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In the two-country, monetary-policy game of this paper, each policymaker can choose his money supply or his interest rate as his instrument. With no uncertainty there are four noncooperative equilibria, one for each possible instrument pair. A policymaker is indifferent between instruments: his payoff depends not on his choice but on his opponent's. With uncertainty, the number of equilibria is reduced, sometimes to one. A policymaker is not indifferent between instruments; his payoff depends on his choice as well as on his opponent's. In some cases each policymaker prefers the equilibrium instrument choice of his opponent, but in others at least one would prefer another choice.  相似文献   

Marcus Alexis, in his Ph. D. dissertation and in later published work, conducted pioneering work in the area of black-white differences in consumption behavior and thereby influenced our understanding of household behavior and significantly impacted the field of marketing. This paper recapitulates his findings and reviews some contemporary work on black-white differences in consumption and some implications for future work on differences in consumption behavior.  相似文献   

吴秋梅  张洪 《重庆与世界》2013,(10):58-60,70
盛唐时期山水田园派诗人王维的散文虽不如他的诗歌成就斐然,但却具有独特的艺术特质:体现出盛唐散文由骈入散、骈散相间的过渡色彩,以诗意入文境,题材的多样和体式的创新,以及以佛语入文等,在盛唐散文史上独放异彩。  相似文献   

J. Beishuizen 《De Economist》1989,137(2):131-154
Summary In mid-October of last year John Kenneth Galbraith, world-famous American economist of Canadian descent and for many years Professor of Economics at Harvard University, celebrated his eightieth birthday. This paper features some of the brainchilds that made his name, for the most part laid down in popularly and very well-written best-selling books, of whichThe Affluent Society, published more than thirty years ago, has been the most influential; it comprises ideas that may regain topicality. Galbraith, who has been politically active on the left wing of the Democratic Party, is a follower of Thorstein Veblen, founding father of the typically American movement called institutionalism. He cannot pride himself upon the unqualified admiration and sympathy of his fellow-economists, whom he has often rebuffed. In spite of inadequacies in his reasoning he has enriched economic literature with some original contributions. He is still going strong and wielding his often acerbic pen.Retired economic journalist.The author thanks Professors A. Heertje and P. Hennipman for their helpful comments on an earlier draft of this paper.  相似文献   

高珂  李晴 《改革与战略》2010,26(12):183-186
文章介绍了威廉姆森在交易成本经济学方面的主要贡献。在简要回顾交易成本经济学发展的基础上,重点介绍了威廉姆森对于交易成本经济学的基本思路和三大主要贡献。文章还讨论了交易成本经济学对于正处在变革时代中国经济的启示。文章认为,由威廉姆森开创的交易成本经济学对于我国市场体制改革等方面具有重要的理论指导意义。  相似文献   

In terms of the disagreement and dispute [1][2][3] about the economic meaning, the prerequisite assumption and the application of NPV and IRR, Dr. Tinggan Yang tried to re-understand them in his doctor degree dissertation Research on Methods of Projects Statistic Decision and his monograph Research on Quantification Methods of Investment Decisions based on his dissertation. However, there exist some problems in the two papers. So in this paper the authors try to address them and hope to get the right understanding of the two indices NPV and IRR.  相似文献   

将过度自信融入具有竞争关系的多代理人委托代理模型,分析了过度自信对代理人和委托人的影响。研究表明:非对称信息时,代理人对能力水平和所掌握信息准确性的过度自信水平与自身的努力水平和其竞争对手的努力水平均成正相关;代理人对能力水平的过度自信水平与由于信息不对称造成的自身努力程度的下降幅度及代理成本呈正相关,代理人对所掌握信息准确性的过度自信水平则与之呈负相关。这对企业招聘具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

魏浩浩 《走向世界》2012,(20):62-63
结婚,一辈子就一次,做新娘的不想后悔,她们认为:自己该拥有一场盛大的婚礼,这样才能匹配得起她视为珍宝的爱情。一位准新娘这样告诉我:“有了很多人的见证和祝福,我才感觉自己真正步入了婚姻,人们给予我的压力和信心,促使我好好的经营家庭。”做新郎的想受体厮,在亲家面前要做足了面子,男人就该用这样一个声势浩大的形式给自己心爱的女人一个一辈子的承诺,风风光光地婴进门才算数。就是这样心照不宣的思想,两家一合计——能弄多大弄多大。所以,中国式婚礼从来都是盛大的,如果钱不是问题的话,很多人这样想。在这里,我们受改变一个嗣提,那就是:如果钱是个大问题,那中国式婚礼还能盛大么?  相似文献   

Summary In an input-output framework, income distribution among classes depends on final demand. Traditionally, it has been assumed that the policy-maker selects a distribution vector maximizing his preference function, and it has been attempted to determine this function by an interview. Here, we assume that the policy-maker does not know his preference function but constructs its relevant parts in a communication process with his adviser. This process converges to a (classwise) Pareto-optimal distribution vector and under some further assumptions, any such vector may be attained in principle. Colombian data are used for illustration.I am indebted to Dr. Jacques Melitz for improving my English and to Mr. Roland Fahrion for computational assistance. Nevertheless, I assume sole responsibility for any remaining deficiencies of this paper.  相似文献   

This paper challenges the view that Japan has been in crisis in the past decade. After citing some basic contradictory facts, the author first summarizes his arguments for the prevailing crisis mood by grouping them into ‘superficial’, ‘middle‐of‐the‐scale’ and ‘profound’ reasons. Then, in order to better prove his point that one should speak about the necessary transformation of the Japanese economy and society, rather than about the crisis, he gives a wider than usual coverage of the main areas of transformation.  相似文献   

休谟的经济思想建立在他的人性论的基础之上。他总是试图从人的特性和需求出发来解释各种经济现象。休谟的这种研究思路对于“人的发展经济学”的理论构建有以下几点借鉴意义:第一,构建人的发展经济学必须以研究人本身为出发点;第二,必须清楚地阐述技术进步和物质财富的积累与人的精神需求之间的关系;第三,必须清醒地意识到任何一种理论的局限性。  相似文献   

食品安全关系到居民的身体健康乃至生命安全,是重大的社会和政治问题。目前,我国食品安全问题依然严峻,重大食品安全事故屡有发生,近期发生的河南“瘦肉精”事件.已成为影响人们健康安全和我国农业及食品行业国际竞争力的重大问题。美国在食品安全管理方面相对成熟,学习和借鉴其成功经验,对加快完善我国食品安全管理具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This paper deals with methodological principles of Schumpeter’s academic writings. Those principles led Schumpeter to create diverse works and were reflected systematically in some of his writings, where Schumpeter emerged as a theorist of science. Besides working on specific topics, Schumpeter dealt systematically with methodological issues in different works. Schumpeter’s History of Economic Analysis, in particular, must be regarded as the one study among his diverse works which is considered not only his latest but also his most relevant analysis concerning social sciences and the role of economics in relation to sociology, history, and other academic branches. The substantial preface of the History of Economic Analysis can be regarded as a manual on how to refer to different academic branches and integrate them into a coherent universal social science, which is far removed from being an autistic, narrow economic science of some modern representation. Although Schumpeter’s History of Economic Analysis has been extensively printed in several editions, the idea is that the preface especially reveals somewhat neglected thoughts in Schumpeterian discourse. While Schumpeter is mostly regarded as a pioneer of evolutionary economics, this paper argues that Schumpeter could also, perhaps primarily, be interpreted as a well-reasoning institutionalist aiming at a universal social science. From today’s point of view, Schumpeter is a truly interdisciplinary theorist.  相似文献   

高适、岑参边塞诗虽有相同之处,但由于各自的家庭背景、人生经历不同,两人的诗歌同中有异,各有千秋,高适的边塞诗具有现实主义的风格,岑参的边塞诗带有浓厚的浪漫主义特色.高适的诗苍凉悲壮,岑参的诗雄奇瑰丽.  相似文献   

Soedradjad Djiwandono, Governor of Bank Indonesia during the critical early months of the Asian crisis, had already written extensively on the period (including in this journal), but this book brings a more comprehensive version of his story to a wider audience. His focus is on central bank issues—the exchange rate, interest rates, capital flows and the insolvency of the banking system—but as these are the defining issues of the crisis, the book provides a rare and valuable contribution to the still-incomplete history of this painful period. This review puts his account in context and offers some commentary on the issues.  相似文献   

宗严 《走向世界》2011,(10):27-29
从被尊为“至圣先师”,到“五四”新文化运动中被打倒,再到今天塑像立在国家博物馆大门前,孔子的形象不断地发生着变化。无论是圣化还是丑化,不同的身份代表着不同人的利益需求。今天,在中华民族反省自身文化,寻求振兴发展之路的时刻,我们需要了解一个真实的孔子。  相似文献   

Summary It is impossible for corporations that locate in South Africa to follow unilateral policies of their own because they must enter into partnership with any of the parastals that we have already identified. Any foreign investor is required to sell some of his shares to one of the government corporations or its subsidiaries before he can start his business operations. These shares are not sold in the market, but under definite partnership agreements. This article is a condensed version of chapter 10 of the recently revised book, The Political Economy of South Africa: The Making of Poverty, published by University Press of America in Washington, D.C.  相似文献   

从刘——拉——费模式看我国农村劳动力转移问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘易斯-拉尼斯-费景汉模型,提出了一种人口流动模式,对发展中国家经济发展具有重要的参考价值.但该模型也有一些重大的缺陷,各国应根据本国的实际,采取相关措施,解决本国农村剩余劳动力转移问题.我国农村剩余劳动力的转移,对新农村建设至关重要.文章就我国农村劳动力特别是中年劳动力转移问题进行了探讨,并提出了相关建议.  相似文献   

We explore whether perceptions of discrimination are related to ordinary statistical measures. The majority of disabled respondents report feeling some discrimination due to their disability, the majority of women feel some discrimination because of their gender, and a surprising number of men also report some discrimination. We do not find a strong link between perceptions of discrimination and measured discrimination perhaps because those who perceive discrimination feel that it occurs along other dimensions than pay. However, we do find a connection between whether a person feels his or her income is inadequate and measured discrimination for all groups studied.  相似文献   

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