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多机场区域内机场间存在严重的发展不均衡问题,中小机场长期依赖政府补贴维持生存。增加中小机场的市场份额,提高其收益,从而提高其竞争力,是改善多机场区域机场间发展不均衡的有效途径。通过建立两个机场的Hotelling模型,研究发现,中小机场与低成本航空公司进行合作可以降低航空票价、增加中小机场的吞吐量,从而改善多机场区域机场间发展的不均衡。最后利用鲁宾斯坦的“讨价还价模型”对机场与航司进行合作的利益分享机制做了研究,发现机场与内部航空公司合作形成的战略联盟带来剩余利润,两者在分享这一剩余利润时最有利的对策是提高自身的耐心程度,这样不仅可以维持长期的战略联盟关系,最终还可以平分剩余利润。  相似文献   

缩短机场旅客步行距离是实现人民群众美好航空出行需求的重要途径。以机场旅客感知步行距离为研究对象,基于结构方程测量模型,构建个人属性、出行属性、机场属性和感知属性的回归模型,识别影响感知步行距离的关键因素并确定分级标准与心理阈值。研究结果表明:旅客感知步行距离受年龄、提前到达机场的时间、行李数量、对机场的熟悉程度、步行速度和机场客流量等客观因素影响,主观因素中路径设施有效性感知和服务环境适宜性感知具有正向影响作用;旅客感知步行距离范围可划分为5级,可接受的步行距离心理阈值距离为1 200 m。  相似文献   

The intensity of competition among firms depends on commuting patterns, as has been noted, because commuters can reach any store located on their route to work without incurring any incremental travel costs. We incorporate this insight into our estimation of a retail gasoline price function for Lexington, Kentucky, by treating each commuter route as a separate market. Competition in these markets, however, displays an asymmetry because all the commuters travel to the Central Business District (CBD). To accommodate this asymmetry, we treat the market segments on each side of a firm as distinct submarkets and include independent variables (number of competitors and submarket length) from each submarket. Both sets of structural variables influence gasoline prices in the expected direction, but the variables representing the submarket near the CBD have significantly stronger effects. Refinements show that a firm's strongest competition comes from sellers of different brands and from its nearest neighbor.  相似文献   

This article argues that the massive increase in transatlantic British and Irish emigration after 1840 was enabled by declining fares and ocean travel costs. New series of transatlantic steerage fares drawn from the unique Cope Line records at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania (HSP) show westward fares fell rapidly from 1830. Adjusted for British and US manual wages, westward travel costs, including provisions, almost halved between 1847 and 1851–3, when Irish migration peaked. Hence although the Irish had to leave Ireland, they might not otherwise have gone so extensively to North America. Eastward travel costs also fell after 1830, encouraging an unexpectedly large return migration to Britain in the late1850s, and maybe earlier.  相似文献   

To explain the persistence of dominant New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) market share in stock trading of listed securities from 1992 to 2002, we develop a dominant‐firm price leadership model and hypothesize that NYSE specialists raised the costs of rival market makers. The model predicts that natural and induced cost advantages will determine the NYSE's market share vis‐à‐vis the regional exchanges, electronic trading systems, and NASDAQ dealers. Empirically, NYSE market share increases with economies of scale and scope, abnormal price volatility, high asymmetric information, and with trading practices that raise rivals' costs, such as failure to display limit orders that bettered the existing quotes.  相似文献   

China's international investment position is characterized by large net foreign assets, a dominance of low‐return foreign exchange reserves and costly foreign direct investment in foreign assets and foreign liabilities. In addition, China's foreign investment positions are facing potentially large exchange risks. These features reflect entrenched institutional and structural problems in China, including underdeveloped capital markets, biased resource allocation and a defective social security system. China's net creditor status might actually be an indication of weakness rather than strength. To improve its international investment position, China must speed up economic reforms and allow the market to play a fundamental role in resource allocation.  相似文献   

China's recent removal of the last ceiling restriction on deposit rates in October 2015 is a milestone in interest rate liberalization, but not the end of it. International experience suggests that, without structural and quantitative reforms, simply freeing interest rates can result in major financial stress. Before China's central bank can completely relinquish implicit or explicit guidance for commercial banks' interest rate determination, it needs to accomplish two tasks: improvement of commercial banks' pricing capability as well as the monetary policy transmission mechanism. Both tasks require significant reform measures to be initiated, such as enforcing market discipline, forming a new monetary policy framework, developing money and capital markets, abandoning quantitative restrictions on credit and reforming the financial regulatory system.  相似文献   

As rapid economic growth in China has led to significant appreciation of urban real estate market values, this study examines China's influence on Asian–Pacific real estate markets by focusing on their respective market integration with the US, Japan and China during the period January 2005 to December 2017. Market integration is examined by unconditional and time‐varying conditional correlations, nonlinear Granger causality and dynamic connectedness effects. Overall, although the US and Japanese real estate markets have significantly influenced return and volatility in the regional markets, China has emerged as another major regional real estate volatility leader with rising influence over volatility integration, especially during the 2007–2011 crisis period. Financial crises have strengthened China's volatility connectedness effects and market integration with other Asian–Pacific real estate markets. Our results imply that the benefits of regional portfolio diversification may be declining as volatility integration across the Chinese and Asian–Pacific real estate markets becomes stronger. Therefore, diversified global investors should pay greater attention to these real estate markets.  相似文献   

China's tourism market is growing in importance since China's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO). It is likely that China's opening to the world market will lead to the further development of its travel service industry. Even though China will be confronted by some difficulties, its WTO commitment may have positive impacts on the travel service industry such as the development of technologies, introduction of advanced management strategies, improved industrial structure, and increased competition in the sector. This paper aims to explain the WTO‐related factors in China's travel service industry, analyzing and evaluating the sector's development strategy.  相似文献   

The enthusiasm of British portfolio investors for US industry in the late 1880s has been seen as evidence of the liberalism of the London Stock Exchange and the conservatism of the New York Stock Exchange. Based on a study of Anglo‐American brewing issues on the London market between 1888 and 1892, in this article it is argued that such an interpretation cannot be sustained. For these issues, securing access to the London market proved more demanding than accounts of its liberalism would lead us to expect: in fact, Anglo‐American brewing companies submitted to strictures from London that were more constraining than those of the New York market. Promoters accepted London's constraints to take advantage of the high valuations assigned to Anglo‐American brewing securities there, which reflected the city's success in building demand based on financial machinery that did not exist in New York. That machinery included underwriting syndicates, accounting standards, and the London Stock Exchange's listing rules, although, from this perspective, it was the rigour of the exchange's rules that was important. Still, vetting securities for quotation was not the same as for investment, as the disappointing performance of the Anglo‐American brewing securities soon revealed.  相似文献   

Many researchers claim that costing systems that provide materially more accurate or precise cost reports have a strict value-enhancing effect on decisions (i.e., Cooper 1988, 1995; Cooper and Kaplan 1991; Christensen and Sharp 1994; Rogers. Comstock. and Pritz 1994; Swenson 1995; Gupta and King 1997). However, this study provides theoretical and empirical evidence that the value of more accurate cost information may be dependent upon the firm's competitive market structure, as well as the firm's product market strategy. We extend the theoretical work of Gal-Or 1986 to incorporate an endogenous imprecise cost signal in two imperfect market structures: Cournot competition and Bertrand competition with imperfectly substitutable products. In addition, we theoretically link market structure to product market strategy. To examine product market strategy, we employ a laboratory markets design that allows for strategic reaction by a rival firm in each of these markets, because the competitive position of a firm is determined by its capacity to produce at low cost, or to differentiate its product from other products (Porter 1985). Consistent with our theoretical work, we argue that firms that compete on the basis of cost leadership (which we demonstrate may be characterized as Cournot competition), benefit through increased profits from increased product cost accuracy, whereas firms that compete on the basis of product differentiation (which we demonstrate may be characterized as Benrand competition) do not benefit from such increased product cost accuracy. Our results are consistent with this contention. That is, profit is higher in the experimental cost leadership markets (operationalized as Cournot markets) when subjects know their true cost, while profit is higher in the experimental product differentiation markets (operationalized as Bertrand markets) when subjects receive uninformative cost reports and make their decisions based on expected costs. These results suggest that the value of more accurate cost reports may be dependent upon the firm's competitive market structure strategy and product market strategy.  相似文献   

This paper examines the conditional time-varying currency betas from five developed and six emerging financial markets with contagion and spillover effects. We employ a trivariate asymmetric BEKK-type GARCH-in-Mean (MGARCH-M) approach to estimate the time-varying conditional variance and covariance of returns of stock market index, the world market portfolio and bilateral exchange rate between the US dollar and the local currency. The results show that the world market and currency risks are not only priced in the stock markets, but also time-varying. It is found that currency betas are much more volatile than the world market betas, and currency betas in the emerging markets are more volatile than those in the developed markets. We find empirical evidence of contagion effect and spillovers between stock market and foreign exchange market during the recent global financial crisis, and the effect is stronger in the emerging markets than that in the developed markets. Two applications are provided to illustrate the usefulness of time-varying currency betas.  相似文献   

《China Economic Review》2006,17(3):266-280
By conscious design, reformers in China only gradually focused their efforts on expanding the role of markets for the allocation of goods and services in the economy. As a result, markets—especially in the agricultural sector—developed slowly. Throughout the 1990s there was a heated debate about the degree to which markets had emerged. The main goal in this paper is to bring together a number of simple and revealing facts on the emergence of China's markets. To do so we examine several sets of price data and analyze spatial patterns of market prices contours over time and text the extent to which market prices are integrated among China's regions. According to our analysis, we find that to a remarkable degree, agricultural commodity markets have emerged; price patterns look much like those in market economies in the rest of the world and prices are highly integrated across space.  相似文献   

This paper derives a NEG-style model that outlines several spatial spillover channels and examines the effects of proximities to spatially distributed factor supply and market demand on Chinese urban economies. A panel dataset of 283 prefecture or higher-level cities from 2003–2013 is used for the empirical analysis. The estimation shows that proximities to government expenditure on science and technology, to professionals in science and technology, and to the domestic and foreign markets all contribute to urban manufacturing growth, while concentrations of specialized labor force and producer services in neighboring cities have negative effects. The spatial effects of factor proximities and market potentials differ in China's three regions. Surprisingly, cities in the central region have the most significant gain from spillovers of factor supply, and cities in the eastern and western regions benefit substantially from the domestic and foreign markets. Policy implications are derived from the findings.  相似文献   

Based on product homogeneity and Cournot competition, past literature has uniformly shown that ad valorem taxation welfare dominates unit taxation in noncompetitive markets. This paper allows goods in a market to be heterogeneous and firms to be Bertrand competing. We confirm the short-run findings of others that consumer welfare and overall welfare are always higher under ad valorem taxation. However, ad valorem taxation generates larger profits (hence Pareto dominates) only when market demand is elastic, perhaps explaining the persistence of unit taxation in markets with inelastic demand. The effects on ad valorem Pareto dominance of within- and between-market substitutability, number of firms in the taxed market, and the level of taxation are also investigated. In the long run, an equal-revenue substitution of ad valorem taxation for unit taxation reduces consumer price, which is welfare improving, but also reduces variety when market demand is elastic, which is welfare decreasing. Nonetheless, ad valorem welfare dominance still holds in the long run.  相似文献   

The dramatic movements of China's stock market in the past two and a half years have renewed debate among academics over the efficiency of China's stock market. The present paper tests the efficiency of China' s stock market. The realization of efficient markets requires the effective operation of a complete set of macro and micro mechanisms. However, such mechanisms are not only incomplete in China' s stock market, but are also ineffective because of the prevalence of institutional deficiencies.  相似文献   

Capital market participants collectively may possess information about the valuation implications of a firm's change in strategy not known by the management of the firm proposing the change. We ask whether a firm's management can exploit the capital market's information in deciding either whether to proceed with a contemplated strategy change or whether to continue with a previously initiated strategy change. In the case of a proposed strategy change, we show that managers can extract the capital market's information by announcing a potential new strategy, and then conditioning the decision to implement the new strategy on the size of the market's price reaction to the announcement. Under this arrangement, we show that a necessary condition to implement all and only positive net present value strategy changes is that managers proceed to implement some strategies that garner negative price reactions upon their announcement. In the case of deciding whether to continue with a previously implemented strategy change, we show that it may be optimal for the firm to predicate its abandonment/continuation decision on the magnitude of the costs it has already incurred. Thus, what looks like “sunk‐cost” behavior may in fact be optimal. Both demonstrations show that, in addition to performing their usual role of anticipating future cash flows generated by a manager's actions, capital market prices can also be used to direct a manager's actions. It follows that, in contrast to the usual depiction of the information flows between capital markets and firms as being one way — from firms to the capital markets — information also flows from capital markets to firms.  相似文献   

Using a large panel dataset that covers 116 countries and 5013products over the period 1998-2010, this study evaluates the effects of export experience on the geographic expansion of China "s exports. The results suggest that past export experience in geographically close and culturally similar markets plays a crucial role in.facilitating new market entry, and the positive spillover effects are more pronounced for incumbent and successful products. The results also indicate that spillovers from export experience are market-specific and product- specific, and they are limited to within the same product class and the same market, with little cross-group effects. Finally, there is no strong evidence that export experience is more important for differentiated products than for homogeneous products, and the positive spillover effects are remarkable for both categories of products.  相似文献   

The Civil Aeronautics Board was dismantled on the premise that competition and the threat of entry would restrain airline prices. If consumers do not search for low fares, then the threat of entry will have little impact. The entry of a low fare carrier will reallocate fliers within but not between airports. Telephone survey data were used to estimate probit models for the use of Baltimore–Washington International, Newark International, JFK International, and Philadelphia International Airports to evaluate the effect of low fares on consumer behavior. In airport usage, age and gender do not matter. Although survey participants reported that airfare is an important consideration, actual searching for a low fare was unimportant. The availability of non-stop flights, wait at check-in, income, and distance from home were important.  相似文献   

The frequent occurrence of crises in recent decades has triggered a debate between the proponents of Efficient market hypothesis and Fractal market hypothesis. While, the proponents of Efficient market hypothesis view crises as non-existent and highly improbable, the advocates of Fractal market hypothesis view crises as the dominance of certain investment horizons. We test whether the assertion of Fractal Market hypothesis regarding the dominance of certain frequencies during financial crises hold for the global stock markets. Following Kristoufek (Sci Rep 3:2857, 2013) the wavelet power spectra based on continuous wavelet framework are used to test the said hypothesis. It is shown that stock markets around the globe indicate the dominance of higher frequencies during the crises periods, hence, validate the assertions of Fractal market hypothesis. The results drawn are robust to the use of different countries as well as different crises.  相似文献   

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