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在市场经济条件下,任何企业都要在市场中参与激烈的竞争,其动力就是追逐经济效益,实现利润最大化。资金管理是企业经营管理的重点和关键,只有充分发挥资金管理对企业内部检查和外部监督的职能,才能让企业取得更大的经济效益。本文针对如何加强企业资金管理进行讨论,其目的在于充分认识资金管理对经济工作的重要意义。  相似文献   

This article uses price data and editorial commentaries from the contemporary financial press to measure the impact of political events on investors’ expectations from the middle of the nineteenth century until the First World War. The main question addressed is why political events appeared to affect the world's biggest financial market, the London bond market, much less between 1881 and 1914 than they had between 1843 and 1880. In particular, I ask why the outbreak of the First World War, an event traditionally seen as having been heralded by a series of international crises, was not apparently anticipated by investors. The article considers how far the declining sensitivity of the bond market to political events was a result of the spread of the gold standard, increased international financial integration, or changes in the fiscal policies of the great powers. I suggest that the increasing national separation of bond markets offers a better explanation. However, even this structural change cannot explain why the London market was so slow to appreciate the risk of war in 1914. To investors, the First World War truly came as a bolt from the blue.  相似文献   

垂直专业化的贸易利益分配机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
垂直专业化是当代经济全球化在国际分工领域的一个显著特点。本文通过研究四种不同市场结构下中间产品价格的决定,对垂直专业化贸易利益分配机制进行了探讨。并在明确我国分工地位的基础上,就如何提高垂直专业化水平和获取更高利益分配提出了相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

唐钊 《特区经济》2010,(2):219-220
污染转移在国际和国内都大量存在,其严重损害了弱势者的经济利益和环境利益,最终将影响全球的可持续发展。由于污染转移涉及经济、政治、环境等多方面,单一的应对手段明显存在缺陷。遏制污染转移必须综合运用道德、市场、规制和技术等手段,坚持预防和惩治并举,使污染转移得不偿失,才能取得预期的目标。  相似文献   

The paper compares the economic progress of two countries, South Africa and China, in relation to the Lewis model. These economies are chosen because they have interesting similarities and also interesting differences. At the start of economic reform in China and with the advent of democracy in South Africa, both countries had surplus labour: they were at the first, labour-surplus, stage of the Lewis model. It is shown that, since then, South Africa has continued to experience surplus labour: the unemployment rate has risen. By contrast, China’s labour market is shown to have tightened, and there is evidence that China has entered the second, labour-scarce, stage of the Lewis model. The difference lies in their growth rates. There are sections explaining why the South African economy has grown slowly and why the Chinese economy has grown rapidly, in relation to the growth of their labour forces. The Lewis model provides an enlightening framework for explaining how widely the fruits of economic development can be shared.  相似文献   

近年来信贷资金配给不断呈现结构马太效应,造成经济发展的局部不均衡和经济增长的结构性偏差,其主要原因是由于市场趋利作用,弱化了信贷资金政策调节公平的力度。本文通过对信贷资金马太效应不利影响进行了分析,提出了如何运用信贷政策手段平衡信贷结构,促进经济和谐发展的对策。  相似文献   

This paper investigates how the price dynamics of both onshore and offshore RMB markets are affected by fundamental determinants, market liquidity, global risk aversion and policies by using daily data from August 2010 to February 2016. The interval time series (ITS) modelling is applied to study the RMB price mechanism by capturing prices of the two markets as one self-formed interval data. An interval-based Wald test is constructed to examine the differences between the coefficients and an interval-based Mallows criterion is proposed for choosing appropriate explanatory variables. We find that both the price level and the price differences of onshore and offshore RMB markets are greatly affected by economic fundamentals indicated by different returns on stock indexes and market liquidity indicated by bid-ask prices of offshore market price. In addition, it is suggested that the interest rate spread between China and the US and the global risk appetite do not significantly affect the RMB price for both onshore and offshore markets. Finally, the results imply that “811 reform” of the RMB exchange rate regime does not change the fundamental price dynamics of RMB markets, but significantly changes how economic fundamentals affect the price mechanism of RMB exchange rate.  相似文献   

This paper studies the role of income distribution and technology transfer in the process of economic development. A novel aspect of the model is that the composition of human capital as well as the level affect economic growth. Utilizing an overlapping-generations model in which income distribution changes endogenously, we present an economic explanation for why some countries could not start modern economic growth; why some countries took off but have apparently stopped growing after some time; and why some countries have successfully developed and continue to grow.  相似文献   

The article raises and attempts to answer questions such as: adjustment for what purpose? to what shocks? of what factors or forces? by whom? who loses and who benefits from adjustment? and adjustment how? It also discusses the question of adjustment when? The distinction between external and internal shocks is rejected as neither helpful for the allocation of blame nor for the justification of raising finance. An analysis of the impact on the poor is sketched out. After a brief discussion of the role of the market and government intervention in adjustment policy and the fallacy of aggregating country policies, there follows a discussion of the double paradox of conditionality: why should a donor impose conditions that are in the best interest of the recipient, and why, instead of paying for getting good advice, is the recipient rewarded with extra money? Ten possible reasons are given. The paper ends with proposals as to how to overcome the conflict between national sovereignty and assuring that donor money is well spent.  相似文献   

竞争是市场运行的核心,有效发挥市场职能是推动经济发展的关键。文章借助《反垄断法》实施的准自然实验,研究发现《反垄断法》实施后,企业的全要素生产率提高,但是与竞争企业相比,垄断企业增加的全要素生产率显著更少。机制检验表明,《反垄断法》促使垄断企业削弱要素投入影响全要素生产率,具体表现为垄断企业的研发投入和研发部门员工比例下降、员工薪酬和高学历员工比例下降、并购金额降低。上述影响仅在国有企业中显著。进一步分析发现,《反垄断法》也会影响垄断企业的产品市场表现和资本市场表现。文章研究表明《反垄断法》不仅能够提高企业经营效率、促进经济增长,更能够打破垄断企业的优势地位、助力经济均衡发展。文章为评价《反垄断法》实施效果补充了宏观层面的经验证据,也有助于认识政府在弥补市场失灵中的重要角色,为如何充分发挥市场的资源配置功能带来启示。  相似文献   

资本、劳动力、技术长期以来被认为是经济增长的3个动力源泉。但是这个理论没有考虑其拉动经济增长的市场基础问题,无法解释为什么不同国家的经济增长会出现很大差异。开发性金融实践表明,市场信用体制建设是经济发展第四推动力。加速市场信用体制建设是发展中国家实现自觉、主动、持续、稳定、健康发展的必然要求。  相似文献   

杨宽欣 《特区经济》2006,(11):93-94
一国的货币政策是否应当高度关注资产价格,关键取决于证券市场在其经济体系中所占的地位和所起的作用.如果证券市场在该国的经济体系中占据着重要地位,资产价格的变化对该国的经济运行会产生重要的影响,那么,货币政策就应当高度地关注资产价格.否则,货币政策就不应当高度地关注资产价格.  相似文献   

Educational psychologists and instructional specialists agree that students should be actively involved in the educational process. Despite evidence that students learn better and are more committed to learning when they work with course material, chalk-and-talk remains the dominant pedagogy in economics instruction. This article provides a rationale for active learning in undergraduate economic courses based on the literature and on the author's experience. It provides examples of active learning exercises, explains why students and teachers benefit from active learning, and concludes that the benefits of active learning outweigh the costs. The exercises in this article focus on the concept of present value. A companion Web site provides exercises useful for teaching other financial market concepts.  相似文献   

Capital-market Liberalization, Globalization, and the IMF   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
One of the most controversial aspects of globalization is capital-marketliberalization—not so much the liberalization of rulesgoverning foreign direct investment, but those affecting short-termcapital flows, speculative hot capital that can come into andout of a country. In the 1980s and 1990s, the IMF and the USTreasury tried to push capital-market liberalization aroundthe world, encountering enormous opposition, not only from developingcountries, but from economists who were less enamoured of thedoctrines of free and unfettered markets, of market fundamentalism,that were at that time being preached by the international economicinstitutions. The economic crises of the late 1990s and earlyyears of the new millennium, which were partly, or even largely,attributable to capital-market liberalization, reinforced thosereservations. This paper takes as its point of departure a recentIMF paper, to provide insights both into how the IMF could havegone so wrong in its advocacy of capital-market liberalizationand into why capital-market liberalization has so often ledto increased economic instability, not to economic growth.  相似文献   

日本内部劳动力市场衰败的理性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内部劳动力市场在日本经济高速增长中发挥了重要的作用,充分体现出其优势。然而,随着经济全球化、自由化的不断深化,日本内部劳动力市场的劣势更加明显,由外部劳动力市场替代的改革呼声越来越高。本文将以内部劳动力市场存在的理性基础为出发点,通过模型分析,阐述既要看到内部劳动力市场节约交易成本从而提高效率的一面,也要注意到内部劳动力市场保持有效运行的限制条件,以及最终将受到整个外部市场调节和影响的一面,由此深层次地探究了日本内部劳动力市场陷入困境的原因以及日本内外部劳动力市场转换的对策,为中国培育和构建内部劳动力市场提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

本研究利用手工收集的2009-2013年在创业板市场申请上市的制造业企业样本以及企业创新专利变量,经过对成功上市企业与终止上市企业的样本匹配,运用双重差分模型考察了上市是否促进我国创业板制造业企业创新,研究结果表明,上市显著促进了企业专利创新。进一步地,我们探讨了上市促进企业创新的机制,结果发现,上市通过改善融资约束显著促进了企业创新,而上市没能通过影响代理问题作用于企业创新。该结果意味着直接金融发展有助于推动企业创新;资本市场的风险分担及融资机制能够降低企业融资约束、进而促进企业创新。这不仅为直接金融促进企业创新提供了新的证据,也为我国进一步发展与完善资本市场,进而促进经济转型、创新发展提供了新的政策启示。  相似文献   

Environmental taxation and employment   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary This paper explores how environmental taxes affect employment. It argues that the case for environmental taxes should rest on environmental grounds rather than possibly favorable employment effects. Using pollution taxes to shift the tax burden away from labor is likely to be difficult for economic, social, and political reasons. Moreover, these taxes are likely to raise the overall tax burden-even if the revenues are recycled as lower distortionary taxes. To stimulate employment, governments should rely on alternative instruments targeted at the labor market.  相似文献   

The paper examines the contribution made by the establishment and operation of a local stock exchange to the economic development of Southeast Asian (SEA) countries. The paper informs investors and policymakers about the current status of SEA stock market development and the associated positive and negative effects of such initiatives. Policymakers have placed a clear focus on SEA stock markets as a primary driver of regional economic growth. However, it is questionable whether SEA is ready for such an ambitious economic initiative, particularly given the reported negative effects of lesser developed stock markets. Despite these negative implications, the benefits appear to outweigh the costs for SEA stock markets. It is perceived that SEA stock markets will drive further economic reform, financial liberalisation, and market integration, promising tremendous benefits for both the region and the international investment community. The paper concludes with questions regarding the efficiency of stock markets in SEA and offers recommendations for further empirical research.  相似文献   

市场化程度、盈余管理与银行贷款定价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从盈余管理角度考察了财务报告质量对银行贷款定价的影响。研究发现,银行关注了企业报表中的盈余管理问题,盈余管理程度越高,企业获得的贷款利率越高;在市场化程度越高的地区,银行对企业盈余管理行为的识别能力越强。该研究结论不仅为会计信息的经济后果提供了经验证据,同时也暗示了债权人监督的有效性。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relation between analyst characteristics (number of analysts following a firm and their forecast dispersion) and market liquidity characteristics (bid‐ask spreads and depths and the adverse‐selection component of the spread). Prior research has found contradictory results on the relation between analyst following and market liquidity and has offered differing theories on how analysts affect liquidity. While prior research has posited analysts as proxies for privately informed trade or as signals of information asymmetry, I hypothesize that analysts provide public information, implying that analyst following (forecast dispersion) should have a positive (negative) association with liquidity. Cross‐sectional simultaneous estimations provide support for this hypothesis. The results are both statistically significant and economically important. Granger causality tests indicate that analyst characteristics lead market liquidity characteristics. These results clarify the role of analysts in providing information to financial markets and highlight benefits of increased analyst following.  相似文献   

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