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王楠  王莉雅  王海军 《技术经济》2020,39(10):70-79
研究将开放性知识搜索划分为搜索广度和搜索深度,深入探讨开放性知识搜索对员工创新行为的影响机制。通过对287名知识密集型企业员工的问卷进行分析,实证发现:搜索深度正向影响吸收能力,搜索广度与吸收能力间存在倒U型曲线关系;吸收能力正向影响员工创新行为,并且吸收能力分别中介了知识搜索广度、知识搜索深度与员工创新行为之间的关系。进一步地,注意力分配集中度正向调节搜索深度与吸收能力间关系。  相似文献   

基于企业外部合作伙伴分布广泛的特点,从外部研发合作广度的两个维度(市场广度和研究广度)出发,选取2010—2018年160家中国制造业上市企业数据,运用多元回归分析法探讨外部研发合作广度对企业新产品开发绩效的影响。结果表明,外部研发合作的市场广度和研究广度正向影响新产品开发绩效,其中,研究广度的作用更为显著;网络学习在外部研发合作广度对新产品开发绩效的影响机制中存在部分中介作用;知识库同质性正向调节外部研发合作广度与网络学习的关系。结论丰富了新产品开发绩效前因变量研究,对企业制定外部研发合作战略,提升新产品开发绩效具有重要管理启示。  相似文献   

This paper explores the possible relationship between sources of knowledge acquisition and entrepreneurs’ innovativeness from the perspective of knowledge management. Specifically, it employs the partial least squares structure equation model to study the entrepreneurs’ innovativeness through knowledge acquisition. It has been found that knowledge acquisition through social networks with suppliers, manufacturers and distributors and management practices has a positive effect on entrepreneurial alertness to business ideas. Moreover, entrepreneurial alertness plays a mediating role between sources of knowledge acquisition and entrepreneurs’ innovativeness. In addition, entrepreneurial alertness plays a completely mediating role between core social network knowledge and entrepreneurs’ innovativeness, and a partial mediating role between sources of knowledge acquisition and entrepreneurs’ innovativeness. This finding has both theoretical and practical implications for entrepreneurial learning in general.  相似文献   

以不同技术距离情境下合作研发项目为分析单元,采用多案例方法对知识转化如何影响能力获取进行了探讨。研究发现:研发技术知识深度嵌入研发团队的行为中,且以不同的知识形式存在;技术距离表现为广度距离和深度距离,二者的交互效应决定了合作研发的技术距离情境;在不同的技术距离情境下,建立了知识转化推动研发能力获取的理论模型,探讨了不同知识转化形式的能力获取效应。拓展了对合作研发中研发知识及其转化形式的理解,对基于外部知识转化的研发能力获取具有启示作用。  相似文献   

In this study, we draw upon literature in technology and innovation management to theorise about how process improvement efforts in organisations can drive the exploratory activity that is generally associated with more radical forms of innovation. We develop a set of propositions on how process improvement efforts might directly and indirectly drive exploration and more radical forms of organisational innovation. These propositions are organised into four categories: (1) ‘Direct’ – how exploratory forms of process improvement can directly drive innovativeness; (2) ‘Resource Capacity’ – how process improvement can increase the resource capacity that drives innovativeness; (3) ‘Knowledge’ – how process improvement efforts can strengthen knowledge resources that drive innovativeness; and (4) ‘Management Vision’ – how process improvement efforts can influence the managerial vision that moderates the effect of process improvement efforts on innovativeness.  相似文献   

知识是企业技术创新的基础,企业不仅要搜索外部知识,还应具备知识协奏能力。基于知识基础理论和资源协奏理论,将外部知识搜索分为搜索宽度和搜索深度两个维度,探讨二者对企业技术创新的影响,并研究知识协奏能力的中介作用和创新意愿的调节作用。结果表明,搜索宽度和搜索深度均对知识协奏能力有显著正向影响,知识协奏能力对企业技术创新有显著正向影响,且知识协奏能力分别在搜索宽度、搜索深度与企业技术创新之间起部分中介作用。此外,创新意愿在知识协奏能力与企业技术创新之间起调节作用。结论揭示了外部知识搜索对企业技术创新的内在作用机理,可为制造企业知识协奏能力和技术创新水平提升提供理论支持。  相似文献   

在开放式情境下,企业通过创新搜索获得外部资源是提升企业创新绩效的重要手段,但创新搜索如何影响创新绩效的过程机理仍然不明确。基于创新搜索理论和网络能力理论,构建了创新搜索、网络能力和创新绩效三者之间作用关系理论模型,并以江浙沪地区183家制造企业为样本进行实证研究。结果表明,创新搜索深度和宽度以及网络能力均与企业创新绩效存在显著正相关关系;创新搜索的深度与宽度提升了企业网络能力,并通过网络能力进一步促进企业创新绩效提升,网络能力在创新搜索深度、宽度与创新绩效之间起完全中介作用;搜索宽度对网络能力的影响比对搜索深度的影响更大。  相似文献   

A few attempts were made to investigate how sense making is triggered through Web 2.0 utilisation and how it enables the accomplishment of key organisational outcomes. The objective of this research is to examine the structural relationship between Web 2.0 utilisation, knowledge quality (KQ) aspects, improvisational creativity, compositional creativity, and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) innovativeness in an emerging market – Malaysia. Built upon sense-making theory, this study proposes that sense making is a progression of four formative constructs. Empirical analyses are based on a sample from SMEs’ top management (N?=?358, response rate?=?21%) using partial least squares approach. The findings indicate that Web 2.0 utilisation influences business entities’ sense-making activities in the way they realise the intrinsic value of knowledge and take action to apply the organisational knowledge. These sense-making activities are conducive to improvisational and compositional creativity of SMEs as well. Contributions, managerial implications, and limitations are discussed.  相似文献   

Young entrepreneurial companies in biotechnology tend to cluster in space, nearby research universities and research centers. This pattern is often ascribed to the availability of external economies, mainly local knowledge spillovers that help to reduce the uncertainty from a disruptive technology faced by these companies. Given a shortage of empirical research on cluster advantages and performance of clustered companies, we present results of a comparative analysis of clustered and non-clustered companies in biotechnology and Bionanotechnology in the Netherlands. It appears that, among other influences, a clustered location has no significant influence on innovation and speed of growth. However, a location in the largest cluster (Leiden) does contribute to a better performance in terms of innovativeness compared with all other locations. The kind of external economies involved seems to vary according to the stage in the knowledge value chain and the segment in biotechnology industry. Knowledge spillovers tend to be local for companies involved in new drugs and diagnostics research only in the first stage of the knowledge chain and for service companies regardless of the stage in the knowledge chain.  相似文献   

知识与技术的快速迭代,使得服务业企业进行服务创新的挑战更加艰巨,员工对知识与技术类操作性资源的应用能力起到关键作用。基于社会网络理论与知识基础观理论构建研究知识密集型服务业企业服务创新的微观路径,对322个服务业企业问卷调查进行实证分析。研究结果表明员工-顾客认同对员工服务创新有正向影响,并可以通过员工的互动式替代学习影响服务创新;知识治理对员工-顾客认同与互动式替代学习的关系具有显著的调节效应。  相似文献   

为探索服务经济时代服务企业如何充分利用外部合作关系实现开放式服务创新,基于动态能力理论,以组织惯例更新为中介变量、共享愿景为调节变量,构建关系学习影响开放式服务创新的理论模型,并运用回归分析和Bootstrap方法,对376份样本数据进行实证分析。结果表明,信息共享、共同理解和特定关系记忆均会对开放式服务创新产生不同程度的积极影响;关系学习的3个维度(信息共享、共同理解和特定关系记忆)通过组织惯例更新的中介作用影响开放式服务创新;共享愿景在共同理解对组织惯例更新的驱动作用中发挥显著正向调节作用,但在信息共享和特定关系记忆影响组织惯例更新方面不具有显著调节作用。  相似文献   

界定了开放式创新和外部知识获取能力的概念定义,从外部知识获取战略、知识识别能力、知识获取方式、知识传递路径、员工知识学习能力和知识获取技术六个方面构建开放式创新中外部知识获取能力评价指标体系,并利用模糊一致偏好关系确定各级指标的权重。针对外部知识获取能力难以量化描述的特点,利用改进的云评价方法构建外部知识获取能力的综合云评价模型。最后,以某石油装备制造企业为例,阐述了开放式创新中外部知识获取能力评价过程,并分析了评价结果。  相似文献   

Failure to meet user preferences continues to prevail as a major reason for innovation project failure despite wide arrays of methods and methodologies available for addressing it. The user research and user insight availability problem appears to have become replaced by a method and insight adequacy problem. This calls for the means to better address how organisations and project teams know their users, and how this knowing is intertwined in other organisational processes. A research challenge lies in developing representational templates that are both specific enough for addressing explicit and implicit user insight and encompassing enough for linking these to the relevant project and organisational issues. We develop such a representational template based on ecologies of knowledge mapping and discuss its potential through applying it to a comparative study on two social media web service projects of the Finnish National Broadcasting Company.  相似文献   

将知识观与组织学习理论、搜寻理论构建关联,着重回答外部知识流动如何影响新产品创造力这一问题。采用多元回归分析和Bootstrapping多重中介分析方法,对264家制造企业的问卷调研数据进行实证分析。结果表明:技巧交流除对新产品创造力存有直接促进作用外,还通过探索学习这一中介机制产生促进作用,而应用学习的中介作用并不显著;技术转移主要通过探索学习的中介作用直接或间接积极影响新产品创造力;搜寻宽度在技巧交流对新产品创造力、探索和应用学习的影响过程中具有显著的调控作用,搜寻深度则对技术转移与新产品创造力、探索学习关系间发挥正向调节作用。研究结论拓展了知识观视角下新产品开发的研究成果,丰富了搜寻理论的权变视角研究。  相似文献   

互联网技术能够促进开放式创新社区发展,但部分社区未给予企业相应回报。基于社会网络视角,构建开放式创新社区下社会网络、用户参与创新与企业创新绩效关系模型,探讨社区网络内部各维度间的联系及其对用户创新参与行为的影响,以及用户创新参与行为对企业社区创新绩效的影响,并以小米MIUI社区为例进行实证分析。结果表明,开放式创新社区中社会网络三维度相互影响,关系维度对用户创新参与行为有促进作用,认知维度对行为深度具有正向影响,对行为广度具有消极影响。此外,行为深度对企业社区创新绩效有促进作用,但行为广度与企业社区创新绩效无关。  相似文献   

日趋强化且严格的产权与专利保护对协同创新异质主体知识共享产生了重要影响,基于社会属性视角,从法律、创新、外部和商品4个方面对专利和产权保护下异质主体知识属性进行了分析,揭示了4种属性对协同创新知识共享的影响机理。在此基础上,构建了基于“契约-章程-信任(contract-constitute-trust, CCT)”的协同创新知识共享治理模式,并分析了该模式在共享高度、广度和深度3方面的正向作用,以期抑制知识外部属性和法律属性的不利影响,改善知识共享环境,提升异质主体间的信任度和知识共享水平,最大程度地发挥知识创新价值溢出的商品属性。  相似文献   

The hypothesis that managerial characteristics which facilitate the organisational learning process can provide firms with a basis for competitive advantage has received a great deal of attention. While there is evidence that organisational learning affects export intensity, we argue that intermediate variables, such as innovation, should be used in order to evaluate its impact in organisations. This study shows that firms with a higher organisational learning capability tend to be more innovative, and for this reason, they are more likely to export a higher share of their production. From a longitudinal perspective, we use structural equation modeling on a database from Italian and Spanish ceramic tile producers, worldwide leaders in terms of technology. The database combines primary and secondary data. The results support our theoretical conjectures. Findings improve our understanding of the antecedents of export intensity and are related to previous research.  相似文献   

网络多元性对企业绩效的作用关系仍存在争论。将外部知识整合(广度和深度)作为权变产生的企业因素、孵化支持情境(网络支持和制度支持)作为权变产生的环境因素,构建以外部知识整合为中介变量、孵化支持情境为调节变量的理论模型。实证结果显示,网络多元性对在孵企业孵化绩效具有正向作用,外部知识整合广度与深度在网络多元性和在孵企业孵化绩效中起部分中介作用,孵化支持情境能够有效调节网络多元性对外部知识整合深度的影响作用,并通过外部知识整合深度的中介效应正向调节在孵企业孵化绩效。  相似文献   

基于资源能力和知识学习的视角,采用单案例研究方法探索了日本佳能公司的技术多元化战略的形成及演化过程,进而总结了技术多元化对企业持续创新的影响机制。研究发现:技术机会能力、产品开发战略以及外部知识获取在技术多元化影响企业持续创新的过程中起中介作用;不同类型的技术多元化对企业持续创新的影响路径存在差异。  相似文献   

Cultural intelligence underpins the interaction between firms and their cultural environments as the domain of external sources that are explored and utilised for innovation through absorptive capacity. This research seeks to answer the question of if and how cultural intelligence moderates the links between innovativeness and potential and realised absorptive capacity. We test our hypotheses based on data from 215 firms operating in Poland. We demonstrate that cultural intelligence strengthens the linkage between potential absorptive capacity and innovativeness that highlights cultural intelligence as an important enabler of exploring new and diverse external knowledge sources. We discuss cultural intelligence concept in relation to strategic management and reveal its contingent role in innovativeness.  相似文献   

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