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大多数国家针对公共部门工作人员设有单独的养老保险。这些保险未来的财政负担可能相当繁重,因为政府通常是雇用工作人员最多的部门,公共部门的养老待遇相对来讲也更加丰厚,而未来养老金待遇需要直接从国家财政(现收现付制)或积累不足的养老基金(基金积累制)中支付。一些国家有关养老金水平的论证和信息不透明,可能隐含巨额财政债务,将会转移到后代人身上。为了让各国之间就公共部门养老保险财政负担进行公平比较,本文建议根据统一标准对非积累制养老保险的债务进行测评和报告,以提高财政透明度,帮助决策。文章从经济合作与发展组织选取了一些国家,按公允价值估计2008年底的净负债值。这种财政负担也可理解为养老金隐性债务。  相似文献   

我国公务员与企业职工的退休待遇存在巨大差距,养老保险制度的公平性备受质疑,由制度差异带来的阻碍人才流动等弊端日益凸显,已成为近年来社会关注的焦点问题,本文在分析公务员的职业特点及其养老保障特殊性的基础上,借鉴国际经验,并基于融入全国统一的养老金体系和保护公务员既得权益的考虑,给出了公务员养老金改革应采取“基本养老金+职业年金”的设计思路和具体方案,测算分析了改革方案对个人和财政支出的影响以及在实施上的可行性。  相似文献   

This paper provides evidence that pension regulations can incentivize or curb risk shifting in the investment of defined benefit plan assets. We document that in the US, where the pension insurance premium charged by the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation is largely flat, financially distressed firms with severely underfunded plans shift pension investment risk. We further find that risk shifting is mitigated in the UK after the implementation of risk‐adjusted pension insurance premiums, and in the Netherlands where full pension funding is mandatory. Overall the results in this paper lend support to the view that structural flaws in the US statutory pension insurance scheme incentivize high‐risk sponsors to gamble their pension assets when distress terminations of their plans become foreseeable.  相似文献   

This paper presents the first comprehensive study on the determinants of public pension fund investment risk and reports several new important findings. Unlike private pension plans, public funds undertake more risk if they are underfunded and have lower investment returns in the previous years, consistent with the risk transfer hypothesis. Furthermore, pension funds in states facing fiscal constraints allocate more assets to equity and have higher betas. There also appears to be a herding effect in that CalPERS equity allocation or beta is mimicked by other pension funds. Finally, our results suggest that government accounting standards strongly affect pension fund risk, as higher return assumptions (used to discount pension liabilities) are associated with higher equity allocation and portfolio beta.  相似文献   

经历了私有属性的养老金制度的前期发展以后,意大利建立了主导性的以职业分割的卑斯麦式的公共养老金体系。待遇和缴费层面上的权利义务不对等,经济人口发展的不利因素以及国内国际的政治金融多重压力促使意大利开始改革公共养老金体系,恢复公共财政的可持续发展。意大利的公共养老金改革不仅建立了待遇和缴费的对应关系,也扩大了养老金的福利融资渠道并鼓励了私有属性的公共体系外养老金制度的发展。另外,发展阶段针对非雇佣关系或自雇业者的公共养老金体系的非政府的管理方式在改革中得到了保留。发展与改革阶段的一系列举措深刻的影响和塑造了意大利公共养老金制度的现有功能和形态,对于正处在发展改革过程中各国的公共养老金制度建设也是重要的启示。  相似文献   

关博 《保险研究》2011,(9):53-59
现金余额型养老金计划是美国职业养老金近年衍生出的创新模式之一,作为混合型计划的一种,其兼具确定给付型和确定缴费型养老金制度的特点。本文运用比较法分析了现金余额型养老金计划的运行机理,进而在分析我国目前职业养老金面,临的困境的基础上,指出现金余额型养老金计划对我国职业养老金建设的借鉴意义,具体包括:DC计划不是职业养老金...  相似文献   

我国事业单位养老保险改革迫在眉睫。本文通过比较事业单位养老保险试点前后的不同方案,计算两种制度下的养老金替代率,得出试点方案中的养老金替代率与改革前、企业职工养老保险养老金替代率均存在较大差距。从而说明各试点省市事业单位养老保险改革进程缓慢主要在于待遇水平大幅度降低。由此提出早日建立职业年金制度的建议。  相似文献   

本文通过对上海和北京两市基本养老保险制度运行情况的比较,以"行政事业单位离退休经费"和"社会保障补助支出"为突破口,分析了上海市城镇基本养老保险基金缺口较大和财政负担较重的原因,认为导致上海市城镇基本养老保险基金缺口逐年增加、财政补贴额度逐年增高的原因除了制度内赡养比降低、制度参数设计缺陷外,上海市较早启动事业单位养老保险制度改革也是重要的影响因素之一。不过,进一步分析认为,上海市将机关事业单位人员纳入城镇基本养老保险制度,表面上的确加剧了城镇基本养老保险基金缺口的形成,但是综合考虑财政支出情况看,将事业单位人员纳入城镇基本养老保险制度的改革还是有利于减轻地方财政支出的负担。在此基础上,提出了促进事业单位养老保险制度改革的一些意见和建议。  相似文献   

It is possible for the Chinese public pension and public rental housing to finance each other in the long term. Employing an overlapping generations (OLG) model, I examine the effects of the individual contribution rate, firm contribution rate, rent rate of public rental housing, and population growth rate on the capital-labor ratio, per capita consumption, per capita acreage of public rental housing, and per capita public rental housing property. According to economic goals, their effects, and their intensities, it does more good than harm to raise the individual contribution rate, reduce the firm contribution rate and rent rate of public rental housing, and restrict population growth rate.  相似文献   

企业年金基金投资是企业年金制度的主要内容之一,也是整个制度建设中最为关键和复杂的构成部分,投资绩效的好坏,直接影响并决定着企业年金事业的兴衰成败。美国企业年金制度已有100多年的历史,20世纪50年代企业年金开始采用信托投资方式,60多年来,信托投资由企业家的独立决策演化成美国企业年金资产管理的常规模式。虚拟经济理论是以马克思虚拟价值观为出发点发展出来的新理论,有不同的学术流派。本文以成思危教授阐发的虚拟经济原理作为理论工具,对美国企业年金基金投资运营展开研究,解析其经验教训,以期为我国企业年金制度建设提供参考。  相似文献   

This study examines various factors that potentially explain cross‐sectional variations in UK corporate managerial discretion to switch towards a market‐based actuarial pension valuation method for pension funding and reporting purposes. Evidence is based on accounting, actuarial and share market data for an industry‐matched pair sample of 90 UK firms. Consistent with our hypotheses we find that companies have a greater propensity to switch actuarial methods if they use lower discount rates, lower flow funding ratios and sponsor larger pension plans in the pre‐switch valuation year. These findings are consistent with the traditional perspective, which implies that UK corporate switching decisions are explained by characteristics of their defined benefit pension funds. The results run contrary to the findings of earlier US based studies that find that such choices can be explained from an alternative corporate financial perspective.  相似文献   

近期,我国机关事业单位养老保险改革已是大势所趋,却又是难中之难,阻碍重重。南非的公务员养老保险制度向主权养老基金的成功转型的实践及其成熟经验,可以为中国的改革提供有益的借鉴,即建立一只完全积累的、中央集中管理的、缴费确定型的主权养老基金,来取代当前的"国家保险"型公务员养老金制度。  相似文献   

Based on explicit presentvalue calculations, the paper criticizes the view that the PAYGOsystem wastes economic resources. In present value terms, thereis nothing to be gained from a transition to a funded systemeven though the latter offers a permanently higher rate of return.The sum of the implicit and explicit tax burdens that resultfrom the need to respect the existing pension claims is the sameunder all systems and transition strategies. Nevertheless a partialtransition to a funded system may be a way to overcome the currentdemographic crisis because it replaces missing human capitalwith real capital and helps smooth tax and child rearing costsacross the generations.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the usefulness of expected rates of return (ERR) for public pension plans. Specifically, we test the correlation between the expected rate of return on plan assets and asset allocation. We also examine the predictive power of ERR on the actual returns of the pension assets. We find that the correlation between expected return and the percentage of assets that are equity securities is relatively weak. Further, we find that the percentage of assets that are equity securities is a much better predictor of actual returns than the disclosed expected return in public pension plans. These results provide evidence to support SFAS No. 87 , which requires the disclosure of plan assets and against recently promulgated SFAS No. 132 , which eliminates this disclosure requirement. The evidence also supports GASB 25'sStatement of Net Plan Assets .  相似文献   

“十二五”规划纲要中明确提出要健全覆盖城乡居民的社会保障体系,着实实现新型农村社会养老保险制度全覆盖也随即提上了发展El程。本文通过对我国农村社会养老保险制度的发展脉络进行解读,从制度变迁的视角对这一政策进行评价,分析政策遭遇困境的原因,重点分析新型农村社会养老保险制度存在的缺陷。  相似文献   

This paper studies the political incentive of public pension funds in shareholder activism. Using a sample of shareholder proposals from 1993 to 2013 and a hand-collected data set of the political variables of public pension funds, we document evidence consistent with the “political attention hypothesis.” We find that the number of politicians on public pension fund boards is significantly positively related to the frequency with which portfolio firms are targeted. Moreover, the frequency of social-responsibility proposals by public pension funds increases significantly, as the funds have a greater number of board members running for election to public office. However the frequency of corporate governance proposals is not related to the number of board members running for elections to public office. Furthermore, we document that political connection between a portfolio firm and a public pension fund mitigates the firm’s likelihood of being targeted by the fund with social-responsibility proposals. This result supports the “political contribution hypothesis.” The paper provides direct evidence that public pension-fund board members employ shareholder proposals to enhance their political capital.  相似文献   

面对不断增加的贫困人口和持续扩大的收入差距,面对急剧攀升的老年抚养比和严重不足的养老储蓄,英国工党政府在养老保障领域采取了一系列改革措施。改革的核心内容就是协调公平和效率问题。公平问题主要涉及减少贫困人口,缩小收入差距;效率问题主要涉及降低政府养老金负担,发展私营养老金,增加养老储蓄。总体而言,工党政府执政期间,英国贫困人口大幅减少,收入差距扩大的趋势得到明显遏制,政府养老金负担保持稳定,私营养老金的作用越来越大。因此,工党政府的养老金改革较好地协调了公平和效率问题,有利于英国养老保障制度的可持续发展。  相似文献   

随着老龄化和少子化问题的逐渐显露,日本的公共养老金制度已经暴露出了十分严重的问题,日本国民的不信任情绪逐渐滋生。公共养老金问题不仅是一个社会保障的相关问题,也直接影响到日本各届首相的前后更替和日本政局的稳定。进行日本公共养老金制度改革已经迫在眉睫。本文从日本公共养老金制度的财政危机和信任危机两个角度进行公共危机分析,进一步提出对现收现付制的养老金体系的看法。  相似文献   

This paper provides new evidence on the relation between CEO inside debt and firm risk-taking by exploiting the change in the tax treatment of UK pensions following two pension amendments. The 2006 pension reform introduces the annual and lifetime allowance for UK pension schemes, significantly increasing income taxes associated with CEO inside debt. The 2011 allowance cut, which substantially reduces the annual allowance introduced in 2006, further increases income taxes on inside debt. We find that CEO inside debt, in the form of executive pensions declines after the 2006 reform while cash-in-lieu increases significantly. This effect is more severe after the 2011 allowance cut than the 2006 pension reform. UK firms appear to substitute away from pensions towards cash-in-lieu, where income taxes are less punishing. If the association between CEO inside debt and firm risk-taking is causal, we should observe a change of risk-taking after the decline of inside debt. Our results, which exploit the exogenous nature of the reforms, show that the decline of CEO pensions does not lead to any change in firm risk-taking. This result suggests that no causal relationship exists between CEO inside debt and firm risk-taking. Our results extend the inside debt literature, where empirical evidence is mainly documented in the US. Contrary to findings in the US, our evidence suggests that the use of CEO inside debt is motivated to minimise income tax rather than a tool to moderate firm risk.  相似文献   

自20世纪80年代起拉丁美洲国家对养老保险制度进行改革,将养老保险由国家公共管理改革为私有化运营或多种模式并存的方式。拉丁美洲国家作为发展中国家,其背景、社会条件和经济实力与中国类似,可以作为中国养老保险改革的参照样板;其多样化的改革方式及复杂的改革背景可以作为实践案例对中国的养老保险改革提供参考,对中国正在进行的养老保险改革和新模式创立提供借鉴。本文从国际化的视角选取拉美国家进行案例研究,通过比较分析其各自改革的手段和效果,结合中国的实际情况进行分析借鉴;尤其针对在加速城市化背景下中国长期二元社会突显的大批城乡移民养老保险问题,根据拉美私营化改革结果,借鉴吸收其经验教训,创新性提出中国城乡移民养老保险多元化的经营模式。  相似文献   

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