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当今世界,经济社会发展的竞争,说到底是人才的竞争。谁抢占了人才的制高点,谁就掌握了竞争的主动权。在新世纪新阶段,大力实施人才强国战略,是增强我国综合国力和国际竞争力的必然选择。 第一,牢固树立人才强国的战略思想。实施人才强国战略,要紧紧围绕为全面建设小康社会提供人才保证这个目标,充分发挥我国的人力资源优势,以人才资源能力建设为主题,以调整和优化人才结构为主线,抓住培养、吸引和使用人才三个环节,着力建设党政人才、企业经营管理人才、专业技术人才三支队伍,努力造就数以千万计的专门人才、一大批拔尖创新人才和一大批善于治党治国的优秀领导人才。适应新形势新任务的要求,人才工作要开阔新事业,打  相似文献   

<正>贯彻全国人才工作会议精神,实施《国家中长期人才发展规划纲要》,是加快转变发展方式的中心环节。石油石化企业作为国家重要骨干和龙头,实施人才强国战略,要走在前、带好头、当好领跑者。党和国家确定人才工作的根本目标是由人才资源大国向人才强国转变,其根本策略方针是坚持党管人才原则,改进党管人才方法。这给企业党建提出了新课题新挑战,也为创新企业党建带来新思路新机遇。  相似文献   

《中共中央、国务院进一步加强人才工作的决定》指出:“本世纪头20年是我国全面建设小康社会、开创中国特色社会主义事业新局面的重要机遇期。小康大业,人才为本。”人才是企业的第一资源,是企业保持竞争优势的源泉。企业要在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地,拥有广阔的生存与发展空间,就必须有优秀人才和较高素质的职工队伍为保障。  相似文献   

21世纪的经济是以知识经济为主题的经济,拥有满足企业发展所需知识的人是企业的财富,如何将合适的人,放到合适的岗位上,充分发挥人的主观能动性,发挥人才的积极作用,促进人才的合理流动,给人才以成长的空间,建立人才成长的机制,培育和使用并重的方针,是今后煤炭行业重点要研究的方向。本文以作者多年在煤炭行业从事人力资源管理工作的经历为基础,剖析了煤炭行业人才现状,提出煤炭企业实施人才强企战略,以及如何实施,重点是优化人才成长开发环境,创新人才培养使用机制。  相似文献   

从建设"一强三优"的现代公司出发,阐述了人才的内涵与基本特征,并提出了电力企业实施人才第一战略的机制、制度建议.  相似文献   

二十一世纪的前十五年到二十年,是我国轴承工业发展振兴的重要时期。为了实现我国轴承工业的跨越式发展,中国轴协经过认真调研、深入分析和反复论证,编制了《轴承行业“十五”发展规划纲要》,提出从“十五”起步,经过3-4个五年计划的努力,使我国由世界轴承大国迈入世界轴承强国行列。努力探索市场经济条件下行业发展的新模式、新路子,是摆在我们面前的一项基本任务。笔者初步提出振兴我国轴承行业的六大战略,以期起到抛砖引玉的作用。  相似文献   

朱昌彬 《中华商标》2011,(11):13-17
2008年6月5日国务院发布《国家知识产权战略纲要》(下称《纲要》)以来,各地实施商标战略工作取得了很大成效,令人欢欣鼓舞。对照战略目标(2020年目标、近五年年目标)、商标专项任务,深感任重道远。为了更有针对性、更加务实高效的推进工作,我们要研究思考存在问题和应对之策,下面是笔者的几点粗浅思考。  相似文献   

■国企人才流失的原因是什么?■国企如何实施人才强企战略?人才流失的原因分析社会大环境的影响。人才流动是世界性的现象,各国、各地区、各行业都不同程度地存在这个问题。中国改革开放二十多年来,大中专学生就业历经了统招统分、学校分配与自主择业相结合、市场化自主择业三个阶段。到目前,人才市场化特征越来越明显,学业完成后,能出国的,不愿意在国内;能到“长三角”“珠三角”的,不愿意到大西北、大西南;能到“三资”企业的,不愿意到国企,尤其不愿意到国有施工企业……尽管每逢大中专学生毕业时,国家和地方采取了好多政策进行引导和鼓励…  相似文献   

随着经济全球化不断深入以及科学技术的迅猛发展,人才竞争日趋激烈,人才状况在国力较量和企业竞争中越来越具有决定性作用。许多企业领导人都认识到“人才资源是第一资源、人才资本是第一资本、人才要素是第一要素、人才战略是第一战略”这个真理。人们也越来越懂得国力的竞争、企业的竞争,说到底就是人才的竞争。谁拥有人才,谁就能在竞争中掌握主动权;谁拥有人才,谁就能在竞争中求得发展。  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of state shares on corporate innovation strategy and performance in the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Through an investigation of 541 publicly traded companies in five high-tech industries during the period between 2000 and 2005, we find that the presence of state shares have a positive effect on the corporate choice of a process innovation strategy over a product innovation one. However, this relationship is moderated by the overall ownership concentration ratio. Moreover, our findings suggest that companies with large state shares prefer to conduct innovations independently rather than collaboratively with others, and they usually achieve better innovation performance. These findings indicate that the government play a role as both an investor and a resource allocation coordinator and therefore complicate the relationship between ownership structure and corporate innovation activities.
Han Zhang (Corresponding author)Email:

Erming Xu   (PhD, Renmin University of China) is a professor of management at the School of Business in Renmin University of China. His research interests include corporate governance mechanisms and performance in China, state shares with corporate innovation strategy, Asian business strategy in the emerging markets. His work has appeared in premier journals such as Management World, China Industrial Economy, etc. He is editor of Management Review, Nankai Business Review, R&D Management, Chinese Journal of Management, and Economic Management. He serves as the associate chair of the Chinese Academy of Business Management, and also an independent director of China Telecom Corporation Limited. Han Zhang   (PhD, Capital University of Economics and Business) is a lecturer of management at School of Business Management in Capital University of Economics and Business. Her research interests include strategic management and innovation. Her work has appeared in Economic Theory and Business Management and Contemporary Finance & Economics.  相似文献   

Globalization of production has ushered in vibrant manufacturing service industries whose business is to serve the production needs of product engineering firms. In these engineering–manufacturing chains, risk of capacity supply is an important concern for product firms as manufacturers are normally conservative in capacity expansion, especially when demand uncertainty and investment risk are high. To provide quality manufacturing services, this risk must be taken into consideration in formulating a capacity strategy. This paper presents a competition analysis method based on supply risk for a manufacturing duopoly of differentiated prices and lognormal random demand. A novel service-based demand rationing rule is first proposed. Reaction curves and equilibrium of capacity strategy are next derived. Finally, competition behavior of the duopoly is analyzed.  相似文献   

The recent increase in philosophy of science articles in strategic management reflects researchers' rising concerns with understanding and securing the field's intellectual foundations. This article argues for a proactive approach to the philosophy of strategy, and for the rejection of conventional, ‘off‐the‐shelf’ philosophies that neither contemplated, nor can assimilate, the epistemological messiness and action‐connectedness of strategic management. The article responds to Rodolphe Durand's critique, revisits the logic of competitive advantage, and makes the case for a pragmatist philosophy of strategy. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paper examines the implications of the ability of a consumer to learn about the characteristics of a new product on the diffusion of the product over time. The demand for information by the consumer is shown to generate a sigmoid diffusion curve for total sales of the product. Further it is shown that over time the elasticity of demand along the diffusion curve increases.  相似文献   

物流需求多样性下的区域物流需求预测研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
陈思  甘蜜  闫英 《河北工业科技》2014,31(6):480-487
在区域物流需求多样性的影响下,对于区域物流需求量的影响因素众多,传统的预测方法和模型对于不同产业结构的区域物流需求预测效果有限。对区域物流需求多样性的特征进行了分析,并在此基础上建立了多产业结构下的SVR预测模型,并利用四川省2000年至2010年实际数据对模型进行了预测和研究,预测的结果表明基于区域物流多样性的预测模型比之不考虑区域物流需求差别的预测更为准确。  相似文献   

“企业一枝花,产品来当家”。在市场经济的大潮中,国有企业如何凭借自己的产品质量、信誉、知名度,去争市场、造优势、求发展,不断优化产品结构,塑造卓越形象,已成为大多数企业家所追求的新目标,而求质量、创名牌是实现这一目标有效途径之一,名牌能提高企业声誉,名牌能增强产品竞争力,名牌能长久生存。  相似文献   

The choice at the checkout: Quantifying demand across payment instruments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dramatic changes have occurred in the U.S. payment system over the past two decades, most notably an explosion in electronic card-based payments. This shift has led to a series of policy debates driven in part by consumers' choice of payment instruments. Using a new nationally representative survey, we transform consumer responses to open-ended questions into product rankings and estimate a characteristics-based rank-order logit model in order to quantify consumer substitution among payment methods. Our estimates are then used to conduct supply-driven and demand-driven counterfactual experiments in order to estimate market share and cost effects. From a counterfactual experiment in which merchants stop accepting credit cards, we predict merchant costs to decline substantially. Because merchants accept credit cards nonetheless, we regard our finding as evidence either that the credit card networks hold market power, or that merchants experience unmeasured intangible benefits from credit card acceptance. We also predict that contactless debit will take market share from cash, checks, and credit, and that the age/cohort effect alone is unlikely to cause debit card use to increase substantially over a 10-year period.  相似文献   

关于煤炭企业实施人才兴企战略的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人才是企业的第一资源.拥有了人才.就拥有了参与市场竞争的主动权。目前,从煤炭企业人才队伍的情况来看,专业不配套、人才队伍整体素质不能适应企业发展的矛盾日渐突出.已经成为制约企业发展的瓶颈。因此,大力实施人才兴企战略,促进企业健康、稳定发展,已经成为一项重要课题,亟需解决。  相似文献   

2020年的中国能源战略   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
讨论中国中长期的能源发展战略问题,要从我同的能源需求、能源发展的态势来谈起。现在我国出现一个能源需求快速增长的时期,这两年中国的煤炭、原油、天然气年增长速度非常惊人,都达到两位数甚至接近20%。能源强度出现了上升态势。现在我国能源增长速度超过绎济增长速度,去年能源增长速度达到15%,而经济增长速度只有9%多一点。所以去年能源弹性系数达到了1.6%。而且从整个第十个五年计划期间来看,  相似文献   

当前,随着煤炭企业出现的新一轮大发展的良好态势,党组织在基层的中心工作也存发生着变化。思想政治工作不断而临新的情况和新的挑战,对基层党支部书记的思想品德及素质能力提出了更高的要求。一、矿井发展要求基层支部书记要有更好的思想道德品行党支部是党的基层组织,是党的组织基础。“基础不牢,地动山摇”,党支部书记的思想品德往往对整个班子起着导向、示范和带头作用。一是要政治坚定,观念常新。在  相似文献   

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