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信用深化、经济虚拟化与现代金融危机   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着信用制度的发展,虚拟资本在发达国家以多种形式蓬勃发展起来.20世纪70年代初货币虚拟化后,形成了债务--美元主导的国际货币体系.货币和债务发行约束的缺位,为经济虚拟化过度发展提供了宏观基础条件.美欧发达国家通过金融全球化方式将虚拟经济模式扩展到全球.在这个过程中,缺乏约束的国际货币体系和缺乏有效监管的虚拟经济活动,成为现代金融危机的特殊机制,现代金融危机呈现出新特点.  相似文献   

本文以泰国新政引发的金融动荡为契机,对比分析了1997年金融危机和2006年金融动荡背后的泰国经济模式,揭示了出口导向型经济与双轨型经济在泰国的发展与存在的问题,通过梳理两次金融事件所反映的深层次问题以加深对泰国金融、经济的认识,从而为我国所借鉴与启示。  相似文献   

本文以泰国新政引发的金融动荡为契机,对比分析了1997年金融危机和2006年金融动荡背后的泰国经济模式,揭示了出口导向型经济与双轨型经济在泰国的发展与存在的问题,通过梳理两次金融事件所反映的深层次问题以加深对泰国金融、经济的认识,从而为我国所借鉴与启示。  相似文献   

本文系统地介绍了KOSDAQ及国内创业板上市条件及要求.与中国创业板上市相比,韩国创业板上市具有融资能力强、上市时间短、市场比较活跃、维护费用低等优势;而中国创业板的优势在于其法律及会计规范要求为我们所熟悉,易于操作.本文对拟赴创业板上市企业提出了建议.  相似文献   

从美国次贷危机看金融创新过程中信用创造的缺陷   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
次贷危机给全球经济带来了灾难性的影响,其根本原因在于金融创新参与了信用创造过程.本研究通过对次贷危机发生的原因和过程以及基于金融创新下的信用创造的分析,并通过"影子银行"与传统银行的对比分析,揭示当代金融监管的缺陷,从而提出针对金融创新的监管建议.  相似文献   

金融危机背景下中国房地产业信贷风险研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由美国次级住房抵押贷款市场动荡引起的金融危机对全球金融市场产生了巨大的冲击。中国经济与世界经济的关联日益紧密,面对全球性经济金融风暴的到来,中国不可避免的受到影响。本文剖析了美国次贷危机的生成和发展机理,通过深入比较中国和美国的房地产市场特征,同时分析了近十年来中国银行业金融系统的资产及风险状况,最终得出了中国银行业发展基本保持平稳,房地产行业信贷风险可控的研究结论。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to explore the question of whether a free floating exchange rate regime is a viable option for Korea. This paper divides the sample period into three subperiods: pre-crisis, crisis, and post-crisis. We then analyze the causal relationships among both levels and volatility of three financial variables: exchange rates, interest rates, and stock prices. By using Granger causality tests and variance decomposition, our empirical results show that causal relations among the three variables are weak during the post-crisis period, and furthermore, shocks in other financial markets do not have a significant contribution to explain the variations of each variable's forecast errors. Based on these empirical findings, we infer that the Korean government, having adopted the de jure freely floating exchange rate regime, is still fearful of floating for various reasons. J. Japan. Int. Econ., June 2001, 15(2), pp. 225–251. Department of Economics, Korea University, Seoul, Korea; Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Seoul, Korea. Copyright 2001 Academic Press.Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: F3, F4.  相似文献   

The global financial crisis provides an important testing ground for the financial globalisation model. We ask three questions. First, did financial globalisation materially contribute to the origination of the global financial crisis? Second, once the crisis occurred, how did financial globalisation affect the incidence and propagation of the crisis across different countries? Third, how has financial globalisation affected the management of the crisis at national and international levels?  相似文献   

Informal and Formal Credit Markets and Credit Rationing in Cote d'Ivoire   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper endeavours to shed light on the respective rolesof the formal and the informal credit markets in developingcountries. We use survey data for manufacturing firms in Côted'Ivoire, documenting their access to informal credit markets,their investments, and their financing. We confront these datawith a simple moral-hazard model of credit rationing. Becauseof socio-cultural effects, the magnitude of moral-hazard problemsand the cost of credit can be different in the informal creditmarket. We offer a structural econometric estimation of thismodel. Our empirical results point at severe moral-hazard problemsfor all firms, and reduced cost of credit in the informal market.Our point estimate suggests that moral-hazard problems can bealleviated in the informal credit market. Policy implicationsof our results are sketched.  相似文献   

The Hicksian general equilibrium with money and securities is the starting point for an expansion with numerous other financial variables. Disturbances to the system, partly observed from recent experience, are examined, and possible remedies are proposed. Walras’ Law, that the sum of excess demands for goods and basic factors is zero, no longer applies in an economy where financial variables are present. The main analysis is of a closed economy; the open economy, in the manner introduced by Mosak, is treated in an appendix.  相似文献   

Atlantic Economic Journal - Greece and the other crisis nations of the Western financial crisis are, to a large extent, victims of a dysfunctional international monetary system that has caused...  相似文献   

金融危机将改变未来   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱民 《上海经济》2009,(7):12-14
金融危机的根本原因为什么这个市场会垮台?一个小小的利率变动,一个7800亿美元的次贷,会引起如此巨大的金融危机,主要是在过去的十五年里,这个世界发生了根本的变化。这并不完全跟次贷直接相关。我观察到的现象主要有以下几个方面。  相似文献   

Panel analysis of 21 industrial countries shows evidence for pro-cyclicality of capital gains on domestic stock markets over a medium term horizon. Thus, with cross-border ownership of portfolio equity investments, potential for hedging against domestic output fluctuations by means of the capital gains channel of foreign liabilities is found. Individual country analysis reveals substantial heterogeneity of cyclicality patterns. Evidence suggests that this cross-country variation can be explained by the level of economic development and the size of financial markets.  相似文献   

经济虚拟化与金融危机、美元危机   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文指出美国经济运行的特殊循环导致了美国经济的去工业化和虚拟化,虚拟经济和实体经济的背离才是次贷危机、美元危机的深层次根源;阐述了美国次贷金融危机与美元危机的区别,进而从目前次贷危机的救助措施、境外投机者力量以及美元最终支撑等方面分析了美元危机的必然性。  相似文献   

Treatments of Indonesia's financial crisis customarily focus on exchange rate collapse, neglecting the question of why enterprises were so highly leveraged beforehand. This article reviews controlling shareholder-debtor behaviour both before and during the crisis. It then examines Indonesia's emergency bankruptcy legislation effective August 1998—which enjoys a mixed record in implementation—and articulates bankruptcy policy principles for the replacement legislation now being drafted. Progress on the insolvency front has been limited to a relatively small number of voluntary debt reorganisations. Early indications are that such restructurings largely take the form of debt rescheduling rather than debt-equity swaps, loan write-offs, or other approaches that would lessen enterprises' heavy leveraging. This outcome reflects problems in creditor as well as debtor preferences. What began as a private sector insolvency problem increasingly overlaps with efforts to address general banking sector difficulties. Further, nationalism questions complicate the resolution of insolvencies.  相似文献   

由美国次贷危机引发的金融危机,演化成全球范围的经济危机,而导致这次经济危机的原因主要是新自由主叉①指导下的消费拉动方式、金融自由化、资本的金融化,以及美国的新自由主义生存方式。从社会和经济的角度来看,新自由主义都是不可持续的,这次金融危机有力地宣告了新自由主义的破灭。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the theoretical and empirical evidence about international capital mobility. The authors find that its potential benefits depend on certain assumptions about market structures and institutions. Many of these conditions were absent in the economies worst affected by volatile capital movements. The main features of the recent East Asian financial crisis are described, and the principal distortions that led to the crisis. In some instances, these distortions were due to government policies; in others, they stemmed from market failures that had not been adequately addressed either by individual governments or by international financial institutions.  相似文献   

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