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本地市场效应是指,在一个存在报酬递增和贸易成本的世界中,那些拥有相对较大国内市场需求的国家将成为净出口国。它源自新古典贸易理论解释复杂贸易实践的理论局限和新贸易理论经验证据匮乏的困境,在探寻两种理论范式相对解释力的过程中应运而生,并随着空间经济学的迅猛崛起而成为新经济地理范式(New Economic Geography Paradigm)的核心特征之一。本文在回顾本地市场效应的理论背景和基本理论模型的基础上,对其理论模型和经验证据的新近发展作了系统的梳理并进行了简要的评论。  相似文献   

为落实党中央、国务院关于减轻企业负担工作的部署,维护企业合法权益,加强对全国企业特别是中小企业负担状况的监测,探索企业负担评价工作,课题组在各省市提供的宏观数据及企业负担调查问卷获得的微观数据基础上,运用科学的统计分析方法,进行数据的筛查和整理,探索设计和构建了企业负担相关指数,旨在简单、直观地反映企业负担情况,并提出初步的政策建议,为减轻企业负担提供科学的决策依据。  相似文献   

简论我国地方企业集群的研究意义   总被引:122,自引:5,他引:122  
王缉慈  童昕 《经济地理》2001,21(5):550-553
全球经济中,国家竞争优势不能只依靠国内的全球性企业,更重要的是那些扎根于国土上的企业集群。如何提高地方企业集群内部的学习能力和创新能力,促进企业集群的生产系统与知识系统的有机结合,加强企业集群内部的企业分工与合作,以及如何寻找发展内力和整合外部信息的接合方式,成为区域应对全球化挑战的关键问题。这个当今公共政策的重要课题需要多学科跨领域地商讨解决,急需经济地理学者的积极参与。本文简明扼要地论述了在我国研究地方企业集群的意义。  相似文献   

湘西自治州经济发展的战略思路与对策研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈建国  刘玉桥 《经济地理》2003,23(2):187-191,196
随着国家西部大开发战略的实施,给作为西部大开发前沿阵地和桥头堡的湘西自治州的经济发展带来了重大机遇。本文在分析湘西自治州区域开发条件、经济发展现状和问题的基础上,对州域经济发展的优势、战略思路、战略定位和战略措施进行了深入探讨。  相似文献   

By definition, the hidden economy eludes straight observation by means of official statistics. Nevertheless, attempts to quantify these phenomena usually make reference to official materials in various respects, e.g. as regards definition, or when evaluating the relative importance or some indirect reflections of such activities. In this context, official statistics may serve as a particularly useful reference when those sections of the economy are concerned which are hardly or not at all susceptible to hidden activities. Such sections can be identified in terms of industry and in terms of occupation.
In the present investigation such techniques have been used to a large extent and only official statistics have been drawn upon as a data source. Accordingly, the outcome matches closely with national accounts concepts and existing national classifications of various socio-economic statistics. The estimates refer to the hidden ("off the records") activities of the self-employed as well as to similar activities of employees, the unemployed etc. ("moonlighting"). Per se criminal activities have not been included, however. As regards the self-employed the estimates basically rely on income differentials observed between small scale entrepreneurs and their employees. As regards employees numbers employed of various preselected occupational categories and of some additional groups of non-employed have been processed successively, matching them e.g. with comparable data on time budgets and regional frequency.
The outcome largely confirms common experience or expectations as regards the fields where hidden activities assume significant relative importance whereas the overall size of the hidden economy turned out fairly small as compared with official GDP.  相似文献   

我国近年来旅游对目的地社会文化影响研究综述   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
潘秋玲  李文生 《经济地理》2004,24(3):412-415,422
随着旅游开发的进一步深化和旅游业规模的不断扩大,旅游给目的地带来的社会文化影响日益明显,逐渐引起了学术界的广泛关注,使之成为旅游学研究的热点问题。文章通过1980年代以来国内有关旅游开发对目的地社会文化影响研究文献的分析,从研究进展、研究内容、研究学科等几个方面总结了目前国内相关研究的现状特点,反映了旅游对目的地社会文化影响研究的进展、学术动态和学术水平。最后指出,中国目前关于旅游对目的地社会文化影响的研究成果有限,尚未形成系统、科学的理论体系和方法论,它依然是一个有待学者们不断进行探索的领域。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the weakness in labour demand which appeared in 1973–78 in France, Germany, and the U.K. and attempts a comprehensive assessment of it. Hitherto, the situation in labour markets has usually been measured by official figures of the registered unemployed which tend to understate unemployment itself and neglect other dimensions of labour slack, such as reversal of previous migration flows or declines in labour force participation or in working hours which may contain highly significant cyclical movements cushioning unemployment. The report proposes the adoption of a more comprehensive concept for labour market monitoring, along lines already used in the annual reports of the German Institute of Employment Research. Such an approach presents advantages in economic and labour market policy analysis. A simplified form of the proposed monitoring tables is presented in Annex Tables F-1 to F-4, G-1 to G-4 and U-1 to U-4. They can be considered as a potential satellite to existing national accounts. It is also suggested that analysis of the degree to which labour potential is used be conducted on a regular basis. The possibilities of this approach are outlined in considerable detail in Section V and in the annex. The different dimensions of the use-of-potential account are summarised in Table 3. The report contains a review of the literature on the full employment rate of unemployment and its components. This is one of the major issues on which a judgement must be made in use-of-potential analysis. This review is presented in Section VI of the report. It emerges from the analysis that Germany had the biggest labour slack (8.6 percent of potential) in 1978 though its unemployment rate (3.8 percent of the labour force) was the lowest of the three countries.  相似文献   

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