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国有建筑企业中的人力资源开发与管理   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
在现代管理中人力资源开发与管理日益成为企业的一项战略性工作,赢得了人才就赢得了企业的持续发展的后劲。本通过选择一个传统的建筑行业为出发点,结合笔较长时期在该行业从事人力资源管理工作的实际,从建筑企业自身具具的特殊工作性质来概述人力资源开发与管理工作的现状、面临的难题,分析其原因、并着重从具体的人员培训、绩效考核、薪酬管理以及企业化建设几个方面来提出如何建立、实行高效的人力资源开发与管理体制,从而为企业的发展提供强大的人才保障。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the transfer and adaptation of Japanese human resource management practices to Singapore. By comparing Japanese parent companies, their subsidiary companies in Singapore, and comparable local Singaporean companies, the modifications to the practices of the Japanese parent companies and the adoption of local practices by Japanese management are made evident. The findings seem to uphold both the convergence and the contingency theses.Dr. Chong Li Choy is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Management, National University of Singapore. Prof. Hem C. Jain is from the Faculty of Administration, University of New Brunswick.  相似文献   

International human resource management (IHRM) is slowly emerging as a field of academic enquiry. There is, however, a dearth of case study material which documents IHRM strategies and experiences of companies-particularly companies which do not have their home base in the United States. This paper reviews current IHRM literature and reports the results of a recent study of four companies operating internationally from Australia: two are Australian-owned; one is an Australian subsidiary of a multinational oil company and the fourth is a regional division of a multinational automobile manufacturer. For the collection of data, a case study approach was used, with structured interviews of each company's personnel director, expatriate line managers (including returned managers and foreign nationals currently in Australia) and spouses. These case studies are analysed and the extent to which they contribute to the international human resource management literature is examined.The authors would like to thank the companies which participated in the study, and Mary Anderson, Hugh Davies, and Helen De Cieri for comments on earlier versions of the paper.  相似文献   

This study investigates economic and strategic inducements of R&D cooperation. We focus on industry and company factors that affect a firm's rate of participation in R&D consortia. These factors are analyzed in a dynamic context using a sample of 312 Japanese firms in 74 industries between 1969 and 1992. We find a firm in an industry with weak competition and appropriability conditions has a higher rate of consortia participation. A firm's R&D capabilities, network formation through past consortia, encounter with other firms in product markets, age, and past participation in large‐scale consortia also positively affect its tendency of consortia formation. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present study offers a logical understanding of the development of human resource management (HRM) in Vietnam over the past 30 years. While previous studies have examined the adoption of HR practices, there remains a need to understand the current state of HRM development in Vietnam. Using a semantic analysis approach, we systematically analyzed the themes and concepts from 100 journal articles related to HRM in Vietnam, selected from academic databases between 1984 and 2013. The main study findings show that the development of HRM is associated with the key stages of economic development in Vietnam.  相似文献   

Re-emphasizing the need to examine human resource management (HRM) in context, this article builds around four themes. First, it analyses the main issues discussed in the existing literature regarding HRM in the Asian context. Second, it highlights the critical challenges facing HRM function in the region. Third, along with the analysis, it presents an agenda for future research. Fourth, it presents a framework useful for highlighting the context specific nature of Asian HRM functions and the main determinants of HRM policies and practices from a cross-national comparative perspective.
Yaw A. DebrahEmail:

This paper focuses on the process of Computer Aided Design (CAD) diffusion into a group engaged in the development of innovative products. Adopting an ethnographic approach, we build a grounded theory for interpreting CAD usage in terms of the interplay between variables such as management orientation, training, actors' specialisation and deskilling, availability of shared archives, technological discontinuities between organisational areas.  相似文献   

班组作为建筑施工企业的细胞和基础,它的建设好坏直接影响着企业的发展,班组管理的水平如何又直接影响、制约着企业的经济效益。本文试就班组的建设与管理作一浅析,供企业管理者参与。临沂市建筑业管理局围绕把建筑业发展成支柱产业这一目标,加强管理,优化环境,深化改革,调整结构,走出了一条有地方特色的经济发展之路,为振兴临沂经济做出了贡献。调整建筑行业组织结构和专业结构是把我市建筑业发展成支柱产业的必由之路。各个企业在定位上就要适应这种“牵一发而动全身”的发展形势,及时合理地调整产品结构。从全市438家建筑企业…  相似文献   

Roy Payne 《R&D Management》1987,17(3):153-161
The literature on age and intelligence and scientific performance are briefly reviewed as a prelude to a more detailed consideration of recent work on the characteristics of innovative people. Attention is focussed on Kirton's measure of Innovation-Adaptation and a suggestion is made that it measures a mixture of level of creativity and style of innovation, and that future work should concentrate on developing the three sub-scales of originality, efficiency and rule-conformity. Some implications for the selection and development of R and D personnel are outlined.  相似文献   

Research on how managers control R&D activities has tended to focus on the performance measurement systems used to exploit existing knowledge and capabilities. This focus has been at the expense of how broader forms of management control could be used to enable R&D contextual ambidexterity, the capacity to attain appropriate levels of exploitation and exploration behaviors in the same R&D organizational unit. In this paper, we develop a conceptual framework for understanding how different types of control system, guided by different R&D strategic goals, can be used to induce and balance both exploitation and exploration. We illustrate the elements of this framework and their relations using data from biotechnology firms, and then discuss how the framework provides a basis to empirically examine a number of important control relationships and phenomena.  相似文献   

The growing awareness of and regulations related to environmental sustainability have invoked the concept of green human resource management (GHRM) in the search for effective environmental management (EM) within organizations. GHRM research raises new, increasingly salient questions not yet studied in the broader human resource management (HRM) literature. Despite an expansion in the research linking GHRM with various aspects of EM and overall environmental performance, GHRM’s theoretical foundations, measurement, and the factors that give rise to GHRM (including when and how it influences outcomes) are still under-specified. This paper, seeking to better understand research opportunities and advance theoretical and empirical development, evaluates the emergent academic field of GHRM with a narrative review. This review highlights an urgent need for refined conceptualization and measurement of GHRM and develops an integrated model of the antecedents, consequences and contingencies related to GHRM. Going beyond a function-based perspective that focuses on specific HRM practices and building on advances in the strategic HRM literature, we discuss possible multi-level applications, the importance of employee perceptions and experiences related to GHRM, contextual and cultural implications, and alternative theoretical approaches. The detailed and focused review provides a roadmap to stimulate the development of the GHRM field for scholars and practicing managers.  相似文献   

A review of studies from different European countries reveals that research into the new role of middle management in new production systems is quite inconsistent. Referring to the example of the German 'Industriemeister' (master craftsman) it will be shown that these inconsistencies are due to different models of the future role of middle management.  相似文献   

We argue that research on R&D strategy and on the use of external knowledge in R&D in particular should differentiate between distinct uses of external knowledge. We distinguish between uses of external knowledge for replication (using knowledge as is) vs. for compounding (building on acquired knowledge by combining it together with internally developed knowledge). We theorize about the respective innovative performance implications of these two strategies and compare them with a self-reliant strategy of internal R&D. We also elaborate contingencies for each strategy, pertaining to firm capabilities and cooperation. We test our predictions using a large sample survey of Dutch innovators in multiple industries. Our findings indicate that compounding firms perform better than replicating firms when the share of sales that consists of innovations that are new to the market is assessed, but they do not outperform firms with an internal R&D strategy. Furthermore, these differences disappear when the share of sales consisting of less novel innovations is studied. This research demonstrates the importance of distinguishing between R&D strategies that replicate vs. compound external knowledge.  相似文献   

煤炭企业人力资源管理问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业的可持续发展和核心竞争力,人才是关键的决定因素。同煤集团四老沟矿是老煤炭企业,由于井下工作环境较艰苦,劳动强度较大,加上世俗偏见,造成人才引进困难。而工资待遇偏低,使人才引进更是难上加难,在人才竞争中处于弱势。怎样引进人才、留住人才,使人才特别是同煤集团四老沟矿主体专业人才呈现正增长,对目前四老沟矿来说尤为重要和迫切。  相似文献   

This paper presents a model that seeks to understand and explain R&D performance differences in research-intensive companies. The primary theoretical model builds on the well-established theory of science as a public good but augments it with a game-theoretic argument for individual firm choices of scientific information openness or secrecy. The first research question we address is how a firm's scientific information openness, as measured by its research publications, impacts the firm's stock of technical knowledge. Additionally, we explore two predictor variables of scientific information openness: research lab and top management team demographics. The possible economic effects and other managerial implications of this model are also discussed.  相似文献   

龙开放 《国际石油经济》2012,(12):67-71,105
随着我国成品油销售企业加油站非油业务规模的不断扩大,非油商品周转缓慢、库存积压、效益不佳等问题日益突出。为切实提高非油商品管理效率和效益,优化非油商品进、销、存和资金管理,降低存货成本,提高非油业务效益,本文深入研究了非油商品采购量优化方法、非油商品销售及周转优化方法、非油商品库存量优化方法、非油商品资金占用优化方法和非油商品EVA价值优化方法。建议在非油业务经营管理中通过优化非油商品采购、库存、结构、周转、效益管理等做法,改善我国成品油销售企业非油商品管理现状,提升非油业务发展质量。  相似文献   

This study compares the predictions of institutional theory with those of the contingency perspective of strategic human resource management (SHRM) on the selection of an employment mode. Empirical data were collected from multinational enterprises, including the electronics and garment industries, that operate in China to test the relative importance of the determinants of the selection of an employment mode. The results provide greater support for the SHRM predictions than for the institutional theory predictions. The implications of the findings for researchers and practitioners are discussed. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Real options reasoning (ROR) is a conceptual approach to strategic investment that takes into account the value of preserving the right to make future choices under uncertain conditions. In this study, we explore firms' motivations to invest in a new option. We find, based on an analysis of a large sample of patents by firms active in the pharmaceutical industry, that their investments in R&D are consistent with the logic of ROR. We identify three constructs—scope of opportunity, prior experience, and competitive effects—which have an influence on firms' propensity to invest in new R&D options and which could usefully be incorporated in a strategic theory of investment. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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