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王世杰 《山东经济》2010,26(5):100-104,110
"公共财政"的提法越来越深入人心,这标志着新的财政管理体制与支出理念的发展。但我国目前财政能否与"公共财政"提法相吻合?通过何种指标来反映"公共财政"?如果我国财政具备了公共财政的特征,财政二次分配职能应该能缩小收入分配不平等的差距,本文通过对财政支出与收入分配均等程度的实证分析,得出我国财政还无法有效地缩小收入分配差距。这意味着"公共财政"在我国还仅仅是一种理念与愿望,实现"公共财政"还有很长的路要走。  相似文献   

To analyze the effects of patent policy on growth and inequality, this article develops a quality‐ladder model with wealth heterogeneity and elastic labor supply. The model predicts that strengthening patent protection increases (a) economic growth by stimulating spending on research and development and (b) income inequality by raising the return on assets. Elastic labor supply creates an additional effect on income inequality. As for consumption inequality, the effect is ambiguous and depends on the elasticity of intertemporal substitution. Calibrating the model to the U.S. data shows that strengthening patent protection increases income inequality by more than consumption inequality, and this pattern is consistent with the data.  相似文献   

在修正的现金预付经济中,考虑信贷市场不完美因素后,本文从理论上预言了通货膨胀与收入不平等之间的正向关系,且这种正向关系在某些条件下是U形关系.模型预言存在一个“最优”通货膨胀率,使得该通货膨胀率不会加大收入不平等.模型的理论预言与大量实证研究文献是符合的.我们的模型可以解释基于时间序列和基于截面数据的不同实证研究研究结果存在差异的原因.  相似文献   

周勇 《新疆财经》2014,(5):51-58
新古典经济增长模型预测,随着时间的推移,人均收入的差距将会缩小,收入不平等将会逐渐趋同。本文利用1995年—2012年新疆15个地州的空间面板数据,采用跨部门模型和空间面板数据模型,并考虑空间交互效应来检验上述预测对新疆的正确性。研究结果显示,在对教育程度、失业、产业构成、人均收入的空间滞后增长以及区域固定效应进行调控之后,人均收入存在条件收敛,而收入不平等则存在无条件收敛。  相似文献   

《World development》1999,27(7):1141-1149
We examine an area of northern India where forestry acts to ameliorate the incidence of poverty and destitution, though it does not otherwise contribute significantly to the reduction of income inequality. The poor would be doubly disadvantaged without common property access to forest products. Conservation measures entailing curtailment in the right to common access pose a dilemma. This issue is explored here.  相似文献   

中国的对外开放和收入差距   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
本文主要研究中国的对外开放对收入差距的影响。首先,根据传统的Heckscher-Ohlin模型以及Stolper-Samuelson定理,由于中国在劳动密集型的产品上具有比较优势,贸易开放有利于出口更多劳动密集型产品,进口更多资本和技术密集型产品,贸易的增加最终促使要素价格均等化,从而降低收入不平等的程度。其次,对外开放引入了大量的外商直接投资(FDI),外资企业支付的高工资使技术工人工资提高,从而扩大了收入差距。另一方面,如果中国进口更多资本和技术密集的产品,同时引入更多的外资,就会促进技术进步。本文先建立了简单的模型讨论“技术偏向性的技术进步”(skill-biased technological progress)对收入差距的影响,再考虑了发生在技术密集产业的中性的技术进步,在中国的实际劳动力市场特征下,这两种技术进步将会使技术工人(skilled worker)相对于非技术工人(unskilledworker)的工资上升,从而收入差距扩大。开放程度对收入差距的实际影响在理论界上历来是存在着广泛的争议,最终要取决于定量研究的结果。当作者将教育、失业率、中国经济转型过程中的发展战略等变量同时引入模型以后,实证分析结果显示中国的贸易开放倾向于扩大中国的个人之间的收入差距。  相似文献   

教育对地区内收入差距的贡献:来自上海微观数据的考察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
作为人力资本的一个度量,教育对于收入差距的贡献一直受到广泛的关注,但却研究不够.本文借助上海市1431户家庭的微观数据,估计了一个包含教育变量的收入决定函数,然后在基于回归分析的收入差距分解框架内,运用最新发展起来的夏普里值过程(Shapley Value Approach),分解出了教育对于收入差距的贡献大小.通过比较发现,与地区间差距的情形不同,教育对于地区内收入差距而言是最重要的影响因素.  相似文献   

Much recent theoretical and empirical research has focused on the relationship between income distribution and economic growth. The fiscal policy approach argues that inequality is linked to pressure for redistributionary taxation, leading to low capital investment and, therefore, growth. Empirical analyses are consonant with this view in that the long-run relationship between inequality and growth is negative. However, several empirical inconsistencies with the fiscal policy approach do emerge: (a) there exists a short-run, positive relationship between income inequality and growth and (b) the relationship between inequality and taxation is mixed, at best. This paper presents a simple theoretical model that reconciles the intuitively appealing fiscal policy approach with the empirical findings.  相似文献   

异质性、经济增长与收入不平等   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文构建了一个劳动供给可变的内生增长模型,在不同消费者之问引入资本拥有量和劳动技能的双重异质性,并导出将这两种异质性与收入不平等联系起来的公式。分析表明,它们对收入不平等的作用方向是相反的;只有在以资本与技能异质性的相对量为条件时,才能得到确定的增长.不平等关系。男外,拓展的模型则考虑了劳动市场不完全性对增长和收入不均等的影响。  相似文献   

Income Inequality and Kuznets' Hypothesis in Thailand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Inference-based dominance analysis is applied to micro data containing comprehensive measures of rural and urban incomes in seven major regions of China. Ordinal inequality rankings are estimated for Lorenz curves of household income, per capita household income and square root equivalences scale adjusted income. Regional inequality is shown to be sensitive to the treatment of household size. The lack of reliable regional cost of living measures leads us to propose that entire food expenditure share quantile distributions be used as indicators of differences in well-being within and across regions. The results indicate that statistical rankings of Lorenz dominance and food share dominance are very different indicators of regional disparities in income and welfare in China. One urban region is shown to have been in the unenviable position in 1988 of being at the bottom of the Lorenz dominance ranking and tied for last in terms of food share dominance.  相似文献   

We use Granger causality and impulse response analysis to examine the relationship between income inequality, human capital attainment, and income growth using annual state-level data over the period 1929–2000. We find consistent evidence that the income share of the top decile Granger-causes income growth, but only weak evidence that income growth Granger-causes the top decile income share. Moreover, an impulse response analysis indicates that income growth responds negatively to permanent changes in the income share of the top decile. These findings appear to have important regional variations, however, with the more densely populated Eastern states showing the strongest associations. We also find evidence that years of schooling may Granger-cause income levels, but little evidence that years of schooling Granger-causes the top decile income share.
Mark W. FrankEmail:

城镇居民收入差距的形成与趋势   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对我国城镇居民收入差距形成的分析表明,第一产业增加值、失业率等是影响我国城镇居民收入的显著因素。并且,从这些因素的变动趋势判断,我国城镇居民收入差距仍将会进一步扩大。因此,扩大就业渠道、大力普及教育、深化分配制度、完善社会保障体系等是控制我国城镇居民收入差距扩大的有效措施。  相似文献   

齐良书 《南方经济》2008,45(4):27-40
收入分配与人口健康的关系是一个争论已久的问题。本文在总结各种理论假说和以往实证研究的基础上,使用新的、质量较好的跨国面板数据,重新检验了收入分配与人口健康的关系。本文的分析重点有二:一是收入分配对人口健康的滞后影响;二是医疗资源在收入分配与人口健康的相关关系中所起的作用。本文的主要发现是,收入不均对人口健康的确有不利影响,但这种不利影响需要10年或更长的滞后期才能充分显现出来,这种滞后性是以往使用固定效应模型的跨国研究未能检测到收入不均与人口健康具有负相关关系的主要原因。此外,医疗资源(特别是初级医疗资源)人均拥有量对人口健康有积极作用;医疗资源有可能通过某种不可观察固定因素对收入分配与人口健康的关系发生影响。这些发现有助于澄清关于收入分配与人口健康关系的争论,对医疗政策也有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

叶迎 《改革与战略》2010,26(7):33-36
文章从国际垂直分工引起贸易增长的视角研究中国收入分配不平等问题。文章认为,垂直专业化使得贸易扩张和收入在不同部门之间的分配产生差异,最后导致收入不平等的扩大。  相似文献   

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