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文章从绿色社区创建的政策背景出发,阐述了老旧小区改造与绿色社区创建的关系,作为论文的实证研究,选取全国3个基于老旧小区改造的绿色社区为研究对象,分析了各自创建过程及特点,并对我国绿色社区创建工作进行展望。  相似文献   

邱迪 《价值工程》2015,(12):257-259
随着社会快速进入老龄化的步伐,老年人对社区养老服务设施的需求与日俱增。以昆明市目前正在使用的8个社区养老服务设施中的老年人为调查对象,采用问卷调查法、访谈法、观察法对设施的使用时态进行调研,以社区内老年人的基本情况和对社区的满意度为切入点,总结出目前昆明市社区养老服务设施在建筑设计、经营管理方面的不足,并提出改善意见,以期为此类建设与改造提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

张暄 《乡镇论坛》2009,(5):28-28
近年来,日本社会各界对学校教育的批评越来越激烈,为打破学校教育的封闭、僵化、单一性.注入新鲜活力,创办社区参与型的学校教育试验活动逐渐被社会各界所关注:社区参与型学校一改过去由教育行政组织和学校校长决定学校教育的局面,家长和社区居民也积极参与到学校管理之中.包括人事管理、教学内容、教学方法等。如东京都三鹰市立第四小学先后聘任6倍于教师人数的150名课外辅导员,  相似文献   

老旧社区改造工作是提升居民获得感、实施城市更新行动的重要内容。在城市更新背景下实现我国城乡建设领域碳达峰、碳中和目标,需要积极探索老旧社区绿色低碳化转型路径。首先梳理了社区尺度碳排放核算、碳排放影响因素和减碳策略研究现状;其次归纳总结了老旧社区绿色低碳改造面临的转型挑战;最后提出了基于“策略—机制—评价”的路径:(1)以社区碳排放科学计量,溯源全生命周期各阶段社区整体和单独减碳空间,探索精准策略;(2)依托议事会、活动平台搭建,构建社区多主体参与、协作机制,有效推进社区更新;(3)建立全过程、分等级的社区改造评价体系,同时应对反馈能够及时优化,扩大示范效应,吸引市场化投资。  相似文献   

甘泉路老旧社区综合整治近零碳排放示范改造共建项目是深圳市全面贯彻落实国家关于推进城镇老旧小区改造和“双碳”工作部署,加快提升现代建筑业绿色低碳智能化融合发展水平的重要举措。本文以该共建项目为例,从设计统筹、绿色施工管理、质量管理、安全管理、进度管理等方面,总结社区综合整治和近零碳改造施工管理经验,促进老旧社区综合整治社会效益进一步提高、老旧商业办公建筑节能改造进一步推广。  相似文献   

梁玮男  曹阳 《城市发展研究》2012,19(11):132-134
针对人口老龄化急速发展现状而进行的老年居住社区研究日益受到关注。本文的研究基于社区养老模式,试图从公共空间(而非老年住宅)视域探讨适宜于老年人生理及心理需求的社区公共空间设计问题,并通过传统分配型社区的相关案例研究,提出老年居住社区公共空间设计的思路,为分配型社区的公共空间改造提供一定参考。  相似文献   

沈莘 《企业导报》2016,(5):178-179
社区治理作为城市管理的基石,在充分发挥社区群众的力量,推进经济社会共同进步方面起着不可替代的作用。完善的社区治理也有助于构建和谐舒适的生活氛围,进一步提高人民群众的生活水平和生活质量。本文总结了我国台湾地区社区建设的发展历程和成功经验,并对社区建设中如何进一步提高居民的参与度提出了建议。  相似文献   

谷志莲  柴彦威 《城市发展研究》2012,19(11):89-95,102
许多中国城市已步入老龄化社会,社区养老成为广受提倡的主要养老模式。单位社区作为中国城市老年人的主要居住空间,也是城市改造的重点,其发展前景引起学术界的普遍关注。本文从"宜老性"的视角,通过典型单位社区的案例研究,从老年人的日常行为、老年人的社区认同、社区组织与建设中的社区参与等阐述了单位社区的"宜老性"特征,认为转型中的中国城市单位社区具有宜老社区的特点,其空间结构、社区认同、面向老年人的社区组织再造等是"宜老性"的重要体现。单位社区养老设施与为老服务的相对缺乏也成为应对社区养老的最大制约,宜老环境建设面临着市场化力量主导下的社区资源争夺。在单位社区改造中,应该充分肯定单位社区对单位老年人的生活意义。  相似文献   

随着时代的发展,我国人口老龄化现象日益严重,许多城镇社区组织建设过程中,发现了较具代表性的老龄化社区。这些老龄化社区除了居住人口为老年人之外,社区本身的基础设施建设也十分陈旧。倘若不对这类社区进行适老化改造,那么居住其中的老年人就无法拥有高质量生活体验。进入智能时代后,智能化社区建设也开始逐步兴起,对于行动受限的老年人而言,对其居住的老旧社区进行智能化改造是很有必要的。论文对此进行研究与分析。  相似文献   

黄全盈 《民营科技》2010,(10):123-123
社区矫正是积极利用各种社会资源、整合社会各方面力量,对罪行较轻、主观恶性较小、社会危害性不大的罪犯或者经过监管改造、确有悔改表现、不致再危害社会的罪犯在社区中进行有针对性管理、教育和改造的工作,现针对社区矫正实践中检察机关如何发挥检察监督的作用谈几点看法。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the challenge of developing participatory networks to support the design, development and implementation of Health Information Systems (HIS) in the context of public health in Kerala, India. It is argued given the nature and complexity of HIS, there is the need to bring together our understanding of participation from two streams of development theory and IS design and development. While development theory provides interesting insights on how to enable participatory processes, they tend to not consider technology. Further, traditional participatory design in Information Systems research has its origins in Western workplaces, often quite divorced from the context of public health in developing countries. In trying to combine these two streams of learning, we propose and develop the concept of participatory networks. Drawing upon an ongoing empirical analysis of an action research effort to introduce, scale and sustain Health Information Systems in Kerala, this paper elaborates on the nature of participatory networks that come into play, and the various mechanisms and purposes of participation with the different network partners. In the discussion section, four areas of re-conceptualization of participation in the context of HIS in developing countries are identified: (1) creation of participatory networks; (2) increased context sensitivity; (3) focus on outputs of participation, not just inputs and techniques; and, (4) focus on structural aspects of participation, not just behavioral issues.  相似文献   

历史文化村镇保护的目的不仅在于保护其历史建成环境,保护其所代表的传统文化、民俗、社会关系等方面的原真性,更在于改善当地居民的居住环境,保持地区发展活力,以及促进传统文化的延续和发展。文中分析了现有历史文化村镇保护模式和途径存在的问题,提出应将传统城市规划和社区规划有效结合,建议历史文化村镇的保护应采用基于居民参与、社区自治和自助的参与式社区规划新途径,并详细阐述了参与式社区规划在历史文化村镇保护中的适用性、工作过程和路线以及特点。  相似文献   

论城市科学学科体系的建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据国家城市化进展加速,城市经济已经成为国民经济的主体,中国城市化正面临着比发达国家和多数发展中国家更加复杂的背景和社会转型压力,论述了加快建设城市科学的重要意义.文章重点介绍了城市科学的学科构成、城市科学发展的现状、水平和存在问题,据此提出了我国城市科学建设的11个领域;中国城市化理论框架;转型期中国城市规划理论与方法;城市经济、城市土地与城市住房;区域经济、区域规划与区域政策;城市社会与城市社区;城市文化与城市史;城市快速、立体交通设计与物流综合;城市生态与环境;景观规划与设计;城市规划管理以及城市规划信息系统等.文章最后还对城市科学发展趋势进行了分析,并展望了中国城市科学发展的前景.  相似文献   

Why has urban informality in the global North received so little attention? We suggest that this neglect can be explained in part by the tendency of scholarship to reproduce the myth of Northern formality: the widely held belief that informality occurs only in corrupt and clientelist ‘developing countries’. This myth has allowed activities and connections that would generally be framed as clientelist or corrupt in the global South to be rebranded as policy innovation in Western Europe and North America. In this brief paper, we challenge the myth of Northern formality by focusing on two empirical cases of informality in Dutch governance that demonstrate how the state frames the toleration and deliberate use of informality as policy innovations. Specifically, we focus on strategic, uncodified and non‐transparent deviation from legal procedure in order to achieve compliance and/or effectiveness. Relying on ethnographic methods and secondary sources, we discuss firstly the governance of Amsterdam's red light district and secondly participatory infrastructure projects in the surrounding province of North Holland. The first case highlights the strategic non‐enforcement or non‐application of laws, while the second case points to the use of personalized relationships and non‐transparency in participatory governance.  相似文献   

周华伟  沈伟雄 《价值工程》2013,(30):326-328
社区参与是公众参与的一种表现形式。探讨了社区参与的概念,认为社区参与有两个理论渊源即社区发展和员工参与,其中社区发展最初应用于发展中国家的发展计划,后被发达国家所认可并被广泛应用,而员工参与源于企业调动员工生产积极性、提高企业竞争力的需要;最后探讨社区参与的应用情况和指出今后社区参与要注重理论的创新,使社区参与理论更加完善和成熟。  相似文献   

This article examines coastal urban planning in Costa Rica vis‐à‐vis the country's values in the areas of sustainable tourism and community development, focusing on the city of Jacó. I argue that an anti‐urban tourism development strategy, swift coastal urban development and weak planning have nurtured a nature–infrastructure paradox: when people are brought closer to nature without proper urban and governmental infrastructure, this causes social and environmental damage. To assess this paradox and understand local perceptions of development, I analyzed lengthy semi‐structured interviews and survey responses in San José and Jacó in this study. Research methods also encompassed analysis of current tourism planning institutions and regulations, tourism media coverage and reports, real estate data, participant observation of planning and community meetings and activities, and observations of the built and natural environmental conditions in Jacó and its surroundings. The findings show jurisdictional fragmentation, regulatory weaknesses, complexity, poor coordination, slow action, and incoherent planning and development, leading to environmental degradation and socio‐spatial inequities. A more balanced approach to planning and development would seek to improve environmental health and socio‐spatial equity in tandem, by nurturing and advancing both nature and infrastructure development. Lessons from Jacó have global resonance, given the expansion of the worldwide tourism and second‐home/retirement‐housing industries, their recent concentration in urban coastal destinations of developing countries, and the fragility of these socio‐ecological systems.  相似文献   

无论是发达国家还是发展中国家,都面临着城市中低收入家庭住房困难如何解决的问题。新加坡作为一个资源匮乏的城I市国家,经过50年发展,已从最初单纯解决房荒问题逐渐演变为如何为公共住房社区居民的生活、工作和休闲创建良好的环境和配套设施并加强社区的活性和凝聚力建设,让公共住房最终提升为国家精神内涵载体的问题。以女皇镇、大巴窑、淡宾尼、榜鹅21新镇为例,分析了新加坡公共住房发展4个不同阶段典型新镇建设的特点,以期为我国当前大规模保障性住房的建设提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper proposes the casewise visual evaluation or CAVE, methodology and discusses its application to the participatory design of a transit-oriented development (TOD) in Louisville, Kentucky. CAVE is a fuzzy logic-based non-linear visual preference modeling system designed to provide design element guidance from composite visual scenarios under conditions of sparse data.The context of application in a low-income urban neighborhood is detailed. An architectural expert's design vocabulary allows model input and output to be structured. A small set of image samples was scored for preference using anonymous electronic polling in distributed neighborhood forums. Using fuzzy set theoretic software a community preference knowledge base (PKB) was built and interrogated. Four critical TOD design dimensions were selected: height, typology, density, and open space type. Preferred TOD design combinations were identified using the PKB and discussed. This project shows that CAVE can provide context-specific guidance for urban designers and that its strengths in effectively devolving design input and capturing local preferences are recognized by the community. The paper highlights the necessity for advanced geovisual analytic methods to be embedded into a structured public involvement (SPI) process.  相似文献   

文章以社区营造在台北市的操作经验为主轴,从"地区环境改造计划"、"社区规划师制度"、"地区发展计划"等政策推动,说明民众参与都市公共空间营造机制的建立:台北市社区总体营造的机制重组、社区规划师资深与养成制度的建立、研订"台北市社区总体营造条例"、社区服务资源网络的串联与社区规划教育的普及与深化等等.  相似文献   

Fair Trade has spread in developing countries as an initiative aimed at lifting poor smallholder farmers out of poverty by providing them with premium prices, availability of credit, and improved community development and social goods. Fair Trade is also viewed as a niche market for high value products in a context of globalization and trade liberalization policies that affect smallholder farmers in developing countries. This paper provides an overview of the potential effects of Fair Trade, both theoretical and empirical, on small‐scale producers in developing countries. Our review discusses the empirical evidence on prices and income, as well as the importance of limited market access and productivity. We discuss evidence on labor markets and human capital investments as well.  相似文献   

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