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The study adds to the existing literature on the relationship between output and unemployment by using a sectoral specification of Okun’s Law to capture the differential sensitivity of the unemployment rate to output developments in the services and manufacturing sectors. Using quarterly data for the period between 2000 and 2012, we show that Malta’s unemployment rate has been more sensitive to output developments in the services sector than to those in the manufacturing sector. We use different equation specifications and the youth unemployment rate to show that the impact resulting from developments in the manufacturing sector occurs mainly via lay-offs while developments in the services sector affect the unemployment rate via the hiring of new entrants into the labour market.  相似文献   

According to Adolph Wagner’s “Law of Increasing State Activity” economic development is accompanied by an increasing role of state activities and functions. Unfortunately, this view has never been stated explicitly by Wagner and the lack of a precise mathematical formulation led researchers to use various and sometimes incomparable specifications. Moreover, in previous empirical studies state activity was almost always replaced by public spending, and hence Wagner’s Law was effectively narrowed down to the “Law of Increasing State Spending”. This paper is an attempt to restore Wagner’s Law. Contrary to previous studies, it examines whether Wagner’s Law in its original form held in Australia in the 1901–2008 period by studying the relationship between real per capita income and a composite variable of state activity that takes both financial and legislative activities of the federal government into account. Although this composite variable still falls short of capturing all levels and sorts of state or government activities, it is a far more comprehensive measure than any of its components used individually in earlier studies. The results based on this composite measure provide no empirical evidence in favour of Wagner’s Law in Australia.  相似文献   

Summary. We provide conditions under which the heterogenous, deterministic preferences of consumers in a pure exchange economy can be identified from the equilibrium manifold of the economy. We extend those conditions to consider exchange economies, with two commodities, where consumers preferences are random. For the latter, we provide conditions under which consumers heterogenous random preferences can be identified from the joint distribution of equilibrium prices and endowments. The results can be applied to infer consumers preferences when their demands are unobservable.Received: 8 May 2003, Revised: 14 September 2004, JEL Classification Numbers: D12, D51.I am very grateful to an anonymous referee, Donald Brown, and Daniel McFadden for their detailed comments and insightful suggestions. Section 2 of this paper is joint work with Donald J. Brown; it is included here for publication with his permission. Those results were presented at the 1990 Workshop on Mathematical Economics at the University of Bonn, the 1992 SITE Workshop on Empirical Implications of General Equilibrium Models at Stanford University, and, more recently, at the June 2000 Conference in Honor of Rolf Mantel, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The comments of the participants at those conferences and workshops are much appreciated. The research presented in this paper was supported by NSF Grants SES-8900291, SBR-9410182, and SES-0241858. This paper is dedicated to Marcel K. Richter, who has inspired much of my research.  相似文献   

The paper investigates the patterns of persistence of innovation and of the properties of firms’ knowledge base (KB) across a sample of Italian firms in the period 1998–2006. The analysis draws upon a theoretical representation of knowledge as a collective good, stemming from the recombination of knowledge bits that are fragmented and dispersed across economic agents. On this basis, we derived properties of the KB like the coherence, the cognitive distance and the variety, and investigated their patterns of persistence over time. The empirical analysis is implemented by exploring the autocorrelation structure of such properties within a quantile regression framework. The results suggest that the properties of knowledge are featured by somewhat peculiar patterns as compared with knowledge stock, and that such evidence is also heterogeneous across firms in different quantiles.  相似文献   

We study the legacy effect and transmission mechanisms of historical conflicts on contemporary trade. Using new data on the regional dispersion of civilian deaths due to massacres in the Sino-Japanese war (1931–1945), we find that local conflict intensity predicts international trade patterns of Chinese corporations three generations later. We further explore the transmission mechanism of collective war memory. Conflict intensity correlates with measures of anti-Japanese sentiments inferred from survey data and it appears to be transmitted both through war dramas in the mass media as well as official commemorations. We also find evidence that the trade-inhibiting effect increases with the time exposed to collective war memory.  相似文献   

Policies addressing climate change are driving major transformations in access to global land, forests and water as they create new ‘green’ markets that reinforce, and attracts the financial grid and its speculators. This leads us to examine the rise of state violence and subsequent environmental policies in forests, transferring into both ‘fortress’ and ‘participatory’ conservation, enhancing this relationship with new environmental commodity markets. We go on to document how the new and intensifying commodification of the environment associated with climate change is manifest in conflicts linked to the UN-REDD+ programme, industrial tree plantations (ITPs), and land-use practices associated with conservation and biofuels. We trace conflicts to business practices associated with land acquisitions and mining practices which claim to address climate change and mitigate ecological crises. This paper thus grapples with systemic issues of the modern industrial economy and the mechanisms legitimising and advancing the militarisation and marketisation of nature.  相似文献   

Radvanský  Marek  Lichner  Ivan 《Empirica》2021,48(4):1083-1111
Empirica - The main scope of the paper is to review the construction method of (multi-)regional input–output tables (RIOTs) in the Czech Republic at the NUTS 3 regional level. We compare the...  相似文献   

This paper considers the external validity of the growing corpus of literature that reports the use of laboratory auctions to reveal consumers’ willingness to pay for consumer goods, when the concerned goods are sold in retail stores through posted price procedures. The quality of the parallel between the field and the lab crucially depends on whether being informed of the actual field price influences a consumer’s willingness to pay for a good or not. We show that the elasticity of the WTP revision according to the field price estimation error is significant, positive, and can be roughly approximate to one quarter of the error. We then discuss the normative implications of these results for future experiments aimed at eliciting private valuations through auctions.  相似文献   

Using a newly available data set, which allows one to construct a novel measure of a student's social status, we demonstrate that there are potentially important racial differences in the relationship between social status and academic achievement. The effect is concentrated among students with a grade point average (GPA) of 3.5 or higher and more pronounced in schools with more interracial contact. Earlier studies showing a positive relationship between popularity and academic achievement for blacks are sensitive to the inclusion of more continuous achievement measures. We argue that the data are most consistent with a model of ‘acting white’ in which investments in education are taken as a signal of one's opportunity costs of peer-group loyalty, though imprecise estimates make definitive conclusions difficult.  相似文献   

We propose an implementable portfolio performance evaluation procedure that compares a portfolio with respect to the portfolios constructed by an infinite number of Malkiel’s blindfolded monkeys, or equivalently the whole enumeration of all possible portfolios. We argue that this approach exhibits two main advantages. First, it does not require any benchmark portfolios because a portfolio is being compared to an infinite number of portfolios. Second, it is market condition invariant. Since the market conditions are already reflected in the portfolio performances of an infinite blindfolded monkeys, our measure of portfolio performances is invariant to volatile market conditions.  相似文献   

The force of Sugden’s critique of Sen’s capability approach depends on the interpretation of the approach adopted. It is persuasive when public reasoning about what is good (or best) for people can justify policies which promote opportunity through (potentially objectionable) restrictions on liberty. Sunstein’s discussion of preference formation and politics shares key elements of Sen’s views. His proposals for democratic controls illustrate the potential danger Sugden signals about application of the capability approach. Sugden is also critical of paternalist views inspired by the findings of behavioural economics. One of these—Sunstein and Thaler’s ‘libertarian paternalism’—is a worrying extension of Sunstein’s earlier views and opens the door to a much wider range of interventions. Sugden rightly and forcefully resists it. His critique of the capability approach may, by contrast, be better seen as sounding a cautionary note than as an act of resistance.  相似文献   

Consumer cooperatives represent a highly successful example of democratic form of enterprises operating in developed countries. They are usually medium to large-scale companies competing with the profit-maximizing firms in the retail sector. This paper describes this situation as a mixed oligopoly in which consumer cooperatives maximize the utility of consumer-members and, in return, refund them with a share of the profits corresponding to the ratio of their individual spending to the cooperative’s total sales. We show that when consumers possess quasi-linear preferences over a bundle of symmetrically differentiated goods, and companies operate using a linear technology, the presence of consumer cooperatives positively affects total industry output, as well as welfare. The effect of cooperatives on welfare proves to be even more significant when goods are either complements or highly differentiated, and when competition is à la Cournot rather than à la Bertrand.  相似文献   

K. Farla 《Applied economics》2013,45(34):4231-4241
This article investigates the determinants of firms’ investment behaviour using firm data from 101 developing and emerging economies. A substantial number of firms does not invest in fixed capital or invests little relative to sales revenue. Using a multilevel probit model we study what factors trigger investment, and using a multilevel Heckman selection model we study what factors influence a firm’s investment-to-sales ratio. We find that firms’ investment behaviour has relatively little dependency on a country’s macroeconomic setting. Additionally, we find that, on average, firms that are completely foreign-owned have a relatively lower investment-to-sales ratio. Finally, we find evidence which suggests that the probability of investing is higher for firms located in countries with more control of corruption and we find some evidence which suggests that partially foreign-owned firms located in countries with relatively less corruption have a relatively higher investment-to-sales ratio.  相似文献   

In early 2001, the US Department of the Treasury suspended the issuance of 30-year bonds, and then resumed issuing its long paper in early 2006. As a result, there was a 5-year gap in the baskets deliverable into US T-Bond futures contracts expiring before 2016. In 2013, the CME Group raised the issue that grades contending for cheapest-to-deliver status were becoming significantly isolated from the rest of the basket because of this maturity gap. The aim of this article is to provide an ex-post assessment of the approach chosen by the CME Group to address this so-called ‘5-year gap issue’ and to compare its efficiency with that of an alternative solution that was not considered at the time.  相似文献   

This paper studies the dynamic relationship between future volatility and implied and historical volatility using data from Alegría and Rodríguez [1997]. The methodological approach forms part of the theoretical research being carried out in numerical analysis and especially from the rational Padé approximation. This tool helps to characterize simple computational methods in order to study questions about dynamic modelization of doubly infinite series. Considering noncausal series, where the expectations provided by economic theory or empirical evidence are included in available sample data, leads to dynamic specifications suitable not only from the perspective of fitting available data, but also from their predictive performance when compared to traditionally used formulae based merely on data analysis.  相似文献   

Ugo Pagano provides a stimulating account of the grand sweep of human existence on this planet, relying on a few carefully-chosen analytic tools, including the role of sexual selection, brain size, public versus positional goods, and complementarities. But in his telegraphic narrative the compressed language is sometimes misleading or functionalist. Some of the details and current controversies get lost. This comment identifies some of the problems and urges that we should look more closely at the detailed mechanisms involved.  相似文献   

We use experimental data from the ‘vote with the wallet’ multiplayer prisoner’s dilemma to investigate with a finite mixture approach the effect of a responsible purchase on players’ satisfaction. We find clear-cut evidence of heterogeneity of preferences with two groups of players that differ significantly in terms of effects of the responsible choice on satisfaction.  相似文献   

This article asks whether consumers’ home buying attitudes explain the behaviour of home sales by focusing on two tranquil and two uncertain periods within 1978–2015. We utilize monthly data to formulate and estimate four augmented autoregressive models with the results indicating that improvements (deteriorations) in consumers’ home buying attitudes lead to higher (lower) home sales. This conclusion remains unchanged when controlling for economic and financial indicators often cited as determinants of home sales. Overall, our article has key implications for future studies aiming to forecast home sales using attitudinal measures.  相似文献   

This study investigates, on a nine commodity disaggregation of Indian budget data (NSS, 28th round), the sensitivity of ‘optimal’ commodity tax rates to alternative demand systems. LES and RNLPS. ‘Optimality’ is used here in the very special sense of being conditional on observed expenditure and fixed consumer prices. The alternative sets of tax rates agree at low levels of ‘inequality aversion’ but disagree widely at ‘Rawlsian’ levels. LES is heavily rejected in favour of its one-parameter generalisation, RNLPS. The results suggest that LES price elasticities should not be used in ‘optimal’ tax calculations. The ‘optimal’ tax rates imply only a modest redistribution.  相似文献   


This study aims to evaluate the Nerlovian economic efficiency of Taiwanese commercial banks and its determinants by assuming the presence of an imperfectly competitive market using a two-stage estimation procedure: Nerlovian economic inefficiency and its components’ price, technical and allocative efficiencies computed and decomposed in the first stage, which are regressed on the explanatory variables with a bootstrapped truncated approach in the second stage. The estimation results show that in the first-stage analysis, the Nerlovian economic inefficiency of banks is primarily due to allocative inefficiency, and indicate the existence of price inefficiency in Taiwan. In the second-stage analysis, the results confirm that both the years in operation of the bank and the ratio of credit loans are the main determinants of banking profit efficiency. In addition, this study not only shows that publicly owned banks contribute to better price efficiency but also proves that loan loss reserve to total assets is negatively associated with technical efficiency. The equity ratio exerts an insignificant favourable impact on allocative efficiency. The findings of this research are essential for bank managers in Taiwan.  相似文献   

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