的物品,留作纪念.世界各地有各地的特产和有代表性的物品,花不多的钱买上几件,会给你留下许多美好的回忆.  相似文献   

马静 《西部旅游》2023,(1):78-80
古人的“读万卷书,行万里路”是研学旅行的雏形,当代的研学旅行是将旅游和教育融合的崭新业态,在推进学校、家庭和社会协同育人方面发挥了重要作用。文章在“STEAM”理念的引领下,通过分析其核心理念内涵,梳理我国研学旅行发展和人才培养出现的问题以及研学旅行职业岗位知识结构,以期从人才培养目标、研学旅行课程体系、人才培养驱动机制和研学旅行专业文化建设等方面构建研学旅行人才培养模式。  相似文献   

文春艳 《当代旅游》2022,(10):91-93
研学旅行是中小学生教育发展的一种全新方向。本文对乐山市研学旅行的发展现状做了系统梳理,包括政府的文件政策发布、媒体的宣传、学校的研学旅行活动组织、旅行社配套相应的研学旅行产品及讲解人员等。同时根据发展现状对研学旅行发展中存在的问题做进一步梳理,并提出相应的应对措施,以期对乐山市研学旅行的发展有一定的借鉴意义,进一步丰富乐山旅游业态。  相似文献   

龙珠 《西部旅游》2022,(12):100-102
社会的发展和进步有效地促进了许多新兴业态的发展,研学旅行就是在这一背景下孕育而生的,目前已经成为了各中小学校开展社会实践课程的重要手段之一。研学旅行这种教育和旅游相结合的模式,不仅可以引导学生开展社会实践,增长他们的见识,而且可以带来良好的经济效益,可谓一举两得,深受人们的喜爱。但这种教育加旅游的新模式目前还处在初级发展阶段,存在很多不足。文章分析了研学旅行的意义和价值,并且对于目前研学旅行所存在的问题进行了汇总,同时提出了一些有针对性的建议,希望可以为相关人员提供参考,助力研学旅行未来的健康发展。  相似文献   

This study proposed a holistic approach to understanding the usage of travel guidebooks. Guidebooks were revealed to outperform other travel information sources in the stages of “during” and “post-travel” but lost their competitiveness in the pre-trip planning to the Internet, especially on the search for information on destination and accommodation. A factor analysis on an 18-item instrument concluded that travelers possess six underlying need dimensions when using guidebooks: reflective, security, confirming, destination, itinerary, and functional needs. Therefore, recommendations were provided for practitioners to reconsider the positioning of travel guidebooks when formulating product development and marketing strategies.  相似文献   


On April 5th, 2005 the US Departments of State and Homeland Security announced the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI) which will require Americans traveling to Canada to present a passport for re-entry into the USA. The Conference Board of Canada estimates that this legislation (for the years 2005-2008) will result in a loss of nearly 7.7 million trips and cost the Canadian tourism industry approximately $1.6 billion in lost revenues. The purpose of this study was to investigate how this change in legislation will affect southwestern Pennsylvania residents' perceptions and image of Canada and their propensity to visit Canada. A series of three focus groups designed to measure these impressions was conducted. The results indicate that successful mitigation strategy could reverse potential image issues as a result of the USA legislation.  相似文献   

Travel blogs provide a new way of understanding consumers' perceptions on destination and its associated products. The purpose of this study was to examine international tourists' destination image of China as represented in travel blog discourse. Data were obtained from blog entries relating to trips to China posted on three dominant travel blog websites. Content analysis facilitated by Atlas.ti 6.0 was performed on a total of 89 China-related travel blogs. The study identified the most frequently discussed aspects of tourists' experiences in China. The results also indicated that the blog authors had mixed and paradoxical images of China as identified by previous research. Marketing implications for China's tourism development based on the results were discussed.  相似文献   

This study assessed the mediating effects of destination image on the relationship between travel constraints and intention to visit. Structural equation modeling identified that destination image mediates between travel constraints and intention to visit, and thereby the negative impact of perceived constraints on intention to visit could be alleviated through the mediating effect of destination image. Thus, travelers can find the means to alleviate travel constraints through a negotiation mechanism. The findings provide practical implications for effective destination marketing programs in that the negative impact from travel constraints can, to a great extent, be mitigated.  相似文献   

This paper examines international travel demand between the United States and Western Europe. A complete system of demand equations is estimated to obtain expenditure and price elasticities of the demand for travel. The results allow the classification of regions of Western Europe as substitutes or complements according to the preferences of travelers. It is found that Americans view Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Spain, and Portugal as “luxury destinations” that might expect to receive an increasing share of the traveler's budget. The price elasticities are relatively low for France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg. France and the U.K eexhibited high price substitution effects as did France and Germany. Travel to most other countries might be classified as complementary with respect to travel to France and substitutes with respect to the U.K.  相似文献   

旅游动机、目的地形象与旅游者期望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章构建了旅游动机、目的地形象和旅游者期望关系的概念模型,以大陆居民赴香港旅游者为研究对象,采用结构方程模型(SEM)验证旅游动机、目的地形象与旅游者期望之间的关系。研究结果表明:(1)目的地的认知形象显著影响情感形象;(2)旅游动机直接正向影响目的地的认知形象和旅游者期望,并通过目的地的认知形象对旅游者期望产生间接影响;(3)目的地的认知形象直接正向影响目的地的情感形象和旅游者期望,并通过目的地的情感形象对旅游者期望产生间接影响。  相似文献   

This study presents the perceived and projected image of Taiwan as a travel destination from perspectives from Mainland China. The perceived image of Taiwan was examined by interviewing 28 Mainland Chinese; the projected image of Taiwan was investigated by analyzing articles in China's most popular travel magazines. The different types of images of Taiwan among visitors, nonvisitors, and travel magazines were compared. The projected image changed notably after the opening of Taiwan's tourism to travelers from Mainland China. The results of this study could help destination marketing organizations to assess their marketing strategies for the Mainland Chinese travel market.  相似文献   

This study investigated travel blogs as a manifestation of the travel experience, along with the destination image of Hong Kong from the perspective of tourists from mainland China. Recently published blog entries were selected and analyzed using content analysis. Empirical results indicated that the overall perceived destination image of Hong Kong was positive, with particular strengths in transportation, the harbor, and outlying islands. The major weaknesses of Hong Kong as a travel destination were the price of meals outside hotels, rooms in five-star hotels, and the quality of cosmetics and skincare products. This article has implications for policymakers and practitioners with regard to making use of travel blogs to gather authentic visitor comments on Hong Kong.  相似文献   

The temporal dimensions of tourism have received little attention in tourism research. This paper discusses period, life cycle and cohort effects with respect to destination and transportation choice of German residents. Using chi-square statistics, very significant differences are discerned for all three time dimensions. This refutes the determination of the most important effect. Trend surface analysis is used to calculate the underlying main trends. This suggests that at different times the individual effects are more pronounced. Hence, the common failure to consider other time dimensions while discussing one may result in precipitant conclusions and actions.  相似文献   

中国景区网络形象指数研究——基于互联网内容分析方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章以国家5A级景区为研究对象,构建了中国景区网络形象指数,通过大数据方法对旅游局官方网站、景区官方网站和门户网站旅游频道等205个互联网站点进行内容分析,计算得出153家5A级景区的网络形象分值,并分别讨论了其总分排名、空间分布及类型特征.分析结果显示,中国旅游景区网络形象呈现4大分异:(1)整体形象分异:我国5A级景区网络形象总分值差别悬殊,景区网络形象与其旅游接待人数存在错位现象.(2)空间分异:高分景区呈现空间集聚特征,并已经形成了“钻石地带”和“高分走廊”两大高分集聚区域.(3)知名度与美誉度分异:景区普遍存在认知形象与情感形象不匹配问题.(4)类型分异:景区网络形象类型多样,总体上以均衡型为主.  相似文献   

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