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杨圣明 《财贸经济》2011,(6):5-9,136
本文对目前举世关注的国际经济秩序治理体制改革问题展开了深入研究与分析,阐明了国际经济秩序治理体制改革的必要性和紧迫性、国际经济秩序治理体制改革的目标问题、国际经济秩序治理主体改革问题以及国际经济秩序治理体制改革的主要任务,并在国际金融体制改革、国际贸易体制改革和国际投资体制改革方面提出了观点与建议。  相似文献   

An analysis of data from the Eurobarometer finds evidence of the asymmetric effects of macroeconomic performance on happiness. The evidence reveals that the negative effect of an economic recession on happiness can be at least twice the positive effect of economic growth. In short, a single year of recession can undo the happiness gains from years of economic growth. Moreover, while this evidence focuses on a short-run asymmetry, it nonetheless supports the Easterlin paradox of a nil relationship between macroeconomic performance and happiness. The evidence indicates that stable rather than rapid economic growth is a more sensible target for policymakers, because macroeconomic stability can lead to conditions that allow the pursuit of happiness and thus secure greater well-being.  相似文献   

高速增长下的发展失衡   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,改革开放以来,我国经济取得举世瞩目的高速增长的主要动力来自于体制创新。体制创新首先通过改变分配关系,打破原有的平衡关系,激励竞争和提高效率,使经济活跃起来。但也应该看到,随着以GDP总量和人均GDP水平反映的经济增长阶段的不断提高,经济和社会发展中的失衡(如地区、城乡、行业和收入分配失衡等)开始显现并逐渐扩大,解决这些失衡是建设和谐社会和可持续发展的基础。文章提出,中国应该从以经济增长为主要发展目标逐渐过渡到在保持经济增长的前提下,使经济增长、经济发展和可持续发展目标有机地结合起来,而从宏观管理上看,需求管理、供给管理和社会综合管理的结合则是这种科学发展的基本保证。  相似文献   

为谋求自身的发展,空间上相临或相近的国家纷纷组成以经济利益为中心的综合体———经济区域。然而由于世界各国自然条件、历史背景和社会文化的差异,区域经济发展中出现了普遍的贫者愈贫,富者愈富的现象。我国是一个幅员辽阔的大国,由于某些原因,东部与中西部区域的经济发展存在巨大的差异,为此,分析比较以控制、缩小差距已成为我国经济协调发展的一项重要内容  相似文献   

After years of negotiations, the European Union finally reformed its sugar market in November 2005. Unilateral trade concessions, ongoing WTO negotiations and internal pressures were pushing the EU for a change. The following short article highlights some of the key features of the reform and the implications for EU member countries, world sugar markets and countries that currently enjoy preferential access to the EU market.   相似文献   

本文认为,我国去年以来的宏观调控取得了一定的成绩,但不能估计过高,一些深层次的问题并没有完全解决,还要继续努力,特别是要注意转变经济增长方式,真正提高经济增长的效益。宏观调控一定要总体考虑社会发展和经济发展之间的关系,中央和地方的关系,宏观和微观的关系,当前和长远的关系,农业、工业、服务业之间的关系,政府与企业和银行的关系等。这些都是影响宏观经济的大问题,都是要周密考虑的。文章指出,金融是现代经济的核心,而银行是金融的心脏,目前商业银行存在的效率低、资本充足率低,不良资产率高,内部管理、风险控制机制不健全,治理制度不完善,金融创新不足等问题,必须通过改革加以解决。  相似文献   

While European economic integration and in particular the single European market often appear to be only a smallest common denominator in the EU, they condition the economic policy framework facing Member States and have been instrumental in putting governance patterns into motion. The Lisbon Agenda is a case in point. Motivated by competitiveness concerns, it outlines an economic and social strategy meant to relaunch the EU within the changed setting of world-wide competition and a knowledgebased economy. Its success ultimately hinges on whether the necessary coordination to implement policies with an EU rationale can be achieved so as to realise the efficiency properties of the internal market. *and Research Fellow at IEEI **and National Institute for Public Administration (INA). This paper stems from the authors' joint research and teaching on European Economics at the University of Victoria, Canada, at INA and at the University of Aveiro in 2005 and 2006 and is part of an FCT research project on Economic Growth, Convergence and Institutions (research grant POCI/EGE/55423/2004, partially funded by FEDER).  相似文献   

李丹  董琴 《国际经贸探索》2021,37(11):101-112
全球性经济问题不断出现暴露了现行全球经济治理体系的诸多问题,治理体系亟待改革。受地缘政治以及历史等因素的影响,东亚区域一体化发展滞缓并始终缺位于全球经济治理体系。东亚地区已经成为世界经济增长的重要一极,应积极贡献体现东亚区域价值理念和制度设计的全球经济治理改革方案。东亚方案应着重解决当前全球经济治理体系存在的平等缺位、合作缺位、责任缺位,倡导全球经济的包容性发展、以"开放的区域主义"维护全球经济治理的多边体制以及构建多元化的全球货币体系。中国是东亚区域的核心国家,应积极发挥作用保障东亚方案的有效可行,推动全球经济治理体系的改革。  相似文献   

To analyse how gender equality measures can contribute to economic growth in the EU, the European Institute for Gender Equality studied the impacts of reducing gender inequalities in areas relevant from a macroeconomic perspective: STEM education, labour market activity and pay. It also considered the demographic changes that would take place if these gender gaps are reduced and a more equal distribution of unpaid care work between women and men is achieved. The study is the first of its kind to use a robust econometric model to estimate a broad range of macroeconomic benefits of gender equality at the EU level. The results of the modelling show that improved gender equality would have a largely positive effect on GDP per capita and on employment of women. The positive impacts are due to an increase in productivity and an improvement to the potential productive capacity of the economy.  相似文献   

Intereconomics - The low-carbon transition, for example in line with the European Commission’s proposed Long-Term Strategy1 net-zero2 target by 2050 or the Commission President-elect...  相似文献   

经济全球化的发展要求在地区范围内和全球范围内实行宏观经济政策的国际合作,这种合作从企业层面上升到政府层面,在平时应以经济(或金融)监管为重点,增强有关制度、政策、法规的透明度,建立风险预警机制;一旦发生经济(或金融)危机及风暴,则重点应是如何联手和克服风暴.同时,国际货币体系的改革应以改革传统的决策权结构、推进监管国际化、确定国际储备基础的本位币和成立应急小组等为主要内容,并提高发展中国家的话语权,以反映世界经济发展的新格局.  相似文献   

The economic partnership agreements (EPAs) to be negotiated between the European Union and six different ACP regions under the Cotonou Agreement are intended to be in conformity with WTO rules, i.e. satisfy GATT Article XXIV and GATS Article V. To what extent is this realistic? What would be the effects on the ACP countries?

This article summarises the following study: A. Borrmann, H. Gro?mann, and G. Koopmann: The WTO Compatibility of the Economic Partnership Agreement between the EU and the ACP States, Study on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH, Eschborn 2005, http://www.gtz.de/de/dokumente/enwto-epa-acp-2005.pdf.  相似文献   

欧盟委员会5月8日表示,由于中国在经济上的崛起,欧盟将在今年第4季度发表有关中国与欧盟经济与贸易关系的评估文件,以决定下一个10年欧盟应如何处理与中国的关系。  相似文献   


This paper presents institutional framework to implement innovative and co-operative procedures of industrial reorganization and economic growth in the Baltic countries. By using the recent features of organization mode theories and institutional economics, we apply how institutional development helps the Baltic firms to survive in the integration of EU25 markets. We present this framework as a dynamic process in three stages. The first stage identifies the main foundations from the transition period: macroeconomic stabilization, privatization, and financial governance. The second stage considers how to build up the institutional structure of the governance in production. The third stage points out those topics that enhance innovation environment and benchmarks the Baltic countries to EU innovation capacity. These progressive stages in financial, production, and innovation systems of governance can be overlapped or happen in sequential order but the final purpose of these improvements is to enhance the managerial incentives for higher innovative activity in the EU-Baltic industrial integration. It is found that the Baltic innovation input capacity is competitive compared with the EU25 average but a gap in innovation output is still essential.  相似文献   

民事诉讼法是一门应用法学,也是一门极具丰富理论内涵的理论法学,为了培养理论知识扎实,应用能力较强的法律人才,在教学目标设置上应当把理论教学与实践操作能力的培养并重,运用启发式、互动式的理论教学、案例教学、组织实践教学等方法,提高民事诉讼法的课程质量。只有立体的设置民事诉讼法课程,才能培养高素质的社会主义法律人才。  相似文献   

胡文涛 《国际经贸探索》2002,18(2):35-37,42
冷战以后,国际经济格局因国际政治格局的变化而需要重新建构,美国为确定自己在新经济格局中的霸权地位,不惜运用贸易制裁、货币对垒和组织包围三种手段来遏制欧洲经济一体化所出现整体实力上升的势力和在国际经济格局中的影响力。本文通过透视这三种手段的具体运用和分析其中的战略意图,从而进一步揭示欧洲一体化的主要国际障碍因素是来自美国和国际关系中“利益至上”的普遍原则。  相似文献   

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