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This study provides a new framework of analysis of the market and welfare effects of mandatory country‐of‐origin labeling (MCOOL) for fruits and vegetables that accounts for heterogeneous consumer preferences, differences in producer agronomic characteristics, and retailer market power. The market and welfare effects of MCOOL are shown to be case‐specific and dependent on the labeling costs at the farm and retail levels, the strength of consumer preference for domestic products, the market power of retailers, the marketing margin along the supply chain, and the relative costs of imported and domestic products. Simulation results for the U.S. market of fresh apples indicate that domestic producers are the most likely beneficiaries of MCOOL, followed by domestic consumers. Being unable to exercise market power on consumers or suppliers of fresh apples, retailers will lose if the implementation of MCOOL entails fixed costs. Imports of fresh apples decline after MCOOL introduction.  相似文献   

Using data consisting of domestic and foreign automobiles over the period 1985-1990, the hypothesis that advertising serves as a signal of higher quality is empirically tested. This is accomplished by examining how advertising levels vary with a quality measure that is not observable at the time of purchase but becomes available subsequent to a model's release. Above average quality results in expenditures that are 15% higher than average quality outlays. Lending further support to the signalling hypothesis, the positive advertising–quality relationship holds strongest when a model significantly improves in quality relative to the previous year's model.  相似文献   

美国《外国公司问责法案》的出台,具有显著的时代背景,其内容主要针对中概股公司,本质上是美国维护其政治经济霸主的表现.《外国公司问责法案》使得中概股公司难以同时满足中美两国的合规要求,增加融资和退市风险,进而冲击我国金融体系和影响我国数据安全,乃至影响中美竞争格局.因此,中概股公司短期须考虑合理调整上市地点,长期看则须健全合规制度,加强科技创新.国家需要推进跨境监管合作,深化国内资本市场改革,尽可能减少政策调整对中概股的冲击,并以科学监管包容科技创新.  相似文献   

The study of welfare participation in the United States prior to the 1996 Welfare Reform Act and afterward has primarily focused on comparing native and immigrant households. Analyses that have gone beyond this broad classification have focused on comparisons across race, with particular focus on Hispanic immigrants. This paper moves away from the existing literature by investigating whether there is a difference in welfare usage among immigrant based on their birthplace. Using a probit model, we investigate this potential difference by testing two related hypotheses. Our results suggest that the probability of welfare usage for immigrants with similar characteristic, differ for some immigrant groups. We also find that for some immigrant groups, citizen and noncitizens differ with respect to welfare usage.  相似文献   

美国房地产市场复苏和经济增长前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自2006年以来,虽然调整已持续四年多,但无论从供给面、需求面还是房地产价格等指标来看,美国房地产市场仍然没有走出低谷。和以往相比,本轮房地产市场复苏明显滞后于经济复苏,从而很大程度上制约了美国经济反弹的强度和力度。房地产市场疲弱成为美国经济复苏的最大障碍。展望2011年,美国房地产市场将在底部震荡中维持微弱复苏,难以构成经济复苏的明显动力。进入2012年,美国房地产市场将会全面企稳,从而推动GDP增幅上升。  相似文献   

A general equilibrium model of heterogeneous capital is employed to investigate whether, how and to what extent monetary policy and market structure may have contributed to the decline of the labor share in the U.S. in recent decades. By construction the model allows monetary policy to affect the labor share through two channels, i.e. one linking the policy rate to the real interest rate and another linking the latter to the useful life of producers’ goods, whereas regarding market structure, the more competitive the economy, the higher the labor share. From its solution using U.S. data over the period 2000–2014 it emerges that the persistent reduction in the policy rate on the one hand slowed down the decline in the labor share and on the other accelerated it, because the reduction in the policy rate was accompanied by a robust upward trend in the equilibrium real rate of interest, which increased the useful life of producers’ goods. In turn, to gauge the relative strength of these two opposite effects, the equation of the labor share is estimated by means of the autoregressive distributed lag method. The results show that the adverse effect of monetary policy through the useful life of producers’ goods was more than 12 times as strong as the favorable effect of the policy rate and on this ground I conclude that the monetary policy contributed to the decline of the labor share significantly, at least since 2000. As for the market structure, it is found that even if firms had and attempted to exercise monopoly power, it would be exceedingly difficult to exploit it because the demand of consumers’ goods is significantly price elastic.  相似文献   

Using a difference-in-differences framework and micro data from the Current Population Survey-Merged Outgoing Rotation Group Files (1999 to 2004), this paper estimates the impact that the 9-11 terrorists attacks had on the U.S. labor market outcomes of individuals with nativity profiles similar to the terrorists. We find that shortly after the attacks, the employment-population ratios and hours worked of very young (ages 16 to 25) Muslim men fell. By 2004, most losses had begun to dissipate. The employment-population ratios and hours worked of older Muslim men experienced little deterioration. We find no effect of the U.K.’s July 2005 London bombings on the labor market outcomes of U.S. Muslims.  相似文献   

Based on four data sources, the trends of the patent activities of US universities in the last 40 years are quantitatively assessed. It has been found that patenting activities in U.S. universities slowed down greatly after 2000 and remained flat until the period from 2010 to 2012, when activities recover to the level of strength characterizing the period before 2000 and after the enactment of the Bayh-Dole Act. The affects of the (Bayh-Dole) Act on the university patenting activities (UPAs) are specifically analyzed for the time span considered. We found that the impacts of the Act had been remaining strong until the year of 1999 and then greatly diminished. We also identify that economic recessions are the major cause to the flatness of the patenting activities during 2000s. Recently, many concerns on university patent activities have been raised; these concerns are reviewed and recommendations to resolute to these concerns are provided.  相似文献   

Monthly data for the aggregate U.S. economy are used to assess competing hypotheses concerning the relationship between sectoral employment shifts and fluctuations in the unemployment rate. It is shown that sectoral shifts are caused by major work stoppages, aggregate fluctuations unrelated to permanent sectoral shifts, a reallocation-timing effect, and allocative shocks at the sectoral level. Larger employment shifts are associated with higher unemployment during slow growth periods and lower unemployment during above-average growth periods. Models are presented which demonstrate that both aggregate and allocative shocks are causes of cyclical increases in unemployment.  相似文献   

经济全球化使世界经济紧密联系在一起,各国经济也更易受到外部经济冲击的影响。本文考察了美国经济波动对东亚8个开放经济体的影响,结果显示,东亚经济大约有18%的波动来源于美国经济的冲击,这主要是因为美国和东亚保持着紧密的贸易和金融联系。由于各经济体在经济总量、汇率制度安排等方面的差异,造成受美国经济波动的影响也不相同。总体看,这些冲击持续的时间大约在15个季度。  相似文献   

Recent trends in globalization of Pacific Basin commodity markets raises important questions concerning the nature of market integration and price linkages. This paper examines this issue by testing for price linkages between the United States and Japan for two species whose exports from the U.S. to Japan have risen considerably over the past decade. Empirical results indicate segmentation of price linkages for sablefish but probable price linkages for some thornyhead markets. Findings suggest that markets for these species may be less sensitive to price changes in Japan than would be expected based on commodity flows.  相似文献   

美联储量化宽松政策对中国资本市场的冲击效应研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
文章以2010年1月至2014年4月的月度数据为研究样本,选用SVAR模型的脉冲响应分析美联储量化宽松政策对中国资本市场的影响。研究结果表明,美联储量化宽松政策的正向冲击对中国股票市场产生L型冲击效应,而且分别给债券市场和信贷市场带来了正响应和负响应。同时,结构性方差分解表明,相比国债收益率,美国基础货币量的变动对中国资本市场的影响更大。在此基础上,文章进一步预测:一旦美联储逐步退出量化宽松政策,中国股票市场将出现上涨趋势,而债券市场和信贷市场则会表现得很平淡;相反,倘若继续实施这一政策,中国股票市场将不会有太多表现,而债券市场和信贷市场的前景则看好,资金将从金融市场转移到实体经济。  相似文献   

This article introduces a new high-frequency time series of Confederate money prices taken from the newspapers of Richmond and leading cities in the Eastern Confederacy. The new grayback series is tested for turning points. The empirical analysis suggests that turning points in the Confederate grayback market were different from those identified in the Northern greenback market by Willard, Guinnane, and Rosen (1996). It appears that war did not always have symmetric effects on Northern and Southern money prices. Financial and commercial matters fluctuate under the successes and reverses of the war like ebb and tide, and it is not to be wondered that under the great military events that are now transpiring [Gettysburg], there should be a suspension of operations in [gold] trade. (Richmond Examiner July 9. 1863. p. 1)  相似文献   

There is evidence that women are more likely to live in poverty than men. Given the fact that the poor are more likely to use welfare, it becomes useful to consider welfare usage among women. A-priori welfare programs are set up in such a way that welfare usage should be based primarily on economic needs and health concerns. However, it is possible that an individual’s experiences could affect their perception and inclination for using government assistance. In this scenario, differences in welfare usage will exist for individuals with similar characteristics but different experiences. We explore this possibility among women and investigate if race/ethnicity and birthplace still have a role to play in the decision to use welfare even after controlling for income, health and other demographic factors like employment and household size, which are typical predictors of welfare usage. We find that race does not matter for welfare usage among comparable women. In addition, we do not find significant differences in welfare usage among women based on birthplace—suggesting that comparable naturalized and native born women share similar inclination for welfare.  相似文献   

This article tests for discrimination against Hispanics in the U.S. rental housing market using e‐mail correspondence with landlords advertising units online. We divide Hispanics into two groups: those that appear assimilated into American culture and recent immigrants. We find little difference in the treatment of assimilated Hispanics and whites; however, Hispanics we portray as recent immigrants receive less favorable treatment with margins of net discrimination as large as 6.89% of landlords. We also find discrimination varies significantly at the region level and by the ethnic composition of neighborhoods.  相似文献   

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