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一个符合"卡尔多--希克斯改进"标准的改革方案,将可能因利益不一致性,而无法被采纳;解决这一困境的办法是做实"卡尔多补偿",使方案符合"帕累托改进";而要做实"卡尔多补偿",改革受益者的事前承诺并不可信,只能依赖于国家承诺.中国改革促进了经济增长,是符合"卡尔多--希克斯改进"标准的,但也遇到了利益不一致问题.在此背景下,由于利益相对受损者并没有及时得到补偿,加之贴现率太高,因而坚持后续改革的积极性下降;而既得利益者则由于预期后续改革将轮到他们分担更多成本,因而也变得保守起来.由此导致了所谓"改革冷漠症"出现.解决此问题的办法是国家及时关注社会公平正义的再分配政策,使改革成果为大众所共享.  相似文献   

Issues of macroeconomic and exchange rate policy coordination have cycled in and out of the forefront of international policy discussions a number of times over the last several decades, yet little systematic progress has been made in institutionalizing this process and both the potential benefits and costs of cordination strategies remain highly controversial. This essay reviews the recent technical and political economy literature on this subject, highlighting the major areas of consesus and disagreement. It emphasizes the importance of taking uncertainty and political economy considerations into account.  相似文献   

A pressure group model where environmental and industry lobby groups offer political support in return for favorable pollution tax policies is used to explain and predict the equilibrium pollution tax in sectors protected by tariffs. The political economy effects of trade liberalization are investigated. The pollution tax is shown to decrease if the lobbying effort by the environmental lobby decreases more rapidly than by the industry lobby ceteris paribus. The level of political conflict falls with trade liberalization. Pollution may increase because of a reduction of the pollution tax, and tax revenues may fall simultaneously as pollution increases.  相似文献   

The trade relationship between China and the USA has become increasingly important to the economies of both countries. The recent trade conflicts and friction between China and the USA constitute obstacles in the way of US—Chinese bilateral trade relationship development, which is of considerable concern to both countries. Through an in‐depth analysis of the political process of US trade policy towards China, the present paper identifies the important determinants of US trade policy towards China. The influence of US trade policy on the trade relationship between the USA and China is assessed and implications for the trade relationship between the USA and China are discussed.  相似文献   

The optimal tariff was a central concern to economists and policymakers in interwar Egypt. The government took the position that Egypt conformed to the small-country assumption in world cotton markets. Using time-series and panel data for the period 1895–1939, this article demonstrates that Egyptian long-staple cotton commanded significant market power in international markets. An optimal export tariff would have encouraged economic diversification and generated huge government revenues, making it possible to finance industrialization plans. However, the burden of taxation would have been shared by Egyptian landlords and British interests. Thus, an optimal export tariff was incompatible with the goals of Egypt's ruling elite, who dictated the orientation of trade policy until the 1950s.  相似文献   

This paper aims to explain the divergent path of U.S. health policy from other high-income countries. The paper develops a general framework of interest group politics to study how the organization of industry can shape health insurance coverage and greater public involvement in health insurance. Large firms face a higher degree of unionization and provide more health coverage for employees than small firms. Consequently, large firms favor the adoption of a policy of universal health care coverage as a means of divesting health care costs to the public sector. Public aversion to higher taxation counterbalances this effect.  相似文献   

Alongside the growth in overall employment and the steady rise in average real incomes over the 1990s, many developed countries experienced a concentration of low labour market attachment and low pay among certain groups in society. In response, the focus of welfare policy shifted towards targeted making work pay programs. This paper considers the validity of the arguments underlying this shift in welfare policy. It examines two broad classes of policies: active labour market programs and earned income tax credits.  相似文献   

关税政策的政治经济分析:文献述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王元颖 《世界经济文汇》2004,36(5):71-80,F003
关税理论作为次优理论的一种 ,其研究主要分为两个层次 ,第一层次集中于关税的传统贸易功能上 ;第二层次延伸到关税的相关研究领域内。虽然自由贸易是资源配置的最佳状态 ,但是形形色色的贸易保护却是当今世界的现实。传统的贸易理论的缺陷在于把关税外生化 ,而“关税内生化理论”正是从收入分配或财富分配这一主题出发 ,在一定程度上填补了理论与现实之间的差距 ,增加了对现实的解释力。  相似文献   

东亚经济一体化的政治经济学分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从纯经济角度来说,东亚各国的相对脆弱性决定了东亚经济一体化的必要性。从政治经济角度来说,东亚各国需要扩展区域间的合作来加强国与国之间的政治联系,进而加强整个区域在国际政治中的地位,中、日、韩之间的关系决定了东亚经济一体化的长期性。  相似文献   

This study examined the political economy dimension of fiscal transfers from the national government to district assemblies based on the formula distribution policy created under Ghana's 1992 Constitutional democracy. The two‐step system GMM for dynamic linear panel analysis was estimated from locational perspectives of rural and urban in relation to political swing and aligned districts. Data on annual District Assemblies Common Fund transfers and election results were used for the analyses from 1994 to 2014 covering 167 assemblies. From the results, average transfers to each district was Gh 6.28 million but it increased by 3.5 per cent in politically aligned rural districts and by 6.4 per cent in urban swing districts. During election years, the increases were even higher, precisely 5 per cent and 10 per cent for rural aligned and urban swing districts, respectively. These suggested that the government generally targets more urban swing voters than rural aligned voters. The allocation formula was influenced by political factors, as election years tended to be associated with higher transfers. The swing effects dominated the sharing mechanism. Therefore, to reduce political influence on the allocation formula, an independent body should be established to make recommendations directly to parliament. This should dampen the political influence of incumbent governments on the allocations.  相似文献   

Abstract: In this paper we test for risk pooling within and among social networks to see if the extent of informal insurance available to individuals in rural Ghana varies with their social visibility. We identify a distinct subpopulation of socially invisible individuals who tend to be younger, poorer, engaged in farming, recent arrivals into the village who have been fostered and are not members of a major clan. While we cannot reject the null hypothesis that individual shocks do not affect individual consumption and that individual consumption tracks network and village consumption one‐for‐one among the socially visible, risk pooling fails for the socially invisible subpopulation. These results have important implications for the design of social protection policy.  相似文献   

Abstract: The question of the optimal spread between bank lending rates and rates that banks pay on deposits, which is fair to bankers, depositors and borrowers, has dogged economies for some time. In Ghana, there is widespread perception that the spread is too wide. Bankers, on the other hand justify the spread on the basis of economic variables that affect them. This paper contributes to the literature by identifying, in the case of Ghana, the short‐run response of the net interest margin of banks to changes in bank‐specific, industry‐specific and macroeconomic variables within the broad framework of Ho and Saunders (1981) . We find that increases in the following factors significantly increase net interest margin — bank market power (or concentration), bank size, staff costs, administrative costs, extent of bank risk aversion and the rate of inflation. On the other hand, increases in the following variables decrease net interest margin significantly — bank excess cash reserves, the central bank lending rate, management efficiency and the passage of time. To help reduce interest rate margins, we recommend that banks should not get too big, the central bank should consider lowering the capital adequacy ratio and banks should be required to pass on to borrowers the full extent of reductions or increases in the central bank lending rate. Continued efforts at keeping inflation at bay will also help.  相似文献   

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