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This paper estimates earnings functions for two samples of U.K. and U.S. academic economists. Despite significant differences in compensation schemes, a comparably specified human capital earnings model does a good job explaining earnings variations for academic economists in both countries. Our estimates suggest that rewards for research are more immediate and direct in the United States. Because of the national salary scale, the payoffs to experience and seniority are greater and the payoffs to research are lower in the United Kingdom than in the United States. After adjusting for productivity and demographic factors, we find that U.S. economists are paid approximately 40% more than otherwise equivalent economists in the United Kingdom. Simulating career age-earnings profiles for both markets, we find that the earnings gap widens with experience for relatively productive research economists and may even narrow with age for relatively less productive research economists. Nevertheless, the cumulative lifetime earnings foregone are substantial for research and nonresearch economists in the United Kingdom.  相似文献   

Publication in the best journals of ones discipline is for many the equivalent of making the big leagues in sports or performing at Carnegie Hall in the arts. Using individual-specific data collected from 704 economists, this study provides a multivariate analysis of the factors which contribute to publication in top economics journals. By examining only publications in elite journals, the analysis avoids pitfalls associated with weighting the quality of a wide array of journals while maintaining an emphasis on the determinants of excellence in scholarship. Empirical results indicate that many factors impact elite journal publication, including the quality of graduate education, collaboration with colleagues, presenting at professional conferences, teaching commitments, and service work.  相似文献   

This article examines whether participation by underrepresented minority groups in the American Economics Association Summer Minority Program (AEASMP) has causal effects on outcomes associated with success as academic economists. We estimate both propensity score weighted and Heckit parameter estimates of (1) the average effect of treatment and (2) the effect of treatment on the treated. Our results, which vary across specifications of potential outcomes and propensity score truncated samples, suggest that AEASMP participation by black American Ph.D. economists has a positive and causal impact on 4 outcomes associated with success as an academic economist. However if the probability of selection into the treatment by the nontreated is similar to that of the treated, the results suggest that AEASMP participation by black American Ph.D. economists has a positive and causal effect on research productivity and in gaining access to research funding.  相似文献   

The scholarly output of economists: A description of publishing patterns   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper analyzes the research productivity of a cohort of economists over the 15 years following receipt of their doctorate degrees, contrasting their results in publishing articles, books, and textbooks after controlling for the individual characteristics of the economists in the sample. Specifically, this paper considers the quality of graduate school, the type of employment, the general area of dissertation research, and the gender of each individual in the cohort. Primary conclusions indicate that scholarly journals are the most important research outlet, and that book production is a complementary activity to output in scholarly journals. Moreover, publishing success is closely related to the quality of the graduate school attended as well as the type of employer. According to this research, women do not face a statistically significant disadvantage to publishing. Finally, the analysis documents that midway through the 15-year time span covered by this study, output begins to decline, reflecting the post-tenure drop-off in research productivity.  相似文献   

Predatory publishers charge fees to authors for open access publishing but have limited peer review or other quality controls. In this paper, we use data from five of the most widely used predatory journals used by South African academics in Economic and Management sciences to show that predatory publications are widespread in Economics departments in South African universities. We also critique the Department of Higher Education and Training’s research publication subsidy system and highlight that several journals on the DHET accredited journal list, that South African academic economists publish in, are probable predatory journals. In improving the data on predatory publications in South African Economic and Management Sciences used by de Jager et al (2017), we show that approximately 50% of predatory publications by South African academic economists are authored by professors or associate professors, a finding which corroborates international evidence on predatory publications in Economics. Our paper is also a source of information on the quality of research produced by South African economics departments.  相似文献   

Recent academic research suggests that the effects of inward foreign direct investment for productivity and employment may vary across foreign investors with different characteristics. Using a newly created dataset that integrates micro-level information from The Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency and Statistics Netherlands, this paper explores the role of several of these characteristics, including e.g. the country of origin, activities and tasks, age and strategic role of foreign affiliates in The Netherlands in the 2000–2007 period. Our analysis shows that important employment and productivity differences exist for nearly all these dimensions.  相似文献   

This paper constructs new rankings of economics journals, economics departments, and economists that employ a measure of teaching-focused research productivity, an area of growing importance in recent years. The ranking methodologies presented here use information from articles that were published from 1991 through the early part of 2005 within the Journal of Economic Literature's “economic education” classifications (A200-A290). The Journal of Economic Literature tops the list of journals, followed by the Review of Economics and Statistics and the American Economic Review. Among the top institutions are Vanderbilt University, Indiana University, and the University of Wisconsin. Others that rank high here, such as Oberlin College and Denison University, do not often fare as well using methodologies that evaluate more traditional types of economics research. Finally, among the economists we find that John Siegfried, William Becker, and Michael Watts are ranked above other economists.  相似文献   

We highlight a growing concern in the economics profession that young scholars face incentives that are misaligned with conducting research that furthers knowledge and addresses pressing policy problems. The premium given to publication in top journals leads to an emphasis on exhaustive treatment of narrow questions. Detailed, robustly identified studies of novel questions are of undeniable value; however, the opportunity cost of producing such studies is large in terms of research quantity and policy relevance. For economists who aim to achieve what we view as the ultimate goals of academic research (enhancing understanding of the world, solving social problems, and building foundational knowledge to enable future breakthroughs), we offer some insights from publication philosophy in the field of public health. We discuss how public health has developed norms around publishing that are more successful in meeting these ultimate goals. We then offer thoughts on potential lessons for young economists in China and the economics discipline.  相似文献   

We focus on understanding the role of productivity in determining wage structure differences between men and women in academia. The data arise from a pay equity study carried out in a single midwestern U.S. university over the 1996–1997 academic year. Econometric results confirm that external market forces exert influence over both male and female salary. But peer review ratings play a significant role in male but not female earnings determination, with similar results for objective measures of research, teaching, and service.  相似文献   

对大学图书馆试行收藏本校教师论著、讲稿的初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周南 《理论观察》2001,(3):104-105
高等学校图书馆是学校的文献情报中心,是为教学和科研服务的学术性机构,是学生的第二课堂,理应为教育深化改革做出贡献。收藏本校教师讲稿、论著直接为学生服务,既有利于学生自学,有利于教师劳动成果的充分利用,又有利于图书馆藏建设,提高服务层次。  相似文献   

Conclusion Garcia and Plautz have provided a real service to the profession by illuminating the important issues concerning the Federal Reserve System as lender of last resort. At one point in the book [p. 97] the authors refer to the preference by most economists to discuss the LLR concept via “...a practical, intuitive, rather than a theoretical, approach” that is in contrast to use of a “...formal theory of liquidity assistance...based on a mathematical framework, which is often the preferred approach among academic economists.” They imply here that the former is to be preferred to the latter, given the complexity of the LLR concept and the related public policy issues. After reading the book, this reviewer reaches the opposite conclusion. There are so many interrelated issues associated with the conduct of LLR policy that what is needed are more concrete analyses of the problem by academic and non-academic economists. Formal theories, such as those provided by Kanatas [1986] and by Waller [1990], are sorely needed as policymakers continue to search for the appropriate LLR Policy structure. Garcia and Plautz have taken the practical, intuitive approach just about as far as it can go. Hopefully, their work will stimulate new attempts to provide theoretical guidance toward a welfare-maximizing LLR policy. This review has benefited from very helpful comments by an anonymous referee.  相似文献   

This paper considers whether the National Economic Association and its journal the Review of Black Political Economy have enhanced the scholarly status of black economists. A bibliometric analysis reveals that while the typical black economist has never published in the Review of Black Political Economy, the share of black economists publishing in the Review of Black Economy approximates the share of all articles published on the economic and political economy of race by black economists, and the share of articles published in the Review of Black Political Economy by black economists appears higher than typical journals in economics—particularly for black economists employed at Historically Black Colleges and Universities. We also find that similar to other economics journals non-black economists dominate the share of published articles, and publications in the Review of Black Political Economy appear to be consistent with Lotka’s Law of scientific productivity suggesting that the journal is a standard outlet for research no different from any other science journal. Our results imply a plausible counterfactual that if the National Economic Association and Review of Black Political Economy did not exist, the scholarly status of blacks in the economics profession would have been lower than currently observed.  相似文献   

张弛  张曙光 《南方经济》2019,38(2):1-13
经济学家应关注数字互联网技术和信息化生产力带来的巨大变化,并借此来发展和创新经济学理论。文章集中讨论了经济学方法论从同质性分析向异质性考察转变,论证了经济分析角度从拥有权中心论变成使用权中心论的趋势,进而考察了新经济的分工方式和协调方式及其赋予制度环境和组织"铁三角"——权利(决策/财产)、合约(完全/不完全)、交易(经济和政治)——的新内容。  相似文献   

王智迪 《科技和产业》2024,24(2):102-110
为了深入研究高校图书馆信息素质教育领域的发展趋势和演化过程,收集了1998—2023年的1 606篇相关文献,经过数据清洗和预处理后,构建T-LDA2vec混合模型,用于主题建模和文本分析。在时间趋势上,揭示高校图书馆信息素质教育领域存在学术繁荣期和学术调整期两个关键时期。在学术繁荣期相关文献数量迅速增长,而学术调整期文献数量急剧下降,反映该领域正在经历学术调整。继而,运用T-LDA2vec模型进行主题挖掘,确定每个时期的最佳主题数量,并将主题划分为高校教育评估、师资培养、情报管理、网络化图书馆服务、高校图书馆素质教育服务、心理素质与教育表现、地方信息化与课程发展、数字化图书馆员培养八大类别。结果表明,计算不同时间段内各主题的强度,并通过交互式条形图描述热点主题。研究发现,一些主题在不同时期内保持较高的强度,表明它们在相关文献中具有重要影响力。师资培养、教学改革及高校图书馆资源创新与服务质量等主题在不同时期内维持了较高的强度。通过主题演化分析,揭示了不同时期内主题之间的关联和演化过程,指出高校图书馆信息素质教育研究的关注焦点逐渐从基础服务向资源创新、知识管理和在线教育等领域演化。该研究...  相似文献   

陈卓思 《特区经济》2006,25(5):333-335
虽然技术分析在金融实业界得到了广泛的关注和应用,但是金融学术界却较少关注它,原因在于技术分析认为价格可以预测,而这与有效市场假说是背道而驰的。然而,金融学者通过对新古典金融理论的修正,建立了基于信息不对称的噪音理性预期模型和基于行为金融学的正反馈模型,为技术分析提供了理论支持。此外,其他理论模型从市场摩擦、羊群效应、市场影响力等角度出发,也证明了技术分析的有效性。  相似文献   

In interviews with bankers, government economists and academic observers, most of them attributed the absence of an Indonesian debt crisis during 1982–84 to the fact that a significant portion of external public debt, an average of 37 percent, was long-term concessionary loans from foreign governments and international agencies. Our analysis challenges this conventional explanation. We show that if Indonesia (1) had paid the same effective interest rate as Mexico, (2) had the same maturity structure as Mexican debt, and (3) had the same export-GNP ratio as Mexico, then its average 1980–82 total debt service-export ratio would have been 84.4% instead of the actual 30.1%. Our decomposition shows that concessional interest rates account for 5.8 percentage points of the gap, maturity structure for 17.7 percentage points and export orientation for 30.8 percentage points.
We have concluded that the major cause for the favorable 1982–84 outcome is competent management of the exchange rate. The absence of protracted exchange rate overvaluation from 1979 onward was fundamental in maintaining a strong nonoil tradeable sector. The nonoil tradeable sector was able to earn enough foreign exchange to service Indonesian debts when the external shock of high interest rates increased debt service payments and the recession in industrialized countries lowered the price of oil. The absence of extended exchange rate overvaluation also kept the external debt down and the maturity structure on the long side by not encouraging capital flight. We ascribe this use of the exchange rate to protect the tradeable sector as much to the existence of an influential political constituency consisting of neoclassical economists, Javanese peasants and Outer Island residents as to balance-of-payments considerations.
We recommend an aggressive exchange rate policy and two sets of supplementary measures to reduce the probability of a debt crisis in the medium run.  相似文献   

张梦玲  童婷  陈昭玖 《南方经济》2023,42(1):135-152
从服务分工视角破解资源环境约束与农户行为的市场约束,探究农业社会化服务对农业绿色生产率的影响机制,旨在寻求实现农业可持续发展的可行路径。文章利用江西省9个县(市、区)34个村645个水稻种植农户抽样调查数据,构建非期望产出的SBM模型测算农业绿色生产率,同时采用Tobit模型检验农业社会化服务对农业绿色生产率的影响,并分析农户土地禀赋下的经营规模、土地细碎化、地块规模与农业社会化服务的交互作用。结果表明,样本农户的农业绿色生产率均值为0.48,仍处于较低水平;农业社会化服务对农业生产率具有显著的促进作用;伴随社会化服务参与程度的加深,即采纳社会化服务的农业生产环节越多,农户的农业绿色生产率水平越高;农户土地经营规模和地块规模的扩大,能够增强农业社会化服务对农业生产率的促进作用,而土地细碎化程度则会抑制这种促进效应。异质性分析发现,施肥服务和病虫害防治服务是促进农业绿色生产率提升的关键环节;进一步的机制分析发现,农业社会化服务通过诱导农户采纳农业绿色生产技术从而促进农业绿色生产率提升。据此,基于发展农业绿色生产,应促进农业社会化服务组织的发展与完善、引导农户开展适度土地规模经营,注重农户...  相似文献   

来玲 《理论观察》2001,(5):103-104
高等院校图书馆是重要的图书情报服务部门,在为校内教学科研提供文献信息服务的同时,应以学校科研人员为后盾.利用现代化信息处理手段,为企业开展具有竞争情报策略的深化服务.使图书馆的信息资源和信息技术最大限度地为社会发展服务。  相似文献   

张琳娜  魏娟  朱佳轩 《科技和产业》2022,22(12):122-127
为梳理国内知识产权信息服务的研究主题及变化情况,以CNKI数据库收录的2006—2020年与知识产权信息服务相关的中文论文为研究对象,使用隐含狄利克雷分布(LDA)模型提取研究主题,根据文档-主题概率分布和主题-词项概率分布结果进行主题演化分析。结果表明,2006—2020年知识产权信息服务的服务内容、服务范围和服务模式都出现一定程度的继承和演化,而有关档案管理方面的知识产权信息服务没有得到持续的关注与研究。  相似文献   

论文对CSSCI(1998~2011)收录的双语教学相关研究论文进行统计,从文献的年代分布、期刊分布、主题分布、核心著者与著者的机构分布等方面进行统计分析与文献计量分析,从而确定中国社会科学领域有关双语教学的核心作者、核心期刊以及研究规律,揭示中国社会科学领域对双语教学研究的概况及主要的研究主题;并运用文献共被引分析方法与动态网络分析的信息可视化技术绘制我国双语教学领域的科学知识图谱,展示双语教学研究的关键节点、以及节点所代表的专家及其著作对该领域发展所起的重要作用,展现我国居民双语教学的知识基础与研究前沿,进而为我国双语教学研究提供思路与借鉴,推动相关研究领域理论与经验研究。  相似文献   

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