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This study uses panel data to examine the wage and employment dynamics of minimum wage workers. Compared with workers earning above the minimum, minimum wage workers are much more likely to be new entrants or to exit the labor market. Changes in industry, occupation, and access to job training are particularly important to improving the wages of minimum wage workers. Many minimum wage workers earn less than their potential wage temporarily because of nonwork circumstances that make higher-paying jobs less attractive.  相似文献   

We develop a duopoly model in which firms compete for the market (e.g., investing in process innovation or product development) as well as in the market (e.g., setting quantities or prices). Competition for the market generates multiple equilibria that differ in the firms’ investment levels, relative size, and profitability. We show that monopolization that affects competition in the market can act as an equilibrium selection device in competition for the market. In particular, it eliminates equilibria that are undesirable for the monopolizing firm, while not generating new equilibria. This result complicates the task of determining whether a firm's dominance in a given market is the result of fair competition or unlawful monopolization. We discuss a number of implications for antitrust policy and litigation, and illustrate these by means of two well‐known antitrust cases.  相似文献   

健康人力资本与性别工资差异   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
王鹏  刘国恩 《南方经济》2010,28(9):73-84
现有对性别工资差异的研究大多是基于教育、经验等人力资本对工资的影响进行分析而忽视了健康人力资本的作用。本文运用中国健康与营养调查数据,将健康人力资本引入工资决定模型,对我国劳动力市场上健康人力资本对工资的影响以及性别工资差异进行了实证分析。研究发现:健康人力资本是影响我国居民工资收入的重要因素;我国劳动力市场上存在明显的性别工资差异,女性工资显著低于男性;利用Oaxaca—Cotton的分解方法发现性别工资差异中大约只有20%可以被个体特征合理解释,余下的部分被认为是对女性的歧视和没能观测到的因素所致。健康人力资本对工资的边际贡献在性别之间的差异是性别工资差异的重要来源。  相似文献   

FDI对湖北省的经济发展、就业状况及工资水平都带来了很大的影响.文章针对湖北省FDI的特点,从就业增长、就业结构和工资水平三个方面分析了FDI效应,提出了提升湖北FDI就业积极效应的建议.  相似文献   

失地妇女就业及其收入的影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用珠江三角洲地区农村失地妇女2005年就业情况的调查数据,首先运用赫克曼两阶段法(Heckman Twoste)修正样本选择偏差,分析了在城市化过程中失去土地的妇女在成为城市居民后就业和收入的决定因素,然后利用MuhinomialLogit模型,分析了影响失地妇女选择不同就业方式的决定因素。结论表明,年龄、教育和培训以及家庭背景分别是影响失地妇女通过自主创业、在劳务市场找到工作、亲戚朋友或妇联找到工作最显著的变量之一。对此,本文提出了提高失地妇女就业率的可供参考的政策建议。  相似文献   


Using hourly and weekly wages from the Canadian Labour Force Survey from 2000 until 2018, workers were separated into full-time and part-time and the following striking observation was documented. The overall gender wage gap is larger than either the full-time pay gap or the part-time pay gap, even after controlling for detailed personal and job characteristics. This result is a consequence of two findings: (i) part-time wages are lower than full-time wages, and (ii) the majority of part-time workers are women. In aggregation, this brings down the average female wage, leading to a larger aggregate gender wage gap. This was further linked to a differential selection by gender into full-time and part-time work, with women of higher earnings potential being overrepresented in the pool of part-time workers, resulting in no gender pay gap in the part-time worker category. Policies targeted at encouraging full-time employment for women should therefore reduce the gender wage gap.


This study investigates the effects of employment protection on wages. The implementation of employment protection legislation increases employers' firing costs and reduces labor turnover, and, therefore, results in lower wages. Our empirical results show that the implementation of Taiwan's leads to a reduction in wages, the effects of which varies with the stringency of the law's enforcement. In addition, employment protection can lead to a decrease in wage dispersion, implying the worsening of job matches.  相似文献   

In Malaysia, the participation of women in the labor market has increased over time. However, occupational segregation and wage differentials continue to be prevalent between men and women in the labor market. The present paper investigates gender‐related occupational segregation and wage differentials based on data collected from 7135 working households in Peninsular Malaysia in 2011. The wage decomposition model introduced by Brown et al. (1980) is used to examine the determinants of gender‐related wage differentials. The results suggest that differences within occupations account for the largest portion of the wage gap between men and women. The results also indicate that wage discrimination within occupations plays an important role in the gender wage gap, while sample selection bias plays an important role in the examination of gender wage gaps.  相似文献   

This study examined the difference between male and female groups’ return on investment (ROI) in education independent of the average gender wage gap. Women’s additional ROI in education was significant and positively estimated. Furthermore, the ROI in women’s education was consistently higher than that in men regardless of educational stage, except for graduate education. These gender differences were greater in the younger generation than in the older generation and have decreased significantly in the recent ten years in high school education. Although the additional ROI in women’s education was positive in the field of culture and arts, education’s effect on wage increases in professional occupations was less than in men, especially in the fields of law and medicine. In addition, we show that gender differences in ROI in education were countercyclical. A base effect, large wage declines for low‐educated women during recessions, could explain this phenomenon. However, coinciding with the existence of positive cash flow news in the stock market that promises good business performance, a significant wage increase among highly educated women was found.  相似文献   

最低工资制度对我国区域城镇就业的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对我国东、中、西部三大区域最低工资制度对城市就业的影响进行了研究,首先,对三大区域最低工资实施概况及特点进行了分析,其次,运用面板数据模型对三大区域最低工资标准对城镇就业的影响进行了计量分析,最后根据模型计量结论提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

杨扬  冯睿  舒元 《南方经济》2011,(7):50-56,80
本文在一般均衡的框架中,运用匹配与分类的思想,综合考虑了技术变革所引起的沟通成本的降低和技术进步对劳动力技能产生的“技能贬值”效应,将技术进步、产业组织结构变化与工资差距三者相结合建立模型。该模型能够将产业组织架构内生化,对不同能力的员工进行生产职能分配,并能给出技术变革与工资水平差距的内在联系;同时,本文利用珠三角的经济发展事实对以上模型结论提供了经验证据。  相似文献   

目前,我国仍然对国有企业的工资水平或工资总额进行管制,管制的方式主要是对超过规定的工资征税,本文证明,当工资水平是外生变量时,无论是无均工资水下的管制还是工资总额的管制都将对国有企业的劳动力需求产生负面影响,相比之下,工资总额管制减少劳动力需求的作用更强,本文的主要结论是,放松工资管制将有利于增加就业,特别是当经济面临需求方或供给方的外来冲击时,放松工资管制是增加就业的有效措施。  相似文献   

动漫产业的土洋博弈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近日,第二届中国国际动漫节在杭州开幕,总金额达十四亿元人民币的动漫产业项目让美国、荷兰、丹麦等八个国家和地区的客商蜂拥而至.面对国际巨头的强大竞争力,中国企业又如何在虎口夺食呢?  相似文献   

贸易自由化、产业规模与地区工资差距   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
颜银根 《世界经济研究》2012,(8):28-36,87,88
本文在新经济地理学框架下构建了非对称的三地区空间模型研究贸易自由化、产业规模与地区工资差距的关系。研究结果表明:贸易自由化可能扩大或缩小地区间收入差距,这主要取决于地区相对产业份额以及本地与国外市场接近程度。当本地接近于国外市场并且产业份额相对较小时,贸易自由化与区域间收入差距呈倒"U"型关系;否则,贸易自由化扩大区域间的收入差距。使用1992~2008年中国27个省份面板数据证实了该假说,这也解释了Egger et al.(2005)与Redding和Sturm(2008)研究结论迥异的原因。此外,贸易自由化有利于各区域工资水平的提高,对产业份额较小地区尤为明显。  相似文献   

We focus on understanding the role of productivity in determining wage structure differences between men and women in academia. The data arise from a pay equity study carried out in a single midwestern U.S. university over the 1996–1997 academic year. Econometric results confirm that external market forces exert influence over both male and female salary. But peer review ratings play a significant role in male but not female earnings determination, with similar results for objective measures of research, teaching, and service.  相似文献   

贸易自由化对中国工业就业与工资波动性的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文从贸易自由化与中国就业与工资波动性的关系这一新的视角分析了贸易自由化对我国劳动力市场的影响。研究首先在弹性分析框架之下,对贸易自由化对我国工业工资和就业波动性的影响进行了模拟分析。然后采用我国细分工业行业的数据,在估算全要素生产率的基础上,使用回归分析方法进一步考察了贸易自由化对我国工业工资和就业波动性的影响。研究的基本结论是,贸易自由化很可能增强了给定外生劳动需求冲击之下工业劳动者工资和就业的波动性。  相似文献   

Using 2004 Household Socio‐Economic Survey data for Thailand, we explore the gender wage differentials across the entire unconditional wage distribution and find a strong sticky floor effect. Glass ceilings, although observed along with sticky floors in the raw data and pooled regressions, disappear in the counterfactual decompositions, suggesting a strong sticky floor pattern in gender wage differentials in Thailand. Whereas the evidence for most European countries points to glass ceilings, our findings for Thailand are qualitatively similar to those from other South Asian and Southeast Asian countries for which evidence exists; namely, Singapore, the Philippines and Sri Lanka.  相似文献   

周春芳  苏群 《南方经济》2018,37(7):96-112
文章利用CHIP2002和CHIP2013数据,采用基于RIF无条件分位数回归的分解法,比较了不同时间维度和不同分位数水平上,我国农民工和城镇职工的性别工资差距及其形成机理。研究结果表明:第一,我国城镇劳动力市场中的性别工资差距不断扩大,其中农民工的性别工资差距全方位扩大,且低分位数上的增速最快,致使2013年其各分位数上的性别工资差距超过城镇职工。其中,低收入城镇职工与中等收入农民工群体的性别工资差距及其来源具有相似特征。第二,系数效应是造成城镇职工和农民工性别工资差异的主要因素,两个群体的性别歧视均有所增强。但与城镇职工相比,农民工群体的性别歧视较大且增速较快。由于低收入群体中性别歧视的快速增长,城镇劳动力市场中遭受性别歧视最严重的群体由2002年的高收入的城镇女性职工和高收入的女性农民工,转变为2013年中等收入的女性农民工和低收入的城镇女性职工。第三,尽管针对中高收入城镇女性职工的市场前歧视和市场歧视均有所弱化,但低收入的城镇女性人力资本水平及其回报率仍低于同类男性,呈现与女性农民工相似的特点。上述结果意味着,城镇劳动力市场中不同户籍、不同收入水平的女性,遭受着不同程度的性别歧视,应针对不同群体采用差别化的性别干预政策。  相似文献   

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