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战略计划是一套把组织战略、目标管理和分析方法三者相结合,运用于公司战略形成和贯彻之中的先进管理方法。我国石油企业战略计划的引手,必将加速公司改制及管理现代化进程。战略计划体系包括公司战略,战略计划结构和战略计划程序等三方面的内容,公司战略计划的形成是一项不断实践和挑战组织自身的渐进完善过程。有效战略计划的建立与形成一般需要以下条件和因素:(1)战略计划切合组织实际;(2)战略计划动态更新;(3)战略目标具有挑战性,并可能实现;(4)战略目标具体并可衡量;(5)全方位的组织沟通计划;(6)激励团队实施组织战略;(7)胜任、团结和民主的管理层;(8)行之有效的程序。  相似文献   

The first step in making sure that R&D spending is productive is to be sure it is going in the same direction as the overall business strategy. Simple enough to say but not always so simple to do. Chris Pappas suggests that the corporate strategy process often focuses on financial factors and market share and neglects technology as a key resource to be planned. With competitive success as well as productivity and profitability becoming more directly tied to technology development, it is time to give technology a more important place in the corporate strategy process. Using the example of an actual firm, Pappas shows that the key to achieving a sustainable competitive advantage lies in formulating the right technology strategy and integrating it into the corporate planning process. His article includes a useful framework for analysis and planning.  相似文献   

企业战略规划是企业根据内外部环境变化,对自身发展所进行的重大性、全局性、方向性的谋划。战略规划对于企业发展至关重要,它是指引企业全部工作的重心,是处理企业当前利益与长远利益、局部工作与整体工作的具体原则,是确立企业竞争优势的重要手段。  相似文献   

<正>战略原为军事名词,起源于兵法,是指对战争全局的谋划和指导;现泛指社会实体组织(可以是国家、地区、部门、企业)为自身发展所制定的全局性、长远性的谋略和决策。而战略规划即战略性的规划,或者说是社会实体组织为实现自身发展所进行的重大性、全局性、方向性的粗线条的筹划。  相似文献   

文章采用理论分析、数理建模、实证分析等方法,对战略性贸易政策在制造业技术创新、产业结构升级与优化中的重要作用进行了研究。研究结果表明:(1)LZFTR(政府资金投入)与CJP(初级品)的相关系数r=-0.964,LZFTR与ZCP(工业制成品)的相关系数r=0.982(P<0.01)。表明战略性贸易政策能够有效降低初级品出口比重,增加工业制品的出口比重,从而促进出口贸易结构不断升级与优化;(2) 战略性贸易政策对高技术制造业产品出口贸易固定效应、随机效应模型系数值均为正,战略性贸易政策政府研究发展补贴每增加100%,高技术产业对外贸易结构就会优化0.0042,说明战略性贸易政策对高技术制造业产品的外贸易结构变化有正向促进作用;(3)战略性贸易政策对各高技术制造行业贸易结构的影响不尽相同,其对医药制造业及各小类行业对外贸易出口产业结构优化均有明显的促进作用,其对仪器仪表出口贸易结构优化有着明显的促进作用,但是对医疗设备与器械制造出口贸易结构优化的促进作用并不显著。在此基础上作者提出了推动我国实现产业结构优化的相关战略性贸易政策建议,以期为提高我国制造业的自主创新能力,优化产业结构提供一定的理论参考。  相似文献   

煤炭产业是我国国民经济体系的重要组成部分,混合所有制经济改革是促进煤炭产业可持续发展的方式之一。首先回顾煤炭产业产权结构演变的历史过程,分析煤炭产业产权改革仍然存在的问题及其结构优化的制约因素。明确深化国有企业产权改革的内涵、目标以及路径,最后提出促进煤炭产业混合经济良性健康发展的对策。  相似文献   

This paper reports on the needs identified by three teachers during an investigation into their first experiences of implementing technology in their primary classrooms. One part of one teacher's case is presented in detail to illustrate that the meanings the teachers made of their experiences were related very closely to their beliefs about teaching and learning, to their understanding of technology as a phenomenon and to the place they saw technology having within the whole curriculum. One particular outcome of the investigation was that the teachers experienced a lack of knowledge of the scope and breadth of the technology learning area, and as a consequence, faced challenges in planning for the successful implementation of activities. In response to this particular need and to the many issues emanating from current research literature in technology education, the paper then presents two models for conceptualizing and planning units of work in technology in primary classrooms. The models form frameworks that may be useful to help structure thinking for authentic classroom planning and sequencing of lessons or learning experiences. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

开发类科研院所企业化转制牵扯面广、影响大。科研院所转制后的总体情况是好的,但由于受多种因素的制约,也还存在一些问题。当前,需要继续搞好配套改革,深化科研院所转制工作.包括进行产权制度改革,落实和完善配套政策,加大对转制科研院所的科技投入力度.推进社会保障制度改革和医疗体制改革,等等。  相似文献   

中国战略技术及产业发展的系统思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文分析了当代战略技术及产业发展的总体趋势和重要意义,系统研究了中国战略技术及产业发展的现实问题,探讨了战略技术及产业发展的政策思路,有针对性地提出了“十五”期间及新世纪前期战略技术重点及实施措施。  相似文献   

The study finds that relative to others, firms pursuing the Prospector-like strategy (high innovation) have lower financial results uncertainty, a more long-term orientation for decision making, and more decentralized control. As well, the tightness of budgetary control is found to be negatively correlated with financial results uncertainty. Thus, we are able to reproduce in our study the result that Prospector type firms have tighter budgetary control, which many have found puzzling previously, and point to the relation between strategy and financial results uncertainty as an explanation for the result.Based on a sample of large firms in Singapore, the study also finds the impact of the 1997–1998 Asian crisis is correlated with the intensity with which the Prospector-like strategy was pursued.  相似文献   

技术标准战略的构建策略研究   总被引:37,自引:1,他引:37  
被设为法定技术标准的技术方案,技术性能未必是最优的。因此,在技术竞争中处于劣势的企业可以通过构建技术标准战略,通过先期获得广泛应用,以市场手段获得法定标准的地位,构建竞争壁垒,营造持续竞争优势。本文认为,企业只有实施以技术结盟、技术开放、合力创新的策略,建立在下一代技术上的优势,才能获得和巩固法定技术标准地位,进而在新兴市场上,以先发优势建立在更大地域上的优势。  相似文献   

While the popular understanding of the influence of design is growing, academic research has largely been restricted to considering consumer‐level responses to design elements. This paper reviews this past work and proposes a more strategic research agenda for the field, with the potential to explicate linkages between design elements and strategies and outcomes related to innovation and corporate performance.  相似文献   

随着经济全球化不断向纵深发展以及市场竞争的日趋激烈,科技创新正逐渐取代传统生产要素成为企业发展最重要的核心资源,但受资金、科技人才、研发平台等资源限制,单个企业或者企业间合作很难在创新方面有实质性突破,亟需一种可以充分调动各方积极性和充分利用各种创新资源的科技创新团队,而基于产学研战略联盟发展起来的产业技术创新战略联盟,不仅可以引导创新要素向企业集聚,还可以提升产业核心竞争力,备受各国关注和青睐。目前,国外企业越来越重视利用产业技术创新战略联盟应对技术创新环境的变化,通过产业技术创新战略联盟有效地实现联合技术创新,成效显著。基于此,通过对日本、美国、欧盟的产业技术创新战略联盟发展成效进行深入剖析和总结,以期其先进做法对我国产业技术创新战略联盟发展有所启示。  相似文献   

大力发展战略性新兴产业是提升沈阳市整体核心竞争力的重要途径。在界定战略性新兴产业的内涵与特点的基础上,分析了沈阳在先进装备制造产业、新一代信息技术产业、生物医药产业、航空航天产业、新材料产业、新能源产业和节能环保产业的现状,并针对每个产业提出了具体的发展对策。  相似文献   

超临界和超超临界发电技术简介工程热力学定义水的临界状态点压力为22.115兆帕、温度为374.15℃,当达到临界点状态参数时,不再存在汽、水二相区,水直接从液态变成气态。如果水蒸气参数大于临界状态点参数,则称为超临界,相反则称为亚临界。蒸汽的高参数意味着发电效率的提高。超  相似文献   

所谓内部控制,是指企业为了保证企业战略目标的实现和经营活动的有效进行,保护资产的安全和完整,防止、发现、纠正错误和舞弊,保证会计资料的真实、合法、完整而制定和实施的政策和程序。只要存在企业经济活动和经营管理,就需要有相应的内部控制。内部控制是企业管理现代化的必  相似文献   

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