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Rural industries have advanced especially rapidly since the Cultural Revolution. Although the political shift of late 1976 created doubt about their future, little significant difference exists between the earlier and present basic approaches. Rural industrialization has been stressed as a way to develop the economies of the larger rural collectives (brigades and communes). This process is quite advanced in some suburban and relatively developed rural areas, where commune and brigade industries employ substantial proportions of the local labour force, and contribute as much as half or more of total output, thus paving the way for the transition to a higher level of collective organization and ownership in the countryside.  相似文献   

The chief objective of our paper is to highlight basic features of the Information Technology (IT) policies adopted by Indonesia and Thailand, and to evaluate the commitment of the monetary authorities and the overall performances of the IT regime. The results demonstrate that the IT regime in these two economies has had some success, but not during the immediate aftermath of the Lehman Brothers’ collapse in the last quarter of 2008. Furthermore, the implementation IT policy in these economies has largely been “flexible” during the stable period, seeking the balance between narrowing the output gap, managing exchange rate volatility, and anchoring inflationary pressure. However during the turbulent period, there had been a heightened focus on anchoring inflationary expectations.  相似文献   

知识员工组织承诺、职业承诺问题研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
随着组织内知识员工数量的不断增多,管理越发受到重视。本文针对知识员工的特点对其组织承诺、职业承诺的影响因素进行分析,论述了二者对知识员工工作满意度和工作努力度的影响。通过提高知识员工组织承诺和职业承诺的水平,提高工作满意度和努力度。并针对如何提高他们的工作承诺和职业承诺提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

by the end of 1981 problems clearly recognized within the communes included low productivity, the failure to accumulate funds for modern inputs, inefficient and corrupt cadres, hidden unemployment, inability to stimulate growth in other than major crops and disappointingly low levels of peasant incomes in many counties. In north China, peasants in 1980 began to divide up the collective fields on communes into smaller plots for cultivation by households and labour groups. Since then the face of China has been altered — physically, politically and organizationally — by the creation of the ‘responsibility system’ largely outside party control and influence. ‘Document 75’ of September 1980 sanctioning some form of ‘production responsibility system’ was itself overtaken by events, as a bewildering variety of forms emerged, swamping the cadres. Practice was rapidly expanding beyond the theoretical discussions, or pronouncements of officials like Du Runsheng The paper describes each of the many forms of contracting between peasant groups and the State now current in China, with estimates of the relative proportions of the accounting units involved in each type (Table 3). New contradictions are already emerging in the changed rural set-up, partly because farm management problems bear similarities to those that confronted the open-field strip farming of the European Manor, while the incentive to have more hands on family farms contradicts official Chinese population policy.  相似文献   

External borrowing constituted an important part of sovereign finances in early modern Europe. As payments could not be enforced through third parties, sovereigns had to convince lenders of their commitment to service their loans. Although the literature has dealt with this problem extensively, little is known about what supported lending in early modern Europe. This article therefore asks whether and how commitment mechanisms identified in the sovereign borrowing literature made external borrowing safer in early modern Europe. It attempts to answer this question by analysing the loans that a small and peripheral state (Denmark) issued in Europe's foremost international investment hub (eighteenth‐century Holland). Primary sources demonstrate that Denmark inspired confidence in investors and serviced its loans well; a new dataset with securities prices reveals yields to maturity in accordance with this. Economic spillovers (domestic economic damage) and reputation (loss of access to external loans) are identified as the mechanisms that kept the Danish sovereigns committed to honouring their debts. The Danish case shows, however, that these commitment mechanisms could only be adopted after the growth and integration of northern Europe's economies. This suggests that commitment mechanisms are not as universally applicable as the literature often seems to claim.  相似文献   

With the deepening of economic globalization, cross-border mergers and acquisitions (CBMAs) are increasingly becoming an important choice of transnational investment, and more Chinese firms are becoming involved in them. However, the success rate of CBMAs for firms in China seems to be lower than that for firms in other countries. Using data on the CBMA deals initiated by Chinese A-share listed enterprises from 2003 to 2018, we examine the association between managerial ability and the likelihood of completing CBMAs. The empirical results show that the average impact of managerial ability on the likelihood of completing CBMAs is positive. Furthermore, by taking heterogeneity of the ownership structure into account, we find that the positive effect of managerial ability is significant only for non-state-owned enterprises. Moreover, the results from the mediation model show that relaxing financing constraints is a possible channel by which managerial ability affects the likelihood of completing CBMAs. Our results are robust to various model specifications.  相似文献   

在创先争优活动中,福建省电力有限公司要求广大党员做好公开承诺,从履行承诺体现党员的先进性,本文从企业党内考核体制存在的弊端出发,阐述了公开承诺中引入绩效评价的必要性和可行性,并提出了绩效评价的的建议方法,试图解决承诺考评难的问题,由此延伸思考党内考核中一些有益的尝试。  相似文献   

We investigate the interaction of mandatory disclosure and the gathering of decision‐relevant information in a setting in which a competitor may enter the market. Gathering detailed information allows for an efficient allocation of resources, but eventually attracts competition by revealing beneficial information to competitors. In contrast, refraining from generating detailed information implies inefficient decisions, but eventually prevents competitors from entering the market. Our results show that an incentive not to generate internal information arises for two reasons: If the incumbent's cost advantage is sufficiently large, disclosing aggregated information can be an instrument to avoid competition by reducing the likelihood of market entry. If the incumbent's cost advantage is small, disclosing aggregated information attracts competition by increasing the likelihood of market entry. In this case, imprecise cost information serves as a commitment device to reduce the intensity of competition by forcing the competitor to take into account his efficiency disadvantage in making his production decision.  相似文献   

我国入世承诺主要条款再探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在开始全面履行WTO规则的新时期里,我国入世承诺中的主要条款将继续对我国经济发展产生着深远影响。从其性质来看,入世承诺中的3类条款会带来长久而深刻的经济后果,当是我们关注的重点。而它们的形成,又大致来自各不相同的5个实际背景,从而使得其内涵和功能各具特点。因此,分别情况、趋利避害、善于有效发挥它们所具的积极功能,应该是我国相关对策思路的根本立足点。  相似文献   

This study provides a comprehensive analysis of the distributional effects of distance learning (DL) on academic success, as measured by course grades and completion. Using data of over 1.2 million courses taken by about 200,000 U.S. Navy sailor-students at more than 1800 U.S. institutions during 1994–2007, we find that distance delivery of education is associated with poorer outcomes. At the mean, DL delivery is associated with 0.19 lower course grade points; however, the mean effect masks the more pronounced negative effects of DL in the bottom two-thirds of the distribution—where DL lowers grades by as much as 0.8 points. Using variation only among marginal students—those who tend to fail some of the courses that they take, our estimates indicate traditional face-to-face delivery is associated with 2.4 times greater likelihood of successful course completion than if it was delivered distant. These findings suggest that targeting DL courses to certain students may be more cost-effective.  相似文献   

A wide variety of papers study the time consistency issues and commitment problems associated with imperfectly competitive durable goods manufacturers who sell their output. Using a simple two-period model the authors show that this sort of commitment problem may occur even if the monopolist produces non-durable output. The model assumes consumers maximize their utility through the choice of a non-durable consumption good and saving through an asset that provides future returns and consumption flow. The analysis indicates that non-durable goods manufacturers with market power will wish to announce future prices that are sub-optimal (dynamically inconsistent) when the period is reached due to the impact on consumers' wealth constraint and current purchasing behavior. Thus, the so-called durable-goods monopoly commitment problem may also occur in non-durable goods industries. The model suggests that any type of intertemporal linkage may lead to time consistency and commitment problems for imperfectly competitive firms.  相似文献   

China's rather ‘unorthodox’ rural development strategies have attracted growing interest from developing countries in search of more effective development alternatives. The Chinese experiment is characterized by: (1) heavy emphasis on the institutional precondition for agricultural development; (2) rejection of urban-biased policies for more balanced strategies comprising many distinctly pro-agrarian measures; and (3) an integrated approach, centred primarily on the communes, which closely links production to distribution, rural capital formation, rural industrialization, and a wide range of non-farm activities. The Chinese experience should be instructive to many developing countries, even though its direct transfer-ability to different political and social contexts is often called into question.  相似文献   

吴志平  林志扬  陈福添   《华东经济管理》2010,24(10):117-122
金融危机变革环境下(如失业潮),员工的组织承诺容易降低。文章在工作再设计、心理授权与组织承诺之间构建模型,通过工作再设计和心理授权来影响变革中员工的组织承诺。共有15家企业共292位员工有效参与了问卷调查,假设检验的通过证明了:工作再设计对员工的组织承诺有显著影响。心理授权在工作再设计与组织承诺之间起中介作用。调查也证明了:工作再设计对员工的组织承诺影响中,外控型员工比内控型员工所受影响更为显著。  相似文献   

虚拟企业协同设计可以最大程度的发挥企业核心竞争力,充分利用外部资源,以快速响应市场需求。无效迭代是影响虚拟企业协同设计成败的重要因素,在分析无效迭代风险产生原因的基础上,从加强虚拟企业组织建设、优化产品开发流程,完善信息系统等方面提出减少无效迭代风险的措施。  相似文献   

A strategic performance measurement system (SPMS) is a set of causally linked nonfinancial and financial objectives, performance measures, and goals designed to align managers' actions with an organization's strategy. This study identifies and tests features unique to the cause‐effect structure of an SPMS likely to affect an important antecedent to managerial performance: goal commitment. Companies often set difficult goals for the multiple performance measures contained in an SPMS, but research shows difficult goals are significantly more likely to lead to performance gains if individuals are committed to achieving them. Two features central to the SPMS approach are predicted to affect goal commitment: (1) the strength of the cause‐effect links among the nonfinancial and financial performance measures contained in an SPMS and (2) managers' beliefs in their ability to achieve the SPMS nonfinancial goals. Results from an experiment conducted with experienced managers show both SPMS features have a positive effect on goal commitment.  相似文献   

The success of black or white mothers in obtaining adequate prenatal care is examined. Two departures from public health convention are employed. The independent variables' marginal effects are calculated from their logit coefficients. The odds ratio of care adequacy between races is derived from race-specific regressions. It yields a smaller variance and type II decision error likelihood compared to the race dummy method. A working-class life outlook and apathetic fathers are the highest barriers to adequate care. Wantedness, in the form of desired timing, is a very strong motivator. Improving upward socioeconomic mobility and paternal attitudes are important aspects of increasing prenatal care adequacy rates.  相似文献   

大学生专业承诺与生涯管理   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张浩 《华东经济管理》2004,18(6):225-227
本文用组织理论中的专业承诺一词来衡量大学生对于所学专业的认同,并且针对大学生的专业承诺现状及其影响因素,以及专业承诺对大学生未来生涯管理的影响,做了详尽的研究。最后,文章将对如何改善大学生专业承诺现状提出几点建议。  相似文献   

Two decades of tax system reforms in the Central Asian Republics (CARs) show that, in addition to political commitment, understanding reformers’ incentive structure and a roadmap are necessary if full reform equilibrium is to be reached. Borrowed laws and institutions that are based on international best practice are useful, but are not effective in catapulting the CARs’ tax systems to their western level aspirations. Persistence of the Soviet legacy, legal origin, and the gradual piecemeal approach to tax reform have entrenched the vested interests (early winners and losers of reform) who oppose sustainable commitment to tax system modernization in the CARs.  相似文献   

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