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Stackelberg竞争条件下的企业兼并与技术转让   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
两个生产差异化产品的寡头企业进行Stackelberg竞争,其中市场先行企业拥有一项技术从而可以降低其生产成本。本文分析了这种可以降低生产成本的技术如何转让以及技术转让与企业兼并之间的关系。我们的研究表明:(1)如果双重收费形式的技术转让切实可行,那么政府不应该同意企业兼并。但是,此时的技术转让却可能会降低社会福利。(2)在通过特许权法转让技术的情况下,技术授权既可能会提高社会福利又可能会降低社会福利,政府应该根据具体情况决定是否允许企业兼并。(3)固定收费方式下的技术转让一定能够提高社会福利,但是因为它可能会使得技术转让企业得不偿失,所以技术转让未必发生。究竟是否应该同意企业兼并应该视具体情况而定。  相似文献   

文章以美国新桥投资集团收购深发展作为私募股权并购基金投资的典型案例,采用银行绩效评分法和事件研究法考查新桥的收购和退出对深发展公司价值的影响。研究表明,深发展在新桥投资控股的5年时间和新桥退出的3年时间内,经营绩效的表现均好于对比银行的平均水平。新桥投资控股后,对深发展进行了并购后的全面整合,在挖掘其增值潜力方面的确有所作为。新桥将深发展股权转让给平安后,深发展的各方面继续得到良好发展,这与前期新桥对深发展公司治理架构的改善是密不可分的。  相似文献   

本文借助同质产品寡占模型,就国有企业并购对国家社会福利、政府外资政策和FDI的影响展开分析。研究表明,对FDI征税而不是补贴将有助于本国社会福利最大化。当FDI技术溢出水平较高时,本国政府不应主导国有企业间的并购。而当FDI技术溢出水平较低时,本国政府主导国有企业并购,并且应该相应提高FDI的税收水平。在国有企业并购有利于提高本国社会福利的前提下,当FDI的技术溢出水平相对较高(低)时,国有企业间并购会促进(抑制)FDI进入本国市场。  相似文献   

英美联军对伊拉克的战争落幕了。本文拟从这次战争对世界格局将产生的影响谈谈有关政治全球化的悖论和前景。今天人们所说的“全球化”事实上主要是贸易自由化,其次是投资自由化,而信息的自由化就差得多,至于自由移民不仅基本上无进展,很多国家还强化了移民限制。因此如今一些全球化批判者常常以要求移民自由来对抗富国要求的贸易自由——笔者就曾写过这类文章——这不是没有道理的。然而,移民自由在逻辑上无异于要求无国界公民权,而这实际上就是要求“政治全球化”,要求“世界性民主”和“全球宪政秩序”。道理很简单:假如一些国家存在着专…  相似文献   

英美联军对伊拉克的战争落幕了.本文拟从这次战争对世界格局将产生的影响谈谈有关政治全球化的悖论和前景.今天人们所说的“全球化”事实上主要是贸易自由化,其次是投资自由化,而信息的自由化就差得多,至于自由移民不仅基本上无进展,很多国家还强化了移民限制.因此如今一些全球化批判者常常以要求移民自由来对抗富国要求的贸易自由——笔者就曾写过这类文章——这不是没有道理的.……  相似文献   

Conclusions Under the given assumptions, the introduction of an import quota always results in a price increase of the scarce factor. This conclusion confirms that of Falvey [1975] that the Metzler Paradox cannot occur with import quotas. Moreover, we have shown this to be true regardless of the new terms of trade. The introduction of an import quota will, in general, lead to a lower welfare level. This holds for non-prohibitive protection in those situations in which the terms of trade either remain unchanged or worsen. If the terms of trade improve, a higher welfare level can be attained depending on the degree of the improvement and on the size of the quota. The development of the terms of trade can be used as an indication of the price increase of the scarce factor. The more favourable the new terms of trade for the trade restricting country, the greater the advantage accruing to the scarce factor. The effectiveness of the protective measures for distributional purposes coincides thus with the development of the terms of trade.  相似文献   

What is the effect of adjustment costs on economic activity? This is an important question that is still debated either at the political or the academic level. We consider a simple model where basically two effects come into play: Adjustment costs decrease current activity but may help maintain future activity. We examine their relative strength, first in a model with uncertain prices and then in a model with demand uncertainty (newsboy problem).  相似文献   

(山东统一银座商业有限公司总经理)很多济南人可能和我一样,家里要烧饭缺酱油什么的,可到小区里的统一银座超市买,的确很方便,这家遍及泉城各大社区的便利超市的总经理就是叶永祥。叶永祥从台湾统一集团辖下的统一超商流通次集团的基层做起,20年来经历了统一流通次集团的13个职位,辗转了四五个城市,在2006年来到济南,同时也把台湾那套严格管理却富于人情的企业文化带到了济南,包括永远按照消费者的需求进行创新,让员工从错误中成长,对叶永祥等职业  相似文献   

Summary  Competition authorities are increasingly measuring the effects of their enforcement actions, seeking a robust justification for the proliferation of competition policy. We highlight the importance of identifying the right counterfactual against which to measure effects, and set out the relevant categories of costs and benefits. We then explore how a balance can be struck between the benefits and inherent limitations of these measurement exercises. Relatively crude analyses of cartel action benefits can be sufficient to achieve public legitimacy for competition policy. Assessing the effects of merger and conduct inquiries is often ambiguous, but could be used to improve decision-making processes. Director and Managing Consultant, respectively, at Oxera, Oxford and London. The valuable comments of Fod Barnes, Kerry Hughes and an anonymous referee are gratefully acknowledged. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors alone.  相似文献   

私人利益对公司并购的效率分析有着相当重要的影响。本文通过一个投票权模型对公司并购的效率进行了分析,得到了两个结论:1.显性的私人利益优于隐性的私人利益;2.在显性私人利益的条件下,现金流利益相对于私人利益越大,越有利于实现帕雷托最优。该文还通过此模型从私人利益角度解释了我国上市公司控制权折价问题。  相似文献   

This paper studies the liquidity effect in a pecuniary transaction-cost model. To model the asymmetric impact of monetary injections, we consider two behavioral assumptions: sluggish money demand and sluggish firm investment. It is found that, under reasonable parameterization, the model is capable of generating a dominant liquidity effect. Our result suggests that, with alternative monetary specifications and behavioral assumptions, general equilibrium models are still useful for studying the liquidity effect at business cycle frequencies.  相似文献   

We study the cost of breaching an implicit contract in a goods market. Young and Levy (2014) document an implicit contract between the Coca‐Cola Company and its consumers. This implicit contract included a promise of constant quality. We offer two types of evidence of the costs of breach. First, we document a case in 1930 when the Coca‐Cola Company chose to avoid quality adjustment by incurring a permanently higher marginal cost of production, instead of a one‐time increase in the fixed cost. Second, we explore the consequences of the company's 1985 introduction of “New Coke” to replace the original beverage. Using the Hirschman's (1970) model of Exit, Voice, and Loyalty, we argue that the public outcry that followed New Coke's introduction was a response to the implicit contract breach.  相似文献   

An apparent paradox perceived by Card and Krueger concerning the relationship between minimum wages, employment, and output prices is resolved by revisiting the economics of minimum wages to show that under monopsonistic conditions in the labor market and competitive price-taking in the market for output, increases in both firm-level and industry employment are compatible with increases in output prices.  相似文献   

The consequences of merger are analyzed in an N-firm model of spatial price discrimination. The merger occurs with known probability after location decisions have been made. The possibility of merger alters locations, generates inefficiency, and increases the profit of the merging firms. In the case of corner mergers, but never in the case of interior mergers, the possibility of merger may also reduce the profit of the excluded firms.  相似文献   

Despite some favourable conditions and a number of policy reforms,Senegal's participation in the global economy remains tenuous.This paper uses a Ricardian framework to study Senegal's internationalcompetitiveness in manufacturing. Wages, productivity and unitlabour costs in Senegal are compared to those of other developingcountries. Senegal's labour productivity has grown much moreslowly than in successful emerging economies. The 1994 devaluationof the CFA franc has dramatically improved Senegal's internationalcompetitiveness but further improvements in competitivenessdepend on productivity growth given the constraint of the fixedexchange rate. We find a significant effect of relative unitlabour costs on exports, particularly of manufactured goods.Sustained export-led growth, however, requires additional structuralreforms.  相似文献   

李善民  叶会 《南方经济》2007,(12):54-62
本文运用实物期权方法建立了代理环境下规模经济驱动的企业并购过程的动态模型.结果表明,规模经济驱动的兼并活动与产品市场需求正相关;收购公司管理者较大的控制权私有收益和业绩报酬敏感性使实际的兼并过程更快发生,目标公司管理者较大的私有收益会推迟兼并过程的发生;收购公司在合并企业的所有权份额与收购公司管理者的私有收益负相关,与业绩敏感性正相关.最后,模型还得出了与经验结论较为一致的公告超常收益的变动.  相似文献   

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