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Interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IVIFSs) are very flexible tool to cope with the uncertainty arises in multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) problems. In recent times, MCDM problems with interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy information have achieved more attention from researchers in different areas and consequently, several MCDM methods have been extended for IVIFSs. In this paper, a novel approach based on WASPAS method is developed under IVIFSs. The developed method is based on the operators of IVIFSs, some amendments in the classical WASPAS method and a new process for calculation of criteria and decision experts’ weights. In process for calculating weights, new procedures is propoesd to compute the decision experts’ weights and criteria weights based on interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy information measures (entropy, divergence and similarity measures) to achieve more realistic weights. Innovative information measures are developed based on the exponential function for IVIFSs to determine the weights of the criteria and decision experts. Since the uncertainty is an unavoidable feature of MCDM problems, the developed method can be a constructive tool for decision-making in an uncertain environment. Further, an uncertain decision making problem of reservoir flood control management policy is implemented with interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy information, which reveals the effectiveness and reliability of the proposed IVIF-WASPAS method. To validate the result, comparative analysis with existing methods and sensitivity analysis are presented under interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy environment.  相似文献   

To accommodate the criterion-referenced student group project assessment approach, this paper proposes a fuzzy group Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) model. The proposed model can be used to solve student group project assessment problem in particular and generic MCDM problems in general, where the criteria used are often different and can be scored with multiple preference formats. The proposed fuzzy group MCDM model supports seven different preference formats, including preference ordering, utility vector, linguistic term vector, selected subset, fuzzy selected subset, fuzzy preference relation, and normal preference relation. It has been firstly used in the context of Information Systems (IS) student group project assessment.  相似文献   

Multiple Criteria Decision Making Models in Group Decision Support   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
Use of multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) models to aid the group decision process was tested. Two multiple criteria group decision support systems (MCGDSS) were studied, one using the AHP/Tchebycheff method of Iz and the other using Kersten's NEGO system. These systems were compared with a commercial GDSS, VisionQuest. VisionQuest does not include multiple criteria tools. To make the study comparable, VisionQuest was augmented with an ad hoc linear programming model that could generate solutions with specified characteristics requested by the using group. The three systems were compared on the dimensions of solution quality and decision support effectiveness.One of the hypotheses was that MCDM models would force participants to examine criteria, preferences, and aspirations more thoroughly, thus leading to decisions of better quality. Subjects using the MCGDSSs were expected to have higher mean quality and effectiveness values. However, the quality and effectiveness values of the VisionQuest/ad hoc system were found to be better on the dimension of effectiveness. Explanations for this result are included in the paper.Another hypothesis was that the AHP/Tchebycheff method of Iz, a value-oriented system, would yield more effective group support than the goal-oriented NEGO system. However, the NEGO system was found to yield solutions with better quality measures than the solutions obtained with the AHP/Tchebycheff system.Observation of the groups using the MCDM systems indicate that both the AHP/Tchebycheff and NEGO methods can be revised to enhance their effectiveness. The primary difficulty encountered with the AHP/Tchebycheff method was in the large number of pairwise comparisons required by AHP. The NEGO method can be enhanced by including specification of desired attainment levels in the first stage of the method. Both MCDM techniques have potential to benefit group decision support by giving using groups a means to design better solutions.  相似文献   

According to Arrow's well-known ‘parardox of majority voting’, intransitivities can occur in the attempt to establish a social, inter-personal preference ordering. As has been shown by May [1954], for example, a logical equivalent of this paradox can also arise in the case of individual, personal preference orderings. The present paper shows that such cases are quite plausible and natural, in as common a context as the choice of a grocery store. The paper also shows that intransitivities may occur more generally, as a result of decision rules other than the logical equivalent of majority voting.  相似文献   

实行预约定价制度可以较好地解决转让定价滥用和国际双重征税或不征税问题,提高税务部门工作效率。为了调查预约定价制度在我国的可行性,在对预约定价制度实行的基于信息、客体、国际税收合作、转让定价调整方法和事后监控的成本悖论进行具体分析的基础上,得出预约定价制度必须与传统的事后税收监管相结合,才能有效解决转让定价问题的结论。  相似文献   

Since voters are often swayed more by the personal image of politicians than by party manifestos, they may cast votes that are in opposition to their policy preferences. This results in the election of representatives who do not correspond exactly to the voters’ own views. An alternative voting procedure to avoid this type of election failure is prompted by the approach implemented in internet voting advice applications, like the German Wahl-O-Mat, which asks the user a number of questions on topical policy issues; the computer program, drawing on all the parties’ answers, finds for the user the best-matching party, the second-best-matching party, etc. Under the proposed alternative election method, the voters cast no direct votes. Rather, they are asked about their preferences on the policy issues as declared in the party manifestos (Introduce nationwide minimum wage? Yes/No; Introduce a speed limit on the motorways? Yes/No, etc.), which reveals the balance of public opinion on each issue. These embedded referenda measure the degree to which the parties’ policies match the preferences of the electorate. The parliament seats are then distributed among the parties in proportion to their indices of popularity (the average percentage of the population represented on all the issues) and universality (frequency in representing a majority). This paper reports on an experimental application of this method during the election of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Student Parliament on July 4–8, 2016. The experiment shows that the alternative election method can increase the representativeness of the Student Parliament. We also discuss some traits and bottlenecks of the method that should be taken into account when preparing elections.  相似文献   

The technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) has become a popular multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) technique, since it has a comprehensible theoretical structure and is able to provide an exact model for decision making. For the use of TOPSIS in group decisions, the common approaches in aggregating individual decision makers’ judgments are the geometric and the arithmetic mean methods, although these are too intuitive and do not consider either preference levels or preference priorities among alternatives for individual decision makers. In this paper, a TOPSIS group decision aggregation model is proposed in which the construction consists of three stages: (1) The weight differences are calculated first as the degrees of preferences among different alternatives for each decision maker; (2) The alternative priorities are then derived, and the highest one can be denoted as the degree to which a decision maker wants his most favorite alternative to be chosen; (3) The group ideal solutions approach in TOPSIS is used for the aggregation of similarities obtained from different decision makers. A comparative analysis is performed, and the proposed aggregation model seems to be more satisfactory than the traditional aggregation model for solving compromise-oriented decision problems.  相似文献   

新农村建设中公共物品偏好显示机制分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李春林 《商业研究》2007,(7):129-132
新农村建设的核心问题是公共物品的供给问题。根据公共选择经济学派的理论,通过设计一种偏好显示机制,反映农村社会对公共物品的偏好,是解决农村公共物品最优供给问题的有效途径。现有的相对多数票、序数投票法、二二比较法等机制存在着信号显示不全、结果的发散性等问题。根据现有机制的分析,设计的多阶段集体否决投票法,有着较好的激励机制、信号显示完整、收敛性等特点,不失为一种可供选择的农村公共物品偏好显示机制。  相似文献   

This paper is about the determination of common external tariffs (CETs) in customs unions (CUs). We first examine how the relationship between preferences over CET levels, technology and the distribution of factor ownership in a CU is conditioned by the rule that determines the disposition of tariff revenues. We then explore how majority voting at the country level translates these preferences into an equilibrium CET. Among other things, we find that, when revenues are partitioned in proportion to members’ imports, tariff preferences may be polarized, the trade patterns of some CU members may be endogenous, and, as a result, their payoff functions may not be single-peaked. This leads to voting outcomes that dramatically differ from those arising under other sharing rules (e.g., the ‘population’ and ‘consumption’ rules) and raises the possibility of a Condorcet paradox.  相似文献   

This study examines the role of consumer technology paradoxes within the context of self‐service technology and the routes by which these paradoxes influence customer satisfaction evaluation. Analysis of survey data from online banking customers indicates that three paradoxes operate in this context: control/chaos, fulfill needs/create needs, and freedom/enslavement. The study reveals further that the effects of these paradoxes on customer satisfaction are mediated by consumer performance ambiguity and consumer trust in technology. Theoretical and managerial implications of consumer paradoxical experiences for technology‐based services are discussed. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The negotiation template, which defines a set of potential negotiation offers, is traditionally evaluated by means of the simple additive weighting method (SAW). However, some recent research reports on the potential problems and inconsistencies in using and interpreting SAW-based scores. Thus, in this paper we consider the issue of evaluating negotiation offers when the negotiator’s preferences are expressed verbally. We present a new approach called Measuring Attractiveness near Reference Situations (MARS), which combines the algorithms of two multiple criteria decision making methods: ZAPROS and MACBETH. Applying the elements of ZAPROS allows identifying a small set of reference alternatives that consists of the best resolution levels for all the negotiation issues but one. In pair-wise comparisons of these alternatives negotiators need to evaluate trade-offs only, which means deciding which concessions are better to be made. Using the elements of MACBETH allows determining the strong interval scale based on verbal judgments defined by negotiators at the beginning of the preference elicitation process. We study in detail the legitimacy of hybridizing ZAPROS and MACBETH that differ in their philosophies of decision support as well as discuss the drawbacks of these two MCDM methods and propose some alternative solutions that make this approach applicable to supporting negotiators in the evaluation of negotiation offers. Finally, we present an example in which we indicate the differences in the negotiation offers’ scoring process conducted by means of MARS and the traditional ZAPROS and MACBETH procedures.  相似文献   

宋智慧 《商业研究》2011,(4):143-147
在公司发展史上,适应不同的历史背景和法理基础,股东大会表决机制经历了从"一致同意"到"多数决",从"人头多数决"到"资本多数决",从"绝对资本多数决"到"相对资本多数决"的更迭过程。从股东大会表决机制的嬗变可以看出现代公司法的指导原则和发展趋势是向更大的平等性迈进,在坚持资本多数决原则的基础上日益注重平衡多数股东和少数股东间的利益,强调对少数股东的公平保护。  相似文献   

The standard assumption of modern social choice theory is that the individuals are endowed with complete and transitive preference relations over the decision alternatives. A large number of incompatibility results has been achieved regarding aggregation of these kinds of preferences. Yet, most voting procedures make no use of this information. Instead they essentially cut down the information provided by the voters. In this paper we deal with some alternatives to the complete and transitive voter preference assumption. Particular attention is paid to imprecise notions: probabilistic and fuzzy preference relations. Rather than establishing new impossibility results, our focus is in resolving various voting paradoxes using imprecise preference concepts.  相似文献   

We consider a multiple referendum setting where voters cast approval ballots, in which they either approve or disapprove of each of finitely many dichotomous issues. A program is a set of socially approved issues. Assuming that individual preferences over programs are derived from ballots by means of the Hamming distance criterion, we consider two alternative notions of compromise. The majoritarian compromise is the set of all programs supported by the largest majority of voters at the minimum utility loss. A program is an approval compromise if it is supported by the highest number of voters at a utility loss at most half of the maximal achievable one. We investigate the conditions under which issue-wise majority voting allows for reaching each type of compromise. Finally, we argue that our results hold for many other preferences that are consistent with the observed ballots.  相似文献   

Increasingly, personal data posted by users of social network sites (SNSs) can be used to personalize advertising. The present study investigates how adolescents respond to personalized ads in terms of attitude toward the ad, brand engagement and intention to forward, and whether privacy concerns moderate their responses. According to pretest results, a medium level of personalization was expected to be optimal in terms of advertising effectiveness. A within-subjects experiment involving 40 participants aged 14–18 years was performed. Three conditions of personalized advertising were designed with, respectively, low, medium, and high levels of personalization. The study found that the highest personalization condition generated the most positive response and that privacy concerns did not moderate the effects of personalization. The privacy paradox is discussed as an alternative explanation, along with other implications of the results.  相似文献   

现行DSU修正决策制度是低效率和不民主的协商一致表决制。经济全球化要求WTO决策制度的高效率和民主化,这必然要求对DSU的修正采用多数表决制。  相似文献   

This paper draws attention to issues of race and gender and their intersections. The choices faced by women of colour are framed as a series of paradoxes that need to be acknowledged, if not resolved. The implications of a paradoxical perspective for research on race and gender are explored.  相似文献   

Simple majority is one of the most used decision rules in practice. However, under this decision rule, an alternative can defeat another one with very poor support. For this reason, other decision rules have been considered in the literature, such as qualified and special majorities as well as other majorities based on difference of votes. In this paper we generalize the latter mentioned voting systems by considering individual intensities of preference, and we provide some axiomatic characterizations.  相似文献   

Both sustainability and identity are said to be paradoxical issues in organizations. In this study we look at the paradoxes of corporate sustainability at the individual level by studying the identity work of those managers who hold sustainability-dedicated roles in organizations. Analysing 26 interviews with sustainability managers, we identify three main tensions affecting their identity construction process: the business versus values oriented, the organizational insider versus outsider and the short-term versus long-term focused identity work tensions. When dealing with these tensions, some interviewees express a paradoxical perspective in attempting to accept and maintain the two poles of each of them simultaneously. It emerges in particular that metaphorical reasoning can be used by sustainability managers in varied ways to cope with the tensions of identity work. We read these findings in light of the existing literature on the relation between paradoxes and identity work, highlighting and discussing their implications for both research and practice.  相似文献   

当代的悖论性可以从三个方面来把握:在时间上,当变化过于快速,且是为了资本获利而变成人为设计的东西时,变化就意味着停滞;在空间上,经济全球化本质上是世界同质化的过程,但同质性却以异质性的面目出现,异质性被用来服务于同质性,空间的悖论由此产生;面对时间和空间的悖论,我们需要乌托邦想象,但我们的乌托邦想象却要以反乌托邦的形式出现,这就是所谓乌托邦的悖论。不管是乌托邦还是反乌托邦,作为一种政治策略,它都是人们的经验和思想所不能缺少的一个维度。  相似文献   

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