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利用基数和速度两种方法对亚大经合组织(APEC)主要经济成员单边行动计划中的关税、非关税壁垒和服务贸易的评估显示,我国在非关税壁垒方面已相对达到较高的自由化程度;在关税削减和服务贸易自由化方面虽然已经做出很大的努力,但仍将面临进一步加快自由化进程的压力。  相似文献   

A pressure group model where environmental and industry lobby groups offer political support in return for favorable pollution tax policies is used to explain and predict the equilibrium pollution tax in sectors protected by tariffs. The political economy effects of trade liberalization are investigated. The pollution tax is shown to decrease if the lobbying effort by the environmental lobby decreases more rapidly than by the industry lobby ceteris paribus. The level of political conflict falls with trade liberalization. Pollution may increase because of a reduction of the pollution tax, and tax revenues may fall simultaneously as pollution increases.  相似文献   

The paper provides an analytical comparison of the evolution of trade policy in Canada and Australia and of the two countries' roles in international trade diplomacy. Despite similarities in history and resource endowment, these roles have differed substantially, especially during the third quarter of the twentieth century. The focus is on the reasons why Canadian and Australian attitudes and policies differed so markedly. The importance of the USA as a trading partner, differing economic experiences during the decade of the 1920s, and the more concentrated composition of Australian exports all played a part. Once in train, the position that Australia was different and need not participate in GATT tariff cuts as long as agriculture was excluded became the inertial position, while Canada played an active role in GATT's early development. After 1973 Australia's position as an outlier among high-income countries' trade policies was reversed, and Australian and Canadian trade policies again became similar in the 1980s.  相似文献   

Since 1950 there has been a massive liberalization of world trade taking various forms including the formation of free trade areas, customs unions, unilateral reductions in tariff barriers, and reductions in non‐tariff barriers to trade. To what extent has this liberalization contributed to the growth performance of countries, and what are the mechanisms through which faster export growth may impact favourably on economic growth? The paper first surveys the empirical literature which seems to show that countries that participate in regional trading agreements (RTAs) fare worse than countries which reduce tariffs unilaterally, and secondly comments on the theoretical literature relating to the mechanisms through which exports affect growth. It is argued that the orthodox neoclassical supply‐side argument is only half the story, and much more emphasis needs to be placed on the effect of export performance in relaxing a balance of payments constraint on demand. Depuis 1950, le commerce mondial a connu une libéralisation considérable qui a pris diverses formes: formation de zones de libre‐échange, d’unions douanières, abaissement unilatéral des barrières tarifaires et réduction des barrières non tarifaires. Dans quelle mesure cette libéralisation a‐t‐elle contribuéà la croissance des pays et par quels mécanismes une expansion plus rapide des exportations peut‐elle influencer positivement la croissance économique? Le document passe d’abord en revue le littérature empirique qui semble démontrer que les pays qui participent à des accords commerciaux régionaux (ACR) sont en pire posture que ceux qui abaissent unilatéralement les barrières tarifaires. Le document formule ensuite des observations sur la littérature théorique concernant les mécanismes par lesquels les exportations influent sur la croissance. Il soutient que l’argument néoclassique orthodoxe axé sur l’offre n’explique pas tout, et qu’un accent plus appuyé doit à tre mis sur l’effet que les résultats à l’exportation, en tant que facteur d’atténuation des problèmes de la balance des paiements, peuvent avoir sur la demande.  相似文献   

高建刚 《山东经济》2006,22(6):147-149
本文试图通过对开放度的新的阐释确定在贸易自由化和政府规模之间是否存在较为密切的联系。研究表明,越是小型的开放经济越是不受“外部冲击”的影响,因而政府支出与贸易自由化之间是负相关关系。我们认为这是由于近几十年来的不断增加的国际贸易自由化因素造成的。然而,一些国家,如带有贸易保护传统的南韩、埃及还有一些大国如美国仍然奉行贸易保护主义政策。此时“外部冲击”法则对小国经济(不是开放经济)依然有效。  相似文献   

The paper examines how Canadian manufacturing plants have respondedto reductions in tariff barriers between Canada and the restof world over the past two decades. Three main conclusions emergefrom the analysis. First, trade liberalization was a significantfactor behind the strong export growth of the Canadian manufacturingsector. As trade barriers fell, more Canadian plants enteredthe export market and existing exporters increased their shareof shipments sold abroad. Second, export-market participationwas associated with increases in a plant's productivity growth.Third, our analysis identified the presence of three main mechanismsthrough which export-market participation raises productivitygrowth among plants: learning by exporting; exposure to internationalcompetition; and increases in product specialization that allowedfor exploitation of scale economies. Our evidence also showsthat plants that move into export markets increase investmentsin R&D and training to develop capacities for absorbingforeign technologies and international best practices. Finally,entering export markets leads to increases in the number ofadvanced technologies being used, increases in foreign sourcingfor advanced technologies, and improvements in the informationavailable to firms about advanced technologies. It is also associatedwith improvements in the novelty of the innovations that areintroduced.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the history of tariffs imposed by the six Australian colonies during the nineteenth century. In each of the colonies, we identify the starting dates for the first tariffs, first preferences, and other features, and the turning points in the levels of tariffs. We then construct a time series of the average tariff levels in the individual colonies and an average for all six colonies combined. The conclusion notes general features of the pattern of tariffs and how the main features of colonial tariffs, such as the favourable treatment of intermediate inputs, the complex differentiation of tariff rates within industries, and the protection implicit in the excise tax system all carried over to the Commonwealth Customs Tariff in the twentieth century.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Bestimmungen über die Auslandsmontage in den westdeutschen und niederl?ndischen Zolltarifen: Wirkungen auf den Handel und die heimische Wirtschaft. — Bestimmungen über Zollbegünstigung der Auslandsmontage (Offshore assembly provisions — OAPs) sind ein wichtiger und in seiner Bedeutung rasch wachsender Beitrag zu den Exporterl?sen der Entwicklungsl?nder. Um die Ausdehnung und Liberalisierung der OAPs in den Industriel?ndern ernsthaft f?rdern zu k?nnen, ist es notwendig, eine Vorstellung von der ?Belastung? zu gewinnen, die eine solche Politik für die L?nder mit sich bringen würde, die sie anwenden. Deshalb ist es der Zweck dieses Aufsatzes, die Wirkungen abzusch?tzen, die die gegenw?rtig in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und den Niederlanden gültigen OAPs auf die Handelsbilanzen dieser L?nder haben und auf die heimische Produktion von Erzeugnissen, die mit den unter OAPs importierten Produkten konkurrieren. Die Theorie, die notwendig ist, um die Inzidenz von OAPs zu sch?tzen, wird kurz dargestellt. Sodann werden Sch?tzungen vorgelegt und die Sensitivit?t der Ergebnisse im Hinblick auf Ver?nderungen der angenommenen Werte für die Parameter diskutiert. Das abschlie\ende Kapitel behandelt einige Aspekte der OAPs, die die M?glichkeiten einschr?nken, auf diese Weise zur Entwicklung der ?rmeren L?nder beizutragen.
Resumen Provisiones de ensamblaje offshore en las tarifas aduaneras de Alemania Occidental y los Paises Bajos: efectos comerciales y domésticos. — Provisiones de ensamblaje offshore (PEO) son un importante y creciente contribuyente a los ingresos de exportación de países en desarrollo. Para avanzar seriamente en la expansión y liberalizatión de las PEOs en los países industriales es necesario tener una idea aproximada del peso que dichas políticas tendran sobre los países que las implementan. E1 propósito de este artículo es estimar los efectos de las PEOs actualmente en efecto en Alemania Occidental y los Países Bajos sobre sus balanzas comerciales y el nivel de productión doméstica de productos competitivos con importaciones internadas bajo dichas provisiones. Se hace un breve desarrollo de la teoría necesaria para estimar la incidencia de una PEO. Se presentan en seguida las estimaciones, junto con una discusión sobre la sensitividad de los resultados frente a cambios en los valores asumidos para los parámetros. La sectión concluyente discute algunos de los aspectos de las PEOs que desvirtúan su potential para ayudar al desarrollo de los países más pobres.

Résumé Les provisions de montage off-shore en tarifs de douane d’Allemagne de l’Ouest et des Pays-Bas: les effets locaux et sur le commerce extérieur. — Les provisions de montage off-shore (PMO) contribuent beaucoup et très rapidement aux revenus d’exporta tion des pays en voie de développement. Il est nécessaire d’avoir quelques idées du ?poids? causé par telles politiques au débit des pays exécutants pour accélérer sérieusement l’expansion et la libéralisation des PMO dans les pays industrialisés. C’èst pourquoi le but de cet article consiste d’estimer les effets des PMO étant valables en Allemagne de l’Ouest et les Pays-Bas, sur leurs balances des paiements et le niveau de la production locale des produits que sont capables d’entrer en concurrence avec les importations faites sous telles provisions. Nous donnons un développement bref de la théorie étant nécessaire d’estimer l’incidence d’une PMO. Puis nous présentons les estimations avec une discussion de la sensitivité des résultats si l’on change les valeurs des paramètres supposés. Le section concluant discute quelques aspects des PMO que réduisent le potentiel d’assister le développement des pays plus pauvres.

常文娟 《乡镇经济》2007,(10):53-55
棉花贸易自由化是不可回避的趋势,文章对当前的棉花收储政策、棉花滑准税、棉花生产方式等与贸易自由化相关的因素进行了分析,指出了政策方面的缺陷,并对棉花贸易自由化中政府作为提出了自己的建议。  相似文献   

作为以促进贸易自由化为宗旨的国际组织,世界贸易组织在平衡贸易自由化与环境保护关系方面显得步履艰难。在制度设计上,世界贸易组织偏重于对贸易自由化的维护,而在案件审理实践中,争端解决机构则越来越顾及环境保护的要求。在新一轮的“多哈回合”中,各方对贸易与环境议题的争论和分歧较大,谈判的失败标志着世界贸易组织框架下的贸易和环境的利益平衡将面临着更多的挑战。  相似文献   

This paper uses econometric techniques in the area of time series analysis to examine the relationship between economic performance and trade liberalization in Guyana. For this study, the base model underlying the analysis is a traditional per worker production function that has been augmented to include trade liberalization and other factors like human capital and exports. The results from this study suggest that when viewed from the long-run and short-run perspective trade liberalization has enhanced the economic performance of Guyana. Indeed, in this study both measures of trade liberalization - the average import tariff rate and the dummy variable representing the change in quota and import licensing measures, among other things - were statistically significant and correctly signed.  相似文献   

贸易自由化进程的国家利益分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
文章以国家利益为视角,分析从GATT到WTO的贸易自由化进程,说明国家利益是贸易自由化的内在动力,中国在贸易自由化进程中既要遵循国际惯例,更要遵循“国家利益原则”。  相似文献   

This article analyzes how interstate conflict over resources affects the incentives to trade and how greater trade openness affects the endogenous decisions of arming by enemy countries. We identify conditions under which there is trade between two adversary countries and show that each adversary's arming affects domestic welfare in three different ways. The first is an export-revenue effect, which increases welfare because arming causes export revenue to go up (i.e., there is an arming-induced terms-of-trade improvement). The second is a resource-predation effect, which increases welfare because arming increases the appropriation of a rival country's resource input to produce a consumption good. The third is an output-distortion effect, which reduces welfare because arming lowers the domestic production of civilian goods. Based on these effects, we show circumstances in which greater trade openness reduces the intensity of arming. We also discuss the implications of resource security asymmetry for conflict and trade.  相似文献   

Increased trade openness and rapid market-oriented transformation have largely altered the patterns of wealth accumulation and wealth distribution in post-reform China. In the present paper, with the help of Chinese provincial level data over the period of 1986 to 2000, simultaneous equations estimation and generalized method of moment techniques are applied to investigate the relationship between trade and poverty in urban China. Empirical results suggest that China's trade liberalization helps to reduce urban poverty both directly and indirectly through its favorable impacts on economic growth.  相似文献   

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