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This article reports the results of experimental asset markets in which participants trade two assets with distinct dividend claims. Some traders are able to transact in the markets for both assets, whereas others can trade in only one market. When some are restricted from transacting in one market, the ineligible asset that cannot be traded by all commands a super risk premium. Without this premium, unrestricted investors would not hold all the available shares of the ineligible asset. In addition, we find that although unrestricted traders have the opportunity to remove all risk, few take advantage of this hedging opportunity.  相似文献   

流动性风险与资产定价:来自中国股市的证据   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
孔东民 《南方经济》2006,2(3):91-107
LCAPM(基于流动性风险的CAPM模型)是Acharya和Pedersen(2005,Journal of Financial Economics)提出的.它将流动性风险可能影响资产价格的多种方式纳入一个统一的框架。本文利用LCAPM对中国股市进行检验.在该模型中,证券的收益依赖于它的期望流动性及其与收益(包括个股与市场收益)之间的协方差。检验结果发现,我国股市的风险升水在大盘升降区间体现了不同的特征:无论在总区间还是分时段,LCAPM都能更好的拟合资产收益;在控制公司规模之后,效果依然稳健。这说明流动性在我国股市的资产定价上有重要影响。  相似文献   

We study experimental markets in which participants face incentives modeled upon those prevailing in markets for managed funds. Each participant's portfolio is periodically evaluated at market value and ranked by relative performance as measured by short‐term paper returns. Those who rank highly attract a larger share of new fund inflows. In an environment in which prices are typically close to intrinsic value, the effect of these incentives is mild. However, in an environment in which markets are prone to bubble, mispricing is greatly exacerbated by relative performance incentives and becomes even more pronounced with experience.  相似文献   

The robustness of bubbles and crashes in markets for assets with finite lives is perplexing. This paper reports the results of experimental asset markets in which participants trade two assets. In some markets, price bubbles form. In these markets, traders pay higher prices for the asset with lottery characteristics (i.e., a claim on a large, unlikely payoff). However, institutional design has a significant impact on deviations in prices from fundamental values, particularly for an asset with lottery characteristics. Price run-ups and crashes are moderated when traders finance purchases of the assets themselves and are allowed to short sell.  相似文献   

刘仁和 《改革》2008,(2):118-123
我国股票市场和住宅市场的市盈率与货币幻觉代理变量通货膨胀率、名义利率呈现明显的反向关系,即在高通胀时,市场被低估;在低通胀时,市场被高估。通货膨胀通过货币幻觉,影响资产估值高低。股市的市盈率波动幅度远大于住宅市场,股票价格波动主要来自估值倍数变化;而住宅的估值倍数波动小,房价波动更多地受到了估值倍数与租金变化的综合影响。  相似文献   

中国证券市场的周期性异象检验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文分析了6年多来中国证券市场大盘指数和基金指数的周内、月内及年内效应,并对其相互间的关联性进行了检验。实证表明,中国市场存在“周二周四”的周内效应;市场大盘指数2月份的收益率相对最高,基金指数在3月份、12月份的收益率较高,同时大盘指数和基金指数9月份的收益率都显著较低;各指数第三季度收益率相对最低;上半年收益率要高于下半年。联动性检验显示。周二、周四与月内的不同时段交互作用并不显著;周四与10月份对大部分市场大盘指数和基金指数有负的联动效应。  相似文献   

Previous empirical research on the informativeness of earnings has focused on stockholders, and has not examined differences in earnings' informativeness for stockholders and bondholders. Because stockholders are residual claimants and bondholders are fixed claimants, the informativeness of earnings should differ for these two types of investors. When a firm's default risk is low, changes in its financial condition should be of limited relevance to bondholders, but should be relevant to stockholders. In contrast, as the likelihood of financial distress increases, stockholders' limited liability allows them to abandon the firm to the bondholders (Fischer and Verrecchia 1997). Accordingly, as a firm's default risk increases, changes in its financial condition should be increasingly important to bondholders and less important to shareholders. Because earnings provide information on firm value, the stock return-earnings association should decrease as the firm's financial strength declines, while the bond return-earnings association should increase. We use two measures of a firm's financial strength: the firm's bond rating and its reporting of a loss. Consistent with our hypotheses, we find that the association between stock returns and changes in annual earnings decreases as bond ratings decline, while the association between bond returns and changes in annual earnings increases. These results suggest that as the company's financial condition deteriorates, earnings become less relevant for stock valuation and more relevant for bond valuation. When we partition firms based on their loss status, we find a stronger association between stock returns and annual earnings changes for firms with positive earnings (profit firms) than for firms with losses, consistent with earlier studies. In contrast, we find that the association between bond returns and earnings changes is greater for loss firms than for profit firms. These results suggest that losses reduce the informativeness of earnings for stockholders but increase informativeness for bondholders, suggesting that investors view losses as indicating increased credit risk.  相似文献   

本文构建了一个居民储蓄行为函数,选取13个国家1991~2007年的面板数据研究了居民储蓄率的五大决定因素——收入和经济增长、利率与价格、外部储蓄、人口结构与资本市场发展,重点考察以股票市场为代表的资产市场的作用。采用定截距固定效应模型的不同方法得出的结论是:反映资产市场发展的3个指标中,股票价格和金融业产值比率都对居民储蓄率有显著负向影响,而股市规模比率有微弱正向影响。总体上看,资产市场发展对储蓄的综合作用仍是负向的,资产市场能够通过分流储蓄和财富效应两条作用渠道降低居民储蓄率。  相似文献   

选择适当的工具一直是条件资产定价研究的中心,目前国内外尚没有研究从这个角度探讨流动性对资产定价的影响。本文在Breeden-Lucas随机折现因子框架下建立了以市场流动性为工具的条件CAPM,并使用1996.1.2-2004.12.31期间的沪深A股日度交易数据构造了Amihud(2002)的非流动性测度、Farm-French组合、定价因子等。一阶段GMM估计表明,该滞后工具可有效捕获资产回报的可预测变化。模型解释这种变化的能力显著优于Fama-French三因子模型和CAPM.且几乎没有统计显著的残留规模效果和价值效果。  相似文献   


Stock returns are generally difficult to explain, as they are comprised of many discrete channels of risk. Empirical asset pricing models (EAPM), such as the Fama-French five-factor model (FF5), have been used to partition these channels across a series of systematic risk factors, such as company size (total market equity), value (book-to-market ratio), investment, and operating profitability. Prior EAPMs only accounted for how such factors contributed to risk at the market-level, ignoring any potential variation across sector. This study developed a sector-heterogenous model (SHM) which directly accounts for this variation by generalizing the Fama-French methodology to sector-subsets of stocks. The results demonstrated that risk is meaningfully heterogenous across sectors for each of the factors in the FF5, with different subgroups of factors being statistically significant within each sector. In a direct comparison of explanatory power, the SHM outperformed the FF5 and improved adjusted R2 by an average of 5% for stocks across all sectors. Several applications of sector-heterogeneity were then demonstrated for stock-picking purposes, including a high-beta portfolio strategy using the SHM-beta which outperformed the S&P 500 in backtesting. This study concludes that meaningful sector-heterogeneity exists in market risk. This information is materially useful to investors.


卖空机制对证券市场的影响:基于全球市场的经验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
长期以来理论界和实务界对于在证券市场上是否应该允许卖空存在很大的争议,争议的焦点之一就在于卖空交易是否会加大市场的波动性,甚至引发市场危机。本文选取37个国家和地区的证券市场作为研究对象,从整个市场层面探讨了卖空机制对股指收益率偏度、波动性和市场崩溃概率等的影响。经验结果显示,虽然放开卖空限制将导致股指收益率向负向偏离,但却不会加大市场的波动性,而是可以降低市场崩溃的概率。  相似文献   

We study the effect of demand structure on the ability of subjects to tacitly collude on prices by considering Bertrand substitutes and Bertrand complements. We find evidence of collusion in the complements treatment, but no such evidence is found in the substitutes treatment. This finding is somewhat in contrast with a previous study that observes tacit collusion in two treatments with similar underlying demand structures but with no market framing.  相似文献   

通过选取2014-2021年上市公司实际进行股份回购的样本数据,实证检验了股份回购对于资本市场定价偏误的影响机制。研究发现,上市公司实施股份回购能够有效缓解资本市场定价偏误现象,其影响机制在内外部治理水平较高的企业中更显著,并且通过提高信息透明度和降低投资者异质信念水平两个渠道发挥作用。积极进行股份回购的企业在不同回购特征下均能有效缓解定价偏误,当回购股份被用于市值管理计划和股权激励计划时有效降低误定价水平。  相似文献   

This paper quantitatively examines the impact of intergenerational transfers on asset inequality among Japanese households. We estimate an intergenerational asset transfer function with various control variables, using a unique micro dataset taken from a survey conducted by the Economic and Social Research Institute, Cabinet Office. Employing three different models, a Tobit model, an interval regression model and an ordered probit model, to ensure that our results are independent of the specific econometric approach used, we investigate whether asset transfers received are correlated with households’ financial strength. We find that higher income households are likely to receive larger asset transfers. However, the contribution of intergenerational transfers to asset inequality appears to be small.  相似文献   

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